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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh damn Brokendreams! No wonder you aren't sleeping! I was in pain just reading what you are going through right now!

    According to Sas that reset works so I will have to try it myself as my clock is way out on sync..........but the first thing I have to do is put away the computer at a decent

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Hi chrissyb,

    I noticed my iPad autocorrected the word recovering, and made recurring.....geez I hope this won't e recurring :( I know what you mean about needing to turn off the computer to try and get sleep. Our modern devices allow us to reach out and connect so easily. I have my iPad on my nightstand. I like to read my downloaded books, and of course stay connected on social media sites. I fall asleep sometimes with iPad and accidentally must hit buttons. When I wake up I find I have liked a site, or tried to buy something or started to type out gibberish. So if you see a post that makes no sense from me, know I fell asleep, and autocorrect on iPad stole my identity :-)

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lol Brokendreams.....that is so funny. I also have books on my iPad but only read when I'm away from home or I will read literally all night! Not good at all! I use the laptop when I'm on as I can have a whole lot more windows open and do my jigsaws as well........I like to't we all?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    just checking in after waking up after a good night's sleep, especially since I had lower back pain yesterday Maybe that reset works! My big problem is remembering to turn technology (iPad and cell) and TV off at a decent hour.

    Broken dreams, glad you found this thread! Welcome! How are you feeling today? Did you change your avatar? Hear you about the weather, my body is aching today. Half wishing it would rain and be done with it, but I've got things to do today and errands to run.

    Chrissy, isn't it the middle of the night there? Hoping you get some sleep.

    Sassy, my sinuses feel better today. How are you doing, my friend?

    Hi ndgrrl! Stop back again. I'd say I look forward to seeing you here, but that may be rude.

    Good day to all!


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hi  all Day one worked lets see if day 2 works, but I did sleep a bit today so that may interrupt plan.

    2nd what did you do for you sinuses.? I was curious Notself knew quite a bit. She must have an area of expertise. We will have to pick her brain......

    Welcome broken dream glad to know you.  hope you get some sleep soon.

    Chrissy, yes you are a budding artist. Lots of excitement. :)

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    Just trial and error.  Very little brain function was involved.  SillyHeart




  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    hi ladies, am back for a but (have dishes and kitchen cleanup before a cat gets on the counter and tries to help herself to chicken dinner).

    Brokendreams, peeing glass? That's even painful to read! Hoping there's a med for that and you ca get some sleep.

    Sassy, I did the nasal rinse morning and evening (have done that on occasion), plus decongestant/antihistamine helps. I think it's seasonal allergies. Took melatonin earlier and most important, turned off technology and TV. We'll see what happens tonight. Our weather is changing, rain coming in and I'm aching with tight muscles.

    Have been waking up in the morning, look at the clock, next thing I know it's at least half an hour later, repeat. That's not usual for me. Also, with all the expertise on this thread, does Tamoxifen affect thinking and memory? Nowhere near as bad as when I was on chemo, but thought processing seems "off". It's something I want to address with MO but don't have appt for several weeks. Also, was reading somewhere (Tami thread?) that Tami given for pre-menopausal, AI's for post-menopausal women. I'm like 7 years post-menopausal. Does anyone know if this is true? Anastrozole (Arimadex) caused tummy probs so MO put me straight onto Tami. Now I'm wondering if he should have tried another AI?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi goils! Just logged on.

    Maddy, T is fine for post menapausal women as well as the AIs they do sort of the same thing but in different ways. With all of these meds that block or stop estrogen they also deplete the thinking brain. We as women need estrogen to function but if you are naturally passed mena.. then your ovaries have shut down but your body being the wonderful machine that it is makes estrogens in your adrenals and fatty tissue so brain function is not normally affected too much but then, add in the blocking effect of the drugs and your brain says hold on a minute here and starts to not function as well.

    I usually call those moments brain farts as it just seems like it's giving me a big fat rasberry when I'm trying to drag some info out of the

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    thanks Chrissy! It's not just brain farts, it's like an overall reduction and slowing of processing but NOTHING like chemo (my brain was 25% functioning then). But this has been going on for a short while. Things like its more difficult to prioritize, i do fumble for a word or thought at times, like I just can't reason as well. Please don't say it's 'cuz I'm getting older.... (Fingers in ears, lalalalalalalalal)

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Maddy, I too have those slow thought processes as well as the don't want to work at alls......can be really frustrating but my doc keeps telling me that it is purely to do with lack of estrogen, which by the way comes with aging and the way these little cancer killers work.

    The worst of it is, in the middle of a sentence I actually forget what the subject matter is and the whole train of thought just does runner and leaves me standing! I'm getting used to looking and feeling like an

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Chrissy, you're not alone there! Fumbled words and felt stoopid!

    By the way, mid-afternoon there? Trying to figure out time difference

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Yup, just after 4.00pm.

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Oh yes..I know what you are talking about. I used to be able to do math in my head, now I can't hold on to the process of adding up numbers. I have lots of "things to do lists" so I can remember what needs to get done and cross it off as I do it. Yes, these estrogen sucking drugs sure play a head trip with our cognition. But I am older I am sure than many of you.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Brokendreams... Not sure about the age thing... Hate people use that as an excuse and ignore the meds, also the trauma and stress of BC in general.

    Are you feeling any relief? Has the fain reached you yet? One of these days, would like to hear why you chose "Brokendreams" - only if it's not too personal. Sounds like there's a story there.

    I'm sitting in my favorite place, my recliner, listening to the rain, drinking a small glass of wine (a real treat for me!) working on cleaning the messy kitchen in phases, listening to a cat cry because she smells the remnants of chicken parm, watching a little TV.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Sorry to drop out like that but my SIL phoned and we always have a very long conversation with loads of laughs.

    Maddy I too have my favorite recliner and it sit opposite my front door and the window and I like to sit here and just watch the birds and my cat and dog laying in the sunshine. Right now, with daylight saving it is still fill sunshine with a cool's been a fabulous day.

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Hey 2nd

    No rain here yet....been threatening all day so hopefully I will be hearing it soon. Pain still super bad and my brain is swirling in pain meds. I was diagnosed in 2010 and came to this thread for insomniacs a few times in the past. Its nice to have a place to share and vent, especially in the middle of the night. Hope your sinus pain and body aches don't get too severe with the change in weather.

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354


    Sounds like a gorgeous day in your neck of the woods....who used to say that? I think Wilard Scott the weatherman on the early morning news.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Broken, it's coming into summer here so I would be expecting some nice we are the complete opposite to you weather wise. I'm also keeping my fingers crossed for a lovely day on Saturday as my friend's DD is getting married and hopefully the weather will neither be too hot nor too cold.......not asking for much am I?

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354


    I bet it will be a beautiful wedding. Must be an outdoor wedding. Do you prefer warm summer days? I actually love fall and spring. Although there isn't too much of a change in seasons out here where I live, unless it's extremely hot...which is not enjoyable. This is a nice time of year, magic in the air and all with the approaching holidays.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    sorry, DD came home and we actually had a nice talk.

    Chrissy, are you involved with any of the wedding plans? Didn't you just have a daughter get married? I thought I remembered seeing pictures of that gorgeous wedding and didn't you even make your wedding outfit (crochet?)? So hoping the weather is beautiful!

    Brokendreams got it correct, our weather isn't as extreme as some areas, but then again, you know that. Oh, speaking of which, BD (can I call you that?) do you know there's a San Diego women's group that meets monthly for lunch? There's a "6 degrees of separation" game here. Found out because I met a lovely BCO lady who lives in OC who visited Chrissy and they both went a San Diego luncheon. I couldn't go a couple weeks ago, the next luncheon is in December. Hoping to attend that one. Small world, getting smaller.

    Chrissy, who's the adorable munchkin sharing your avatar?

  • ndgrrl
    ndgrrl Member Posts: 645

    hi, thanks for the welcome. Here I am again- nearly 3 am- and wide awake.. I am planning on getting myself some timed release melatonin when I go to the larger town for my doc appointment on Fri. The regular puts me to sleep but I don't stay there more than 2 or 3 hours.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Sorry girls had to go cook dinner DH was saying he was

    Yes the wedding is outdoors so looking for the perfect day........

    I'm not involved in this one other than to pass on the chair ties that I was wondering what I was going to do with them so am pleased they can be used. DD's wedding was at the end of September. Yes, I sewed the skirt and top that went under the crochet top that I made. I also did a whole heap of other crochet and crafty things for her.

    Summer is the only season I wish we could take out of the calendar but I think spring and autumn are my definite favorites.

    That adorable munchkin is my niece. That pic was taken when she was eight months old and she is three and a half (don't forget the right now and still as cute as can be. I'm hoping to take a roads trip to see her and her sister early next year.

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354


    Does reading help you relax and sleep? Also, there are a few apps that are reasonably priced for your PC, phone or iPad that are meditation with music, lights, and visuals of nature. These do help many people relax, however, as you can see it doesn't always work for me :)


    yes you can call me bd. I have heard of the get together lunches. I hope you get to attend the next one. It finally started raining here. Very calming.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404

    Hi all,

    Still up. Almost 4 am. I have been weening myself off Tylenol pm, and I did sleep last night, but no luck tonight. I am having my exchange surgery in a few weeks. I don't think I am too worried about it. I actually think it will be a big relief. I should be tired. I did a bunch of housework today, and I told a really hard 30 minute walk after dinner. I am so glad I found this thread. Other people awake in the middle of the night!!! And, people from the other side of the world, also very cool!!!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Goldie for what ever reason you don't sleep, it's the pitts! I've just got back from eating dinner now to settle with a cup of tea, the laptop and the tele going and I'm ready for

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hello new friends NDGrrl and Goldie

    The three day plan was brought up by Notself, but falls right into the reading I was doing on Circadian rhythm. I put the links and the NSplan in the topic box. I'm on day three I think.  Anyways I did sleep well last few days. YAY. Not sure how sleep will be tonight as I did 7 1/2 hours housecleaning today. Five of the hours were with a new cleaning gal. I had her for the first time last week. She's great and we yak the whole time , but we move well. Only two times working together and and it's a hand /glove relationship.  I have her scheduled for two days before t-day and two days before Christams. Talk about taking the pressure off. She totally understands deep cleaning. Have been able to do less and less, very depressing. So this has really lifted my spirits. The less and less is I'm not safe on a ladder anymore, and postpolio/fibromyalgis from AI's/ Osteopenia from allot of my drugs--Ai's/thyroid/ Sumpin else. So, my brain is better, but the rest of me needs a helper. It's difficult to have someone else clean, but I sure have found a keeper in this gal.

    BD, take all our drugs and they can mess us up. I'll find the link I posted sometime back that was in AARP. It identified 10 or so classes of drugs that can affect memory. So as Chrissy said----NO estrogen, tami and AI's  can mess with our thinking, but so many drugs mess with our minds.

    Forget(LOL) who's weaning on Tylenol PM. NSAIDS and Tylenol taken on a rountine basis can lead to permanent hypertension. Journal of Hypertension Aug 2005. I was dx'd in Feb 2006 and went searching. I was suspicious of Tylenol b/c it was the only drug I took on a routine basis for years. Tylenol plain acted like a sleeper for me. I thought it was an innocuous enough drug. I took it on the night before work days.

    When I googled Tylenol and Hypertension in 2/2006, up pops this article. This article made the connection with women. A follow up study was published in 2007, the same connection was made in men. Both studies were meta-analysis studies. This type of study is looking at data that's already been accumulated and it looks for specific connections. The most famous long term study on men is the Farmingham study and the most well known one on women is the Harvard's Nurses study.


    it's 9 pm I have to cook dinner, but I'll find that link. Shouldn't be hard b/c I archived it.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    2nd --so happy your sinuses are doing better. Which routine did you use. I'm very interested in picking Notselfs brain. I'm fairly sure I asked my ENT doc if just snuffing the tap water was okay. But now I'm second guessing myself, it's been at least> maybe 8 years. It's just so easy, brush your teeth, then do nose cleaning over the sink---makes for short work. But if I've screwed up I want to fix it. My ENT had a handout with the recipe, but it was work. The OTC Saline without preservatives is the absolute best, but I was trying to get away cheap.

    May be back later, had to take oxy b/c of the hard work. OXY keeps me awake. SadAlways sumpin---sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    12:25am, OH WELL...........I'm UUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPP. It's the oxy. Bloody well damned for whatever we do. But the house is clean.  Now the trade off for no sleep was supposed to be pain relief. Well that didn't happen either.

    YOO___HOOO anyone up?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I yoohood 2nd, She's playing games, hopefully she'll see the pm.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    hi Sassy! Yup, I'm so busted! Stayed up too late last night, early wake up call from stupid telemarketer. Spent most of the day searching for jobs (with little success), was just going to play a couple games, not get too involved, and head off to bed early, but I got caught. Oops!

    Yesterday, I did the Neil Med sinus saline rinse a couple times. Up till last year at this time, I pretty usedit everyday for preventative measures, it helped a lot. But last year, since I was in recovery mode at this time and not out of doors, no sinus probs, thinking I might be lucky again, but no such luck. Yesterday, the sinus rinse seemed to be enough.

    Sassy, sounds like a whole lot of house-cleaning! Wish I had that energy and determination! Just don't overdo!

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