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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    she's a cutie having a blast with her grandma! Lucky both of you!

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    thanks. She wants to go with me when I have a fill, so we'll see. She hasn't seen me with the scars.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Smaarty that;'s the cutest picture ever--hahahaha

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Smaarty, lucky you, what a darling pre-teen...

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    My 9 yo daughter went with for a couple fills and to the LE therapist. All the kids have seen the scars and it doesn't even phase them. The Sleep Number boobs (TEs) became a joke because of their firmness!  They really have dealt well with it all. 

    I bet your granddaughter will be just fine with it! My kids always have questions fom the doc or me too.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    I am so laughing about cami and the vibrating phone!! You guys crack me up with your teasing.

    Smaarty what a cutie pie she is!!  I bet she'll be fine with the scars.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Smaarty, what a darling granddaughter! So sweet. It's your call if you're comfortable with her seeing a fill, she could probably handle it. Since I don't know her, maybe you could discuss it with her and have a bail out plan just in case it's too intense for her. 

    Cami, how's the phone doing?

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Smaarty - you look like a friend of mine in Oregon! Same terrific smile! (And your granddaughter is just too cute.) Thanks for the shout-out about our lunch pic over on whippetmom's thread. To make it easier, here it is, in case anyone is interested...


    This pic was taken earlier this month, when I had the opportunity to meet these awesome ladies for lunch in Southern California. Left to right:hbcheryl, whippetmom, blessings2011, and 2nd_time_around.

    Oh, my gosh.... we had SUCH a wonderful afternoon, and it was great to see whippetmom again,and meet hbcheryl and 2nd_time_around for the first time.

    AWESOME sisters, all of them...I am truly blessed by their friendship.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    blessings2011, what an awesome, happy all look relaxed & you all have hair! 

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203


    Someone in Missouri is rejoicing with you!


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Aw shucks, Blessings, I'm the newbie of that bunch! I felt totally honored to be among such wonderful ladies! The best afternoon I've had in a very long time! Smile

    Edited to add: Golf girl, I didn't have chemo this time, wasn't the same 17 years ago

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Anita thank you! It certainly makes going into a new year brighter for me.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Anita do I know u?? With all this chemo brain going around we could all meet several times and think it's the first.

    Great picture all of u ladies. So nice u got together.

    Well I went thru my phone book and had everyone call me, some 2 times but they all asleep now so no more phone calls. But it will start again tomorrow so....... I'll wait.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Cami, there are those of us on the west coast still awake if you need a call! (One ringy-dingy, two ringy-dingies... Maybe you're too young for that)

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Cami-you know that a tiny vibrator would be better! Half price at AdamandEve. Oops, was that too much??? Singing

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Owlettes hooting having a pain party.  Be back when it,s over hoothoot

  • ADJ
    ADJ Member Posts: 203


    Hello!  I am new this week to this thread but have been soaking in the info and warmth of other sites.  I have lotsa bone mets, no other mets, my mo and ro have knocked back quite a lot with treatment.  Pressing onward! Have Abraxane later this am, will probably sleep through the new year.


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Ladies, what a lovely photo!  You are all beautiful spirits!  It is nice to put a face to the names.  If I didn't take such horrible photos, I'd post mine, but my kitty is so much cuter!! :))

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi hermits- up around 1:30 p.m. Been having a not so good time with my work the past few days, and think it just has me up at night and thinking about things. I am looking forward to the new year as I have not liked this project I said yes to about a year ago, and this client I am working for is not a good one anymore. The good news is I am working half day off tomorrow, then off on Wed and Friday. I am excited about the beginning of a new year, because I will be done with this in June and as you know, time flies!

    Wishing all of you a good New Year filled with much love, laughter, and good health!

    Nite insomniacs!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Welcome ADJ, come and join the owlettes. Notice you were a prophy gal. Me to kinda. Started for a prophy and then BC was found. Sorry you're going through this business again. Good luck with treatment again. Someone is here most of the 24 hours

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Jazzy funny girl, your a hermie and an owlette in one post. We need a new name for that. Herowllie? Herowlette?

    Yoo-Hoot any one up?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Blessings and Maddy what a wonderful happy glowing pic of you all.

    The talk of skin creams. There is a thread that they talked of just that only. I'll pop back with the link. For me the go to cream b/c of sensitivity was/is Cetaphil.  Be back... here it is. These folks share lots of skin cream stuff.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    2:30 AM here, Jazzy, one thing I hold on to is that what ever it is, it will pass, the time will pass and whatever is haunting/scaring us will pass and it will be better. It will always be better,that is what I hold on to.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Gramma Hi I'm here sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Jazzy, I agree with Gramma, time will take care of it :)  Jazzy remind me when you come back I want to share two posters with you. Wish I could post them, but alas I can't load pics

    Teka dear friend was it a revelation that Bag Balm would work on your nips? Read the whole tin box :)  I used it while I nursed Ds after seening how well it worked on my Brittany who had nursed ten , then eleven pups. Those milk teeth could really rip her up. BB did wonders each time.

    Gramma guess you moved on. Glad you're here. Don't worry about always catching every post. Many of us read them all and forget by the time we post.

    FORGETTING: The word DH and I made up for the forgetting was SPLAT. It sound like this "Blah, blah, blah splat" That meant in a middle of saying something, we just completely forgot what we were talking about. It was always funnier then saying "oh I forgot where I was".

    Soteria--good luck on the scans--in your pocket :)

    Di, thinking of you ----hope for better results :)

    Enerva-----------yay drains out and the girls look GOOD!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi insomniacs. Anyone around.just to let you know that 2014 is very close here, less than a minute away.

    Peace and health to all

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    So Okay!  HAPPY NEW YEAR ALYSON!  I'll probably be asleep tonight when ours gets here...

    Sassy try this!  Go to Google Images...  Then type in anything, like any picture you want to see...

    So then you will get millions of options, of what you can post!  Click on one picture...  then Right click and hit copy...  Then go to your post that you are writing, and Right click again, and hit paste.

    See if that works...  It does for me all the time, but I am using a desk-top computer, and AOL as my browser..   Not one of those smart-phones, or Black-berry, or lap-top or tablets...  So just try it...

    Speaking of phones, and WHAT ARE YOU DOING CAMMI????  Good Lord, I leave you alone for a minute, and you get into trouble!  You will go blind you know.... 

    They make "things" specifically for THAT.... You don't have to use your damn phone.... sheesh. 

    Yes, little Cammi and I are like 2 kids in a play-pen...  We just have to tease each other, and it is never anything serious...  We don't know that word.   If she says something funny, she KNOWS I will jump right in there...  Same thing SHE does. 

    We have this thing about these stupid chickens I chicken-sit for...  And she just makes me laugh when I talk about them.   Man, I never tried that with my "phone"....

    GrammaB.... yes, that pretty much nails it...  It all just takes time...  if we can just wait... and be patient..... cross our fingers, turn around in a circle,  hold that rabbits foot, and scream at the moon, that I CAN'T wait!  Pretty much, anyway.

    Morning Jazzygirl... Sorry about your work-load...  But at least you can look forward to a New Year, right?  And that you have a job, and lots to be thankful for...

    Welcome ADJ!!!!   I'll bet that stands for "Anita"..... Oh, I see you already said that!  See how quick we are here?  You just can't pull no surprises here, Ha!   Well, you don't NEED anymore mets.... You have more than your share already...  We'll be here.... anytime... You can SEE I'm awake whilst the other girls are sleeping! 

    I have to post this, then read more.... why are my posts soooooooo long?  I don't MEAN to, but I just have to say HEY to all of you!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Its very hard to keep up here lol Smarty love your picture, also the ladies meeting If any of you come to Canada i want to meet you. I will love to sit and chat and maybe have a nice meal ;) Last night i tool a sleeping pill as soon as i came back from the Airport. My nephew left and i am so tired i need to rest. I now know how this BC have affected me i am so not who i used to be. I am glad he was happy and managed to take him many places but i had not idea it could be that hard Younger people are so innocent they see life through other eyes. I have to be honest i will never let people visit me during surgery again cuz i end up doing things i would not have done if o was alone. lol i am so happy that also this 2013 is over soon lol


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    MADDY...Yes, I remember Lilli Tomlin, right?  She was a switch-board operator...  and SHE said that...  Yes, Cammi is maybe to young to remember...  I was a Long Distance operator between 1955 and 1958!     Worked there, right out of High School....  The phone company was called Mountain Bell at the time.

    Oh SMARTY!  It is YOU that is taking that CAMMI down the road of ruin!   Nope, it's NEVER too much, Ha, ha! 

    CAMMI, WHAT are you doing to those people?  They have to keep calling you....?  Are you a 1-900 #, and just aren't telling us?  And you work all night?  Figures..... 

    Morning Soteria!    Good news for you!  I just hate waiting for results of tests... 

    And Teka...  You are a woman of a few words... image  Wish I could keep my posts shorter...  Are you going out for New Years Eve? 

    Blessings!  Yes!  I like your format...  What Link?  I would have found it again for you.... possibly..... okay, probably not, so glad you found it yourself.  Let's have a race!  See whose single follicle reaches our toes first....  Ha, ha!  

    This is my "little" Brother....

    Kenny started drumming when he was 3...  Still at it, and he is 75...!  An "Electronic" set?  How does THAT work? 

    Morning GolfGirl!   And Lilli! 

    Smaarty!  It's just so easy to swipe your card, and the checker never even SEES the back of your card... I have that written on the back of my card also, but no-one asks for ID either.  ...   And that picture is so cute of you and your Granddaughter!  I love it!

    And no, it's no "inside" thing with me and Cammi...  Well, I guess it is, because we can only do it HERE...Ha!   We just make fun of each other.  Don't even know how it started...  I think with the stupid Chickens I chicken-sit for...  and SHE said something silly about it...  image

    Yes.... Cammi is snobby.... she has a phone...  and I'm not going to say anything more about that!  image  Oh wait, yes I will!   You don't FEEL the "ring".... you feel the VIBRATE!  Good Grief Gertie!  See, if it was ME, I couldn't HEAR it ring.... Ha, ha! 

    Morning Holeinone!  Are you and GolfGirl the same person?  I'll bet you are...  Or twins? 

    44444444444!  You little chit!  You are worse than me!   That was good!  A "cigarette and a drink! "  Like that is something different.... 

    Let's ALL call or text Cammi!        How are your squishies?  Better today? 

    Blessings your picture was gorgeous!  And you TOO Maddie!   You all look so happy!  

    Guess I'm done...Love you gals! xooxxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh Enerva... we almost posted together!  You can't be out running around little honey....  The surgery just takes it out of you.... Have to give your body time to recover.   Glad you had a good time with your Nephew, but you really pushed it.  I remember visiting my folks, and they took me EVERYwhere in San Francisco, but I think they ran themselves ragged!  Mom just had to sit and wait for the rest of us sometimes... 

    Okay....  go rest....