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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Aw, you're full of chit! 

    This is my house.... as we speak...


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Rollers hahaha my hair isn't long enuff--I kept it really short.--why bother with it.   Yes I saw the Italian flag, but ????? BTW aren't u getting bad weather too, or did some of this miss u? It's all dropping here

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Could you beLIEVE the intelligentness conversations we missed last night?  I just sat here, scratching my head, wondering WTF are they TALKing about?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yes!  I just SAID it is snowing here.... go back about 6 inches and read what I wrote....  CAMMI... It is SNOWING here! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I have nothing to do with intelligence --after my screw up with the phone I can't believe I still have a job, but he came over last nite and I'll get a new phone today and my job continues Damn I cn't loose this.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    A new phone?  Was it your phone?    Or what you said to those guys?  See, as your assistant, we have to do this job better...   What job are we talking about here...?

    Can I keep you out of trouble? 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    WTF is wrong with u??? My phone job from home, I screwed up a bunch of phone calls cuz I couldn't feel the vibrator cuz the ring broke???? so I'll get a new phone today, but I really though he was going to say He was changing his mind about doing things with me in this job, but noooo I couldn't get fired yet. It's realy not bad, but when I don't feel good-u should take the phones.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay.... no probs...   We just can't use the vibrate option as much, I guess......  ???   


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    HAHAHAHAHA   I like that one.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Well little honey....  You hang in there, okay?  I'll be looking in on you later!  Stay warm.....  and out of trouble!   This was sooooooo fun!  Love seeing you up early, and feeling better!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Aw me too Chevy, talk to u later my dear.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Good morning everyone!  Only 60-some posts overnight LOL.

    Yes sassy I wore the hat, walking mornings in FL.  Too bad mom doesn't drink tequila!

    re: the movie Chocolat, saw it and enjoyed it.  Roger Ebert did an interesting commentary:

    "Chocolat" is about a war between the forces of paganism and Christianity, and because the pagan heroine has chocolate on her side, she wins. Her victory is delayed only because, during Lent, a lot of the locals aren't eating chocolate.

    Looked it up because I thought Penelope Cruz was the star but the movie where she cooks is "Woman on Top".  Ah yes, Juliette Binoche is the star of Chocolat  Had forgotten about Johnny Depp being in it.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893


    Bagder------------that's way tmi, but good, you must be an IMDB person, Watch the movie.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Insomniacs- wow, were you guys busy last night! Me, I crashed and slept like a log. Woke up at 5 a.m. and back to sleep to 6:30 a.m. Now I am up and on the move. Lots to do today. 

    Hoping everyone is staying warm and safe. Such bitter temps around right now. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    I slept from 2:30 am-9:00 am. I was really on a roll. I missed the whole conversation.

    Chevy, I do know the difference in Volvo & vulva, but when Jan mentioned Volvo, I couldn't help myself. I was just having fun with it. I was just so surprised that SUDDENLY the upholstery on the Volvo wasn't just wearing thin. It was completely gone!

    I have errands to do today. Dreading it. With more bad weather, I'm sure stores will be packed and shelves empty. Also taking 14 year old grandson, Shawn, home. I'd love for him to stay for church tomorrow, but he's missing his DGF. Life is so tuff when you're 14.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576

    Could this be me....four pages behind Devil and yes, it most definitely is.  Well, as I said, blink your eyes, or sleep overnight and you are so far behind its impossible.

    Getting ready for our 12 inches of snow to start this evening.  Not fun, but at least we know in advance and Dh spent a few hours getting the tractor ready for our snow we will end up with a clean drive-way.  They say powdery which sort of blows when you don't want it to, but easier to move on the sidewalks, deck, dog yard and other places that will need to be cleaned.  I will be using/burning up some calories and don't plan to invite them back. 

    As to diet.....something I would not have actually expected ---- I seem to lose a bit when I slice apples, dot with butter and Splenda  br. sugar and put in the microwave for a couple of minutes.  That's far its a great diet booster and I'm thankful. 


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Should have gotten on last night steroids did me in until 330 and woke up at 930 and now I am up for the day....chemo weekly on wednesday now....on my way out today in the cold cause one of the kids wants to get is wrong with me, but fast food will be coming home with me....was wait for the oxygen to fill up....

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Well, I'm reading on page 222 (just 5 hours ago) and there are 2 more pages to go. So I have to start typing something b4 the sieve of a brain lets it all out on the floor.

    Sassy - Love you girl. DBF was paying for a 30y.o. WTF??? My Dad paid until both I was 21 and DB was 21 and sent us a check each month while we were in college. Poof that was it and I was darn proud he did it. DM says she would have hauled his a$$ into court (esp. since he was the one who walked out on the marriage). I had a rocky relationship with my DF due to that but always remembered the financial support. His new marriage brought 3 kids and they had a 4th so I know money was tight but then again it was his decision to do so.

    Nicky - Comment allez-vous? Pardon my lacking in French. Not much need to practice in Texas lol. I had 2 years of HS French and 2.5 years of college French but that was 40+ years ago. Just catching up with this thread. My nosiness - are you native or transplanted? Sorry about the bum knee/leg. What are the plans for it?

    Teka - I sleep. One of my best attributes. Sorry all I will be no help to you insomniacs. I love to chat but true insomnia unless having major life issues it not a problem for me (ducking and covering my head if you want to throw something). I could sleep the entire day if my back/hips would let me oh and the little matter of DH hauling my butt out of bed to feed those goats - HMMM who's goats are they? - oh, right they are technically mine. Mr. Bucky boy stinky man is back on sale again. DH posted him this am.

    Read that Minnesota schools closed Monday d/t extreme cold. When I was in HS they closed school d/t extreme flu. Texas has been hit hard; DH, DD and I all had shots.

    GrammaB - I've looked for the A1C test at WalMart; they're always sold out. Guess I'm going to need to buy online. My docs refuse to test me because my fasting is OK as well as non fasting - on the high normal though I do have a small family hx and def. overweight. My gyn. was after me to get it tested because I kept complaining of repeated urinary urgency for a couple of years. It would come and go and I finally decided it was a menopausal sx which is of course worse now of the Femara. Heck I can't even get them to test my cholesterol because it was so good b4 Femara. Guess I will have to browbeat either MO in June or PCP. Bet both deny need. I think I need to find a local health fair and see if I can go fasting to get it done.

    Oh I love, love the IMDB. I always go there to read the trivia and goofs and where it was filmed.

    Wow a whole hour and no entry. Everyone gone back to bed or shopping for megadeath by ice/cold/wind chill?

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Forgot to ask this. Has anyone had a Shingles vaccine? I think our insurance will cover it but my MO says I need to wait to 65 so Medicare will cover it. Ha HA Funny what if I get it in the next FOUR years. Course he declined anything else says talk to PCP who I see in March. I thought I'd read it was the other way around, that Medicare would not cover it. Betcha booties I'm not waiting 4 years for it.

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245

    Luvmygoats, my PCP ordered a shingles vaccine and my insurance paid for it. I'm not on Medicare either.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I asked the vampire at PCPs about shingles shot. He said it can actually cause shingles, there is various strains of it, and it's just a way for BigPharma to get more $$. 

    I yes Sas. We call them pancreas pushers  .  Metformin works IN the liver to help control the amount of glucose made and dumped. Not to protect the liver

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Nicky, looking forward to your story.

    Teka, I sleep too.  Last night went to bed at 4AM got up at 10:30AM.  Definitely a night owl!

    Paula, be very careful while you are out and about.

    IllinoisLady, what a great idea with the apple!!  I'm going to try that for my breakfast.  Except not the real brown sugar, I use Ideal Brand Brown sugar made with Xylitol.  

    Luv, yes many people on my diabetes forum find they have to order the A1c online as it is frequently sold out at the store.  I haven't gone to one, but Walgreens periodically does testing in store.  I don't remember if it is free or not, but you might check there to see if one is coming up.  I've been debating about getting the Shingles vacc.  I'll be 65 in June so could do it then.  I think my ins would cover it, but waiting for medicare could work too.

    Spookie, I hadn't heard that about the vaccine.  And you are right about the Met, I guess I wasn't too clear.

    Off to run some errands!

    Stay safe and warm everyone getting pounded by the bad weather!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    I had a Shingles shot a couple years ago, and no problem.... Also a Pheumonia shot....  and a shot of JD..... just KIDDING!  Ha, ha!   

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    I did find it as recommended for 60 and older on our insurance. Surely that means they will cover something. Noticed the peeps on the Arimidex thread are also talking about Shingles.

    I just had a yummy grocery store apple, plain, Braeburn I think. Time for more coffee.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Hi LittleGoats....  I'm having another Cup o'Joe also....  Can't drink it too hot, because I have a tooth that broke off I think!  So Monday I have to go get the darned thing checked...!   Hope it doesn't hurt too much until Monday....SillyHeart I think I just have to have it pulled......  My teeth on my lower jaw are all I have left..... sniff.....  And I only have 8 front ones......  I love my top plate....  They are most beautiful....  A lot better than my "real" teeth were. 

     But I'm not in a hurry to have them all out on the bottom.... I've heard they are very hard to get used to.... 

    Do any of you gals have lower dentures?  Or am I the only one thinking about it?    I know eventually, I will have to get them.... 

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    I got the shingles vaccine last year at 62. I think it's fairly new? I got it after I finally got brave enough to get a tetanus shop that same year. Had put it off for over 40+ years because i heard it hurt so much. Didn't feel a thing.  Scheeez.

    I've been sleeping pretty good as long as I don't have to get up and pee.  Love the pics, you guys are funny. SAS-is your sleep rhythm off and you sleep all day? When do you sleep?  

    Shoot, I'm writing this and lost my place!

    Ok, caught up. I thought the shingles vaccine was for 55 and up!  I have Kaiser and that's what I was told. Have a friend who broke with shingles 2 years ago! And still suffers from it. Don't delay!

    Ah poop, it went to a new page!!!

    Sorry, couldn't find what I wanted to say. I have caps on all but the bottom 6. When I got the top front 6 capped, it was hard to get used to eating some things. Don't think I'll ever get the bottoms done.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    I was 59 when I got shingles.  Believe me you don't want to wait a day longer than necessary to get the vaccine.  I've had kidney stones and acute panretitis, both notorious for extreme pain.  Shingles was as bad as either of them.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Chabba.... that's right!  I know of quite a few men AND women who have had shingles....  Heard they are VERY painful~

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Oh I would be a night owl and sleep all day. When I 1st got out of nursing school I worked 11p-7a and fully converted over to daytime sleeping. On days off I could not sleep at night; awoke about 3am. Thank goodness for the VCR (this was 1983). I played Annie so may times I wore it out. We did not have cable then; it had not come out far enough in the Ft. Worth suburbs. That and counted cross stitch. Only DH and I so we pretty much lived 2 separate lives. Did that for 1.5 years then moved to 3p-11p.

    I wouldn't dare eat an apple whole. That's what knives are made for. Fine to eat sliced up and neater too. I have all teeth except 4 that were pulled for braces and wisdom teeth. Have 4 crowns one which dentist wants to "fix" - he's new boohoo my old one retired. Not sure yet if I'm going to let him. He thinks I need gold crowns - ewwww. No thanks. The oldest is at least 10 years old and no trouble. This is the newest and she had to make it part metal/part porcelain; I think the tooth is really close to gum line.