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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Good advice Blessings!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Thank you so much i think i will sleep like a baby tonight, i am so tired. Thanks for all the advise you guys are great. ;)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Cami thank you for your sweet Christmas story. What a wonderful man Joey will become some day. He already sees what is really important.

    It's just DH & me today. I baked a semi boneless ham, potato salad, & baked beans. I just finished cutting all that meat off the bone for my famous scrambles, scalloped potatoes, ham sandwiches, and that big meaty bone for soup beans. I froze most of it. Now it's naptime.

    Be back lat...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol that sound so good. I hope i can eat better tomorrow. ;) 

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi Insomniacs- some of my friends on the Hermits thread told me about this thread. I have problems sleeping through the night some times, which I think has to do with menopause and the anastrazole I now take. So I thought I would say hello and may pop in here one of those nights I cannot sleep!

    Hi Teka, hi Cami!

    Merry Xmas everyone. I hope everyone here had a good day however you spent it!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Jazz welcome!! I am also new here, it is great since sometimes we need to chat during the night :)

    Merry xtmas to you

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Jazzy, welcome - except we are here 24/7/365. -so, visitation anytime babe makes it even better cuz you'll get to know everyone :)

    Enerva, glad you called through the on-call service. I have never heard of Gravol, but doesn't matter. Was in the beginning of crunch for dinner prep when I saw your post. The advice I gave you though was the best which will make more sense below.

     The experience you just went through is technically called "protracted nausea and vomiting post anesthesia" translation ---sicker than a dog. The problem can be dehydration with a resultant affect on electrolytes. Both can have severe consequences. The nurse you talked to was or should have been no less than a nurse practitioner otherwise known as a ARNP. Check with your doc--if it was an RN, ask them how they can do this according to law.

    Docs DO NOT leave RN's on call. Medico-legal responsibilities.

    Sounds like you are a on the mend. BUT , please, your doc is responsible for your care. They have a responsibility to look at your on line record to know what they are advising you is correct. I do admit that in calling doc's on call that this has not been the response for me in some situations. But I have training to know when they are full of cowcakes. I am telling you this b/c again there is a medico-legal responsibility post care. The importance of this is----if they don't advise you right and you get into serious trouble ---it is or can be malpractice.

    Keep writing, many here have great suggestions, but follow doc's advice first L&H&P's sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Cami -Joey's story is so sweet. My mom lived with us for 13 years. Ds  and I talked of how she affected his life,  after we sat after clean up tonight. That collapse moment that you just want to talk and share. You have such a great life with Joey. Just saying you will be in his life forever. Just as dear Mom has been in DS's.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka, don't curse the holidays. Let's curse our problems. Yeah, my legs have been swelling to, but it's b/c I'm the contributor. Not saying you are, each of our scenarios are different. Teka , find a pearl

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka, , so bizarre, so funny. Okay maybe I'm using a phrase that isn't common. The first time I heard it was from a mentor when we went to conference. The subject matter was in our field, ergo, we were schooled in it.  The comment from the mentor, was if you come away from a conference with a single pearl-"an idea that could be applied to your work life , that conference was worth it". I extended that to all life. When I found something that improved my life---it was a pearl.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Good night---------11:12 pm---------- bless you all sassy.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930

    I haven't seen Sassy in such a long time I tracked her to this thread, and so many of my other STFU friends are over here! I guess I'm not an insomniac if I'm still up but it's 5 hours time earlier here than it is on the East Coast. 

    All I can say is TGCIO (Thank God Christmas Is Over!).

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Lol teka, that made me laugh.

    I'm off to start a new trashy novel.  Good night, Mrs Calabash, wherever you are.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Hi, Chevyboy!

    Enerva – go to bed!!!

    Welcome, Jazzy!

    Soteria – that’s my kinda meal! 

    Teka – I don’t have LE, but am on a very low sodium diet.
    Unfortunately, we ate tons of salty, greasy popcorn on our vacation, and I
    drank gallons of water to flush it out. Does it work that way with LE, too? Of
    course, you’ll pee all night, but….

    O.K. Sassy’s in bed… who's next?

    Hi, Shellshine! Hi, Holeinone

    It’s only 10:15 here in Cali, so of course, we’re on the
    early shift…

    Had a nice day today… slept in, stockings, presents, and a nice
    meal, just the two of us. Then we watched one of the movies Santa brought: “Despicable
    Me”. Tomorrow: “Despicable Me 2”. Cute!

    DH is sound asleep. I’m still up and wide awake. Maybe it
    was the pound of fudge I ate during the movie, or maybe it was the Albuterol I was suckin’ all day and
    evening. My Phenergan with Codeine cough syrup should be kickin’ in soon,

    Hope everyone had a wonderful, relaxing day and enjoys sweet dreams tonight!!!

    Is anyone going out early to catch all the
    After-Christmas sales? (I’d rather poke myself in the eye with a fork….)

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Hey Blessings, family brought Despicable Me 2, over tonight and we watch it. Really cute. Never saw the first one. 

    Holeinone and Shellshine, I agree thank goodness Christmas is over. I can't believe I am saying that because I love Christmas...but I am so tired from all the preparations, meal and gifts, and family drama. 

    Enjoy your novel Phylis. We all need an escape sometimes. 

    I am hoping to get some sleep tonight. Goodnight all. 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol went to bed at 12 and here i am looking fir my pain killers lol hope you all get some rest too. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh I just woke up, came home from my nieces---horrible snow storm, streets were terrible, just a 20 min. ride and it was 1 hr. No one knew where the lines were and driving like looney tunes, saw accidents, Joey and I held hands and sang Christmas songs--I could tell he was nerveous--so was I---anyway I LLLOOOOVVVVEEE CHRISTMAS , but glad it's over too.--We had been pretty much busy all day and by the time I got home pain was horrible took my meds and finally settled down --Now I'm up LOL---But I do hope everyone had a nice Christmas.

    Now next is New Year's Eve--I go all out, I'll wear a new nightgown and watch scary movies and have a good ole time falling asleep maybe before midnite, and if I'm up that's OK too. This is a good Holiday for me. 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol i am on day 2 after my exchange surgery and even dough i feel better i wake up every 3 hours with pain. pills are every 4, so i come here to wait lol   

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh how awful--I her more and more pain with exchanges and I never knew that before.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Yes but i figure it out lol with my BMX i was kept one night at the hospital which means i had morfin in my vein the first 24 hours and vomit medication given by IV. Now i was sent home with an empty stomach and only percoset which is so hard on my stomach. lol provably the cause for all my vomits lol I am better after the first 24 hours, it was brutal.   

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    U do sound better and that sounds about right too. How was u'r Christmas with all this going on?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    WTH???  You two sound just alike!  Ha, ha!   And you must have had the same English Teacher!  And the best part is, I can underSTAND everything you say!

    Foist of all Miss Cammi!  So you drank and then took pain pills little honey?  I think I would ditch one or the other!    If drinking yourselves silly can't help the pain, then just switch next time to your ALLOTTED regimen of pain pills!  Sheesh!   I try and fix you all, but sometimes you just go off on your OWN!  Loopy

    And so PawPrint is back?  Yay!  twice!   Are any of you guys still on?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Man, I'm scared $hitless of Percocet!  I've been given it, but fright overtook the pain, and I couldn't do it!   I just switched to Tylenol Plus...    I hate throwing up worse than anything!  Except being dizzy.... shut up Cammi...

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi fellow Insomniacs- thank you for the welcome! I am going to see my MO today for a follow up on my anastrozole vacation I took last month. Doing better as I resumed three weeks ago from SEs, but do worry about what the meds are doing to my bones. I have my annual bone density test coming up in March, and guess I will find out then!

    Hope you enjoy the day and can take advantage of the post Xmas sales!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Enerva I pray you never need surgery again, but if you should, tell the anesthesiologist to give you the nausea patch. It's a tiny patch that goes at the back of your ear. You can wear it for days and it's awesome for keeping away nausea caused by anesthesia. I believe that has been part of your problem.

    I'm thrilled Christmas is over! 

    I'm having my morning coffee and listening to Queen Latifa. Carol Burnett is her guest today. We just watched her on Hawaii 5-0 last night. DH watches that show all the time, but I tuned in last night because of Carol.

    Christmas coming mid-week has really confused me. I keep thinking this is Monday. On Mondays I take my Fosomax, and this coming Monday, Dec. 30, I have my 3rd full body bone scan. My MO is still trying to rule out bone mets. She promised me if the scan is clean I won't have any more unless there's a problem.

    DH returns to work today. (Just Christmas Day off) this is just another day in Whoville.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,568

    Stopping in to say hi and because I'm really not too far behind.  Sounds like all are glad to get Christmas done.  It is a lot of preparation for the few hours that take place.  Cammi I'm glad you made it home ok.....but it does sound like it was very nerve-wracking.  Here in my part of Illinois, we had a brown Christmas.  Such a strange year already.  I hope your weather clears in the northern parts and surrounds and that you have a better time of it for New Years. 

    We are/were overnight frosty, but will warm to the 40's.  Had a fantastic Christmas Day at my cousin's.  No big meal taking hours to cook -- just a wonderful baked ham and a potato casserole ( leftovers of same in my fridge ) and I made Chevy's Cranberry dish ( yum, big time ) as well as Cranberries In The Snow ( as I know all like it so much ) and some Millionaires Salad.....chips and dip along with some spicy deer sausage.  I think I can hear the 'awful' calories still hollering, that again. 

    Blessings to one and all as we have another set of Christmas memories made to hold dear all through the new coming year.  Joy and peace.


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Morning, lol Yes taking Percocet 1 every 4 hours, Tylenol 3 was also given but did not help much. I also hate Percocet but i will stop it as soon as i feel better, right now I feel the sharp pain coming back even at 3 hours time. Yes my English sucks ha ha ha the worse part is that my Spanish also started to suck and my French is fluent to speak but not to write lol I have been in Canada 21 years and feel as if i lost all my Language skills lol.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    TGCIO! Hoping all of you had a Merry one though! Enerva, after a while, your body gets used to percocet and they won't make you nauseous (at least it doesn't make me feel that way) and they really work well for pain which is why most docs prescribe them after major surgery. Either way, feel better!

    Chevy, LOL on the Enerva/Cammi connection! HA! They do sound a little alike...and I understood them too!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Enerv don't pay any attention to Chevy, she loves to say something about my typing--cuz it is awful-- and I've typed for yrs. and yrs. but no one would know--she's just teasing us.

    My phone has been ringing and I've been a little busy with work, but I'm in no mood to do any.

    BTW Miss Chevy I had 3 sips of the cream drink and that was it--I was drunk LOL and that was hrs. before my pain meds--I know better than u think Missy--another BTW I've taken Percocet I time, 2 pills that was it- I can't take a lot of them, I wish I could oh well.