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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Nicky, so interesting about Irelands anthem, I'm Irish and had never heard that. Bordeaux sounds wonderful. Please, drop in info and stories about your life there. I love local stories . We all share what's going on in our own locales.  Your story of how bicycle training occurs is a case in point. Besides being interesting, Never know how someone may use the info in there own locale.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OH forgot Good Morning Owlettes, Pocket party today------see ENT about Thyroid. :)

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    I am in for the pocket party Sas. So, on this thread we are owlettes? I love owls..they are the coolest birds. I am at work so the night owl in me is not exactly posting much. I did spend most of last night tossing and turning as my MIL has less than a month to live according to her MO...cancer sucks.  I should have come here! Keep forgetting there are other insomniacs to commiserate with.

    Merry Christmas "owlettes" and here is to a great 2014. We all deserve it!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    April so sorry about MIL, It's awful.     Yes, we are owlettes :)

    Thanks all for jumping in the pocket. Doc is calling versus office visit. So should know fairly soon.

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245

    I'm so sorry to hear that, April. In your pocket as well as Sas' today.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    OWLETTES...Merry Christmas.. & a Happy 2014....

    April, so sorry, I hope your MIL is comfortable & pain free

    Sas, in your pocket for your phone appt. Let us know when you get the results...

    Nicky responses were so interesting, I have been wondering about the singing for 9 years, when I traveled to Ireland..

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    April, I'm sorry to hear about your MIL. Cancer does indeed suck. Sas, if I'm not too late I'm right there with you too. Hope you have big pockets!

    I'd be happy to add local information about here in Bordeaux. Despite the fact that I stayed in Europe, traditions vastly differ between Ireland and France. When it comes to holidays, like Christmas, we've adopted the French traditions that we like, and kept the best of the Irish ones!  For example, my children (even though they're teenagers) will wake up to stockings on the end of their beds, filled with chocolates and small presents. They'll find the big presents under the tree - the same I think as most of you? However, French children get their presents at midnight on the 24/25th. This is the 'reveillon', and it's when the French have their Christmas dinner - at midnight! Christmas Day for them is, as a result, a very quiet affair!

    For our Christmas dinner, we'll start with French foie gras, followed by Irish turkey and ham. My BIL is bringing the ham with him tomorrow- I can't buy the right cut here, nor do they cure ham in the same way. We'll follow that with Irish desserts, Christmas pudding and trifle, washed down with good French wine!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I'm waiting til Teka goes first I now have a black eye cuz of her foot.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Nicky, thanks for the explanation. A former boyfriend invited me to their family Christmas. His French grandmother had traveled back to the village where she grew up. There, in the public square, she ran into the love of her youth. Both had raised families and were widowed. The spark was still there and they married. Dinner was at midnight and a real feast.

    My great-uncle John was in WWI and brought home a bride from Bordeaux. They lived in Sacramento, CA and all spoke French. I'm not sure she ever learned English well. Lovely lady.

    SAS, in your pocket for the phone call.

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372


    That's 2 lovely stories! 


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Nicky, all sounds fun. My own family had traditions, but now that I think of it , they didn't follow any heritage traditions. Love the stories.

    Wren sounds so romantic :)

    Teka  what are you goggling.?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sas Tekas goggling her great big foot that went right in my EYE when she jumped into a pocket. LOL

    I had one beautiful French aunt that married my uncle and when my dad and her would have wine she would speak French and he would speak Italian  just to each other, when drinking I think u can understand different languages like they seemed to. But I would love when she spoke French and I loved her accent, she was a lovely person that we all loved very much and we were her family. And she introduced us to French food and could she cook. And she was strikingly beautiful and taught me how to wear make-up without looking like I was wearing make-up LOL That's my only connection to France. BTW we all knew my uncle was not good enough for her.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    I'm trying to figure out how to post photos....


    So corn-fusing on this mac. Cool, it worked!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Cami, but she did(your aunt), and they sound so romantic hmmmmmnnnn.  How's your eye?

    2nd you seem to have gotten a side view of Chevy's cat. No Chevy's cat is black and white.  Cat's have the life, the world revolves around them. Dogs on the other hand have to please us, it's an amazing removal by breeding,  from the independent wolf.

    Odd my Ent doc 's office called and asked if we could do a phone review b/c..... I said okay and then didn't get a call. He has been off on medical leave so that may be the reason.  Of course I'm worried about him b/c he's been off at least 5 weeks and is off till after New Years. he was only scheduled to see select patients today.

    I picked up the report the day after the ultrasound, I know it's grown. None of the language indicated it was cancerous. But indicated that it had grown, isthmus was now cystic, and the right had grown more. The bx mid summer said there was a certain type of cell which can become cancerous-follicular. The agreement then was this f/u. If it grew, out it comes. Same scenario we followed for the brain tumor with the neurosurgeon.

    I have to ask if there is an analogy to DCIS changing to IDC. We watched the brain tumor b/c the indicators for cancer weren't there, but growth was a signal that out it should come. The pattern is the same as far as I can see with the thyroid.

    SORRY, I left you guys all in my pocket, but we did go out to dinner.... did I drop enough goodies in and wine?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Story Time: History DH and I made a table out of a tree stump in 1974, I'll spare the long story. WE had no money for a coffee table. I polyurethaned  the stump and sanded in between, total 20 coats. It was before the fancy epoxy coated art tree tables.

    Fast forward: son going to college and law school, the tree stump went with him. It then returned home, son did too. But son went off to a different place and the stump stayed home.

    Recent Past: DS took stump to his office in the spring. Friday night they had the office Christmas party. MC gave out Christmas presents. DS realized he was bypassed. At first confused. Then realized he was going to be last.

    He was presented with a picture collage of the stump, named by everyone as "Spump".  First two initials of his name, and last three letters of stump. Now Spump weighs 120 lbs. so moving him to different locales wasn't easy.

    Since he brought it to the office, and the conspiracy began, Spump was taken on many adventures. When the whole firm new DS was absolutely out of town. They took Spump to the local Irish Tavern, the beach, the toilet stall that DS frequents, the bosses office. Where else, I'll learn on Christmas

    DS says he will never get rid of Spump picture or the stump. I loved it b/c Spump was from a time we had to be creative for furniture, it meant allot. LOL. DH rolling this stump>>parking lot to rental unit >>up two flights of stairs>>>>>back again to get it sawed straight. >>>back again. Stayed with us our entire marriage.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Sas, what a cool story...your son must work with a group of creative people. Remember the cider blocks to hold the 2 by 4 s for our stereos & books ? Ah...simpler time...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    H_I_1---we had the cinder blocks and I x12's-----DS   Made the coolest things in college fraternity house with our suggestions from the 60's. The stuff is cheap and indestructible. The stuff is probably still there----YAY FSU. Thanks about the story. When he told me, it was so cool. I said do you realize how much all these people care about you. Very cool. He did. What is really cool and basic to my heart, is he is understanding of attachment by hx to things that have a hx to family. Who would figure Spump would start it?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,535
    Christmas glitter graphicsimageimage

    My typical of me.  Four pages behind:       Hope everyone has beautiful holidays and a very warm and wonderful Christmas.  Much love and merriment to you all.

    Love, Lilli



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Lilli sweet  one, always behind, but always,  we are blessed by your presence and wonderful words.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    I've been watching a marathon of Roseanne. My Grandkidlet, Kaylen, had never seen her. Now Maw has her hooked.

    We did a bit of decorating this evening. I haven't decorated for a few years. I didn't even think I had any decorations left, but today I found a ceramic tree that I'd forgotten I had. We put up snow flakes, hung Christmas cards, and wrapped some gifts. I also came across my late aunt's snowman. He's about 2 feet tall. He wiggles his hips while singing, "I'm Mr. Snowmeister," then doffs his top hat. Too cute.

    I will drive Kaylen home tomorrow so she can celebrate Christmas with her family, then this coming weekend her 11 year old sister, Jana will come over.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Soteria soooo happy you had a grandkidlet  happy thingy. Sounds like it raised something special?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I may have created the worst Christmas day ever.---------DBF's DD was leaving her(parents dog and they are in Hawaii) German Shepard in a cage from what I calculated 7:30 am to 8-9:pm. No recognition of relief. I'm a smoosh for animals. I say today bring the dog. GS is a male. Dini is a male. We will do the meet ant greet at the gate. But oh my, I know dogs can change in a moment. Dear friend is bringing her 12 y/o dog, at least that plan is later in the day. I can call her an say ---not too.

    DBF has learned to trust what I say about dogs. That's huge. This time last year Dini came to my house. Flea infested. Nervous ticks.  Now he's so happy. If I could show a clip of how the dogs are run. You know Shats is my baby, she was a pound puppy at 3-4 months.  Dini is at least 6-7, had a horrible life........Oh well, we will see.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Nothing compares to the old Christmas songs.......why is that?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    like the directions this thread is taking: holidays, international traditions, even the bidet stories are a hoot! 

    Paula, sounds like you're having a fun time

    Sassy, did Doc call (or did I miss something)? Like spump story (man, my iPad had fun with auto correct on that one)! 

    Only got 4 hrs sleep last night, parents will be here in the morning (a last minute decision) have to clean house, wrap presents, grocery shopping... I'll be busy!

    Oh, about the earlier cat pic: of our 3 cats (all females), the one straddling the fence was Callie, my favorite. Her personality was more like a dog: she'd follow me around, would sit on a far kitchen counter (not near the food) to keep me company when I made dinner, would jump in my lap or sit on the chair arm especially after my mx. She's an angel now and for some reason, I'm really missing her lately, she loved to watch the lights on the Christmas tree. I know she was "only a cat" but she was a buddy to me.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    almost 2 am est, I'm up an listening to music at the loudest. So, much happened today. some very nice----I worry about the part that may have gone very bad.

    Nicky - Maurice Chevalier is on---------- He is a French Treasure, but he is so in the past, I so loved all the movies he was in, but by the time he was discovered by Hollywood he was of an an age.

    His words, his mannerisms, his voice, his songs---Oh my the most elegant man of all time

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Maddy – is that your kitty? So cute!!! (and so big…..)
    Oooooh, Girlfriend, you’re gonna have yourself a busy day tomorrow! Save some
    time for yourself!!!

    Sas – thanks for the free dinner and wine. LOVE the Spump
    story… your DS must have some awesome co-workers. We were playing Christmas Trivia at a party a
    week ago and one of the questions was “Who Wrote ‘A Christmas Carol’?” My answer? “BING CROSBY!”

    IllinoisLady – such a cute picture! (Yeah, I’ll bet Teka liked it!) Merry Christmas to you.... I’m still in denial that Christmas Eve is less
    than 24 hours away.

    Soteria – what a wonderful “Maw” you are!

    Well, the ER screwed up and didn’t do a UA on my FIL on
    Saturday, so I emailed his PCP to order one. Unfortunately, today DH had to be
    the one to take Dad back to the hospital for it. (Kaiser….) And then I had to
    read the results on the computer and have DH call the Advice Nurse to order
    some antibiotics, as the results were positive (duh, no $*#& Sherlock). So
    I’m thinking that I ought to be on Kaiser’s payroll.

    Still have the crud. We’re not going anywhere for
    Christmas…. I’m really sick, and DH is run ragged from taking care of elderly
    parents all weekend. I was going to do a
    breathing treatment on my nebulizer, but my brother called and we talked (or he
    talked and I croaked and wheezed and sniffled and coughed) for over an hour. By then it was too late… all that
    Albuterol would keep me awake for days…

    Oh, wait… I have all of you – never mind! All for now…
    see you in a few hours!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Well then there was Cary Grant

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OmG.........................snow fall sofeteti, gentley,---------snow---------poooop a wonderfuful song I couldn't type fast enough. It's still softening's gone.

    OH Chevy, the votive I sent you, I put a red votive in it that  would be described as ______. Poop. I have never seen a candle  as I see. I must find this for you. As candles go. Ihave seen nothing to compare. In dark alone, or in a room of light -----------this combo is beyond compare

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372


    That is the coolest story! 

    You must be very proud of your dh - it shows how much his colleagues like him! 

    How lovely to have created your own family heirloom😊

    Did you get to see pictures of spump as it moved around?
