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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Holy cow!!  I stepped away after I posted and when I come back, there is another whole page!!!  You gals are busy!

    Waving hi to cammi, Teka, Spookiesmom, and 2nd_time_around.  Nice to see you here too.  It will take me some time, but I'll get to know the rest of you too!

    I watch American Pickers and Hoarders too!!  Don't think there would be much of value in some of those hoarders homes!

    Chevy, my cat is Baby Boo.  Mostly call him Boo.  He is a rescue, I've had him 7 years and he still is traumatized from his first life.  Jumpy and afraid of any one that comes to the door. He goes into hiding for several hours whenever I get a delivery.

    Cammi, green pea soup with a ham bone cooked in it is delish!!  All the meat falls off into the soup!  And it is nice and thick.  I used to love it.  Can't eat peas any more since diabetes dx last year.

    Teka, I read a couple articles about that.  UPS is pointing the finger at all the online last minute shopping with promises of Christmas. I got zinged on some orders from zulily.  Promised Christmas delivery got one the day after, still waiting on another.  I see UPS's side, but they should have beefed up staff even more.  I won't trust those promises next year.

    My kids are grown too so not much to buy for them, but the grands I have to shop for. Not only do I have to get the gift to me, I have to put it back in the mail to them in CA!

    Sorry about the lymphedema & scar tissue!

    kathindc, I did a lot of reading here before sx, and a lot of thinking too.  I already have arthritis badly in both thumbs, bad discs in my back so I didn't want to add to those problems with se from meds.  My Mom died of bc so in a way I have been kind of expecting it for many years.  She had a damaged heart and the chemo basically killed her.  

    At first it was lumpectomy and rads; in a day or so I settled in to UMX, then though how would I deal with that; by about day 5 after dx, I knew BMX/no recon was exactly right for me.  I didn't want to be worried all the time about bc in the other breast and I really didn't want rads or hormones.  Chemo was never on the table. 

    I'm 64, widowed and not looking for another relationship so boobs really weren't something I felt the need for.  I have not regretted my decision for a minute.  It is so freeing not to have to wear a bra any more!  I go every where flat and fabulous!! :) I have several bras and 2 sets of foobs, but they feel so uncomfortable, I'd be self conscious in them in public.

    There is nothing cowardly about the plan we chose, in fact many may think we are extremely brave when that drastic a sx could have been avoided. I just wanted it to be done with in one surgery and no treatments after!

    Hi sas! Sorry you didn't get what you wanted size wise.  You would hope to think the dr is listening to what you say....guess not always true. Another reason I chose flat!  Love the fill in the scrotum idea!! 

    2nd_time, you might want to check out the Hermit thread too.  Great group of ladies there too.  I even went so far as to work grave yard shift at a local hotel after DH passed.  It was perfect.  Everyone said I'd fall asleep at work, that everyone did.  Never did!  I have a lot of good cyber-friends on my diabetes forum too.  I'm out in the boonies so not a whole lot of chance for in person socialization.

    Sorry DH has a problem with Jim Beam.  My dad was an alcoholic and life was hard growing up.  


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    grammab, yes, I would have love to have seen the Ps waddle around with 850cc in his scrotum. What a payback it would have been.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    sassy, thanks for the update on Di's dad. How is she doing with all this? Sorry I didn't remember the Whippetmom thing, I can't keep my own life in mind any more. 

    GrammaB, a "tad above freezing" is mild? Yikes! I'd never get thru that! Give Boo some time, he may come around. I got an abused white Siamese (flame point) in 2001, when we would raise our hand to pet her, she would cower. She spent the first several years out of sight, hiding, would come out for food, water, litter box only when she thought we weren't around. Gradually, she would stay out of hiding (in the house) and would let me pet her. She's gotten way better over the years, she'd wait till I was asleep and climb on my chest (nose to nose with me) to sleep. With my DX last year, even got her sitting on my lap. With my favorite cat's passing earlier this year, she's become very social and talkative. Took 12 years! Thanks for the support, am fairly new to alcoholism, my DD is having a difficult time and as a result, she's doing a good job trying to make me "pay" for her hurt. Have checked out Hermit thread, I just can't keep up with two fast threads right now. 

    Think I'll go out for a couple hours, really appreciate you all, just need to be in physical proximity of people right now. Planning to be back in a couple hours 

    So grateful my PS was so concerned about my desires and followed thru as humanly possible as she could. She just wanted me to happy and for "the girls" to be as perfect as possible.

    BTW, would love to see that payback too! There's got to be some cartoon out there in cyberspace!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi second time around- I did do a bit of shopping yesterday in some of the small businesses in my city. I did a bit of on line shopping too. But the bigger stores and malls are not a place I will go until after the new year. I think the better sales come in January!

    Hi Gramma B- couple of folks here from the Hermits thread but a whole new group of ladies to get to know.

    I slept so well last night I OVERSLEPT and was late for work today. One extreme to another it seems!

    Wishing everyone here a peaceful evening.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Last week I saw a couple of UPS employees in our neighborhood making deliveries from a U Haul truck!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka it,s over now friend.    Have a warm beverage and put your feet up :) sas sy. Kindle is doing autocorrect

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Pawprint – have you tried ThermaCare heat wraps? It’s like
    wearing a heating pad 24/7 – only there’s no cord to tether you to the couch!
    You get them at any drug store (or if you’re like me, Costco) unwrap them and the
    little buttons start to heat up, then wrap it where you need the heat the most. Velcro keeps it where you want it. It can get REALLY hot, and if so, you can wear it over your underwear. It stays
    hot for more than 8 hours!!! Been a lifesaver for me!! Hope your back pain goes away soon!


  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Nicky – wait – you were awake all night on this thread
    then got up at 6:30 a.m. to start your day? Whoa! I’d be sawing logs for hours….
    Maybe til noon!

    Enerva – hoping every day gets better for you.
    Unfortunately, your New Girls can still be changing shape months from now.
    However, like Maddy said, you want to make sure your PS understands your
    concerns about pain and the appearance of your skin.

    Maddy – glad you had a good visit with Mom & Dad, but
    happy they have gone back home so you can get some rest, Darlin’!!! Too bad DH didn’t meet up with Bill instead of
    Jim. It was 70 degrees here on Christmas Day. We had to open the windows to
    turn the fireplace on!

    grammaB – there’s no rating scale here as to who has it
    worse. What you went through was as important to you as any procedure or any dx any woman had. BC
    tends to do that.

    Chevyboy – my DH is a drummer. Actually, he put himself
    through college playing drums in a band, then after graduation, when he started
    teaching, he kept on playing gigs with the band for 25 years. Then he stopped,
    but started up again a few years ago, for church, and some other small bands. What’s
    cool is when he plays in a Big Band trio for the nursing home residents – him on
    drums, his 92 year old dad on horns, and a 90 year old piano player. It ain't pretty, but it's fun!!!

    Camillegal – I always plan some exotic soup with my
    hambones, then end up making plain vegetable soup. That’s the kind we like the
    best, so why mess with perfection, right?

    Hi, IllinoisLady, kathindc

    Teka – good score for your daughter! As for the UPS &
    FedEx drivers, I feel sorry for them.
    But I get pretty cranky at the customers they interview on TV who whine and
    moan about not getting their packages in time for Christmas. Yeah, that’s
    irritating, and disappointing for little kids,  but is it a matter of life and death? Do they not know what else is
    going on in the rest of the world? Sorry, I saw some real crybabies on the
    news. SPOILED crybabies.

    Sassy – glad you got your pain party under control. It
    often does involve a drug smorgasboard, doesn’t it! Did you stay at 850cc implants? I got 700s, and I think MINE are heavy

    I think an 850cc scrotum as payback is a brilliant idea. Bwahahahahahaha!!!!


    ~ ~ ~ 

    Last night I was on Pinterest instead of here… not as
    funny, but I did get some good ideas for organizing. Is anyone else a Pinterest

    Still fighting the last vestiges of the flu, and kicking
    myself for rescheduling a hair appt for 9:30 am tomorrow! DH is fully recovered
    from his digestive bug, so he was all chipper and active today. I, on the other
    hand, took a 3 hour nap. Will try to go to bed early, so I can – GASP! – set my
    alarm tomorrow morning. I HATE doing that.

    Nighty-night, all!!!

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    oh SAS, love the scrotum idea. So funny. Sometimes after a fill and he says it just a little pinch, I'd like to stick a needle in his balls and say it's just a little pinch!  He keeps saying its a good thing that I have feeling there, apparently most are numb from the BMX.  Yippee, not me! 

    Whippetmom has recommend 600-650 for me. I'm sending her new pics next week at 500 and see what she thinks. I pretty sure I'm going to 550 but that's it. She's made a comment that the implants are larger than the TEs so I'm a little concerned about that. I asked my PS and he says he puts in what I'm expanded to. I still don't know what kind yet of implants yet. More talking to do and suggesting what WM says.

    GrammaB- I remember when they first started saying that lumpectomy was as good as a MX, that I'd do that if BC came my way. Now, I'm not sorry I chose BMX, my age (63) had a lot to do with my decision. Plus it was located next to my heart at the back of the breast. I didn't want to take the chance of having to go thru it all again.  The breast would have been badly deformed. I'd rather be flat and was comfortable with that for 5 months. If anything goes wrong after the exchange than I know I'll be fine being flat again.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Holy Batsleep ! I have tried to keep up, stay with the guys are moving too fast for me. Last time I was able to visit, we were in  Ireland singing fight songs, when the pub closed.... Xmas is over..I got a throat infection, was in Dr. Office early Monday morning, finally got a Zpak on Thursday, only because the oncology nurse went to battle for me, it's a never ending F;&@ing battle huh? Weird holiday, I bought nothing, watched my kids & hubby, cook & clean. I did start rads this week, 4 zaps down....

    To all in our sleepy group...good weekend...

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Well 1am here, i thought i could endure the night with not meds. oh no no, pain woke me up lol  , boy it is hard to keep up with this tread, lol Thanks all for been here :) 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Blessings, the look in that nurse's eyes, get 'em good! Was really into Pinterest after surgery before I got into BCO, loved the food porn! Tried to look you up, too many Blessings out there, wouldn't know which is you! Lol! 

    Smaarty, almost wet my pants laughing so hard! Really appreciated the laugh today. 

    Holeinone, wishing you're feeling better really soon! 

    Enerva, only 10:25 here, will be awake for a while 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    H-I-1, glad your glad, and the throat/ chest bug this year is nasty nasty. Hope you don't get to worn down with rads. Zpak as you know is 2 the first day then 1 a day for 4 more days. This particular antib has the unique ability of maintaining blood level for two weeks if taken  in the 2/1then1 for 4 day pattern. If it's not taken that way it won't reach therapeutic blood level. What's neat is if after a 5 day lapse and symptom haven't improved you can do another Zpak and it will bump the level. So, let them know what your symptoms are as you go along.

    Blessings , glad you both are feeling better. I hate the "rumbly tumblies".

    Blessings and Smarrty Yes, I would have loved to inject the scrotum. Not sure how long after sx I found out what he'd done. I think it was when I found the paperwork and the product card. He may have told me in the hospital postop, but the versed was still working so I only remember snipets. I stayed wth the 850cc implants simply b/c I'd gotten through 4 sx's without infection. Didn't want to risk it. They basically just feel heavy now and fall in my armpits when I lay on my back. They're a bother, but not enough yet to risk sx. As I said before, I just don't want someone else being surprised. So, they are big and saggy. Instead of right and perky. When I see myself in a window, it's always an oh shit reaction. POOP on the PS's head.

    Off to sleep I hope. All have a good night If not see you here later.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    nighty night, Sassy! Sweet dreams, we'll be here tomorrow (or later for you)

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Enerva, I have enjoyed the lesson on motorbikes & photos...your surgery sounds so painful. I worry constantly that my lumpectomy was not enough, but that was the choice I made, hopefully a good one, certainly a lot easier than what you are dealing with..I had no idea, does anybody?, that I had so many nodes or nodal extension when I chose the lumpectomy. I am rambling, I hope your pain gets easier...pain sucks....

    2nd, I have Pinterest, but I just lurk....I do not know how to post, my DD & niece are on it, so I watch them & others...pretty cool...great ideas...

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Hi1, it's really easy! I went crazy with recipes (especially sweets, literally saved me thousands of calories!), there's so many others. I love the household and organizing tips, plus hobbies  (crocheting and fabrics), funnies, inspiration, pretty much anything. You say you have an account?

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    yes, my DD set it up for me when I was in surgery...funny thing, I just got this IPAD, & she asked me, while I was in recovery what I wanted my " name" to be for words with friends...I told her " head down", a week later, when I was ready to play words with friends, I was surprised or shocked it was on my IPad. No memory what's so ever, that I had chose that...going with the golf in hole in's all seems silly now, stressful summer...

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084


    BC has a way of playing with our minds, not always in a good way. PM me if you want Pinterest help (it's actually as easy as BCO, but different)

  • mercedes24
    mercedes24 Member Posts: 3

    I think I will join  the club is 4.32  am Toronto time , and I am not sleeping ......... hot flushes are keeping me up for about a months now  around 3 in the morning I wake up   I am tiered,  I will be a zombie again tomorrow at work  I am pissed .My doctor prescribe me same gabapentin  I think I have to try that. Anyone any luck with this medication ?

  • waterbabytish
    waterbabytish Member Posts: 2



  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    I see a few of you are awake out there. Thanks Blessings for the great suggestion to try Thermacare back wraps. I need to pick up Arimidex at Walgreens so I will look for these wraps. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

     Have you gals seen this?  It is soooo sweet! 

    So we have a "waterbabytish"?????  Now THAT is cute!  Yes, I'm HERE!  Wait, I have to go see just how dark it really IS, little missy...  Dang!  It IS darker than it was 500 years ago....  That LAST time, was not THIS dark.... Ha!   

    And "Mercedes" is having pain!  Holy  Aspirin  Batman!  Isn't there something we can do for her? 

    Anyone else awake?  Guess I'll post this, and rattle your cages, and look back here in a minute!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning 2ndTime, and HoleinOne!  See, I'm reading back... I mean up, and typing as I go...  Yes 2nd...  I like Pinterest also!  I have saved so many pictures/photos for my desk-top!

    I wanted to use that old wooden Pallet I saw up the alley, for some sort of Planter.... But it was GONE!!!!!  Been there for weeks, but when someone like ME WANTED it, "they" took it!  Lots of ideas on Pinterest. 

    2nd, YOU ramble.... Oh honey, nothing like ME....Ha!  We don't mind. (Now Cammi is going to say something about me even HAVING a mind.)

    OMG SASS!  WTH are you talking about?  I had to hold my hand over my eyes, thinking SHE said THAT?  I can't look.... You injected his WHAT????  Good Lord, what is she talking about?    Eeeeeks!

    Maybe it doesn't work to read backwards here.... shut up Cammi.

    Morning Minerva...  Are you still up? 

    LittleHoles...  Yes... we are partying!  I am anyway.... me and this cup of coffee... and I'm alone.... sniff... YOU have a better week-end.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Guess I'll just keep on movin' here, till someone joins in... dot,dot,dot!

    Smaarty, glad you gals are getting your fills straightened out.... I just can't imagine what you all have been through, and here I whine when I get a blister!  YOU are only 63.... and I was just too afraid to do anything more than a Lumpectomy at MY age....  You are very young!

    BLESSINGS~!  Your DH is a DRUMMER???  Oh Holy Sticks Bat-man! Show that guy  THIS...

    I wrote this Percussionist after I saw their performance the other night, and he sent me this link....  They are amazing!

    So it was YOU, little miss troublemaker that started the shot in the ba-doubleL thing?  Now I understand....  Cammi.... don't look....

    Teka, you are stressed!  Think about that poor fill-surgeon!   These guys are after him!

    Chabba.... Yes, so was the USPS!  Delivering in our neighborhood  from a U-Haul truck!

    NEXT year, maybe everyone can wait until Christmas Eve, before dropping off their boxes, and insist they get there on Christmas DAY!

    Hold on.... So 2nd is still freezing in her 85 degree weather!  Send her a Parka!   IT IS 30.4 HERE, AND that's not BAD...Ha!  .... Wait, no, we aren't a fast thread.... Cammi is fast, but that's another story.... Just stay here...   And sorry about your kitty....  We all love cats...and dogs..... 

    Morning Gramma!  Man, sounds like I'm talking to mySELF!  I love that name...Baby Boo...   I think all our pets on this thread are rescues...  Our Daughters rescued our little Sheltie from this pet-store... she was 3 months old, and the runt of her little,  She was too small as Shelties go, so people left her, to buy a more "traditional" looking one.  But they got her, and she is our other Daughter... almost 11 years old....

    Gramma, you are young....  Now listen to me!  Never say never....  !

    Who knows?  Maybe you will find a new and handsome man.... Or old and ugly.... we just don't know.  It's true you don't NEED them, but sometimes they light up a night.... Ha, ha!  My mind just wonders sometimes.

    Oh Sass!  More about the P's with a "fill!"  BAD girl!  Can't teach you guys nothin'!

    To say she is "high-maintenance" is an understatement...Ha!   And a spoiled little girl... 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Blessings thanks so much for mentioning Thermacare patches. DH strained a muscle in his back last night. His insurance sux so he's battling it out with pain pills, & heat. We really need for him to be able to work today as we're limping from paycheck to paycheck as it is, but he was in so much pain last night I had to help him take his pullover shirts off. I think the best help for him, (other than a touch from God) would be a few days of Prednisone.

    Chevy, yes, it was Cambells bean with bacon soup. I showed DH the pic of the Indian you posted. He thought it was sweet. He would love to have a motorcycle again, but I'm afraid for him to have one. He lost the tip of his finger, and banged up his knee & hip in a cycle accident before we met.

    2nd_Time, my DH fell off the wagon in 2008 after 12 years of sobriety. Thank God he drinks at home and the past few months it's rarely more than 2 beers after work, but there's been times I wanted to kill him.

    This is going to be a day of errands, cleaning, & laundry. The laundry has really piled up so I'm going in...Somebody cover me!


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    sorry Chevy (and anyone else for that matter) if I ramble right now. I thought this was supposed to be a safe place, guess it depends on your perspective. I have had way too much placed on my shoulders this year, I'm truly at the end of my rope, just can't handle it all, causing me to literally lose sleep, struggle to get thru the next 5 minutes at times. So I come here for a smile or laugh to forget what's happening around. Sorry if I'm a Debbie Downer and ramble, if it's a problem for you or anyone else, I'll take my toys and go to a different playground. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574

    How comforting that some things always stay the same -- like my always being behind.  So, makes sense I don't talk much about the entries above me.  Just meant to remind that it is not due to not caring......I'm just spread a bit on the thin side but do love to read and TRY to keep up.

    As Mr. Rogers would say.....its a beautiful day in the neighborhood with a bright sun and temps that will rise well.  I'm going to enjoy that so much. 


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    I ended up with no battery my cel phone sucks and i was in pain so didn't get up to look for my charger. My drains are better, i think by Monday the nurse will take them off.   Its 10:15 am i am feeling weak :( , just waiting for the nurse. 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Enerva, Are you in the hospital ?   & for how long ? Needs us to bust ya out ?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    2nd Time!  What did I say?  I was just TEASING you!  I mean no-one rambles like me!  Don't ever go!  You gotta know me by now.... I always tease...  didn't mean to make you feel like I meant anything... 

    Jackie will tell you about taking that first 10 minutes.... then you have to take just 10 more minutes....  We've all been there, in one way or another....   It just means to take one minute at a time, and try and get another minute....  Don't stay in pain..... it just also hurts your brain....

    So just lock your toys back up..... stay with us...  Man, Sass would kill me if you left!  Winking