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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Alyson & all our down under friends, Happy New Years ! I just watched some of the fireworks from  Austrailia....

    Enerva, I am guilty of over doing it, getting smarter about stepping back, staying home...hope you are healing with no fevers....

    Chevy, what a good looking brother ! He looks like a happy, fun guy. Do the 2 of you live close to each other?  Ok, so did Lilli Tomlin start the operator skit on the " Laugh In", that show was on in the late 60s or early 70s...Chit Cami has to remember that, she is a little longer in he tooth than I...

    Sas, I just had a Splat moment, couldn't think of Laugh In, it came to me...I am also a Ceptafil user, weird skin, rashy a lot...see what rads do to me..

    Teka, sounds like the perfect New Years ! Mine will be the same, only no kids around town tonight..

    Anita, welcome to the Owlets, hang on for the ride...

    Cami, Maddy, Smarty, Jazzy, 4 sew what & all I am missing....out with 2013..   Hello 2014.  :o)

    Golf girl...Holeinone 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Well, Well Well, I will respond to wht I remember.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Thanks Teka.... Yes, we are both happy....!  He left the Navy Band, drove to Nashville from Virginia Beach, in a Corvair, with his wife and 4 little kids, and was taken around by Bobby Goldsboro...  He loves his music...  still. 

    Talking about "happy".... did you guys know that Marajuana will be legal here tomorrow?  I don't know exactly what that means, just that the State wanted the Taxes from the illegal sales....  So they have their own grow shops now?  How does that work?  Can just anyone go in and buy it ?  They don't have to have a Medical Card?

    I guess if who-ever wants it, like illegal drugs, they will get it anyway, but at MY age, it just seems wrong, to smoke it for the hell of it.... Like Drugs... If you don't NEED them, they just take them anyway!  I've known and heard about so many people that "accidently" overdosed.... Yeah, right!  It's no accident to take drugs for the "high"... What am I missing here...?   Or am I just old fashioned..... and little Cammi....  just zip it!  Ha, ha!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK here I am--Chevy u'r brother is a doll, is he married, does he have a GF on the side or 2?

    U girls have been so busy-Sas r u having a lot of pain today??? I hope it quiets down.

    Happy New Years  to the down under gals, how strange u started a year before us. Sounds strange to me-but then again Chevy having a friend sounds strange. So I guess it can happen.

    Anita are u still holding on here, sometimes it's a little unusual, but we're here for u.

    Oh I do remember Laugh-in and everything u mentioned /Chevy, including the telephone system nf I also remember u actually talked to someone one when u wanted a   number, then the automatic thingy came in and it was just a few numbers that u had to share a party line Oh the quietness of that time.

    Years ago one of my first surgeries (old fashion) but I felt pretty good in a short time and I kind of over did and I was miserable and my Dr. said didn't I say 6 weeks, but I felt all right--and he said it's 6 weeks to start to heal. And u know that hasn't changed much so when u get surgery u'r body has to do some healing and u have to take it slowly. So everyone with new surgery remember that..Surgery is invasive and u'r body needs rest and healing so just be patient.

    Well my day started with my Diarrhea, they'll never figure this out so I' kind of floopy now and totally wiped out and it's early yet. I took 3 pills to stop it so I hope it kicks in soon. I am totlly exhausted from it--so resting day for me.

    Joey and I are  celebrating NY's tonite ourselves and that's my favorite thing-so it good for us.

    OK-I'll BBL--Hugs all around.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Chevy, I am in Idaho, but from what the news is stating, you will be able to walk in the door and buy a limited amount.....certain varieties, that have had the PCP breeded out, and the medicinal properties are what the consumer is going for...Sanjay Gupta MD, did a CNN special on it helping people with seizures. So, Chevy ya never know...don't think it's  going to help us, but I think it has possibilities for certain conditions.... But yes, most people just want a little buzz...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Well that's the government for you. Make pot legal but cultivate the active ingredient THC , that makes pot give you that well being , pain relief, munchies, antianxiety buzz, cultivate it right out. How stupid do they think people are. ..... WEll they did do Prohibition..........The bridge to no where in Alaska. Affordable Care Act that few can afford.

    OOOOHHHHHh I got it everyone write something stupid that the government has done. We will probably laugh our asses off.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Here we go--Chevy--they hired me.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Here's a link about a little girl that was given marijuana. It literally saved her life. Keep in mind, the THC had been removed.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Chevy, there's a video on U tube of a church group performing Feliz Navidad on ipads, iphones, ipad minis. They show a drummer who is looking at the pictures of drums and tapping them with his fingers. I cannot imagine what it took to get all those people playing the right note at the right time. For sure, those kids didn't have time to get into trouble. Apple has an app called Garage Band. The little GS were composing music at Thanksgiving.

    Alyson, Happy New Year!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    hear it's already 2014 in some parts of the world. Hoping 2014 is looking wonderful for Chrissy, Alyson, Aussie Sheila, anyone else I missed?

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    my post on the whole CNN, marihuana  thing was a little mixed up, been hanging with Cami again, thanks Paula for posting the little girl that had the horrible condition, she was on the CNN special.. I am on a IPAD, do not know how to download stuff, and post it here.. 

    Sas, feeling better ? Road trip to Chevys neighborhood?

    Cami, spill it, new profession? Sounds suspicious one day after you discovered the bonus of phone tell...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    You guys!  Yes, I've been around the corner with both girls, and them thinking I didn't know they were smoking weed...Ha!  It is just amazing though, that it CAN help the pain for men and women, AND stop seizures!  I don't see anything wrong with that at all....  I think I just grew up afraid of EVERYthing.... except smoking..Ha!

    I remember my Brother and I found these hollow weeds out by the ditch, and we lit one, and that thing was like ON FIRE!  And we tried inhaling it, and I thought I would DIE!   And the time a glass Bong, rolling papers, a baggie of seeds fell out of my 16 year old's hobo bag....  Ha, ha!  Wasn't funny at the time!    She was told, in no un-certain terms how I thought about that little deed.  So I put it all in my drawer, and smoked it all......  JUST KIDDING!  

    Cammi still has her phone strapped on?  I mean wearing it?  She is so easy.....Winking  Thanks gals, for making me laugh! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    And CAMMI!  Yes, he is married.... sort of.... more or less.... but they don't exactly live together..... long story....  So you can have him.... I'll let him know you are on your way....Ha!  I would LOVE to have you in my family....  We could drive everyone nuts!   I'm sorry you aren't feeling well....  You and Joey try and have a beautiful night.... 

    Soteria, I guess I don't understand the THC part....  I'll have to look that up.... 

    Yes, Holeinone...  It will really be interesting around here....  Actually I don't know of anyone that smokes weed, except the guy next door maybe...  He was a Navy Seal...Team 6....  But had to give it up, because of injuries from parachuting....  He can smoke all he wants, I say. 

    If it helps someone, I say go for it..... Can you just IMMAGINE ME getting high?  Ha, ha!    We should all get together, and smoke and drink and  tell dirty jokes!    Oh wait.... we do that on HERE, right?  xoxoxooxxo

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Chevyboy: FYI, it is very difficult to say "chicken-sit" properly....

    WAAA! I can't open the link you posted, nor can I see the pic of your brother! But others can... maybe it's my stupid Google Chrome.

    Is there a different site I could go to?

    The post I was looking for was the Denver Symphony Percussionists playing world percussion instruments for kids.I forwarded it to DH, who hasn't seen it yet. He plays a huge number of percussion instruments.

    Here is an electronic drum set (a bit smaller than what DH has, as he keeps adding to it). He plugs in his laptop or MP3 player, along with his headset, so he can rehearse, and I don't have to listen to it. Well, I can hear the tappity-tap through the wall that adjoins the Man Cave to my Hobby Room, but that's o.k. If he wanted to, he could fold it up and take it to play at a gig, and run it through speakers and it would sound just like the regular sized drum kit he stores in our Tuff Shed and schleps to his other gigs. 

    Are you bored into a coma, or asleep yet? Loopy


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

     Okay Blessings, try this....    Hope it works...

    Oh WOW!  So that's an electronic drum set!  My Brother probably knows all about it, but I have never seen one...  It's like "what happened to the rest of the drums?"  Ha!  

    I couldn't see his picture either!  So I'll try it again!    I'm having trouble with this site, by opening it with Chrome... 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    I told my Pastor a few years ago that I don't smoke pot anymore...haven't for decades, but I believed I'd smoke it with Willie Nelson if given the chance. He chuckled at that. He knows how ornery I am.

    Chevy, THC is the chemical in marijuana that makes you high.

    I have to say, " Willie Nelson is 80 years old. If marijuana is the gateway drug! it had better hurry up!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    GOOD one Paula...!  Ha!  Yes, I would smoke weed with Willy anytime.... 

    Blessings.... Here's another one...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy, almost had a splat moment, but found it by rereading. Was pot only approved for medicinal use in Colorado? I thought in was general use, but it sounds like it wasn't. Unconfuse me? Chevy, I can post by C&P. You taught me that. I can't take pics--no camera. But if I did have a camera, I don't know how to load into computer. I should take a class.

    Soteria, what a treasure of a story. To hear Charlie's story and then to see her smiling happy face. The fact that she's walking, talking, looks so bright and happy b/c of the drug that these brothers invented. All of this is historical beyond are comprehension right now. One of my first thoughts was these guys could get a Nobel Prize for this work. Seriously.

    WELL HERE'S ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE GOVERNMENT BEING STUPID. Decades wasted on the criminalization of cannabis. The underground usage by people where it was found to help in specific medical usuages, the earliest being glaucoma(that I know of) and anxiety. The continuation of finding that it could be applied to a wider array of conditions in the HIV/AIDS early times of the 80's and 90's. Particularly, nausea and appetite loss. Lead to the development of Marinol and newer drugs used now by prescription for those conditions. Now it's  use for pain.

    The true scope of what it can do is unknown. WOW

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi hermits- done with work until Thursday. I am better now, had to be mad for a bit and then let it go. Too stupid of an issue to hang on to. We are busy with this project and working through the holidays. That part does not bother me. It's the dumb management who cannot figure out what they are doing. Never on the same page, or even in the same bookstore! The work is good paying and you are right, that is something to be grateful for. As one friend says "let it go and enjoy the money." And so I shall!

    Cami- who hired you and for what?

    Chevyboy- I thought they legalized pot in CO the last election? Maybe Denver had a separate deal? In the same way they are legalizing same sex marriage, I think pot will be legal most places soon too. You can get a cannabis card here in NM for medical pot. I don't know how it works to buy it once it's legal. But I giggle thinking about saying "lets go to the pot store!"

    I hope our friends around the world are celebrating in all the fun ways you can. I always look forward to a new year. Fresh start.

    Happy New Year Insomniacs!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Oh and on the skin subject, for my face, I found a great product at the local health food store called Mineral Fusion Intense Hydration Facial Creme. Really helps the dryness from the anastrozole, which only compounds my naturally dry skin and living in the desert. It is now my fav face creme and think it runs around $20 a tub for 3.4 oz. You can maybe find it on line too!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Jazzy, funny silly girl, we are Owlettes. But just for you , b/c you are special :) when you are in the different dimension of being in two places at once. I made up the two words Herowlette or Herowlie.

    For the rare people like Teka & Chevy & Cami trying to be in three dimensions at once, how about Herowlihoolie

    Any other name suggestions Owlettes?

    Where is our Nicky?????? Is She in last year or this year? Stellina if you are lurking, still think of you :)

    All the Southlanders, Chrissy, Aly, Aussie Sheila, I know you are in next year. Have a great day watching soccer?

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Sas - hope you left the pain party.

    Chevyboy - sent you a PM...

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Thanks for the invite Sassy but I give up. I will NEVER catch up with this thread so might as well jump in with both feet. I stopped at page 187 so maybe I can read between that and page 212 (!!!) if we get snowed in HAHA. I must edit my favorites list down even though most of them I just read, not respond.

    Woohoo if MaryJane ever becomes legal in TX (fat chance) even medical. I have glaucoma so here I come. Never had it but been around it some at parties. Sassy were you ever worried about your license years ago if you encountered it at parties? I was in nursing school and I was terrified. What reason would anyone bust a Halloween party at a private house but I was one scaredy cat. Think some of the bunch still have a bit now and then. DH was cool took the what do you call it MJ cigie and passed it right over me to the next person.

    image Party hearty if you must but have a happy, healthier 2014

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    All I can figure out is, Pot is legal for anyone over 21.... You don't need a medical permit...  You just can't smoke it outdoors of your house, if your neighbors can smell it.  

    And yes Jazzy, it was legalized, but not within 1000 feet of a school....  but now, if you have the money, you can just walk in and buy it, I guess.... I mean starting tomorrow at 8:am.... 

    And NOT at the airport.... neither carrying, nor transporting it.... trying to stop the illegal trafficing, I guess.... Man, I don't know....  This whole area will be under a huge cloud of weed...Ha, ha! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh?  So I was thinkin'.... Are you all packing your bags and coming HERE to see me?  Ha, ha!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Chevy - the prevailing winds bring in the mountain cedar. Let it bring the MJ smoke.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    I was just listening to them talking about CO and the pot, that works for me....have some, down there and the other stuff over there!!! Will do it if I feel like it.....wish it was legal in PA

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Welcome Littlegoats and Blondie, glad , very glad you came to visit, hope you visit often , have missed you :)  

    Littlegoats after drug testing came about in the early 80's, I never had any until after retired after BC. Tried it for pain. It helped , but couldn't use it while DH was declining b/c I had to much to think about. Since my brain was screwed by AI's , the one disasterous chemo, and anesthesia , it was off the menu. MY Brain, I know has been permanently affected from that time. PTSD is still an issue. Counselor has difficulty figuring out my "issues". LOL,  Hey, I'm a 1950's raised Catholic. Besides that he thinks I'm ADD or ADHD. AND I've had 8 closed head injuries. 6 on left --2 on right. All from my right ankle turning(bad ligaments--a wet surface or a pebble are my nemeses). My joke for years and still is,  was if you hear that I die from a head injury --know that it was my right ankle that killed me. Then add the brain sx, my brain is screwed. Also, on the paternal side, of the ten brothers and sisters, 7 either had/have dementia. My siblings and I hope we got mom's genes on that one.

    Now as with all the drugs and pot, I have to reach a 6/7 total body pain or higher if it's just an individual area, to take/use something. I do admit, I have intentionally had more pain free days this last year simply b/c I could. But I fear addiction and cumulative affect of drugs on the brain. A pain free day is so delicious. Pre BC I'd known only a few ever. Not looking for sympathy or whining, it just what is.

     Gota cook DBF calling LOL I should let him cook, but I do enjoy cooking again. :)