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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Pawprint you are right, i need to be patient I am anxious I still hope to wake up from this nightmare, :( I still wonder why? There is so much i dont understand. Thank you all for been there. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    hi Pawprint, see you're awake too

    Last couple days, crazy busy! Not more than 3 hrs sleep each night Sunday - Tuesday. Mom and Dad here since Tuesday (mom has Alz), I slept downstairs as she sleeps only a couple hours at a time, wanted dad to get some rest. Nice couple of days, crashed yesterday, slept today after mom and dad left. Now wide awake and trying to catch up here.

    Enerva, have been following you on Implant Sizing. Hoping you're feeling better today, the first day or so is very difficult, will only get better from here. It took months for my implants to drop into place. I'd be more concerned about pain lessening, feeling better, getting range of motion back. If you can do a little better most days (some days, especially in winter felt like set backs), that's progress.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    it's about 1:30 am, Nicky I see it's about 10:30 there? PT? I have my PT tomorrow morning too, they want me out so trying to make the best of it. Finally, some relief from pain.

    Have enjoyed reading about all the dinners and leftovers for the past couple of days. Went to a pot luck earlier, really didn't need that.

    Anyone brave the after-Christmas sales? Picking up a couple grocery items was enough for me. 

    Smaarty, did I read it correctly that you make your own bras! Wish I had that talent, especially when I was a uni-boob,

    Jazzy, thanks for the explanation of your name, now I get it

    Ok, time to go back a couple pages of posts

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Hello fellow insomniacs!  I know several of you from other threads and have been following along here (lurking if you will) for a while.

    I have been a night owl all my life, it really doesn't have anything to do with bc or any treatments. I just don't sleep at night.  Some nights even when I finally do get to bed, I can't get to sleep.  It is 2:50AM MST here now and I will probably be up at least another hour.  I get up around 10ish in the morning.  I am semi retired and live alone since DH passed in '97, so I can really make my own schedule. 

    I really feel for all my sisters here that really don't want to be up at this time but pain and treatments and se from meds force it on them.  I have said this before on other threads, I often feel like a pretender here.  I really sailed through the BMX (no recon) and did not need chemo, rads, or hormone therapy, while so many here have it so much harder.

    Being the hermit, night owl that I am, it is nice to connect with others that are like me.

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Hi after Christmas shopping for me either. Blessings Said something like she'd rather poke herself in the eye with a fork :) cracked me up.... Hope you finally get back to your normal sleeping schedule, now that the folks went back home. Hope PT goes well tomorrow for you. All the leftovers I have been eating I'll need to find time to start exercising . Oh that reminds me Chevy mentioned Pastine' haven't heard that since I was a kid. Loved eating it, but never found the noodles at the market or knew how to spell it. I'm tired tonight, and I am working tomorrow afternoon and evening. But can't seem to sleep. Maybe I'll get out my heating pad, back is killing me from lifting too much during Christmas preparation. 

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Hi grammaB....what's the weather like in Montana? I am told by Chevy that I like to brag about my warm California weather. Welcome to our thread. There is always someone here day and night...all sorts of people from many different time zones. You'll meet Sas soon, if you haven't met her already. She started this thread. 

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    Hi 2nd! 

    My pt was for LE today. Twice a week, every week.... You're having PT for pain? Is it helping?

    We're heading in to Bordeaux shortly. No sales here yet, so the shops should be relatively calm. Thank goodness!! It 16degrees this afternoon too, so it'll be quite nice to be outside. I'll let you all know later how I get on. In the meantime, I hope you all get some rest!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning gals!  Man, I slept late...  till 4:45!  But I went to bed at about 8 last night.... I just can't stay up!  I was crocheting  ..... and that keeps me awake..

    I'm just sorry some of you have trouble falling asleep, and staying there.  I remember when our girls were babies, and we thought they had their days and nights mixed up, so we tried to deprive them of sleep in the daytimes!  I mean how barbaric is THAT?...   They eventually outgrew it ..... maybe that's what's wrong with you guys?  You're just not grown-up yet?  Ha! 

    CAMMI!  So we have to get things straight?  image  Now what good would that do us?    And men don't use a ruler anyway...  Am I the only one that understands how your mind works?   What is that saying, "Good minds think alike?"  Or Like minds think some?   Or is it just I love you littlekiddle Cammi...   If we can't figure us out, NO-one can!

    Soteria!  I LOVE American Pickers.... And yes, we saw that same episode...  I think Hoarders and Pickers should merge...  Pickers could clean out those people, and everyone would be happy....   Our Grandson  would LOVE to come over here, whenever we could watch them, which was about 3-4 times a week, and snuggle up on Pa-pa's recliner, covered up, watch TV, and I would make him a snack tray!  Some of the snacks were even GOOD for him...Ha! 

    Wait!  You made soup?  Like Campbell's  Bean with Bacon?   I love that too.

    Yes Nicky, take pictures?  If Cammi can post them, ANYone can... She is a quick learner...  and works...... at a "job" thing.....

    Smaarty....  I don't know a thing about implants, but I would love to have my own 42B look like  perky cute little boobs.   It ain't gonna happen at this age, but I like to dream...

    Blessings!  Yes, we love Clorox wipes too...   He has a bug?  Hopefully it won't last long... 

    That's right Spookie!  Big and Rich....  Did you see  DWTS with they danced to it? I think it was Cheryl Burk and Drew Lachey?

    Jazzy, my Brother is a drummer.... opposite ends of the spectrum, right?   shut up cammi.....

    Enerva... don't go worryin' about your wrinkles... If I didn't have any, I would be worried...  wrinkles are your friend...  they will fix you all up, like Pawprint says... 

    Morning 2nd time!  Yes, we went to a few stores, but they were pretty dead...!  And not much traffic out either.

    Oh, a "new one"...  Morning GrammaB.. Sorry you lost your Husband...  You are not a pretender.... You are one of us...  just some of us had different things wrong...  But we are all here together.  And you have a cat I see?  What's it's name?  We love cats... and chickens....... long story.

    Hey little Paws...  I just envy your climate, there in Cali....   Doesn't get any better than THERE...Ha!  Sheesh.... You can grow stuff all year round!  I have to wait quite awhile yet, to work in my gardens....

    Okay gals!  Get some sleep, even if it IS during the day...  I'll be the look-out.... you guys snooze.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy , u;ll be the lookout, what are we doing robbing a bank? Oh that would be interesting, the ones with no recon and breastless could wear a bra and stuff money in there-oops thinking about this to much. Wow I slept like a log last night with hardly any meds--I woke up once and went back to sleep about 1/2 hr later and slept til 7 which really thru my cat in a tail spin--she was all over me (shut up Chevy) and as far as our minds go---we're both old--that about explains a lot .

    Lots going on here--Nicky I hope u can post some pictures I love to see u'r area, tired of looking at chickens and coops.Let's face it France is always the romantic of countries and that's what everyone thinks like a fantasy land. Well we do have Disneyland but I don't think it's the same.

    U guys have been busy, I am for sure (I said this last year) going to make soup with our ham bone this year, just don't know which one--I like almost all thick soups--I never in my life made it, but I figure if Chevy can so can I, I have however made homemade chicken soup-so it can't be much different, I can look it up in the computer for ideas haHA--That's our New Year's dinner the ham so I'll just use the rest..Well, after sandwiches.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574


    Just saying hi to everyone this morning....sun is out and I plan on just having a really good day.  Of course, it is the way I start out every day.  Even though I have lots to do today.....every step along the way will be a happy one. 

    Hoping the same for all.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I know Teka!  It's mostly the senders fault I think, because they all wait until the last minute to send anything....

    We got ours the 23rd, and 24th.... Because DD waited a bit too long!  Felt sorry for FedEx, and all the rest.... The weather didn't co-operate either.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    grammaB, our dx are almost identical and I chose BMX like you.  I like your phrase "pretender" better than how I thought of myself.  I would tell close friends that I took the cowards way out by having a BMX because I really didn't like what I was reading and hearing about se's.  Thought I was the only one feeling that way for taking the route I did.  To all the ladies who go through tx, I marvel at your strength and stamina and am in awe of you!  I just know I could not do it.  Love all you ladies.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    notes from page 198 that I missed

    HeLLOOOOooo Owletes. I'm finally out of bed and the pain party is undercontrol. Broke down @ 12:30 pm and took a smorgasboard of drugs. Now down to 6-7/10. Lovely. Need to develop a new life plan, but not today. Soon though, very soon.

    Soteria, your post about your son becoming a type1 diabetic at 6 y/o. There are few other things in life so challenging. God bless you, Dh an of course Ds. Also, the team that worked so diligently to guide you. Ds's teacher too at school.

    Enerva, welcome again, hope all now is under control. Everyone here was trying to give you the best info they could. Each person's suggestion was based on their best experience with bringing a similar situation under control. For one, the best solution for them maybe awful for another. My little piece on calling the doc was based on the following.

     A question that I taught myself years ago-decades,actually, is "when an answer to a problem is not self evident after thinking about everything you know, that's the time to give it to the highest authority in charge of the problem?" I termed it "Displacement of Responsibility", i.e give it away as I said above.  Enerva sorry I got into a disertation later on that night. Others here know I'm Obsessive Compulsive disordere(d)--OCD. The simple answer of calling the doc was the correct answer .The later discussion of medico legal etc. ---DUH--that's the OCD part. My dear Owlettes, get it. You our new Owlette was probably shaking your head trying to figure out what the bejezzers is this woman talking about.

    Suggestion for future surgeries: obtain a copy of your anesthesia record and post sx instructions that should include your anti-nausea and pain scripts. Ask for an anesthesia consult a week or so before the sx . Review with the doc, the documents. An Anesthiologist may likely be able to identify the chemical agent that caused your protracted nausea. Very often it is one agent(drug ) that is your trouble maker. Or the doc can identify that  there was an agent that should be added. Hope I made this clear as crystal versus muddying the waters. sassy

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Hi Sas, I thank you for all the advise, it seams i am better every day ;)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Nicky, yes the wackiest, it a truly healthy place to be. STFU is wacky too. I've heard Hermit's club is wacky too.

    Shells, Now your a hooligan and an Qwlette---does that make us all hooting hooligans? Have the hermits club folks named themselves anything? Maybe we can help "Hermitting Hooting Hooligans"?

    Jazzy(love the sreen name)----Hermitting Hooting Hooligan", But you need to go to STFU also to make it official.

    Teka it took me a few seconds to figure out NICIO---erhh wrong but close.

    Cami and Chevy, you two remind me of Gilda and Bill Murray---"Nevermind"

    Chevy were those bruises really from the bike or something much more frisky. OOPs did I really just say that LOL......... you were just soooooo wild in those days.

    I got to see the collage of Spump. So, the pics showed Spump at the beach with glasses and a drink, on the golf course with a club and a drink, at the Irish bar with half dozen people all having a drink with Spump, the toilet stall on the seat with a roll of TP on top, senior partner in conference sitting on Spump. Spump  birthday was fall of 1972. So that makes him erh it, 41 y/o

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Dang! This thread is like a busy freeway, with all the cars going 90 mph!!!

    Ya just gotta aim your car down the onramp and merge in!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hello Grammb and Smarty our new Owlettes. Yay

    Smarrty IMHO go smaller. My idiot ps made me 850cc on a 5'3 frame. I was so pissed. The very first meeting I said smaller. I'd had an augmentation in 1980, and that doc did the same thing. TOO BIG. So I thought I had it covered by saying smaller from day one. I said I didn't want to have to wear a bra again. But the biggest detail was the bigger they are the heavier they feel. In the fill period my most comfortable level was around 500 cc's. That's what I thought I was going to be. Jan 23rd is my 5 year cancerversary. They bother me every day. I need a bra for comfort b/c they are so heavy.

    Whippetmom IS the best guide anywhere in the world. I didn't know about her when I was going through it. Besides recommending her ever since. I recommend having the agreed to amount of final fill be put on the operative CONSENT. The doc then can't deny it wasn't discussed.

    I've often said that if the PS exceeds the amount, that we have the right to inject the total amount into their scrotum.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Blessings, you are so right, fast and hilarious . Did you catch my post where I said that when I started the thread , we did 14 pages in 36 hours. Whew.

    Maddy glad you are up and functioning tooo............. So, glad the pain party is over.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol I love this forum 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Haven't you guys ever ridden on the back of a bike, on a seat that is about 10 inches long, and about 8 inches wide?   That's all it was!  So I was numb for a week!  Now they make these fancy seats... like a pan-head, or even better for bikers!    Only Enerva will know what I am talking about..... because I usually don't...

    Okay Blessings..... I'll merge....  No wait!  I'm already here!  I love you guys too! 

    I'm busy watching Paternity Court....Ha!  Such an educational program!  What a bunch of dinks! 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    hi Pawprint, PT went well, I forgot no yoga/Pilates today, almost even got there on time as no freeway traffic. Had some free time, went to Kohls, very surprised store was fairly empty. Have tons of wrapping paper and decorations (didn't put any up this year) so no after-holiday shopping. Now that pain is under control (or at least manageable), only have a couple sessions left! Will need to find another group for in-person socialization. Lol!

    I hear you about the exercising. I found Barilla Pastina in many local stores (Staters, Albertsons, Von's), it's in a small box usually on an upper shelf.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    hi GrammaB, a pretender? You've had BC, there's no pretending there! Once you have BC, there's no totally forgetting about it and moving on. You're just fortunate you didn't need anything else. Can relate to the night owl thing, have always been one. No early morning college classes for me, and wrote my best papers after 11 PM.

    I'm becoming a hermit, sad to say how much I count on BCO, seem to be making more and more wonderful friends here than the ones I've had. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Nicky, I was diagnosed with LE over 15 years, they want to minimize the current side. I say I still go for pain, but it's actually limited ROM. Have a bunch of scar tissue causing so much pain and discomfort. Just found a solution for me last week: heating pad to the affected area, gentle massage, immediate stretching. Told them today I wish we would have started with heat a while back. Plus, can't forget a full body massage to help the muscles compensating for the mx/recon probs.

    Yup, 80*+ outside! it's so pretty. Just can't talk myself into raking leaves or mowing the lawn - especially after feeling good after PT

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    kathinec, please don't think of yourself as a coward, you were smart to prevent future possible problems. I wish I had that option. You can't beat yourself up for waiting too long that bc could have been worse.

    It amazes me how much bc f*cks with our minds as well as our bodies, 

    Enerva, hope you're feeling better and that the pain is decreasing or manageable, even if only a little bit. Hopefully you can get longer periods of rest soon 

    Sassy, 850's you say? WOW! Did you consult with Whippetmom for suggestions?

    Blessings, how's the weather there? Like the freeway analogy!

    Chevy, was once on a 100+ miles trip from LA area to San Diego on the back of a bike. It was cold and started to rain, got bronchitis and walking pneumonia after. (Plus, stopped dating that guy) have stayed away from bikes ever since. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    HappyPS - thanks to all my fellow Owlettes! Was bummed out coming home (especially on such a pretty day) and finding DH met with Jim (Beam) earlier, so I felt totally alone. There's always friendship and good thoughts on this iPad! Thanks!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    BTW anyone praying for Di's dad, he is okay now. It was a drug reaction. Remember I said if he said, he couldn't function, it was brain, heart, oxygen, BP, glucose or electrolytes until proven otherwise. Well, The only thing that was okay was his blood sugar. Everything else was seriously affected. The technical explanation would take forever. They won't know for awhile if his brain is okay. He's not right b/c of low oxygen from the hypotension-low bp- for too long. He was dehydrated and his electrolytes were way off. It took 2500cc to correct is fluid balance in ER.

     Di didn't call the squad from her car. She waited till she got to the house. How much delay time there was I don't know. I won't say anything to her b/c her quilt would be too much for her to deal with. In the situation minutes do/did  count. The ending thought is if unsure call the squad. "Displace the responsibility" to a higher authority to make an evaluation. Regretfully, this is a classic example of what I was trying to explain earlier. Bummer, but perhaps if any of you get into a "what do I do" situation, you may remember this and think 911.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    That is very good advice Sassy.... Geez, I'm glad you are on this thread.... Just makes us all feel safer somehow....!  Interesting about Di's Dad.... It's like Dominoes, when one thing goes wrong, and we don't fix it, everything else goes down...   WATER is so important to us.... Okay, I have to take my own advice now.....Loopy

    2ndTime...Oh man, I HATE Bronchitis.... plus pneumonia!  I did that once...  It's like your brain just quits working...  It comes in waves....  And you feel like you HAVE to get better, before you can die.....   It's just awful! 

    No.... no long trips....  We have to watch over Minerva...or Everready....which is it?   I think it is Everready, and she will GO when she gets the all-clear sign...Ha!   

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Maddy, as I said I didn't know about Whippetmom, I was registered on BCO , but hadn't spent much time here. The PS's practice was predominately breast work. Besides I had clearly stated what I wanted. The last discussion going into sx was 550cc. Then I come out with 850cc. My pain was immense b/c the expanders were only filled to 500cc. So the stretch on the pectorals was huge. Looking back I don't know how I survived it. That's why I suggest that the amount be written on the CONSENT. There would be no wiggle room for the doc to say he understood what I wanted. I probably could have / should have sued. Plus, have him do something to correct his screw up. But Dh was in the middle of chemo for Lymphoma and declining. Taking time to think of myself wasn't an option. Retrospectively, I should have made things happen for myself, but with all that was happening then my mind wasn't clicking. Dh's needs were so great, I just put mine out of the way. That's why I always spend so much time telling my story, in hopes it helps someone else.

    Sorry Dh met with Beam.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Hi Pawprint, it is mild here right now, just a tad above freezing.  We had a string of sub zero weather a few weeks back, don't want to see any more of those, though I would like more snow!!

    I used to live in CA,  moved here in 2004.  I lived up in the Sierras in the forest though so not so much sunny CA weather.  The snow in Winter was worse than here!

    I'm with the poke myself in the eye rather than go day after Christmas shopping crowd!!  I don't do Black Friday either!!  Not a crowd person at all.  In fact, I do a lot of shopping online for just that reason.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy, thanks you always make me feel so good. Love you for that XOXO sheila