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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Sas, hope the lead works!  I can't believe a researcher out there can not see the value of your family's history.  Adds to my feeling that there is just too much money to be made in "curing" cancer.  Would talk to a friend whose mother had cancer way before my dx and we both felt that way way back then.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    But mine is true!  Sad  Everyone else was dressed up like a fish, for the water pageant... But I had a green box over me... That's probably because I was the smallest person ever...  so whoever could fit under that box, was Tort. 

    What is "Woodcraft Rangers?"   Oh wait till Cammie reads these....  She will understand completely....

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    my after school day care provider, 3 rd grade, 1963, was the Woodcraft Ranger leader..she was a super mom. Great seamstress. So, I had to walk to her house after school & hang out for 3 hours waiting to be picked choice, I was in the Woodcraft Rangers...damn, I wish I still had the dress or the badges. It was a lot homemaking stuff. Maybe I did not graduate to the woodcraft part....

    Chevy, you were a Torty turtle by the pool, the pool part sounds good, I remember Camp Fire girls, didn't they have the cute blue dress?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Kathy, I sent a contact message, I will let you know what the response is , for sure. I had a very odd de'ja vu feeling as I was typing it, particularly at one point.  Nonetheless, we shall see. :) Thanks again.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,574

    Far behind again as usual....sigh !!!!  I even skipped a page ( oohh I'm really bad now ) to try and save some time.  Don't know why it is so hard for me.  Kathindc, I'm somewhat on the same page with you on cancer cures.  After many things are cured......where will companies and executives get their big money.  It is the one reason I am so hoping that we could see a good 'insurance' program.  Seems it would be wonderful if several thousands of people stopped getting sinfully rich and another even larger group ended up with a cure.  I think its a wonderful trade.  Hope I haven't made anyone distressed over my ramblings.


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Oh boy, there is no hope of ever catching up!!

    Teka, we loved to travel!  I haven't done too much since DH passed in '97.  I did go to the Philipines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand in 1999 and to India for a month in 2000, but that is all I have done.  I went to India with a group, and was in the Philipines with the Jimmy Carter Work Project from Habitat for Humanity, but the others I did on my own. Kind of scary, but quite an adventure.

    I really lucked out with the Target thing.  I was in there and did all my Christmas shopping on the 26th of Nov, the day before the theft, and haven't gone back since.  I have had my purse stollen with a bunch of credit cards in it and do know how awful it is to have to cancel everything.  Since then I only carry 2 cards in my purse at any given time.  One for business use the other for personal use.

    No make up here either.  I do put on a little Bare Mineral foundation and blush when I go to the dr, but that is about it.  Never was one to do make up even when I was younger.

    sas, could you take a cruise to Europe and visit those places? Then take the trains in stead of flying.  We got a Eurail pass here in the states and traveled all over Europe by train, never rented a car except in Hungary so we could drive his family around.  Don't know if they still have Eurail passes anymore.

    Chevy, love the Pinterest photo! Kind of reminds me of Lisbon, lots of white buildings with red roofs there too.

    Jazzy sounds like a cool New Years Day gathering. Nice that you are able to participate this year.

    Nicky looking forward to more photos!  So sorry to hear of your problems with LE.

    Well I managed to read one whole page!!  Posting before it disappears!


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Holeinone LOL, if my number is right there are 88 total from mom and dads sides put together. That does not include any spouses. The count of paternal side 2nd cousins that kept contact was never done. It was great  growing up. What fun visits were. It's amazing how many of us keep in contact. The grands all passed before 1965. Generally, the contact that we all have would have fallen away by now. Many of the first cousins kids are close which is neat b/c none of us had the numbers of kids our parents did. For example, I had 43 on dads side and 18 on the moms side=71 1st cousins. LOL, the numbers is off somehow, but close enough when you get that high.  DS has 5.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Sas, did you also sign up for the Health of Women and Army of Women?  The Health of Women does ask about family history.  This is where you are contacted for research.  Hope you are given a positive response.  You certainly are trying to help others because of your family history.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Kathy I haven't yet, but I watched the video about DR. Susan Love. What a treasure. It seems I remember Voraciousreader directing me to her long ago. Don't remember the details, DUH maybe that's it LOL----it was in a time memory was an issue. Anesthesia/chemo(overdose)/pain and chemical imbalance brain issues. Reading and retention was a big issue for a very very long time. 2009 I could hardly read a paragraph and retain anything.

    I'm excited based on her video, methinks someone will be sending instructions for a blood draw or cheek swab :) and to fill out questionnaire.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    SAS, I have the opposite problem: no relatives. I'm an only child. My mother, who died at 23yo, had one half brother (different fathers). So until we get into the grands and great grands, there are no people to have problems. My father had heart problems and died of a heart attack (obit described him as a chain smoker who loved a good cocktail) so that seems more lifestyle than genes. I took a BC risk test from a local cancer center and came out with no risk of BC at all. Ha! DD, who is a scientist, pointed out that no relatives is not as reassuring as well relatives.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Wren----so right " no relatives is not as reassuring as well relatives" very interesting thought.. Tell your DD about my numbers "Not a well LOT". Sorry you lost your parents so young.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Sas, I don't know if this is the video you saw.  This one is from this past summer.  What Dr. Love has to say really makes you think.  

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi folks- sorry I have missing from here for a few days! I got in the throes of tax prep for my business and had to do end of year tax payments. Made good progress but more to do! That was mostly my weekend, plus a few errands and some exercise. I think I was a boring girl this weekend! Back to work tomorrow and have an on again/off again schedule this week with mid week holidays.

    One of my new years goals is NO MORE PILES! 

    We have very little known cancer in our family. A distant cousin on my mothers side who had some kind of cancer (maybe lung) and died in the 1950s, and I had a paternal uncle (fathers brother) who had prostate cancer and died from it in 1994. We come from the heart attack, stroke dementia family. There is so much dementia in my family, that I always thought that was the bigger thing to worry about. And since I am only 53 years old, that could be in the future as well. But I do think cancer is everywhere now.

    When I my first baseline mammo at 39, they saw calcifications and I ended up with a surgical biopsy. It was negative. I have had many lumps through the years they have watched (mostly cysts), and then in Sept 2012 they saw something on the film and said it did not look right. I could tell by the look on the radiologists face right then that it was probably cancer. So when the call came after the biopsy, I was not surprised. 

    My sister was diagnosed two months before me and she found her lump. My sister never thought we were at risk for cancer (she is a doctor and said "we don't come from the cancer family.") But there we were, two months apart with our diagnosis. Our mother had died earlier in the year and it was the end of a grueling 8 year period with her health issues, moving her to CA, taking care of her finances, etc. We both believe that contributed to what happened to us. But perhaps there are some genetics at play too? 

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    On a lighter note, I saw this on FB and posted it on the Hermits thread and wanted to share it here too. How cool is this?


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG who can keep up--Jakie u'r like me but I read ll the posts, ecept I forget tem by the time I finish.

    OK Chevy---A torte is similar to a tart which I know was u'r nickname but this is pastry not u woman. Now all this camp fire, and rangers talk--I was kicked out of Girl Scouts and when I helped with Brownies when my girls were little I was asked to not help anymore. I think they thought I was a threat to the Nation at any age. That was from my Dad cuz I would say things like Let's talk bout the real American History that u don't read in the books. I guess I was a threat to freedom of speech too. My kids still remind me of that.

    Nicky I love what u did, thought about it and moved to France--that's adventurous not even knowing the language--I do occasionally go to a Mexican restaurant where that challenges my English but that's as far as I get.

    Sas all of that is so right up u'r alley, (not the alley that Chevy worked in) but I think u can contribute loads.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    have any of you noticed your skin getting dry from surgeries? I had five in 2 years (last two are breast related) and it seems like my skin has aged a lot! If I have crepey skin now, what's it going to look like when I'm 75? Sorry I'm ranting! No cHemo or rads.

    I'm the first in my family for BC. I stupidly thought because no one has had it I'd be ok, took HRT for 11 years (still on them).  But there's very few females in the family. My parents were only children, so no relatives until us kids. My sister is ok so far as well as my daughter and granddaughters.

    NickyJ-did your muscles hurt as you expanded? For the whole time or did it get better once you stopped getting fills?

    FYI- smaarty is from when I worked, we had to use our first initial and the first 4 letters of our last name, so smart. 


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Sas.... Memory lapses------brain farts. Old timers disease?

    Family history for me, pretty much unknown. I was adopted. I've had to write that so many times, the looks I get. Unreal. Like I'm a leper. Health info wasn't included with the kid way back when. But I did find my birth mother, and met her. I can't describe how it felt to meet somebody who looked like me! I did find out she was diabetic. But we moved to Fl so I lost what little contact there was. She passed in 2000. 

    I have 1/2 sibs up north, they don't know about me. Don't want to find them. Cancer there? Could be. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Dry skin, yes. I think the anesthesia is part of it. I'm also on anastrasole, which makes everything dry. I had naturally oily skin, so I'm having problems adjusting to the dryness. I'm not used to putting cream on my face or anywhere else. I never used to use hand lotion because it would end up on my contact lens.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    ha ha ha Thanks Chevy I hope this new boobs settle and the skin shrinks a bit so the lose skin improve, I am happy so far, a bit weird i used to be a DD, now a bit flat but hopping after a months after the pain ends and things settle it ll be better. Sure i will try no bra lol 

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    wren- never like hand creams either. I try to remember to put on Keri lotion when I get out of the shower, that helps some. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sue I don't know how old u are, I'm old--senior citizen--but like my mom I really had good skin just a few wrinkles around my eyes, my skin is so bad now I slather with lotion and it's still dry within minutes, I use argon oil on my face--I might as well use nothing, I never had these problems and hair coming out everywhere except my head--I didn't have recon so I have no chest, u'd think in this vast wasteland a hair wouldn't grow, but I found one there. Oh well.

    Spookie it's got to be difficult filling out all those forms cuz now they ask for so much history, of course u have it, u just don't know it. Well I sometimes wonder what it means tho, cuz my grandparents died young and all they ever said was a heart attack for everyone????My mom was closing in on 90 as were her sisters, and my dad was 96 which were 1/2 of his siblings 80,s or 90's--I'm sure if they had medical treatment like now for all the grandparents it would be different. Probably. Do I make any sense? (CHEVY. zip it) 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Wren and Cami try adding some humidity in your house for your skin. Winter and the dry heat from furnaces just sucks it out from skin. We had a humidifier on our furnace in Ohio. I don't have that problem here, was about 70% here today. Yuck

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    Spookiesmom I can relate.  I was adopted too.  A natural sister and I have met.  She was adopted into the family so she has some knowledge about health issues.  We also have 1/2 siblings but have never met or found them.  It does make it hard when you have to fill out paperwork or a doctor or nurse ask you if anyone in your family has ever had "whatever"  and you have to say I don't know I was adopted...  

    Cindy AKA Squishy

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I don't know, I was adopted. Then you get The Look. I hate that. 

    The only upside to it is, we don't have to spend 1/2 hour writing it all, and wracking a stressed brain trying to remember who had what!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    hi Owlettes! Have been in a very dark place the last couple of days, the basement would be a penthouse from where I was! Got out a bit today, beautiful day for it, feeling a bit better. Now, a bit to catch up 

    April, so very sorry for your loss! 

    Nicky, love, love, love the pictures! Almost seems like a fantasy. I would love to visit France some day. Till then, am enjoying your stories and photos! 

    GrammaB, if you can get Boo to sit in your lap, that's amazing! Took me till last year to get my cat to do that. Working some behavior mod techniques with her: call her name, when she responds, give her a favorite treat. She's so much more friendly now.

    Chevy, the photo of the chapel almost looks unreal. That drive to the top would scare the chit out of me.

    Enerva, WOW! That's about all I can say! Your PS did an outstanding job! What a great "After" photo!

    Nicky, have you been to hair dresser yet? Show off the new 'do.

    Jazzy love the jar idea! Have been known in the past to write out goals for the coming year in various categories (personal, financial, health, relationships...) seal them in an envelope and open at the end of the year. I like your idea better.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    I'm 63. I noticed it more after I had my gallbladder out in march. 

    Enerva-you look great, I wouldn't call your new girls flat!  That's what I wanted from my breast lift, never happened!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh 2nd time I don't like the basement at all--it's always to dark, and I'm glad we don't have one. Now what's going on. There are a lot of sad days, I know, but if u need help climbing out of that place get some help. If u need to just unwind or relax--don't think about some of these things we're faced with--look at Nicky's pics and think of it as a goal for u. Hell now we have someone to visit in France if we can ever go. Wouldn't that be fun for so many of us to trample on Nicky's house--Oh 2nd please don't stay in that place it's such a waste of time and it takes more effort. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Smaarty since u've had u'r GB out--it just sounds odd but it's so possible. Hell if we have all learned one thing it's anything is possible good or bad.

    My DD cut my hair the other day and it's perfect for me--I wash it and while it's wet I mess it all up and let it dry--So easy And I got so many compliments on it and where it's thin now it doesn't look like it. Such original thinking I have.

    Oh Spookie I do have a humidifier in my room--A sponge Bob square pants one, but it really works well.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    2nd, welcome back girl...

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol Smarty thanks, i am great full only call them flat comparing them with the past. I know I ll never get mine back :( 

    All good, Very windy here tonight i can hear the wind out there. Nicky keep posting pictures, it brings back great memories.