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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Here ya go, Owlettes...

    The Holiday Dinner Song!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Loved the Spump story! 

    It's 4:25 am. I guess its time I take my book and go get under them thar kivers.......

    Goodnight friends

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Blessings, that was good!  Loopy

    Sass, tell me what you mean about the red ________!  What choo mean?   And I made a coffee table once...   I found this heavy piece of wood, and drug it in the house, thinking I can DO something with this!   I also found a box of broken ceramic tiles...(yes, in the alley) and bought 4 short legs at Home depot...  Screwed them in the bottom.  Then I used grout to cement broken pieces of tile on my "TABLE"!!!  It was beautiful, and mostly free!  

    Except using my fingers to spread the grout along the broken tiles really did a number on them..  THAT'S it, SASS!  It all started back then...  !!!  After a couple years of falling over it numerous times, hitting your let on that table that weighed a zillion pounds,  prompted us to buy a REAL one...Nerdy

    SOMEtimes our "ingenious" ideas are not so much....  and the time I sewed a headliner in our 51'Chevy....  That 2nd hand car, needed a new top... So I stitched this material all around the whole top!  Then I used threads to  tack it to hold it up!  Just like the top of a coffin!   But at least I fixed that tattered top!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    OMG....  !!!  I can post a picture right from AOL!!!  There is a wooden pallet hanging around out in the alley... 

    I might have an idea!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Good Morning OwlettesSillyHeart, DBF woke me up. I bought rum to make a trifle. Had a little bit. Haven't drunk, drank, dunk(?) rum in years. Guess it's on the no list. Mixed three different coffees yesterday. The best coffee I've had since ever this morning.

    Say a prayer for my Di, she came to clean yesterday, got a call from her Dad.. Said he couldn't function. She left fast. My old head wasn't on straight at the moment--only asked her if he was diabetic as she was running to her car.. Then got straight, called her by cell within minutes. She was in a near panic by then, asked her one question "has he ever done this before? --NO------Told her to call the squad and give them the address. She knows my EMS hx. I said please, just trust me . She said she would, she was still on the road, saying the cars wouldn't get out of her way.  Waited a couple hours to call her with the eye on the clock. No answer, up till about 10pm.  Now 7:43 am and still no answer. I fear the worst. She's an immediate phone responder. And even though we only met a few weeks ago, we are huggers and...... She's been in my heart, she is a good, kind person.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Thanks folks about the story about Spump. DH would be so (was) proud of DS. DS is one of those rare persons that being around him, makes people happy. I will see Spump pics tonight. To hear his story over the phone was a smiling time.

    Chevy, put a red candle votive inside the ice votive. The colors will be amazing. I've never seen anything like it. If I knew where to get the same red votive, I'd send it to you. The votive I used came in a set of three as a gift during the BC bad time.  A clear, green and red. Tried all and others from around house. Nothing made the same unique colors as the red glass which is a kind of textured pressed glass. No pattern I have a name for, otherwise it'd be easy.

    Nicky there was no way for you to know Dh passed in 8/2010. We were dx'd 3 months apart. His was Lymphoma. Good man. I still talk to him. Talked to him about Spump and son and smiled all the time.

    2nd Hugs I agree :) Sorry about Callie. Wonderful that you have many happy memories of her :)

    Blessings, hope all improves. Sad that we do have to be our own advocates. But medical people are pulled so thin. It would help if they would use check lists like recipes. May sound way off, but things like a simple UA wouldn't be missed. "Simple misses" can lead to disaster.  I had so many self made rules when I was still a nurse, I made Felix Unger seem normal.

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!  

    Cindy Aka Squishy

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Good morning's Christmas Eve morning. Had to read tons to catch up. I think I missed the pocket party SAS :( I love hearing the stories of Ireland and France. And Chevy, that pallet art looks interesting. I hope everyone has a nice day 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Schatzi came to me a ratted Dini out. Dini was gone--no question. How? They were in the screen enclosure--no way out. I was out calling his name, like a crazy lady in a night robe. Back into the house to dress, to search. Catch a glimpse  of him out the window. He was out of breath and legs wet to knee joint. Definetly, on a run. Mystifying. Now on bed and we had a talk.

    I talk allot about Dini. He came last year this week. I was totally uncertain then. But there was a freeze. He was kept outside. I couldn't have that, demanded he be brought here. He was covered with fleas. Solved the flea problem with capstart(sic?).  Didn't know capstart didn't work as they described---Slug-a-bug worked on the problem for a couple of months.

    He'd never known a kind hand. The neighbors are all kind about him now, but a backstreet person threatened to my back neighbor to call the cops. !0,450$ to fence the yard 3years ago. Dini goes over and under. This morning kept door to enclosure open and he was gone. Doors self catch.?????????

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Pawprint , Chrissy, Squishy, Soteria, Chevy, Cami, Nicky, Wren, Aly, Bonnie, Sally, Gumby, Littlegoats, Chabba, Linda, Maddy, Badger, Aussie Sheila, Phillysoclose, Susan, Blessings, Dwilli, H-in-1, Teka, Jackie, Sweet Pea, Chickie, Spookie, Ro, Ronnie, Rocky, Lurkers :), Mods------And all here not named , may we all be blessed and held in HIS cloak. L&H&P's  sheila

    Veggy you are in our hearts always.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Chevy I have a friend who's back yard is fenced in with chain link, but her patio area has a privacy fence around it to give her a smaller sanctuary feel. She has one of those pallets, painted aqua, hanging on the inside of the privacy fence. In the summer she puts pansies, or petunias, in it. I was so impressed the first time I saw it. Such a simple job, and so pretty. She saw it on Pinterest.

    Sas I took care of my elderly (favorite) aunt in my home for 3 years after she fell in her home and had a head injury. She could no longer walk, so I did adult diapers...the whole 9 yards. One day as her bath girl was leaving I noticed Aunt June kept repeating herself. So I went into her room and her eyes were fixed to the left. I asked if she was ok and she just stared to the left. I said, "I'm calling the squad." I grabbed the phone and before I could dial, she managed to say, "I'm ok." I asked her to do 3 things for, raise her hands above her head, and say something like...see the brown dog run. She couldn't do any of those things. So I called 911. They were here within a minute as the firehouse is around the corner from me. The EMTs at first didn't perceive a problem until she fixed her eyes to the opposite side and stopped responding.

    I hurried to get her meds, ID, insurance, & Living Will, then hurried over to the hospital. I was only 10-15 minutes behind the squad, but by the time I got there the Dr. told me she had suffered a seizure. She had 2 more after I got there. Her oxygen went so low they had to intubated her. She spent a few days in ICU, then was in a NH for 2 months. When she was being admitted into the NH the admitting nurse told me aunt June had coded in the squad.

    After all the tests MRIs etc, the only dx they could come up with was "Chronic changes due to aging."

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yes Soteria!  That's where I first saw them!  I have to get out my two-wheeler, sneak up the alley, when DH isn't home, and get that thing back in the yard!  I already DID this with 2 wicker chairs that were thrown out!  I will paint them this Spring, and look again at the Pics on Pinterest to see how I want to fix the pallet!

    This happened to my Grandma.... the stroke.... WHILE she was in the Hospital!  One morning she didn't even know what was going on!  The night before, she was just fine.

    I went to find a Nurse, and screamed WHAT HAPPENED TO MY GRANDMA?  They of course didn't know....  It was like who was on duty?  But finally found out she had a TIA?  She recovered a little from that....  but I told them ALL, don't take her to Hospital for any more of their tests....   I wanted to be in charge of her.... just like my little girl.  And I was....  Finally aNOTHER nursing home worked WITH me, and we all cared for her... 

    I told them don't FORCE her to eat!  She don't even know what you are doing!   She just wanted to sleep.... that's all.  So I would go see her every day, and make sure she had leg-warmers and socks on, and she just rested.... and slept.... and finally went to sleep for good.  It was a blessing...   But I got to spend so many hours just talking to her....  and brushing her hair...   Ahhh..... Christmas memories...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Soteria, hmm fits all criteria for stroke, you used all the initial questions on stroke eval.   ?? are you of a medical background? You get my worry about Di's dad. The question "has he ever done this before" It's brain, heart, BP, oxygen, or blood sugar/electrolyte problem until proven otherwise. She's still not answering. I know it sounds intrusive to call her, but we have become so close in such a short time. Please, pray for him, I'm fairly positive, he's gone. if he hasn't passed , he's in very serious condition

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG I'm trying to catch up--I read some then the phone rings, another furnace out, read more gain another furnace goes out--I think all the elves are breaking all these furnaces--Drat these furnaces, poor people---So I'm all confused (shut up Chevy) I liked that song it was cute. I can no remember who posted wht now.But I do remember the downunders cuz it's Christmas there now right? we're still on eve, it's a crazy day--some presents to still wrap. I doubt that I'm going to my cousins house tonite--not doing so well, and I feel like if I save my energy I'll be better for my sister's kids house tomorrow--I never thought I'd turn down fun and yet I notice I do sometimes. But tomorrow is a big day so I'll save my energy, what little I have today---OK I have to get my hair cut now---BBL

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    Cammi, it is likely the AI that zaps all of your energy plus the time of year too. I cooked up a storm after work last night and today I am draggin ass big time. I am at work, but it is a mellow day. My phone only rang like twice and usually I can get as many as 40 or 50 calls in a day! I made sure I left my calendar clear today (no appointments with clients) so I can goof off a bit so I am :-)

    Merry Christmas to all! Hope you have a wonderful New Year too!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Sas yes absolutely I'll pray for him and for your friend. I have no medical background, but I probably know more about diabetes than a PCP does. My 25 year old son was dx Type I at age 6. He takes 4 insulin injections daily. When he was first dx he spent several days in Nationwide Children's Hospital. They gave my husband & I quite an education in caring for him. Plus years of living with that teaches you a lot. I'm also an avid reader, and I always ask questions of medical professionals. My sweet aunt June always told me I should have been a doctor or nurse.

    Chevy thanks so much for the link. I have to show DH. I especially like the green coffee table, and the platform bed.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    SAS, Perhaps she is with him in ICU. They make you turn off your phone there.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Wren, yes, your right, I'll just pray.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,535

    Not quite so far behind today.......SAS, I'm so hoping for Di and her dad.  It is distressing to have these things happen at a time when many are looking forward with eager anticipation to a usually very uplifting and enjoyable holiday.  I feel for all who have to grieve and somehow attempt to celebrate ( for children, or other family ) at the same time.  Many prayers to the Universe for your loving friend and her family as well as anyone who finds themselves in un-enviable circumstances of loss or illness.  My wish is for grace, strength and serenity and the Universe to provide it in great abundance.


    I think the verse pretty much says it all.  I hope you all will find this a wonderful, wonderful holiday filled with happiness and devotion to each other and to sharing life with all the brothers and sisters in this world.  We may have little to give, but a smile, a word of praise, or a soft handshake.  We lift each other up however we we can all be from a better place that starts with a heart full of love.

    Sincerest Blessings


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,535

    Have to add -- just not in the above post....Teka, way, way too funny about your description of Christmas shopping being done. 


    P.S.  I've known for a long, long time how CRAFTY SingingChevy is.....she is to be watched !!!!!  Just kidding.  She is very, very good at it....along with her many hours of excellent advice to me.  All of which is deeply, deeply appreciated.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    Merry Christmas and Happy New Years Owlettes! xoxoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    Merry Christmas to you all!   It's 1.30am, everyone's asleep, the kids' stockings are in their beds. Now I'm just waiting for someone to wake up!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Nicky it's Eve here now but soon Santa will come and I truly hope all have a Wonderful Holidy and feel well and get to spend it  with u'r favorite people.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Merry Christmas to all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    May your Christmas be blessed and blissful. May our hearts be full with love and laughter. Let us have peace. Love&Hugs&Prayers  sassy

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Hi, i an new here but had insomnia through chemo in the past and today i had my exchange surgery the pain is brutal, and the vomiting is bothering me a lot. just wanted to vent about it here since there maybe one of u out there to listen (read) Have a great xtmas everyone.