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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    sounds good!  I think at some stage you're going to be sending me some recipes....

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    A while back in the STFU thread there were lots of recipes including antique ones.  It was pretty amazing.  I love sharing recipes.

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    me too!  There's something to do when I can't sleep - I'll trawl back trough the thread. It's one thing I live about having changed countries. I now have recipes from 2!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    yumm, snicker doodles, chocolate, I'm in heaven! Two favs! I think I hear the chocolate calling my name..... Or is it the dieter's tea in the cupboard, locked behind the cupboard doors?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    BTW, under Moving Beyond Cancer, there's a "So...What's for Dinner?" Thread. They talk about meals, food and recipes all the time

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Oh, great. Now I have to start drinking again if I want to get rid of this cold!!! (Have to admit, those toddy recipes do sound good....)

    Had a bit of an emergency with 92 year old FIL today, and DH got to spend 8 hours in the ER. FIL is fine, DH is tired. I got a reprieve because of my nasty cold. Hey, gotta be good for something, eh?

    Yeah, us Cali gals got it easy....when the rest of the country/world is bouncing around from insomnia, it's barely bedtime here.

    I thought y'all could use a little laugh...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Alright gals you're waking up my midnight snack demons...the ones that live inside me.

    One of my friends from church dropped by this afternoon to bring me a beautiful container of peanut butter fudge her sister made for me. She hadn't been gone very long when my brother dropped in for a couple hours. Then after DH got in from work and dinner was finished another couple from church came by to return our truck. He had fixed our heater core. They visited for an hour or so, and she gave me a Bath & Body Works Candle. (Cinnamon Frosting) Maybe that's why I'm craving sweets. I haven't lit it yet. Just have the lid off, but it smells so yummy.

    All in all, I'm feeling really blessed today, not because of the gifts, but because of great friends.

    Hi Nicky! Welcome aboard!


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    thanks Blessings, I did laugh! Hey, I'm almost there myself... I hear the chocolate calling me again. Lazy butt wins!

    Paula, wonderful that company visited today! I took Anastrozole (Arimidex) for 6 months - it made me have the worst food cravings. Seems like without fail I would be ravenously hungry every night around 10, the more I tried to ignore, the worse the cravings got. Now it's just occasional - like now. Can't say I miss that SE

    Blessings, so sorry to hear about your FIL, hoping it's not serious. 

    Reminds me, need to go back and read the pages again from last night

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    hello Blessings and Soteria!

    It's now 6.45, so I've made it through another night, thanks for the company! I'm going to go shower and start my day. With family arriving tomorrow for Christmas there's plenty to do. Maybe if I make a bit of noise I can wake up the sleeping beauties here to give me a hand! Maybe I'll be back tonight, either way I'll speak to you all soon!

    Nicky x

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Hi, Maddy! Those reindeer looked uncomfortably familiar... like my butt in my fat stretch pants!!!! (FIL is fine... not the first time this has happened... they examined him and released him and he feels fine now. Thanks for asking.)

    Hi, Soteria!!! What wonderful friends!!!

    Hi, NickyJ! Welcome to the thread! I visited Bordeaux, France a very long time ago.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Blessings, I think not! Glad to hear your FIL is ok  

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Ok all....identity crisis solved. Love my dogs so much. I am no longer broken dreams. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Pawprint - cool! When I first saw Pawprint on My Favs List, I was thinking we got ourselves another night owl. So how many dogs and what kind are they?

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Hi 2nd....I have 3 small dogs, all girls. My oldest is a Japanese Chin, the other two are Pekingese. 

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378


    i vote for owlettes.....  btw - he looks like i feel - hee hee

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Thanks, mostlymom and welcome! Very cute! Owlettes (as long as  no one calls us Towelettes)

    Pawprint, how darling! I bet they keep you company (better than my 2 cats, both girls too, but not affectionate unless they want something)

    Just realized we haven't heard from Oz ladies in a while. Hope Chrissy, Aly and Aussie Shiela are doing well - in their summertime now.

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Yes 2nd, they are my precious fur babies. It's sad to see them getting older with failing health. 

    Mostlymom, Owlettes is a cute name.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    G'day ladies of the night from a down-under Sheila.  I gotta whine about the aforementioned Bidet that nobody wants to see or be named after.

    We had one installed about ten years ago when we renovated our one and only bathroom/toilet in one.

    First, bath was removed to have bidet added after DH saw/used them overseas while working...result...only 1 shower in lovely bubble bath to sink into on cold winters days...and a bidet doesn't quite cut it size-wise.

    I raised three sons who, added to their father, made a household of four males...and somehow trained these three spouters to aim and fire into toilet bowl with no personal experience whatsoever.

    When quizzed about yellow mess around the back of the seat, that nasty little chit 'Not Me' popped his head up, so I never quite knew who to supply with Depends.

    When the younger males left home, I found out for sure it was the elder of our tribe!

    I mean, give a bloke a paper plane, gun, or bow and arrow, and it's all about how many times they hit the know that male testosterone/ego thingy, isn't it?

    These days we have two females to one male, thus he is outnumbered, so what does he decide to do?

    Rather than put the lid down on the loo, (which lowers itself with the merest touch of a finger tip) he now pees in the bidet!!! Even in the dark of night...without his glasses on!!!

    After making some acid remarks about the yellow ring around the bowl quite a few times, I went to the toilet yesterday only to find the whole back area of the seat with that yellow tinge to it.

    On occasions recently, I have walked in there to find a full bowel download left unflushed and his pyjama pants in a heap in front of the toilet bowl. 

    Here is my quandary.....Am I being 'managed' into 'allowing' him use of the bidet by the yellow incident, or is he coming down with 'oldtimers' syndrome?

    Never having lived with an old man before, I'm not quite sure if this is normal behavior for this age group...anyone else  know the 'norm' for the second childhood of man?

    Yours in anticipation,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG I leave a it and whap this place goes wild with conversation.

    Pawprint, I like that name, it's like their prints are in u'r heart, which they are. I have one Katie-Kat and I'm so lucky she's affectionate and sleeps with me and cuddles a lot and messages my arms exactly where the PT did-it's like she knows.--sppoookkkey to me, but I just love her.

    Welcome Nicky, I know she's not here now but she"s so cute and nice. So I hope she comes back/

    OOOO  haven't had my coffee yet,

    Oh I live in my bedroom, but I have no bed, just furniture that I find super comfortable and sleep in and I love not leaving it. I know we're supposed to move around a lot, but comfort feels so good.

    So far weather is good--supposed to be cookie day, not for me--but my DD and her GF and Joey are making cookies--But I have to give my approval on all of them. Oh I think I'm going back to sleep, I feel so tired still. so I'll BBL

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    Sheila,  your house sounds scarily like mine! It used to be my dd and me, and my dh and 2 ds's. Now my dd has moved out its me and 3 boys. I honestly don't think any of them can aim straight!! 

    Camille, nice to see you here! Enjoy your nap, let us know how the cookies were😊


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!  Oh my......this has been a busy   Hi to all the new gals joining in!

    2nd I've been flat out like a lizard drinking (busy for those of you who aren't quite up on the Aussieisms)....hahaha!.......I'm still working on getting everything done before all the family descend on me on Christmas morning and then hang around for five days.   I look forward to it each year but this year I just seem to be extra tired.......oh well, at least I'm sleeping well.

    Aussie, I think all of the male species is tared with the same DH isn't too bad but when the GS's arrive it's look out loo!!  I see a lovely shade of yellow all around the back!   Thank goodness a good scrub with diso and hot water gets rid of the evidence right quick.

    If I don't get a chance to pop in before the big day I would like to say right now..........MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HANNEKAH !!!!!!!!!   Hope your holidays are what you expect and you all stay well to enjoy them.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    OMG Aussie!  Shoot him!  That's all..... I mean we are in our 70's.... Today is his Bday!  and he is the one who cleans the toilet.... Ha!  I mean I do too, but he does just as often as I.

    But would you please en-lighten me?  Isn't a Bidet the same as a toilet?  I'm missing something here.... shut-up Cammi....   Whichever it is, he misses?  That was so funny how you wrote that!  It's true... Give a man a gun & he is a marksman.... give him a bow, and he loses his arrows...  But give him the urge to pee, and the world is his bathroom!  

    And beLIEVE me, the older he gets, he will find new and inventive ways and places to do the deed.   

    And Welcome NickyJ!  YOU, must be sleeping by now, Ha!  

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    hi guys, new here. Didn't know this forum was here. Could have used this the other night. It's 5 am and the second night that I'm up at 3. Not sure why I'm not sleeping. A little worried about my exchange coming up, but mostly things are fine.

    My DH (really-old man would be better) always forgets to flush. I hate getting up after him and he hasn't flush the toilet.

    Yes-what is a bidet?? How's it different from a toilet. Doesn't look like you can sit on it! I've seen them on House Hunters Int'l.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Good Morning Girls

    I've been up since 7:30. Church today and my Grandkidlet! Kaylen is singing. After church we always go to lunch with friends. Usually it's DH, another couple, Susie, whichever Grandkidlet we have, & me. We take turns choosing the resturant.

    When my youngest DS was home he never hit the toilet. I swear that kid aimed for the outside of the bowl. We used to tease him that when he got his own place, we were going to come visit once a week just to eat all his food and pee all around his toilet. Lol

    Chrissieb so good to run into you here. A couple of months ago I came across your thread from when you came to the U.S. It was so awesome the way you wrote it. I know it was an older thread, but it felt like I was on the trip with you.

    Pawprint love the name. I have a mini daschund, Gus. He's red Pibald. Pretty as can be, and we're in love.

    I've been reading this thread for a couple months, but in the past week it has exploded. Now it's my favorite Go To Place.

    Right now it's 61 and wet here in central Ohio, but temps are dropping quickly. Freezing tomorrow. We've already had our January weather in November & December. I crave Spring!



  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372


    No, still not sleeping, but it is 3pm!

    For those in need of enlightenment, a bidet is for use AFTER the toilet. Toilet first, then bidet to clean your ahem nether regions!!  Used to be very popular in Europe but don't tend to be in newer bathrooms. Personally, in our house it was used as a sink for the kids when they were small! When we redid the bathroom, we took it out and put in a separate shower. Much more practical!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Nicky I remember about 10 years ago when the Dixie Chicks were so popular they had a commercial where they were staying in a fancy hotel and they discovered the bidet. They thought they're bathroom had a fancy drinking fountain. Lol

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    good morning all, or owlets...what a International feel this thread has. NickyJ, an Irish lass living in France. Do you still have family in Ireland?  I got to visit a few years back, fell in love with the scenery and the laid back culture.

    Chrissy, thanks for educating us on the drinking like a lizard, being busy ? Here, we might think of hat as a pub crawl...

    So much to do, no energy, low WBC....I keep hoping today is the day I snap back into action..

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Good Morning Owlettes,  there being no other suggestion than hoots which owlettes do, shall it be official? I'm trying to type in bed, not easy. Lots of hoots this morning.

    MM good job. on name and pic. I looked at several hundred owl pics. yesterday., but your guy fits the 4am in the morning role quite well. I will try and put him in the topic box. I need the link where you found him I think.

    Chrissy so nice to see you. Have a great Christmas with the whole family.

    maddy, thanks, for making me think of all the stuff that I can get into. I'll be another size bigger soon.

    Hello and welcome again too Smarty and Nickky

    Chevette and all a bidet is a device you sit on to clean your bottom. The water sprays up. If you turn it on and your bottoms not in the way to stop it .the water will hit the ceiling or your face. Turn the controller the other way and the tank fills .you can sit your bottom in it, like a sitz bath, or put your foot in, or wash laundry.  I have one in my house. A japense woman was the buildee. it was a godsend when I broke a bone in my hand.                    

    Chevy only one egg? At least they gave you a gift card. You're being tipped just like the mailman, lawnman , hairdresser.

    Aussie., you will learn to love it, if it's not used as a urinal. My first Christmas here , I had the office Xmas party. At one point the whole group was in the bathroom around the bidet studying it. Medical people what can I say.

    posting cuz it's jumping.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Pawprint very cool. like it allot. I have two a lab and a german wired haired pointer . The GWP is schatzi. My baby.  Both are rescues. Dini went through several homes and beating situations. So, he's quite in heaven here. So, many beds to sleep on, couches too. Food and water all the time. He's so happy.

    Golf girl so hope you feel better real quick. not fun to be sick now.

    Cami, I hate shopping too. I love thrift shopping , but not any other kind.

    Teka , I knowit's close to the time that you will be taking your break between now and New Years. Have a wonderful  blessed and blissful time with your family

    I need to work, but a nap sounds real good.

    Sorry I know I missed an owlette forgive me. L&H&P's sassy

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    tek......we have rain and 70 here in the Philly suburbs.....go figure......beautiful yesterday......made cookies all day with my grandaughter...she is the youngest of the 18 I have, and adorable......just turned 13......she is 5ft 7 inches..and her Ped says she will hit 6 ft or more..Next to her I look like I am standing in a hole....4ft 10 brother is 6 ft 2 in. And just turned 15.......Dr says 6/6 or 6/8 for him......stll loads of room till growth plates close......