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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well as you know I live in the land down under............down under what I have no

    DH has just gone to get pizza for dinner as I have been busy and am now pooped so no cooking for me tonight.........yay!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good for u Chrissy, I love pizza so that's a good choice.--Have a nice dinner.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks Camy. Perfect timing as I hear him coming through the door.

    Catch you later!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    Just remember                                         
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    hellooooooo anyone up???????

    notself and rider John looks okay and no more fruit flies

    Having 2nd bufflo burger---ist cooked on top of stove , 2nd mic'd ---definitely better on top of stove.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418


    Good news about your plant.

    If you can find buffalo steak then give it a try.  It is more expensive, but it tastes the way beef used to taste before factory farming, antibiotics, and growth hormones.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Someone was just telling me about a restaurant that has buffalo burgers and they were super good. And I know u can order them on HSN at a good price specially if they are on sale and they are packaged well.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hi notself and cami----just went to let a neighbors dog out. ---two 10 week old puppies. Their mom has never raised pups before. Well hope all survives and they don't become statistics. Poor gal her MIL brings the pups without permission and gives them to her GD's. Whole story is a mess.

    The buffolo was 10.00 and I got 2 meals out of it. definitely tastier cooked on the stove. But at least the mic didn't ruin it. So, I won't do it that way again LOL.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    The first time I saw Buffalo in a store I bought a chuck roast.  Slow braised it like I would beef, didn't tell the family (my in-laws) what they were eating till after dinner because MIL  was always convinced she wouldn't like something she hadn't eaten as a child.  It was kind of fun to see her face after she had enjoyed dinner and stated that was te best roast she had ever eaten and I told her it was Buffalo.
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chabba--Similar story with DH---Stated he hated curry, I cooked something with curry---I think it was tuna curry, Anyways he did the same thing-----this was one of the best things he'd ever eaten.---- Oh did he get angry, when I told him what it was,  pounded his fist on the table. Said he told me he hated curry. I let him calm down and told him he could cook from then on. He mostly did too. AND that dish became one of his favorites. I think I got the best end on that one.

    Please explain Braising. It's been too long???I know how to cook a chuck roast or think I do----Pot roast, Brown it on both sides and edges, Then add a little broth then cook in oven 325-350, add vegetables and hour or so before done??. Was the buffolo chuck roast expensive?

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    SAS - that is braising!  Can't remember the cost of the roast but it couldn't have been much because it was not long after we were married and we didn't have much money. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    i'LL ASK AT pUBLIX, IF IT'S ON THERE BUY LIST THEY WILL BRING IT IN. I forget what I asked for __I think rabbit. Whatever---No sea bass. The meat fish manager, brought out this list. He wanted to be sure that he wasn't blowing me off--nice guy

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446

    Good morning to the people of the wee hours. Its pushing 4am and i havent slept a wink tonight.

    Went to PCP and had sort of a panic attack just when they called me back. Bp was, doc said "thru the roof", heart rate was too. So i had to do an EKG, showed the same. Tachacardic is what he said. I havent looked it up yet. Dunno why either but maybe it has to do with why im not sleeping?

    I have restless-leg syndrome too. Yeah, thats no fun at all. Legs take on a life of their own, feel as tho the muscles tighten up then jerk, hard. Like sometimes when you're almost asleep and your body or a part of it jumps so hard you wake up. Thats what RLS feels like. Sometimes it affects my arms too. SO annoying. exercise helps, vitamin E and iron supplements help too.

    I make jewelry. Its what keeps me sane (even tho some may claim differently). I like beaded pieces with wire. Found a container marked "BEADS" from 1974. The leftovers from adding loops of pearl beads to my wedding headpiece! So, I've been beading for years - ney, decades. I just forgot about ME things when i had babies. Its time, now, to find that left-behind gal and bring her to the surface. Our youngest is 28 and has two babies of her own! Have you re-discovered yourself after years of focusing on the kids and a job? Its much harder than it was in my 20's, but it seems important right now. I am not the grown-up that l wanted to be. Feels like starting over. It IS starting over.

    Watching the hours slip by, its silly to be awake at 4:15 am. And mostly boring. But im getting a lot of reading done.

    Sleepless in Savannah,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Connie most of us know how this is.--when I was little and my Mom ot up at the same time on the weekends I could understand it--it seemed so sill and she would say to me (in Italian) Wait my little oneu'll se-----well I tought not me--Oh Moms are always right LOL But I think with all the stuff we had done and all the meds we take and what's goin on in our life we certainly have changed in a short time. Well u sound like u do have interests then bring them out--creativity isa magic wand, it's not onky keeps u busy it occupies u'r mind. The only thing I used to do was crossword puzzles but u need a memory for that and words aren't there for me anymore. But workin with u hands is great. My one girlfriend started her own business making jewelry and wrote a book about how she came to do that. Her jewellry is awesome and now she's getting busy and it's a lot to hande LOL So apparently people do restart things in their life, but u have to want to and she's given me so many beautiful pieces but I don't go many places hahaha. But maybe it's time to dust things off and start somethin u know and enjoy--it'll make u happy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh I forgot I've and now my dgtr makes pt roast with any meat in the slow cooker and it is delicious and super tenderso she does alot of that she's even made Lasagna in it, something I never thought of and it's really good, chicken anddumplings and so many things she really got the han of that thing and everythin I've had is very good And this is one of the reasons, it easy cleanup to her. hahaha

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

  • ridergirl
    ridergirl Member Posts: 94

    Hey sas glad John is recovering.

    I have a good friend that her and her DH both do a lot of hunting and she'll freeze the meat so when i go for dinner its usuallly some sort of game meat. I never thought i would like it but she knows how to cook it well and to my surprise it is always really good. So far had venison and moose

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    One of the first "wild" meats I ate was buffalo. Back in the 50's they were endangered and the US government set up a breeding program with ranchers, mostly in the Dakotas and Montana.  One of my cousins contracted to raise them.  He raised cattle and had horses, all trained to heard them.  We were back visiting and were having a family reunion at his place when he got a call that the buffalo had broken loose and were stampeding.  The men and the oldest teens grabbed their rifles, saddled up and took off after them.  They had to kill the lead bull to stop them.  When they got the rest back in their pasture he called the program manager to report and was told to go ahead and use the carcass. We finished eating and went home but a couple of days later we all went back for roast buffalo.  It was excellent.  Probably tasted even better because in a way it was "forbidden" meat. lol.  I even got some of the tanned hide to make moccasins with.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chabba sounds wonderful and forbidden--great memeory.

    Cami--hope sleep comes soon

    Connie-tachycardia means fast heart rate, elevated bloodpressure, restless leg syndrome. Your doc will want to put you through a sleep study and other tests. One caution women should not take supllemental iron can lead to another problem unless you have iron defieciency aneamia. Only take iron under doc orders. Can otherwise cause serious bad problems. sassy

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418


    Your story makes it clear why buffalo will never be factory farmed.  Buffalo would just push down the factory and everyone in it. 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Remember, no successful, long term attempts had been made to fence them in untill the 1950's, when the American Bison as they are properly called were nearly extinct.

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465

    I am up. My mom's birthday was the end of Aug,I tried to ignore it but now I am depressed. Nobody should have had to suffer like that. She passed from advanced endome & ovarian cancer about 2 yrs ago. I keep worrying with all my dr appt and need to get a gyno appt soon. Cant sleep but been under the weather all day so I didnt take a sleeping pill. Guess will have to call in sick or late to work 2moro.

    Cami,how are the 101 Dalmations? What kind of puppies are those? (besides cuter than buttons)

    Now Sas you went and made me hungry for those buffalo burgers and I just got back from Publix,its like my 2nd Tonight I forgot to put my juices on the conveyor belt until the last minute and then held up the line. I told them I must be on the wrong meds,I need one for my memory. Bummed out that the Cowboys lost! But how about them Gators!?

    Are you a big Bears fan,Cami? What do you ladies in Aussie town have? I am thinkg soccer but I dont want to sound like a cultural bigot. Maybe the Aussies are ice hockey fans how should I know? I pick up soccer matches from South America on my TV. My fiance likes it and boxing. (I hate boxing so violent!)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Layla I hope u'r sleeping now, bt I have no idea what kind of ups they are just liked the pic.

    I'm not a football fan but my dgtr and her husband try not to miss a game--she loves it. Years ao she met the famous winning team (some of them) and she's love that team ever since.

    And I'm sorry about he memories of all the pain and sufferin u'r mom went thru. When we're close to our moms to watch it is awful cuz u feel so helpless. I was with my mom loads that last yar and I was holding her hand when she passed and I didn't cry, I was relieved she was out o pain, but I miss her all the time especially going thru this--I always think she'd make me feel better like when I was a kid. My dad to actually--but neither are here anymore. Then my sister and I talk about all the wonderfully funny things they did (my sister is stage IV) and we laugh at how funny ur lives were even wehen we were kids and we talk along time about it and makes us remember how lucky we were to have them as parents. so it's a lot of remember this and remember that type of thing. Even tho we were Italian we were at that time not typically old fashion, my om and her sister my dear aunt always worked when we were younger (those days women didn't work much) and they'd always et a job together and one jobe was putting todgther nude calenders my dad and uncle were fine with it and of course they got fired cuz all they did was laugh to much. So we find alot of fond and funny mmories o think of and what a wonderful life we all had toether and it does help. Don't fear what u'r Mom had try to remember the good times and I hope u had lots of them and u'll find ur'self smiling about u'r Mom anf blocking te bad things that happened to her and u. Lossing our parents runs very deep, but having them runs deeper and maybe u can find comfort in that.--I hope u'r sleeping now not up to worry. I'm so excited when I sleep 4-5 hrs straight, when U was younger I could sleep 12 hrs. LOLOh well

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Well it's 5AM and I'm goin to try to sleep now my Katie-Kat was just here and saw I was busy so she walks out, so she should be back I hope.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I'm here but trying to relax-


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Camy that is soo cute and just what I needed. One of my old cats died today. just one oldy left and she is twenty. She knew something happened today as she just wanted to be close to me. Right now she is in her electric bed on one of the arm chairs. I had at one point six cats but over the years they have gone over the rainbow bridge and she is the last.

    Camy sorry for the pity party but I'm just a little down right now. Hope you can get to sleep soon.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418


    It is so tough to lose pet.  My cat died last summer. He was 16-17.  We got him as a young cat from a shelter.  I still think I hear him wandering around the house. Let's both try to sleep.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chrissy when my cat died I vowed I'd never get another I cried more than ever, and I'm not a crier--when she got sick I took her to work with me and everyone took care of her---If the big bosses would have come in it would have been trouble, but I couldn't leave her alone--I worked for the state they're not understanding---It's so sad to lose our little ones it's awful---I did get another one tho and she's so sweet too. But I know how sad it is----I'm so sorry 

    And notself u know how it feels too.

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465

    I was not able to sleep except for 2 hr stretches with an hour in between watching info mercials on TV. Read the Starch Solution already. Do you ever watch Dr Oz,he had a group on today called Furhmanites,its just a group following a Dr F diet,its not a religious group. They claimed the diet helped them with everythg from headaches to sleeping to weight loss but they never explained what to do when the grocers are piping out bakery smells and roasted meat smells.

    I couldnt go to work the next day and slept all morn got up and ate then went back to sleep til 7pm. Its about 11 here now and I already took Tylenol PM but nothing seems to work. Wonder if its the Femara pill that keeps me up?


    Sorry about your sister. What is the prognosis?