INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884

    I took a self imposed vacation from here for a bit. Needed to recharge.

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Posts: 4,243


    It's 2 am and I can't seem to control these guys.

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Posts: 4,243

    Last time I was this wide awake before the birds and roosters was when I had jet lag. Not right. I need to be up in 4 hours to take DD2 to swim practice. Pfft.Maybe I should try to count DH's respiratory rate instead Loopy

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Posts: 5,145


  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Posts: 4,243


  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Posts: 4,243


  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Posts: 5,145


  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Posts: 617

    I’m up so many times during the night. Insomnia is an unwelcome guest. I take a sleeper, bendaryl, sometimes need the gabapentin.some nights I’m able to go to sleep, wake up multiple times.

    The worst is awake until 330:or after 430 and finally fall asleep. Still until 530 when hubs gets up. He lives for work, the dogs sleep for 15 minutes or up to an an hour. I am e haustec.

    So much question, is anyone still awake and posting in the old days.?

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Posts: 4,243


  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,973

    Beatmon, I take trazodone to help me sleep. It's an old anti-depressant that doesn't do much for depression, but a low dose helps me get to sleep and stay asleep.

  • jwoo
    jwoo Posts: 931

    After several trials of several other meds, herbs, and spell casting, my dr finally rx'd amatryptaline in low dose to allow me to sleep. It doesn't put me to sleep, but i get to stay asleep (mostly) now, and actually complete at least one sleep cycle a night. I average about 6 hours of good sleep now, compared to the 1-3 hours of just having closed eyes that I was living on for so long. It's changed my life.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Posts: 2,020

    Wren44: I'm on trazodone too--it helps me a bit with the night %#^*$!!!s in addition to waking partway through the night. (Not for everyone! Find what works for you.) This has always struck me as a variant on using Benadryl (diphenhydramine) as a gentle sleeping aid: re-marketing a drug initially developed for issue A as a solution for issue B, which is addressed by a common side effect of said drug.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Posts: 617

    Wren, I tried Trazadone and thought it was a miracle. Then very weird side effect: my sinus got swollen and couldn’t breathe through my nose at all. Stopped it for a few days and restarted and Bam! All stopped up again.

    I’m in a medical marijuana state...two indica gummies don’t put me out or keep me out. I just wished I could get some good rest

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,973

    I'm sorry. It's awful when you can't sleep. I have some nights where I sleep 2-3 hours, get up to go to the bathroom, and then take 2 hours to get back to sleep. It's not constant, thank God. No rest really messes with your mind.

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Posts: 4,243

    I am happy to see some members of the Insomnia Swat Team dropped in. I am sorry I can't offer much as I rarely suffer from insomnia. Don't ask me how I ended up here. Never mind. I will tell you anyway. It was when the Ying and the Yang in me was not in a balance. I was getting up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back to sleep because of post-op pain and worried about the JP drains getting caught in between the cracks of my recliner. Things get thrown out of whack when the body is disturbed, whether it's physically, mentally, or emotionally. Wish you can find a sleep aid that works for you.....One that helps you fall asleep and stay asleep. Heart

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    So my sweet Loverly, what was it that helped you :) It's amazing we end up back at the same time. Blessings. Blessing to everyone. I may be able to stay, I think. I'll try. 
    I've read since I have left.

    Jwoo love to see you here fairly often. Touchy, How's the boyfriend?  Did you find a home for each piece of glass?. Regretfully, after I sent your glass I stopped sending glass. The postage was horrendous. Please, , don't feel guilty, it was my choice. Probably could be much cheaper if I learned it. I was happy to send yours, but after that and Susan3's  oh no. It was so much fun for you both.

    Smarrty can't believe you remembered that Steve and Jamie were due on the date you posted. She was induced on Jan 19th. 

    Sawyer Andrew Spaid, 7 Lbs 14 oz, 21 inches. Everyone did fine and all are healthy. They are adjusting fine. I've only been to Tampa once. Bummer. But accepting that we can't have everything.

    BUT it brings memories , my mom came to stay and I had her have her cataract workup. She then came back and had her cataracts done. I had her for many months. YAY YAY YAY. Gertie was the greatest treasure. Then about a two years later mom and dad came to live with us. 

    Now if there is a mathematical person amongst us, my question is : What is the probability that three generations are born in the 34th year? Mom was 34 when she had us(twins), I was 34 when I had Stephen, and Stephen & Jamie were 34 when they had Sawyer. So far I have asked that question to many and no takers to solve the problem . But I do know there is a mathematical nerd someplace in the world that can figure it out. Hahahaha.

    Kathindc, so wish you had my cataract doc. I had it two weeks ago, In at 1pm, out at 3pm. piece of cake. Next eye they aren't so excited to do b/c of hx of wet macular. But I'm working on them. The NEW eye has 20/30 and the old eye comes across like the mirrors in the old carnival show. Doc was talking 6 months. I'm pushing, but even at this point with the retinologist and the opthamoligist talking , I figure 5-6 weeks.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    Hi Mommy. "Silly McNoodles"

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Posts: 4,243

    I am Timid O'doodles and my 80 % Irish twin from another mother is Silly O'doodles. Hibernating is her hobby.

    Ms. Sas, what was it that helped me? His abundant grace :)

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Posts: 2,020

    Sas: glad to see you pop up after so long. Just don't ask me about probabilities; I'm taking statistics for the second time this semester. TI-84 calculator on the brain.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884

    I was Adorable McWobbles

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Posts: 2,618

    nice to see some posting, I shouldn’t talk. Hard to be on here after several sisters passed.

    On the baby front, DGD is 7x1/2 months. Says she ready to pop. She didn’t go full term the first time, so she didn’t get this big before. Poor baby, she’s still has a ways to go! This was 2 weeks ago. His name will be Jace Arthur, due May 12


  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Posts: 4,243

    Two more months? Poor girl. She looks ripe.

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Posts: 4,243

    Too bad this is not my child's.


  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Posts: 5,145

    Smaarty wonderful news! Best wishes XXX

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Posts: 5,145

    Lover ha! Not my child's either.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884

    Lover, that is hilarious

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884

    Just looked at the date and realized that I am celebrating 6 yrs of survival!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660

    Yeah mommy!!!

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Posts: 4,243

    MOMMY~Celebrating with you behind the screen Nerdy