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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Enerva, yahoo! Big step! Know that you have freedom, please be careful and don't overdo.

    Paula, you-who, how are you doing, sweetie? Hoping scans are done, most importantly, they will be squeaky clean!

    Di, what a way to end the year! Wishing you fantastic results, honey

    Now, back a page or so.  Memory failure

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Enerva I so remember what an awesome feeling to be drain free! I had 4 drains for a UMX and my surgeon insisted only one drain removed each week.

    Still waiting..........


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    I quit Brownies because they made me make a pin cushion. Required about 10 stitches as I recall. BORING

    I was a Camp Fire Girl for about 5 months and loved it. Then we moved.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    2nd_time, low carb/high fat way of eating, no grains of any kind, no pasta, no rice, no bread made from flour, no crackers, no veggies that grow underground no fruit except a few berries (and recently I have been able to add back a small amount of apple), no sugar no milk. But lots of full fat cheese, Greek yogurt, butter, full fat sour cream, heavy whipping cream, coconut oil, olive oil, juicy steak, as high fat ground beef I can find, chicken with the skin, fish, broccoli, avacodos, asparagus, cauliflower, leafy greens, small amounts of tomato, green peppers & onions, bacon, eggs galore. It is sort of like Atkins Induction rung, but not exactly. Go to a site called, it explains the basics of it. (For some reason I can't make the link button work.) I've lost weight, my blood sugar numbers are at the low end of normal (last A1c was 4.4%) my LDL is down my HDL is way up, Chol if fine. It isn't a diet, it is the way I will eat the rest of my life

    Boo is so funny, if I reach down to rub his tummy when he is stretched out on the carpet by the fire, he swats at me. But if he is on my lap and has rolled to his side, he'll let me without a blink.

    Chevy, no, I haven't tried that. I'll look for those the next time I go up to town. Thanks! 

    Cami, sorry you are so tired.  It'll be a quiet New Years Eve here too.  Never have gone out to celebrate.  Cute card.

    Praying for clean scans Paula!

    Spookie, I think I have a touch of OCD, I seem to always be washing my hands.  Don't do any other weird things like turning door handles 3 times or anything like that though.  I am consciously trying to stop getting them wet so much.  

    Enerva, I opted to be flat, but your boobs look so great, had I seen them before I may have taken a second thought!  Yay for no more drains.  Isn't it just the best feeling???

    Wren, I was a Brownie too and then a Girl Scout for a while before I lost interest.

    Hugs to all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Enerva YAY no drains, OK don't think u'r superwoman yet.

    Paula come on this pocket is getting really hot, and not in the good way.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hey I got out Teka, u know that already--cuz u guys have much more room. And I love to piss and moanHappy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    You guys, don't open any email from Walmart or Costco, saying your delivery did not go through!  It is a virus, and they want you to download a form, to fill out! 

    I thought DAMN!  What did I order.... Then when it wouldn't down-load, I thought.... I'll look it up, and see what is wrong.... sure-enough, it is a virus... so don't do it.  At the same time, my Norton virus program caught it, and blocked it...   Whew!  They almost got me!  Bawling

    Okay.... glad Enerva the drains are OUT!!!  Geez....  You would look kind of funny, dragging those things around on your skate-board...  Have to keep you in a safe place until you heal!     Someone take those bike keys away from her.... until she can take US for a ride...Ha! 

    Cammi!  I'm making hard-boiled eggs!  Guess from where?  And I had some big Turkey necks, so I made dressing, and put those on top to bake, so we are having THAT for dinner.  With  Mashed Potatoes and Gravy! 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol yes it feels so good, the best part is that it looked good, sore but ok i think it will heal faster now. Dont worry i wont ride my bike till April lol 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Enerva, I remember getting the drains out from lumpectomy, ooh what a relief it was....take it easy...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy, hard boiled eggs, turkey stuffing and mashed potatoes for dinner, Quite interesting. U really have those chickens working. Even in this weather.

    Oh I still remember those drains, I had mine in for 3 months, and then I couldn't take a shower or bath but they cleaned them a few times a week. Boy was that disgusting--obviously I didn't visit many people and not many people bothered with me. LOL

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh man, sounds painful you guys..... Sorry about the drains, but guess that's the only way....

    I only had tubes... not drains, for my Lumpectomy.  The tubes were in the MammoSite Device, that I had for about 10 days.... they were used to put radiation "seeds" into the "bulb" part, in my breast.... Then about 7 minutes later, they "pulled" the seeds back out through those tubes...  That incision drained all the time, but I think it was supposed to.... I cut Sanitary napkins in half, to put over the tubes and to keep it from draining...   And I cut a hole in a little thick  sponge  piece, so I could sleep on my side...... The padding and tubes fit in that hole....    It just got so infected from having that "foreign" device in there... 

    My DD helped me "clean" it all once....  DH helped the other times...  I thought she would pass out...  MAN I'm glad that's over... 


    Actually, this was the picture I took of the "new" Device...  It was like the "newest" thing, for radiation....  I didn't have to go those 6 weeks.... Just 7 days, twice a day.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Hey Paula, best wishes for the most boring scan results ever!!

    Home from surgery and eating soup! Feeling squishy!  Now I can hug my kids and not send them rebounding across the room,

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    4444444~!  So glad you are home.... Take it easy now....  I'm glad you are feeling squishy...Ha!

    Sass!  I bought some of this at Walgreens!  See if you can find it there...  I put some on my hands, and it feels really GOOD~!  It is not as greasy as many of the others!

    Lantiseptic, Multi-Purpose Daily Care Skin Protectant...   "Helps treat skin tears and cracks, chafed or irritated skin, and minor burns.  Moisturizes and protects severly dry or ulcer-prone skin."

    My hands are better, just getting over another flare-up... 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    UPDATE: They told me at OSU that my Dr. wouldn't get the test results until tomorrow, but I was just pulling into my drive when Dr. Mrozek called. She said, " What was seen before on the left shoulder is much much better, and what they had seen on the lower right spine is completely resolved!"

    I'm taking that as, HEALED in JESUS' NAME!!! Sometimes healing is instant and sometimes you have to walk it out. STAND & BELIEVE!

    I am so grateful that she called right away. She's so kind, and she's from Poland and she's brilliant. Don't ever let anyone tell you Pollocks are dummies. That's a lie!

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    I’m looking for a link that Chevyboy posted a while back,
    so I might as well take the time to reply. This thread moves too fast!!!

    Jazzygirl – I am searching for the perfect jar to put my
    2014 “Good Things” in.

    Lilli – I love your upbeat attitude!

    Spookiesmom – Ah, Florida. I really want to visit there,
    but it’s just about the farthest place from Cali. Maybe in the RV one of these days.

    Wren44 – my mom was a Brownie and Girl Scout leader. I
    had to be really nice to all the girls, even the mean ones. Had to set a good
    example, right?

    grammaB – congrats on the weight loss! I did mine on
    Optifast, through Kaiser.

    Chevyboy – dinner sounds yummy! BTW, I also have just one
    hair under my arm. I’m thinking of letting it grow to see how long it can get.

    Enerva – YAY – no drains!

    Camillegal – love the New Years resolution cartoon!… On
    another board, one woman said her resolution for 2013 was to eat more bacon. My
    kinda gal!

    4sewwhat – did you just have your exchange?! The whole
    time I had my TEs in I was worried about giving my grandkids a concussion when
    they hugged me. Congrats on crossing over to the squishy side!

    Paula – Thank God for clear scans!!! Happy for you!

    ~ ~ ~ 

    WOOT! Found the link I was looking for…. SIX PAGES AGO!

    The delivery truck has delivered my replacement headboard, I have a load of
    laundry going, and DH is in the Man Cave practicing on his drums for tonight’s
    gig. Thank goodness it’s an electronic set – that way I don’t have to listen to
    the noise.

    I may make a foray into the teeming mass that is Walmart.
    Maybe not. Have to see if my HazMat suit is available. 

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Oh my gosh cami!  I can't imagine having the drains in for 3 months!! It really must have been a relief when they were gone!!!

    4sewwhat, glad you are home and able to eat.  Take it easy, and hug those kids!!

    Chevy, I'm adding that cream to my list of things to look at when I go to town next.  I was reading some of the reviews and it sounds like a good one!  Man that gadget looks scary.  But if it shortened the length of the rads, good deal!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Paula, best possible news! Great way to end a year! Hope your heart is light and happy and you are celebrating!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    YAY PAULA--Good Results.

    44444---Please rest no matter how u feel, let everyone take care of u.

    Chevy that thing is interesting--that's how u got rads??? I had them the old fashion way for 32 days--I've heard about this and it does look like it could hurt. ooooo cuz the other rads didn't hurt at all. Ouch for u.

    Gramma yes 3 months, I told u I do everything slowly.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Paula, you will sleep better tonight....happy for you..

    4sewwhat, good for you, you got some bounce back, let the family wait on you for a few days

    Cami, I would of thought those stinkin drains would of grown into your skin, tissue after a month or two..yikes girl, you do, do things slow...

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Great news Paula!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576

    Ditto (((Paula))))


  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    if you'd like to see some of the ladies that are posting, go to page 315 on the implant sizing 101 thread. Nice photo of blessings, Cheryl, whippetmom and 2nd.

    Got my new bank card today, thank you Target! Now I have to go change stuff on the websites so nothing bounces. What a pain. And why does the bank thinks it's a good idea to sign the back of the card? I always put "see ID".

    Good news for several of you, that begins a new year the best way.

    My grandkids are a little afraid of hugging me right now, think I'm going to pop! Especially the 12 year that I've been racing with. We're trying to see who is going to be bigger, her or me. Right now I just past her up. But I think she'll end up bigger when we are both done "growing". 

    One thing else: what's up with the "shut up Cami" . Inside joke? (For us newbies)

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Smaarty, I am still a kinda newbie, I believe it is between Cami & Chevy...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Chevy and I don't mean to leave anyone out really---we've been on together for a few threads a while now jabbing back and forth so we always tell each other shut up cuz we know we're going to pick each other's post apart--- We actually love each other and she's so funny, now it's automatic--didn't mean to sound snobbish, cuz we're not.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    we all know that Cami, you two make my day

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh OH I have to tell u, my little home job of answering the phone, well my ringer went off today, don't ask me why or what I did--how I hate these cell phones.. Anyway I did have a brilliant idea so I put it on VIBRATE  Of course a lot of my upper body is numb so I had to find a place that wasn't numb so I could feel the ring. Yes I now feel the ring. (Shut up Chevy)

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Cami.....good vibrations ?

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Then after Cami put the phone someplace she could "feel" it, she gave her number to everyone and asked them to text and call.  Now she needs a drink and a cigarette!!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Cami, whole lot of shaking going on in that pocket!

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    I was just curious, don't think anyone is snobbish. 

    I don't think it's in a pocket, think lower!

    This is my granddaughter, sorry the pic is large, couldn't figure out how to shrink in on my iPad.


    She got embarrassed with me when she found out I was sending it out to a few people. So the last 2 fills she wouldn't take a pic. She such a short little shit. My dd is going to have her hands full.