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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    Lol! Bidets have always been the 'butt' of many a joke😉


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I'm back--like the penny.

    Nicky I made those cookies actually they're pretty good, but to much work for me--Holy Cannoli Joey and I were almost in tears--I think things are simple--to other people yes--to me it's like a scientific project, maybe worse. I love to eat, but the to prepare or anything anymore---I have a syndrome called lazyitus, Latin for I don't give a damn--I've always been like this, but it's so much worse now.

    Oh I forgot a couple of Drs. are upset with me cuz I cancelled my app'ts this month, and my reason was--I'm tired of looking at them---I'll start up again next month and I'm still on my Aunti-B's she's always hangin' around--so I thought  WTF??? I think I should have said another reason, cuz I still have to see them.

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    lol! Bidets have been the 'butt' of many a joke for years😉!


  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    oh, Camille! As soon as Christmas is over you get your sweet little bidet back to see those doctors!!

    Glad you enjoyed the cookies, that's a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon

    Nicky x

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Sorry Tek......thought I was on my favorite STFU thread....not meant for this thread....."lack of sleep.....again......hit the wrong thread, thought you posted on STFU, cause I know you do.......oh boy.....I need sleep...too many cookies....sorry

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    gee Tek......really confused now....not sure what the ...."wasn't the Hoolie means," that you posted..... was commenting on the weather, but on the wrong thread.......saw the ice and thought "wow".......again mistake.....just have a great xmas........despite the weather......

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Tek.....I know your on those threads, and have enjoyed your posts......your not the one who suggested this thread......I never said it was you.......odd thing is I did not know this thread existed.....I have just a few favorites....this was not one......never needed anyone in the midfle of the night.....(thank heavens)...casually mentioned it, andsorry now that I did.........

    Just want to confirm never suggested any thread, checked back, to make sure I never said it was you......have a good day, and glad that is cleared up......I think anyway

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Cami, you must be baking some more cookies with your side kick Joey...

    Congratulations on your 10,000 posts ! I think that is beyond cool. You can tell your Drs. Next month that you were busy keeping all your good buddies entertained & enlighten

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    Hey Camille! 

    Sorry, I hadn't noticed you'd gone past 10,000 posts! How cool!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG I didn't notice, Holy Cannoli can I talk about absolutely nothing and continue. I have to stop this insanity I haven't been on here for yrs. like other people--

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    Hey, that's ok Camille. Let's both check in a years time to see how many posts I up for that?


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Cami yooohooo 10,000 posts.  love you sweetie, tahnks for being here, there, and everywhere. :)

    Nicky, Love it "sweet little bidet"  When we bought this house that has a bidet, it was an embarrassment. No one we knew had a clue even what they were. I did b/c of selling real estate. What I posted about all the workmates in the bathroom what a hoot. When My dear Mary said she loved them thought they were great and explained why. I changed my mind. The question of why I have two toilets in the bathroom hasn't happened in years. Nicky please, tell us what it's like in Bordeaux?

    Pawprint  just testing to see if you recognize yourself.?

    I really need to think about Christmas shopping, times getting short.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I love the way everyone rushes around at Christmas to "finish" things up and make cookies or whatever. I mean it's not like a surprise--Oh Gee Christmas I forgot it comes every year on the same date.

    Nicky we'll be here next yr and still posting and I'll still be saying nothing. U'r interesting.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Nicky, I am also interested in where you live, is it wine country? You said you were Irish, did you grow up in Ireland? I mention before I did get to visit Ireland in 2004. I loved it, so pretty and the people were a hoot. 

    OK...this is my important ? Ireland, at the end of the evening they always played the national anthem or country song. Everyone stood up in the restaurant or pub, hand over heart & sang...It was by far the most heart warming experiences...young & old alike...Is that true of all of Ireland ? I tell everyone about that when we are discussing travel & places.

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372


    Yes, I grew up in Ireland; I lived there until 2003 when I moved to France with my Irish husband and 3 kids, who were at the time 8, 6, and 2 years old. It was our choice to move, but it was a bit scary as I didn't speak a word of French! 

    We live just outside the city of Bordeaux, and yes, it is most definitely wine country. We have not only Bordeaux wines, but also the Médoc, Pessac Léognan and Bérgerac within a 50 mile radius of us. The lifestyle is completely different to Dublin, where I grew up, and although I'll always be Irish I love living here!

    The song you're talking about is the national anthem - Amhrann na bhFiann - in English 'the soldiers song'. And you're right. It's sung by all Irish at the end of the night everywhere; be it a night in the pub, a wedding, a staff night out!  Irish independence is still quite new and we're proud to be Irish!


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Nicky, thank-you for your reply. I need to take my DH to Ireland, as he is Irish but travel is not easy for him, horrible arthritis. 

    Bordeaux sounds lovely, I'm sure it must be green & lush. The wines have to be a bonus also. I live in S. Idaho, high desert. It is dry here, but we have mountains close and it has lots of rivers for recreation. I'm glad you are posting here. It is a fun, comfortable group. I try to sleep at night, but sometimes I will get up & read a little. Well I am off, trying to get some Christmas food  organized..

    Golf girl 

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    Holeinone, that's one thing I had to get used to here- there's no mountains. Not even a gentle hill!  It's completely flat. It can be quite lush; we tend to get a good bit of rain in spring and autumn (makes for good wine!) but in the summer temperatures can get quite hot so can be very arid. However, we're not far from the coast so it's not too bad!

    Has your dh still got family in Ireland?


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    No, if he does,  it goes way back and he is not in contact with any distant relatives. Does everyone ride bikes in Bordeaux,  similar  to Amsterdam? I thought of that we you mentioned how flat It is. We got to visit Brussels & Amsterdam in 2008. Also a stop in Paris, but the height of the tourist season and a heat wave. We tried to see too much in a short amount of time..still good memories.

    The bikes in Amsterdam, and the bike garages were so unique. The town I live in is not bike friendly. Agricultural community, with lots of huge pick-up trucks.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Golf girl - I have a 90 year old friend who has arthritis quite badly and is getting quite infirm.  He takes at least 2 trips out of the country every year.  In October he went to Ireland and loved it.  Most of his trips are guided tours and they  always have taken good care of him and anyone else with physical problems.  He took three trips this  year, one a cruise through the near East.  His son went with him to visit his home town in Austria.  His parents had seen the the Holocost coming and fled to America in the mid 30's to avoid it.  He went to visit two of his boyhood friends who still live there, one of them a Jew.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Owlettes, o.k...... Hooters, not so much....Scared

    Slept pretty well last night, thanks to a big swig of Phenergan with Codeine cough syrup! Cold is getting better, but had to cancel a hair appt tomorrow morning. Oh well. Not going anywhere for Christmas anyway.

    When DH and I got married, we had a new house built. After being single my whole life, I had no intention of scrubbing someone else's you-know-what off the toilet bowl, and for that very reason, DH now has his own bathroom. AND scrub brush.

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    you're right about bikes. Everyone here has one!  But they are part of the French culture anyhow. One thing that I found amazing is that it's part of the school curriculum. At the age of 5/6, the third year of school, for one trimester the kids all have bike lessons twice a week. They learn the basics of road safety and any child that doesn't already know how, will be taught to ride without stabilizers. Then again, at 7/8 and 10/11, they have any other trimester, focusing on road safety. It's a great idea!  We have loads of cycle paths and bicycle lanes. But this way everyone stays safe. 

    I'm sorry to hear traveling is tough for your dh; I hope you get to plan a trip that works for him. 


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Nicky, Because of the Tour d` France we are aware of the French love of biking but I didn't realize how passionate the French can be about their bikes until my husband's nephew in Olympia Washington started custom designing and building bikes for customers there. One French buyer even paid for personal delivery!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Blessings, I agree, no to Hooters!

    Golf girl, hope you're felling better!

    Nicky, looking forward to your stories.

    Cami, 10,000+! Wow, that's a whole lot of posts.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853

    Thank goodness for U Ms. 2nd time around and ditto for all of these fine folks.


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Chabba, thanks for the tip on traveling. I love to discuss places to go & enjoy. I actually started watching the  Amazing Race, just for the exotic places they competed in. 

    2nd time...I hope you at least got to pick up a few things you were out of ? Sounds like you very patient with your neighbor...sometimes we have to just smile....

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    thanks, Carolyn!

    Golf girl, I did pick up a couple items while I was out. 

    Thanks for the smile, Blessings!

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Me again girls, about bidets. The only time I ever used a bidet before DH wanted one, was in the maternity hospital 36 yrs ago. That one had a 'spout' in the bottom which squirted upwards and was very efficient for ladies who had just had babies.  The one we bought had a spout where a tap would normally be and points toward the front of the also has a drain and plug the same size as a vanity basin - in other words a much smaller target than a toilet bowl has.

    Anyway, with all these moist wipe towellettes/wipes products these days, who really needs such a thing as a bidet any more?

    Until DH started using it, I used it for the mop and bucket when I wouldn't clean my feet in it.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    You know, I was going to mention that...I just keep one of those plastic Baby Wipes cases, and keep filling it with the pack of baby wipes from the Dollar Store.....

    I've been doing this for about 15 years now... So at least that keeps ME clean.... 

    I think DH uses them too, but he keeps "our" toilet pretty clean...   Even in the middle of the night, but I have night lights on in there.... and after I use the bathroom, I lift the seat for him....  Then I KNOW everything is okay... 

    And Aussie.... I just bought one of thos Shark things!  That way I don't have to use a mop and bucket... I use a Swiffer, with a bar-towel and Bona for the Laminate...  So no more scrubbing the kitchen floor on my hands and knees with a brush...  Too hard to get DOWN there, much less get back up...Loopy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Blessings too funny, I agree they can be taught to hit the spot and clean the toilet. I've never had a problem with DS and DH , and now DBF.

    When dear son was in 3rd grade his science project alternative was to do a paper. I chose for him, "Bacteria on the skin and why handwashing is important". He had to learn lots of big words for a 3rd grader. WE worked on it for weeks LOL. Everynight After the paper was written, he had to read the paper out loud to get used to saying Staphlococcus and Enterococcous etc. My other  reason for the reading of it repeatedly was the hope that a wee bit more understanding about hand washing would stick in his little brain. I then would question what his understanding of each part that he read, and let him explain it extemporaneous. I asked his teacher how he did. I can't remember her words exactly, but it was along the lines that she wished she didn't know that much now.  For DS it worked . He washed his hands more, and he got an A and an award.