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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Prayers fro April MIL , she passed away yesterday from colon cancer

    April sorry for your loss L&H&P's sheila

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    No Sas, I am sure those Drs. did not have a chance....sure wish I had you by my side on more than one occasion in the last 5 months....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Golf Girl..... Sassy won't rest until she has fixed you, and all the rest of us....  It's just IN her, to finish a project.... and you are her latest project.  

    Cough?  You say cough?  You guys don't know cough!  I mean when I get sick, I scare even all the neighbors!  I think it is an inherited thing...  I coughed so hard with Bronchitis once, I broke my rib.... I had an under-wire bra on.   I have a hell of a time, trying to find something to quiet my cough!  Asthma is different....  It is maybe related, but even the Nebulizer doesn't stop the cough.... Nor that mucous reliev....  NyQuil helps the most.... 

    Also DH hitting me over the head with a rubber mallet......  then he can sleep.  Loopy  I've even tried sleeping outdoors on the swing, with blankets and a pillow....  I didn't sleep, but it was a beautiful starry night.....   I find, I just have to ride out a cough...... alone.... in the next county.

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    So sorry for your loss April. May peace and love surround you and your family at this difficult time.

    I live in an area that has mailboxes at the corner where I walk down to and pick up my mail. It also has a mail slot where the neighborhood can mail out their outgoing mail, like bills, cards, and letters. Didn't realize my mail carrier was on vacation and the part time carrier never picked up the outgoing mail. So I spent the morning calling banks, phone co, and credit card company apologizing and explaining why payments were late...ugh! I am old school and would rather pay bills my mail and not online. Plus i want to save the postal service from modernization and privatization. But after this mistake by the carrier, which cost me late fees, I might  have to change my ways. Do most of you pays bills by mail or online? Some people don't even own a checkbook anymore....

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    paw print, I still pay by check writing & snail mail...almost embarrassing to be so old school, but it works for me...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy--yeah your right. LOL. I get way intense. Like I said, make Felix Unger seem normal.

    Pawprint, learned online banking from Dh before he passed away. Scared me at first. Now everything is on line. Even charities and family. Rarely write a check. Did keep one credit card strictly for mecical/pharmacy. That way it was easy to track for tax purposes. Easy to figure budget too cuz you can track better. A bill comes in, I sit and put amount and pay date in bill payor. The bank does the rest.

    I check, outgo and credit card charges every day or other day. Picked up stolen credit card number charges within one day about two years ago.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    DH is afraid of online anything....Loopy  But I pay "my" bills online.... Like the Water-bill, Sprint, and Qwest....  He still wants to send in the Comcast and Xcel Energy...  He is just old fashioned I guess.  But he FINALLY had his retirement check deposited directly in the bank, along with his SS check.... 

    I don't carry a check-book, and I only carry around my Debit/Credit card when I need to use it!  If you gals carry any cards like that, you should carry them in an aluminum case, or make your own with foil....

    I had my Card "read" while shopping in a mall!  That night MasterCard called me to ask if I had just authorized a charge for $1500 for an airline ticket!  THEN another one a few minutes later for $450, from FLORIDA! 

    They can "read" your cards, then charge whatever they want!  MasterCard cancelled my card, issued another one..... I had to call my Credit Union, because of Identity Theft, and then report it to the Police station, the IRS, and I had to report it online to the major credit reporting sites.   About 6 months after THAT, CapitalOne called, because "someone" was trying to open a line of credit in my name, WITH my address and SS#.

    So I carry a little cash.... and leave that card at home, unless I need to purchase something with it....  I now carry a letter from the Police Dept, showing my Identity was stolen...  I have a code, when we fill out our taxes....  It's really a mess, so just be careful...!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    This is how easy it is to have everything stolen....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy I putmy credit cards in a used almond foil bag, had it out at the grocery. Absentmindedly put it on the line. Couldn't find my card-------DUH------Then realized what I'd done. (Blushing). Took it off the line pulled out the card and the checker refunded the cost of the almonds.

    Did the same as you ---put a fraud alert through Experian----one will notify the other two. Then each send you reports. It can be a 90 day fraud alert or permanent. Thanks, I have to recheck status on if I followed through on the permanent. Don't remember.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    POOP, reviewed file have to redo to have it continue. Another thing for the to do list.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I didn't know about re-newing anything....  The IRS just went me a new "pin" number for when we file our taxes...  My credit union also has a "fraud alert" if they ever get my new acct #.    I also check my Credit Union balances every few days, just to make sure I know if there are any changes.   

    If you "lose" your card, that is even worse.... Because you usually don't know for awhile...  But MasterCard called me that night.... even on a Holiday!  They just knew something was wrong, because of that activity....   I still had my Card in my purse...  Someone can walk by you, or be sitting down, and they can use that "reader" to steal all of your info!  Same with guys, who carry their cards in their back pockets.... 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    The fraud alert was for 90-120 days, if I read it right----who knows not my field. if I tried to make it permanent in that window it would show as a duplicate. So, I had to wait for the fraud alert to lapse and then redo as a permanent. Also, wanted to make a permanent alert on DH's record that he was deceased. Forget the difficulty now. It wasn't two years ago it was oct 2012.  Ran into flood period, then the basement----I didn't follow through.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    So - I shopped at Target during the "ID Theft" time and now I have to check my Visa statement every day. Grrrr

    I am THRILLED I just had a cold/flu. Usually it turns into bronchial asthma with a secondary infection, and off I go for a SoluMedrol shot in the butt, a round of Prednisone, a breathing treatment, and the famous Z-pack.

    But last summer, when I told my MO how bad I got (sounding like a barking seal when I cough, leaning over, gasping for air, trying to clear an airway) she was furious. She called it "tripodding" and said that my asthma was uncontrolled. Stupid PCP (the one I fired) had let me keep getting sick over the years and never changed my meds. After five years he finally prescribed a home nebulizer. She said that each time I got to that much distress I was doing permanent damage to my lungs, and now I could no longer afford to do that. 

    She put me on Dulera - and for the first time in YEARS I was just sick like normal people, if that makes sense. The cough I did have at night was quelled by good ol' Phenergan with codeine cough syrup.

    Interesting how she was so worried about my lungs... Wonder if that was just an asthma thing or a BC thing?

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    I mostly have online, a few with checks. Did any of you get stuck the the Target mess?  I have 2 accounts getting new cards. The US needs to switch to the chip like Europe. NickyJ knows what I mean. 

    All my Xmas stuff is put away. Yeah! No special plans for New Year's Eve, have a fill that morning.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Yikes!!  This is sure a busy thread!!  Don't know if I'll be able to keep up!!

    2nd, yeah, it gets pretty cold here sometimes.  Often below zero in the Winter.  Hmm, you may just be right about Boo.  I have recently noticed that he comes out of hiding much quicker than before after the UPS or Postwoman come.  I have started saying "It's OK Boo, it's all good, no one is here." over and over after the visit and instead of hours in hiding he is out in 10-15 minutes.  He also cringed at my hand coming toward him at first and was always hiding, but is much better now.  He still startles really easily and will lash out with claws sometimes.  He's curled in front of the fire right now, and when he tires of that will jump up in my lap.

    Hi Jazzy, yes, I see that.  I'm not sure I am going to be able to keep up with 3 busy threads!  I'll give it a try though.  Glad you got a good rest last night.

    Hi chabba, my regular UPS driver had a ride along assistant.  He dropped her off at the head of my drive way and she came to my door with package while he drove further down the road to deliver another.  He looped back and picked her up and went out to the road.

    blessings20, I have used those heat wraps on my back too.  They are wonderful!  Thanks, I know, I just feel like, yes I have bc and the trauma of that will always be with me, but I seemed to skate so easily through the whole process while others suffer so much more.

    Smaarty, Yes, one thing I absolutely knew was I didn't want to have the worry of it in the other breast so BMX was for me the best thing!

    I have to step away, posting so it doesn't disappear as post seem to do here a lot!  I don't know if I will ever catch up I'm only on page 203!


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Blessings ditto Teka, off to dinner.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    WTF I'd come on here once a week now I can't even read all the posts u guys write. But Chevy I did catch the rubber mallet remark that's the problem, it was made of rubber. Ahem

    Now my eyes hurt from reading, u silly ladies--u all talk at once---I should talk, yea I should talk, but wow it's hard to get in here.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Re the cough. Nov 14 a year ago the grands came for my bday. Little one was coughing. Of course I caught it, just finished chemo. Was so sick had to reschedule surgery to Dec 17.  Started coughing again. Try being still on the rad table with bronchitis. Took a whole year, a new doc and some heavy duty meds to finally knock it out. 

    I do *my* bills on line, pension check and SS direct deposit can't be stolen from the mail box. Haven't been to Target since summer  

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    spookie, you got my number, lying on the hard, cold, rad machine...don't cough, don't cough...I hope I remember to take a cough drop with me on Monday....I will throw a few in my bag now, just in case...still got temporary chemo

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372






    There! I promised some photos of Bordeaux  at Christmas


  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    Its 5.20 am  didnt sleep much after 4, so here I am again!  Didn't get to log in much over the last few days, so now I'm off to read back over the last 5 pages!


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Nicky, Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Nicky, love the photos!  One year my late DH and I went to Europe for Christmas.  We spent a month traveling around and a couple of weeks with his family in Hungary.  Your photos brought it all back!  Thank you!

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372


    I love it! the weather here this year is very strange.  We were down in minus figures just last week, and on Friday in town it was 17 degrees!  A few years ago it was -15 deg for Christmas - absolutely beautiful.  There was no wind, just crisp cold winter.  We had no snow but the ice just built up more and more each day.  Yoour photo remined me of it!


  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    Yep, we get that too.  I dont drive very much (a bit difficult when you can't turn your head!) but every morning I drive 4 minutes down the road at 6.45 so that my sons can take to bus to school.  They walk home from the bus stop in the evening, but when its dark and cold I prefer to know they arrive safely.  The roads can be treacherous in the winter.  Our winter is only starting.  In fact, the kids have their winter mid term break in February and its the traditional time in France to go skiing!


  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    Ok, I've just read through the pages I had missed.  LOL Sas, I feel sorry for your doctors!!

    All the conversations about lumpectomys MX's etc. go way over my head.  I wasn't operated on, so I can't add anything.  Certainly seems to be a long complicated road!

    As for coughs, touch wood, but I haven't caught anything since the start of tx, not even when I had chemo.  Had my own brand of se's though!


  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Nicky - thank you for the beautiful pics - I feel like I just went for a night-time stroll....

    Teka - I know ice storms bring terrible things, but they also bring awesome beauty, I think...

    The weather here was gorgeous for Christmas. Like I said earlier, it was 70 degrees out, and we had to open a window so we could turn the fireplace on and not get too hot. I just wanted the "atmosphere" of a fire!!! 

    (Yeah, we turn it on with a switch on the wall... it's a gas-burning fireplace with fake logs; we aren't allowed to burn wood on No-Burn Days, thanks to the crappy air quality. Almost all new homes here now have these gas fireplaces.)

    O.K. I am DEFINITELY going to bed now. Have missed church 3 weeks in a row, I think... gotta try and make it in the morning.

    Nighty-night, all!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Nicky I love those pictures--to me it's like the movies I've see with the small streets and people lovingly walking. It's like feel good pictures. And u'r winters can be cold. Today it was so nice in the 40's and sun, now it's supposed to plummet down and be wicked cold first with snow.

    I hate waking up this time, it's to early to start my day and to late to consider it still night. It's that freaky time of day/night. I'll get tired soon and no doubt go back to sleep and ruin my whole day of how I spend my laziness. It's a fowl up of time. So easy to do, for no reason. So what am I watching? House--More medical mischief. I like how they figure 10 different diseases and the last 5 minutes they finally get it. I'm guessing right along with them. Plus I'm LOLing at House. How exciting I make my nights.--Oh I hear my SIL up to let the Dog out, cuz he's used to going out at this time and my furbaby is laying right next to me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning gals...

    Sass, I meant to tell you  I wrapped some designer Duck Tape around a little plastic bag, covered with a couple layers of foil...  So I KNOW what it is, Ha!  It's just the size of a card, so when I carry it, I put it in my wallet.... then take it out when I get home...

    Just hope you gals are careful.... When MasterCard called me that night, I thought I would pass-out!  I was never so frightened in my life! 

    The recording  asked "If this is your name, press one"..... If not, press 2"  .... so It was an I pressed 2, and a gal came on, and asked if I had recently authorized a payment  of just 1$..... and also one for $1,500 for a plane ticket.... And one for I think $450.00...  So as I picked myself up off the floor, she explained what was going on.

    She said I would not be responsible for the charges, but to call my credit union in the morning to get another card, because she had just stopped my card that was "stolen"...

    But it was a MESS!    "They" were trying to drain my account, before anyone knew what was going on... So that's why the $1 one was first. 

    I learned to transfer money, online to my savings, from my checking, because my SS goes in THERE!  So does my little Pension check.  That way there is not enough money in there, for anyone to "take"....

    You can always move it BACK to your checking, for a larger purchase.

    Blessings... that's awful about you getting worse with your cough all the time....  I know how that feels.... I'll have to look that up, and ask about Dulera, if I get that sick again...  also that Phenergan...

    Smaarty...You are right...  Maybe someday we will catch up, Ha!

    Morning Gramma, Teka and Spookie... did you read what Blessings said about her problems with a cough?     Did you smoke?  Or have Asthma when you were young?  I smoked from the time I was 16.... (a little) until I was just 24....   Then when I inhaled, it just plain HURT my chest, so I knew I had to quit.  I just wondered if that set the stage for this cough I get when I get sick...

    It just makes sense, that coughing like THAT will hurt you more than they think... My PC said you HAVE to cough like that, to clear out your bronchial tubes!   I thought WTH???  And she said some people just cough louder than others... 

    THAT'S like she said SOME people just make more ear-wax than others....image

    And yes Spookie... a few of our bills are just automatically taken out of my account... then DH gives me cash for them.

    Golfgirl.... did we change your name?  Ha!  Or is it GG?  I like those cinnamon candies from Jolly Rancher... they help a cough even better, than the cough drops. 

    Nicky, when I saw your first picture, I thought you found it on the Internet!  The rest are just magical...!  And the sky in the back-ground?  Reminds me of walking through the Forum at Caesars Palace in Vegas!  The lights are just beautiful!

    Cammi!  Are you up?  I'll bet you are laying there with Katie-cat!  It snowed here last night.... about 6 inches.... Maybe we will stay home today....  I love to just hang out, and not do my hair....  just my face!  HAVE to do my face....  Otherwise I scare every living thing!