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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Hi, Maddy... good to see you here. I knew you'd come up for air soon.... watch your email for a surprise! Happy


    One really good thing about this thread - you can always find it - somewhere near the top of "Active Topics"!

    Well, we're not cancer people, either. We're heart attack and stroke people.... (Kind of like on that show "Mad About You" where the husband and wife assumed her parents' identities and went on a cruise and made up entire stories about themselves and one of them was "We're Circus people...."    but I digress!!) No real family hx of cancer, so the Geneticist I spoke to said it wasn't even really relevant that Mom had BC, and that there was no need for testing me.

    However, in addition to BC, Mom had Parkinson's, which makes me a tad nervous when I get a twitch....

    OLD? Sheesh - I lost a ton of weight last year and was soooo happy - I looked so young!!! Then came the Year Of The Estrogen-Sucking Drug, and it aged me ten years. Seriously. Only four more years to go... wonder what I'll look like THEN? Devil

    Hope all my little Owlette sisters had a nice relaxing weekend....


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Cami, thanks for the kind words, muchly appreciated! We don't really have basements in Cali either (not like when I lived on the east coast), just felt lower than I could ever imagine. Was raised to not be dependent on anyone, it's tough now that I haven't worked in over a year, frustrated with the job search. Senior citizen starting over, not easy. Sandwich generation. Ah, new year coming, hoping for the best and many changes to come. 

    Anyone else not have New Years Eve plans? My plans: me and the TV. Fun. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Smaarty, I'm also 63 since November. 

    Spookiesmom, I was born & raised in central Ohio (Columbus area) but lived in Cocoa Fla. on the east coast for about 5 months in 1991, then moved to Land O Lakes Fla. about 30 miles north of Tampa. We moved back to Ohio in 1994.

    Thanks to all my Pocket pals.


  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871

    Maddy meeting my plastic surgeon on new years eve in the operating room at the hospital, for revision surgery......haven't heard from you forever.....I can't keep up here....take care

    Di (66 years old)

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    for 2nd


    No plans, just a shot in the boobs. (Pinch)

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Thanks, my friends, haven't felt so wanted in a long time...

    Smileblessings.... Ah, it took me a minute to figure out how to use my new cell. Smiling ear to ear! Happy

    Smaarty, thank you! Need to figure out how to copy that on my (fairly) new cell so I can look at it - often!

    Hi Di, glad to see you here! Sorry, things got strange around October and on, got way behind in lots of areas. Are you an Owlette too?

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Just hold your finger on it and it should ask if you want to copy.

    I have a friend who just finished her chemo, turned 40 and had her first mammogram. She has IDC and will have a lump and recon next month, than rads then maybe more chemo. She has a group on Facebook that people encourage her and post these kind of things all the time. Very inspirational.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    night folks, hope not to talk to any of you until tomorrow.


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Still behind.....probably will never catch up....

    This genetic talk is interesting to me.  My mom passed from bc, but she was adopted in 1921 so no family history beyond that.  So I am one generation out on the no known medical history.  On my dad's side lots of cancer.  In fact my MO thought that if I carried the BRCA mutation it could well come from that side.  Fortunately I don't carry it which makes me feel good for my daughter and my 4 grand daughters.  But obviously there is a tendency to "late onset" since my mom was dx'd at about the same age as I was.

    Jazzy, love the jar idea!

    My skin is so dry, I don't know what the cause, below freezing temps, all the hand washing I do for blood sugar testing, se from surgery... who the heck knows.  I love winter for the weather, but hate it for all the split fingers and dry skin!!

    OK will post this and go back and read more.


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    thanks, Smaarty, didn't know it was that easy! Copied it to gmail but it didn't appear (just a "?"), was done on the iPad,maybe that's the problem? Can use all the inspiration I can get.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Popping by to say hello!  It's 3:15 and wide awake.  Figure I get to sleep on the operating table for a couple hours today so for now I am up trying to catch up on all the pages I have missed!

    Hope everyone has a happy Monday!

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Yikes, I need to refresh before I post.  I love you all, but I don't think I will ever be able to keep up here.

    2nd_time, it is just this winter that he will come up to me in the recliner and see if there is a "lap" available.  Since my diabetes dx and the bc, I have lost about 60 # so the "lap" is not as generous as it once was, but after he does the head bump thing & he circles around and finds his spot he snuggles down and will even let me rub his tummy. My heart always breaks thinking of the abuse he must have suffered so young, I try to take his lashing out sometimes in that context. I can't bear to watch the TV ads showing the abused animals, they make me cry.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    hi Gramma, this genetics IS interesting. I had some factors (1st/only pregnancy at 38, 1st BC at 41, there was a 2nd different BC) so insurance paid for testing. No family history of BC: mom was only girl, dad's sister and both grandmothers - no BC, no related cousins). I was negative for mutation (good to know especially with a daughter). There has to be some other mutations or combinations.

    About dry skin, I use a cocoa butter creme, gets absorbed fast. When my hands are really dry, I put baby oil gel on them at night and then put socks on my hands - this works well for my feet as I walk barefoot all the time. 

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    2nd_time, I have to believe that there is some sort of genetic connection here. 

    I have tried several lotions, right now I am using Mane 'n Tail Hoof and Nail Therapy.  It is keeping my hands and feet nicely moisturized for now.  This is working well, if there are better suggestions , I will try them.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Gramma, 60 lbs? Wow, quite an accomplishment, hoping you're proud of yourself! If it's not too personal, how did you do it? Need to get my rather large butt in gear. 

    And if you can get to scratch a cat's tummy, they trust you, so that sounds likes success. Just took him a while to build up trust in you. Wish one of my two would be a lap cat, neither are. That's another reason I miss my calico, she was my shadow from the beginning. 

    I give up for tonight, getting tired . Sweet dreams!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning my Lovelies! 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I'm so glad we are altogether on this thread Sass!  It's perfect!  And I love reading all about each of you... 

    Morning 2nd!  I just sent you a PM...  You are just so sweet!  It's nice how you talk to the gals...  Yes, wish I could lose weight too, but I think I have to change a few things...Ha!  Like the things I eat.  Both of my Daughter's have cats, and they always email me pictures of them cuddling and with their blanket in their mouth!  image

    (I'm soooooooo glad you are back!) image

    GrammaB...  Have you tried mixing the 40% Zinc Oxide from Super Target with Mentholatum?   Sometimes I mix in this Fluocinonide ointment, because my hands have minds of their own!  They are okay until I DO something, or get into something I'm allergic to, then, like Sassy, we are on a mission to try and "fix" them...

    And yes Bag Balm is good too, but when I use the mix, it really cools my hands, and then I put on little cotton gloves to sleep in....  YOU cool it Cammi!   Little chit! 

    2nd.... I was afraid also, about me passing the BRCA gene on to my Daughters, but even though my Mom had BC, and I did, they said I didn't have that gene...  So did my Dad's Sister, and my Brother's Daughter...  Only she passed away after fighting it for 12 years... 

    My Mom had passed when I got BC, so I didn't know anything about her type, etc.    I think we just GET it, sometimes for no reason.

    4444444444!  What did I MISS?  You are on the operating table today?  What for?  What happened?  Did we know this?  Geez!   You want flowers or something? 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy Thank you for letting me know I'm u'r friend.

    Boy ladies lots of talk in the middle of the night.

    444 where have u been? Today is surgery??? What a way to get some sleep. U'd better get rest after--u always do so much. let others do for u and bring in the NY with that in mind.

    I had the Brca1-2 whatever it's called and I don't remember one word my Dr. told me. All I think is my DD's have to be vigilant, since my mom, sister, cousin, aunt's on both sides, niece, brother  and so on have it what difference does it make---so........

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I'm sorry gals, but I just don't want to miss anybody....

    Smaarty, I LOVE your posts... And the jar idea!  I'll send this to my Daughter's. 

    Morning Di!   I'll be thinking of you today!  Revision # 2?  Can YOU send us a picture also?  You know, this has to give the gals hope, that are going through Mastectomies, and then to see you gals with beautiful boobs...again!   I wish I would have THOUGHT about that, but at my age, they would be the only thing lookin' good on me! 

    Morning Soteria... And 2ndTime ....again... We aren't doing anything tonight either...!  Just TV... and sometimes I used to hear the fireworks, etc. at midnight...  But now I just SLEEP.... I could sleep through a firework in my own HOUSE...Ha!   DH uses ear-plugs, because he says he hears "things"....  He doesn't know how lucky he IS!   I can barely hear "things" even with my hearing aids IN.  I should smack him.

    And how are you Blessings?   That's true, about the genetic testing of years ago...  There wasn't any...  I heard that people had cancer even in the days of the Egyptians... 

    Oh and ENERVA!  I meant to tell you, you should get a skate-board, or roller skates, or put some training wheels on that bike of yours!   Don't go around riding just yet.  I can just picture you, like that song..."Her long blonde hair blowing in the wind..."   AND with your spanking new boobs!  Used to scare me half to death, thinking of my youngest wild-child Daughter, riding with her friends!

    Teka!  Did you see THAT?  2ndTime posted!   She is back up and with us again.... Yeeeeah! 

    And Cammi!  Don't ever be sad!  I'll come and get you and drag you over with me to feed the chickens...  I put Tarp around part of their coop...  You should have been there...  My fingers froze, I kept hitting my fingers with the hammer... I was ready to fry up all the damn chickens....  (just kidding)...  Their "owners" will be back Friday... and not a minute to soon.

    Spookie and Crog... I'll adopt you both again...  You just can't be older than me... course no-one is...Ha!   Yes, Wren and Cammi.... add humidity to your house, like a humidifier or a vaporizer!  Or just turn the hose on and hang it from your ceiling.

    Teka!  You put Bag Balm on your nipples?  Ha, ha!  That's what it's FOR!!  It's for our "udders'...  and our hands, and feet.   DD puts it on her hands and feet every night.... then slides all the way to the bed.

    CAMMI!!!!!!!!!  You are not "old" little funny face...   You are just inching up over the hill... to be with me.   You have hair on your chest?  Okay, I'll try not to laugh to much!  But I am...  I have one under my arm!  And not where it's SUPPOSED to be...  think I'll keep it for a souvenier.

    And yes honey, you were almost making sense... at least I knew exactly what you meant, and almost said...  about your Grandparents.

    Oh wait!  I did NOT work in the alley!  I WALKED UP the alley to try and find that wooden Pallet, to make a ..... Oh never mind...  it's too hard to explain. 

    GG!  No, sniff... I didn't have a blue dress... Those were the Blue-birds, and when you got older, like WE were, we had a blue vest, I think.  Yes, we did crafts, and sang around these camp-fires, and made hamburgers on top of old tomato juice cans, with sticks on fire under the CAN!   I don't think they ever DID cook!   And once it rained, so we couldn't sleep in our sleeping bags on that hard earth, so we all had to make a bee-line to the shelter...  and THEN we slept on the ground.  We must have been nuts!  Cammi, if you say a word, I'll lock you in your room! 

    So okay... I've reached the end...  Morning little Jackie...(Lilli)  Do I talk a lot or WHAT?  But you know me... 

    And Sass...  If you want to call me Torty Turtle.... you can.... GG does, and I think it's funny!  Ha! 

    Geez, I love that jar idea! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cammi!  Were you done?  You ended with "so"........

    What choo mean?   And it's true.... My Doc told me "Something just goes wrong when your cells multiply, and die-off...   Some might turn malignant..   She said if you look hard enough, there is cancer in almost every family...  We shed some of those bad cells anyway, but some we don't... 

    Kind of like some days it rains, and some days it don't.  Same thing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK I just woke up from my first nap--to what??? Chevy's dissertation on life. COULD it BE any long? I'm ready for my next nap.

    OK it's cold out too cold for me. So guess what I'm doing today hahahahaha staying in for all of u who guessed right, which is everybody. I'm and easy read. (Chevy)

    My kids are going out for NY's Eve so it will be Joey and me watching TV--ooo rhymes. Well that kid can't stay up later than 10PeeM so well neither can I lately---they used to say what's going on at midnite is how u'll be all year---oh oh hope that's not true. Oh they used to say too if u eat Herring at midnite u'll have a good yr. Well I used to do that too. So I'm proof to negate all these myths. Anyway no one has ever figured out who "they" are so I'll just ignore all of the things to do.

    Chevy I'm not sad, I'm just so tired lately---I see my Card. Friday and see if there is any connection with my oversized something in my heart. Oh I guess I do have a big heart LOL  oops work is calling. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575

    Jassy girl, what a wonderful, wonderful thing.  I am responding way, way late as almost three pages behind ( triple sigh's here ) but I am normally  an upbeat type and delight in finding rainbows anywhere and everywhere.  Actually do believe every challenge is a chance to grow.  Great idea....I just may do it.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    It's okay Cammi!  I'll be your guardian Angel.... It's just that you have a bigger heart than we can see!   And don't go eating anything like Herring...  eeeks!  

     Maybe I have to fix you some Chicken soup?  Because you are tired....  I won't let "them" find anything wrong with you...


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Im at OSU Wexner Medical Center for another Full Body bone scan. All checked in. Already have the nuclear dye flowing thru my bones.

    I'm expecting an excellent report in Jesus' Name!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575

    Wishing you the clearest, cleanest scans ever.  May the universe send you all its loving care and devotion.


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Paula, may you be a clean, squeaky clean

    Torty, TORTY the turtle....ah,our little chat about you in your shell & me in my ranger dress, well it brought back memories, I googled the Woodcraft Rangers, it is an organization in Los Angeles only. I grew up in sorry you did not have the darling blue's all about the outfit...that's why I play tennis & golf, short skirts..just kidding....& our precious Cami getting the boot from the Brownie troop...well they have no sense of humor..

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Soteria. Was hatched and raised in Cinti. Lived there 35 years. Don't miss it or the snow. Can get ALL my favorite foods here now, no need to transport them. I'm on west coast near Clearwater for 30 years. 

    Grandma B on that "other forum" I used to say just a fast rinse would do. Or a quick lick. Never had an infection

    Awwww Chevy, thanks I miss my mom. I'm 65, will it work?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Ohh Spookie I still miss my mom, my Dad a tiny bit more--So many things remind me of them too.

    Paul now I'm here and still in u'r pocket. I might just change pockets tho. Loopy

    Chevy I will gladly have u hover over me as long as u pee before hovering.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Nurse is gone and took the drains out, i am drains free . ;)