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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Well I eat everything, with my teeth.... top dentures!  Always have ever since I got them about 30 years ago!  And I eat nuts, pop-corn, and corn on the cob....  But I've heard that lower dentures do not fit as well as the top....   

    DH has a hard time eating certain foods with his top denture, and lower partial!   He just needs to go back again, to get them so they don't come loose when he bites into something!  Mine never have....  Maybe I'm really lucky....  Never had to have them relined nor wear anything to hold them in....

    The one next to my "broken" tooth is a crown..... hope I can keep the rest of them as long as I can....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Teka-  I have had two good nights of sleep the past two nights. Think I am finally slowing down and coming off the go live now. As a matter of fact, I feel a nap coming on right now!

    This is a very busy thread, I can hardly keep up!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    IMDB (internet movie data base) rocks!  I'm a trivia geek and am usually the last person out of the movie theater because I want to read the credits.  Sorry if TMI, didn't mean to offend, just wanted to share that twisted review. 

    My mom's diabetic and tests her blood every morning.  She did mine while I was visiting and it was 102.  Is that the A1c?  She said that number was good.  She was dx with BC 30+ yrs ago so there's another person with a BC-diabetes connection.

    Got out for a walk today while it was still a "balmy" 28 degrees F.  The polar vortex comes in tomorrow.  Making soup - yum!  ♥ 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    I just got up a few hours ago and can't remember who said what. So I'll just free-associate... I'm sure it will all make sense in the long run!

    LOVE the movie "Chocolat"... watch it whenever it comes on TV. 

    The day I got my BC dx, the doc sent me downstairs for a Shingles vaccine. He said that if I needed treatment, I wouldn't be able to get the shot once I started. So glad I did. I have an aunt with post-herpetic neuralgia - that horrific pain that stays behind in some people who get shingles. I wish DH could get the vaccine, but he's on Prednisone and Cyclosporine, probably for the rest of his life, so no shot. Boo.

    Went to Kaiser yesterday for more back X-Rays. I'm having more bone pain in my lower spine. The good news: no "suspicious" areas, just more disk narrowing, stable scoliosis; the bad news: new "anterolisthesis" in L3/L4. Basically I have one vertebra that is out of alignment with the one below it, and is impinging on my spinal cord.

    I KNEW I wasn't imagining this new pain! Now to play Dick Tracy and get to the bottom of the best treatment so I can MOVE again. I think the next step may be the Spine specialist, since I don't really have any neurological deficits...

    Other than that, life is good! Off to take a nap...

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    ooooh! Can we come over??

    Oh, never mind, couldn't fly in if we wanted too. Can you ship some of that snow out west?? Really need it. Why do you guys get it all, can't you share??!

    Did like the choc movie, haven't seen it in a long time. The only Mary Poppins I can find right now wants $3.99 for it.  No way!

    Ok, I'm going to be good. Have litter boxes to clean and change the sheets on the bed and maybe do a little more on my friends book that I'm suppose to help with graphic details.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Oh Smaarty, so motivated for a late Saturday afternoon. I have forced myself to get a few things done, not enough though. The cleaning never ends. Does seem like the house gets dustier in the winter. Maybe those filters need to be changed? Do you have Red Box? I think the movies are now $ 1.25..I have rented from them alot..

    Teka, your Saturday night treat sounds yummy, 4sewwhat suggested something last night in my hot tea, now I can't of those spendy liquors. 

    I also want the shingles vaccination when possible, seems like it could be my next headache..

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    badger, so sorry, the way I posted to you, when I reread the last few pages I sounded so RUDE to you. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. The wine was at the max a that point. I can't figure out what it was I was trying to say. You will forgive me won't you.  ??????????sheila

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Holeinone - I have a new bottle of GranGran orange liquer. Might brew up some Earl Grey and try a little in it. Or maybe in some hot chocolate. Just come in from putting up goats. Put up tight waiting for front to blow through though it is still in the 60s. Not for long. Made some chicken salad with canned chicken and having a sandwich and warmed up last bit of coffee. Going to watch Stars Hockey and work at taking down tree.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Blessings, I have the exact same thing, anterolisthesis of L4 upon L5 creating central canal stenosis.  In Dec of '12, I was in excruciating pain, could hardly sit, stand, or lie down.  Hard core pain meds did nothing for it.  Had an MRI and it found problems at L2/L3, L4/L5.  I went in for the steroid shots middle of Dec.  They helped a little, but not complete pain relief.  The spine dr said I could have up to 3 sets of the shots in a 12 month period. He recommended another round of shots. I had it done in Jan '13, and that pain has yet to come back.  (Knocking on wood!)  I have a good friend that recently had them and he has had complete pain relief.  I think a visit to a spine dr would be in order for you!! 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Hey sassy, no problem!  No offense was meant and none was taken.  Love ya sis!  L&H&P's to all.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Badger- the A1c test is an average of your blood sugar over a three month period. It sounds like your mom checked your fasting glucose. I have had mine checked a number of times and always okay, but the A1C suggested my blood sugar is not always in the range it should be. The use it more for diabetics, but starting to use it more now to check blood sugar for those they suspect could be heading towards diabetes.

    Teka- tea and pie sounds yummy!

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    ok, scooped the poop! Changed the sheets. Love flannel in the winter. I got these at Target for $20 for queen. Usually cheap sheets are cheap, these turned out to be really nice and thick.

    Got a couple of chapters formatted and started dinner. (Would really like lemon meringue pie). 

    So someone's the goat lady, someone is the chicken lady, I'm the cat lady! I have 3 indoors, 5 outdoors but they're not all mine. 2 of those are here on purpose, the others have decided to move in (yes, I know, I feed them all!) 

    Here's what the inside cats got for Xmas.


    Riley is at the top, she's 5; Parker II is in the middle, she's 1, and Tinker is in the house, he's 2. Tinkers mom is one of the strays that has decided to stay with us. I managed to catch her and the other babies she had under our patio and got her fixed.

    Dinners ready!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Smarty- love the cats and the cat furniture. My sister has one of those for her four cats and they love it. You are a good soul to mother all the indoor and outdoor kitties!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Thanks Jazzy, it's on my radar now.  Mom's considered 'pre-diabetic' but dad was diabetic and so's my bro.  They're on pills instead of shots but watch diet carefully to avoid foods with a high glycemic index. 

    Smaarty - love the cat tree, three tiers of kitties!

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Smaarty, I have the exact same tree for my cat!!  He loves to sit on the middle spot and look out the window, which must be open!  He has just taken to standing on the back of my leather chair and launching himself up to the top spot.  Fortunately this thing is heavy and it only wobbles a little.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    that's why I liked this one, it has a wider base. Parker already managed to knock over the old one and she's the smallest.

    Going to eat dinner. Pie anyone??.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378


    DH made this for DD a few Christmases ago....  Her kitty's love it!

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    oh I like that. They're not easy to make.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Luvmygoats, the power of suggestion, hot tea & Grand is pretty tasty, I never had it, but 2 nights in a row it has been brought to my attention that it is a soothing winter spirit...go for it, I need to remember to buy some hot chocolate stuff.

    Smaarty, I also picked up 2  sets of those Target flannel sheets, really impressive for $20...mine has cute birds on it but NO owls....damn...I do have some owl kitchen stuff & a pitcher that I use as a vase..

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Smaarty I love what u did for all u'r furbabies, u r so kind. I'm so selfish with my Katie-Kat I love when we just snuggle together, actually she'll sit by someone else, but she never cuddles. LOL

    It's snowing and supposed to continue for a while, then drop 4,000 degrees. oops 40 degrees hahaha

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Cami, holy bat freeze, that sounds like the Antartica...I do love the snow...

    Luvmygoats, so when you put the goats up, do they go into a barn or corral? Do you do something special with he goats, show them or goat milk? I went to a dinner party a few years back, & they served goat. I did not like it. Gave me the willies, but I am kinda of picky eater & was raised on beef & spuds. Do you slaughter them for the meat? We have no pets, we have in the past, dogs & cats. But pet free at the present. Also, do not have a fenced in back yard. 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Thanks, grammaB - will pursue seeing the Spine Doc!!! 


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    smaarty, what I wouldn't give to be able to eat lemon meringue pie!  Sigh....

    mostlymom, that is an awesome cat house!!

    LOL cami, I can't imagine a 4000 degree drop in temp!!!

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Gramma-can't because of lemons or diabetes? I can't keep track who has d or not, sorry. My niece can't eat anything citrus because it makes her break out with fever blisters. We found a drug that stops them before they blister. 

    Luvmygoats-can you take a pic? Not tonight. How many? Raising them for farm?

    Ok-where's SAS, it's 1 am back there.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Since I walk with a cane, I've been really interested in the Hurrycane. Do any of you know anyone who has one? I wish they sold them in stores so I could try them out to see if they're all they're supposed to be. There's a new one being advertised now called Trusty Cane. They look great, but who knows? They only sell them on tv or the Internet as far as I know.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    MORNING Gals!

    Paula!  I keep seeing those cans also!  That Trusty?? Cane is the one with the wider base, and a light on the top by the handle?  That's so if you are out walking the streets at night with Cammi, you can see where you are falling!    Don't take me serious... kay? 

    Man, I would think twice or thrice about walking around anywhere in the dark!  Even in the house!   There is so much ice around here, I've thought of just sitting down, and moving around on a pillow!    I know!  Type in google, Reviews of that cane!  I do it whenever I'm thinking about buying something!  I wondered about those ear vacuums, and decided not to get one after reading the reviews.

    LittleGoats... I remember we saw pictures one time of the "kids".... and I thought they were soooo cute!  So I'll just be happy with you walking around with them, and frolicking in the grass.... Ha!    And I LOVE the double-pak of Goat-cheese I buy at Costco!    I mix it with steak seasoning, and just use it as a snack with "Mary's Gone Crackers" crackers....

    You gals mention Amaretto?  Well I was thinking of it.... Wouldn't it be good with Hot Chocolate?  

    And I read about your Ls4's and 5s.....  Dang girls!  Those things really cause problems when they are HURT!     I had problems years ago....  Tried every thing I could to get rid of the pain.... Physical Therapy, a Chiropractor, and 600 mg of Ibuprofen every 4 hours...  Finally, a Neurosurgeon saw me, and I had a double laminectomy. 

    I didn't get any shots... But If the disks are herniated, and causing pain down your leg into your foot, then that's about the only thing that will help it.  But I was about 20 years younger when I had that done.

    Is anyone awake around here?

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Mornin' Glories!  hi Chevy!

    I used to bartend and there are lots of yummy hot drinks.  In fact, I still have some of the recipes.


    Irish Cream Liqueur and White
    Crème de Menthe with coffee.


    Morgan Spiced Rum, Malibu Coconut
    Rum, and hot chocolate.


    Hot apple cider with Captain Morgan Spiced


    Hot chocolate with Malibu & Amaretto.


    Hot chocolate with Malibu coconut rum.


    Hot chocolate with butterscotch schnapps.


    Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning Badger!  Okay, I'll print those recipes off!  Thanks!    We should be on the "Drinking" thread, Ha! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I'm not going to mention any names..... BUT...
