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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Seem to be peeing allot?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Jazzy, seems you would be a great candidate for the diet that grammaB's on. Plus if you asked for the diet, it would be very interesting to see if the powers that be in the nutristion department can meet your request. That should indicate right away what the general populace of nutritionist feel about the diet she's on.---------------------There is still something I'm not finding, there was resistance ---heavy resistance at first. May be it's in the Meryl strep movie. May be it a way old movie.

    it was that way with treatment for polio-------so many breakthrough in science have had bto take years to be accepted.

     Have to go DBF lost is job today. Worked for the guy since 1986 minus 5 years around 2000. His boss was in the red wen he came back, DBF put him in the black. Boss went through terrible divorce this year. Today ex was at the door, locks changed. employees fried oops fired. DBF is mad , but not toasted.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Gramma, Please write exact name of diet-----I know you have already done this, but I have a method to my madness............ Plus link to that folks thread you are working one.  YAY this is a breakthrough, you all may not know it yet, but it is............................

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    WE need Flowers

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    sas, I didn't realize you were asking about the ketogenic portion or my way of eating.  You are absolutely correct, it has been around a long time.

    Jazzy be prepared for the nutritionist to insist you need to eat a lot more carbs than is healthy for a diabetic.  You have already had success eating low carb (high fat?) let that be your guide.  Check out for a great intro to lc/hf.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Sas, screw the flowers, you need more wine.....sorry, that is a hard way to start the year...

    Gramma, too many carbs in root veggies? Carrots, potatoes & onions are my favorite

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka--my first words to him were think about the postives. He has me. LOL. He won't go homeless. Would have otherwise. Can't save a nickel between being bled by an ex for child support on adult children. AND adult children asking for money.                  Maybe my thing at this point in life is to quide him to adult hood. His parents gave him no quidance.                 LOOONNNNGGG story, but maybe a happy ending. The future is what it is.

    Heck everytime my DH got layed off we went to a favorite restaurant. That's why I'm cheap----the other shoe is going to drop, always be prepared. Mixed metaphor------girls scouts in the second half. Well it works. BUT it's too friggin cold to go out. Besides the hot wine, is starting to muddle my magnificient mind.  Rotflol

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    H-I-1---------------no I meant our Flowers, Bernardi. She has posted here. She usually posts on STFU. My meaning we need her here is, she is a nutrisionists. Likely would have a fine time getting in on the discussion of this diet. I know it fits the bill for me. But god knows I love at least 2 slices of bread a day. But I know I can gain on that much. Any ways I will copy this in apost and ask her to come and read and offer insight.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871

    Sas.....I think I remember reading that wine/alcohol is not good for eczema....don't want you hurting!

    I am having a hot cup of black tea...going back under covers so I can fully recover from my revision #2.



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Sas, sorry about DBF but as they say when one door shuts........

    Golf Girl, amaretto is fabulous in hot tea ;0). May have to take my own advice after I get back from collecting the neighbor at the airport!  

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I was dx'd T2 about 1999 or so. Did the dietician thing, insurance paid for it. Went through a whole bunch of meds and docs. Actually had a CDE tell me if my #s went up doc would rx more meds! Then I found the ADA forum. Way back then it was different. I learned a lot there. I learned to eat what worked FOR ME! GranmaB and Savigigi know YMMV. Your mileage may vary. We have been on that forum together, but we all left. Why doesn't matter here. I couldn't eat LC.  My last A1c was 6.2. I'm happy with that. I don't have any complications from D. I am also on an insulin pump. I love it. Insulin is a good thing, not to be feared. 

    Ok off my soap box

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Chevydarling - Try not to scare everyone at first, okay.  One thing at a time.  Like ankle monitor.  That's enough for one post. REALLY, I mean it.  The other stuff we'll address later.  Oh sorry, I'm a little on edge.  Big Alice found out about the guy that I took home from the STFU party.  He's still here and she's mad.  He thinks the monitor is just jewelry and I'm not telling him different! Anyway, BA is mad and that's a very bad thing.  I'm keeping a low profile.

    cammi - I'm so excited that you found a job with a vibrator.  Holy crapamole, was that on the unemployment website or Craig's List?  ROFL, I just read your post about your card appt.  You are the BEST

    Golfy - I agree, if Chevy and cami work together it must be filmed.

    Smaartypants - so glad you have that beautiful new baby

    Someone asked about the complicated beer bread recipe.  Here it is:

    3 cups self-rising flour

    3 tablespoons sugar

    1 12 oz beer at room temperature

    1/4 cup melted butter

    Mix everything but the butter together and put in a greased loaf pan.  Pour melted butter over the dough.  Bake at 375 degrees for about 35-40 minutes.  Test for doneness with a toothpick.  Eat it up.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Thanks 4 sewwhat, that sounds tasty...I am being very careful to limit alcohol, read all the warnings for bc, I think/hope that in a few months, I will not be so freaked out on the what ifs...I did enjoy a glass of red wine on Christmas.....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I figured I'm fried by genes, no misspelling, I have  a friggen bad gene. Katheindc lead me to a source that might care. The problem as I see it is: the more of us die without genetic testing, the rest can't benefit from the finding. I have one cousin that has had BC , mets to liver given 3months to live. Her choice-- let nature---in this case cancer take it's course. Yet, her eldest son has had kidney>colon>liver>prostate cancer. 7years he's survived. To my knowledge he's the first on that generation. Her family had the earliest cancer---her sister had BC in a time when it wasn't talked of. Since they are the oldest, my perception is her family may be more at risk. Tough call.

    won't belabor stats----------MY goal is to find someone that can figure it out. If it benefits the world. Wonderful. I want to protect the next generation. Inclusive of my son.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    yep sassy I went back to the start and paged through.  Mostly it was to zero out the unread posts count (I came in around page 180, so I'd see something like 327 unread posts to this thread when I looked at Active Topics and think OMG they can talk).  But it's also because you ladies are freaking hilarious!  Sorry your DBF got laid off especially in such a heartless manner.  It will be OK.

    Saw my onco for six-month follow-up this afternoon.  I was the last app't of the day and he was very distracted.    During the interview, he asked if I was keeping up on my mammograms (ummm no mammies to gram, doc).  During the physical exam, he poked around for my ovaries, which were removed over a year ago.  That got him talking about Arimidex but I had already decided to finish the 5 years on tamox then go to an AI & he agreed with that.  No labs today and none next time.  He says my regular doc can order those if needed so it looks like he's reducing his role in my medical care.  I don't get scans either but would like a baseline bone density test.

    Paula, you know ILY my chemo tips thread-bumping sista.  ♥  L&H&P's to all

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Jazzy----I have a Montreaux-Detroit jazz poster that is not catalogued with the rest. It's from the first. Has some color affected. I, also have a jazz poster with, pics of each of the following with their instrument with a pen like drawing with their instrument. Trane, Bird, Duke, Satchamo, Miles. The main statement says "Jazz The Tradition Lives".  These came from a person who had legal access to them from the Detroit Museum of Arts. He sold them to my dad for the price of a drink. He was an alcoholic. I treasure them.  I figured you would go WOW and COOL. I hope so. Don't often have anyone that recognizes any value in them. DID I figure right?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    A job with a vibrator? Where do I sign up for that? SmileHappy

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    thanks Chevy, I always loved bagpipes, also reminds of the Star Trek movie where Spock died. Anyway, thanks. I'm back from shopping. I'm gone a couple of hrs and 4 pages added. Wow! 

    Would the low carbs thing work just to lose some weight? Wouldn't hurt to drop 20-30 lbs.

    Also, is it weird to have a muscle twitch on you for no reason? My left breast is dancing like crazy, driving me nuts! This going to happen for the next 2 months?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Badger--I find that I have a doc for every system. I know something is being missed, but working on it. The last time I went to the neurologist, he didn't know what he was evaluating, had the wrong diagnosis, didn't know what our prior contact had been. In other words, he didn't read the chart before coming in the room. Then sent it to everyone, he broke HIPPA. A mess. When I told my counselor that sent me to him. He was aghast and angry. The problem with a wrong dx on the record, can screw so much up. Supports why getting copies of everything is important.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Sassy - so glad grammaB posted her diet. I've never been on the "Hermits" thread.

    I DID go on a diet in 2012, and lost 60 pounds and more than 65 inches. I had no intention of doing so, but my MO wanted me to lose weight because I am 100%ER, and estrogen is produced in belly fat, of which I had plenty.

    I lost my weight through the Optifast program at Kaiser. It was a stringent, medically-supervised liquid diet for four months. I loved every minute of it, and had no SEs whatsoever, except a brief increase in liver enzymes that returned to normal as soon as I went back on solid food. They took me off ALL my prescription drugs (over a dozen every day!!!) except for Synthroid. I had regular monitoring with physicians' exams and weekly lab work.

    All my lab work returned to normal - after high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, that was a relief. 

    Within a few weeks, my fibromyalgia pain of ten years started to subside. I knew it wasn't from weight loss; I was only losing 2 pounds a week. Finally I made the connection: Optifast is gluten-free. BINGO! 

    After we finished the "Fasting" phase of the weight loss plan, we slowly transitioned back to solid food. Weekly meetings and weigh-ins were mandatory, and we learned tons about the physical and emotional aspects of food intake. We learned about nutrition, cooking, and exercise. We were never expected to become gym rats, they just asked us to wear pedometers and get in at least 10,000 steps a day.

    Everyone in my "cohort" was there for medical reasons. Everyone who completed the program lost a ton of weight, and now, almost two years later, most of us have kept it off. We still have weekly classes, and they have become our support group. I am still off all the daily prescription drugs except for Synthroid and Femara.

    My diet now is pretty much the opposite of grammaB's. I do still have my Optifast smoothie for breakfast (2 cups water, six ice cubes, 1/4 cup blueberries, 1/4 cup fat-free cottage cheese, some fiber powder, a tablespoon of sugar-free Torani syrup, and a vanilla Optifast packet, all whizzed up in my VitaMix.) For lunch I'll have either a protein shake or some chicken breast and a salad, and for dinner, a small serving of protein, lots of veggies, and maybe a little brown rice, but not usually. I agree - carbs are not my best friend.

    My evening treat is a smoothie made with fat-free milk, ice cubes, and frozen bananas, with a spoonful of almond butter. 

    Going gluten-free has helped (I believe) with the SEs of Femara as well as the fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, we found the Gluten Free Snack aisle at WalMart, and went hog-wild a few months ago. No wheat, but sugar, salt, and fat. NOT healthy!!!!

    The MO waited until after my diet to put me on Arimidex. I lasted on that for a year before switching to Femara. I've gained back some of the weight, but not enough to freak out. I lost it once, I can do it again.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Chevyboy - I can make my eyes do the same thing that owl does in the "Don't Make Me Come Over There" pic.

    It sure worked on my noisy students. Shocked

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Smarrty  LOl I almost forgot about the dancing breast. It happens LOL. Hopefully when no ones around. When some ones around you just pretend you didn't notice. Now with the BS I said "Watch what I can do." Bagpipes could have helped.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Spookie, you are exactly correct!  Everyone's woe (way of eating) is different some do well on lc/hf, others not so much.  Everyone tolerates foods differently. Some can't go really low carb, others can't go high carb.  What spikes me may be just fine for you to eat.  You have the added bonus of being able to adjust your insulin to accommodate carbs you eat.  Insulin is not a bad thing.  Those non insulin dependent T2's among us don't have that advantage. We have to eat to our meters. In other words, we test before we eat something, then test again 1 hr after first bite and again at 2 hrs after first bite.  If we don't get a spike, that food is safe for us to eat.  I can eat about an ounce of apple at a time, others can't go near an apple.  These diabetes control diets are totally specific to each person.

    sas, the above explanation is why I can't give you a "name of the diet" other than low carb/high fat. Check out the site I mentioned earlier, for a good description of the way of eating and lists of foods.  The diabetes forum I participate in has many threads about ketogenic eating.  Here is a good site for info on it: and another:

    Sorry about DBF, he is lucky to have you!  Personally I can't eat regular bread, but there are so many lc work arounds for it that I don't miss it.

    Holeinone, yep root veggies are very high carb.  The small amount I would be able to eat without a spike wouldn't even be worth it.  I can eat about 1 ounce of onion without problems, but do have to adjust my other items in the meal to keep carbs where I want them.  

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    badger, I love you too Bumping Sista!

    I have a funny story to tell you gals....I started chemo on Dec. 7 2012. I was probably 1/2 way done with AC and during one of my good days was going to the Spaghetti Warehouse for lunch with my sister, Jan. I had made an accidental discovery in the bathroom the night before. So jan is driving us to lunch and she missed a turn. I called it to her attention, so she drove around the block. As we were passing a used car lot, Jan said, " OMG, they still have that Volvo I want!" Without missing a beat I said, "speaking of Volvos, I don't have a hair on mine!"

    If Cammi can have a vibrator job (Hussy) I can tell my Volvo story!


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Ah Blessings ---explains why I got you two mixed up. Dh Went on Optifast-----lost 250, gained backed in several months. BUT he lost his job, took a job 3 hours away, lived in a one room bedroom with a bath, little after work contact except TV. I died when I saw him get off the plane. Oh well. Lifelong his problem was food. Then his docs put him on drugs that caused 100 lbs of gain-------shit.....other one I forget...........then Actos........50lbs. Then his cardio doc increased his Lipitor to 80mg----Heart ejection fraction went from 50%(NORMAL) TO 20 %(15%heart transplant time). I demanded Lipitor be stopped and he be put on Coreg. He eventually came back to 50 %. But was 46% when Adriamycin added once Lymphoma dx'd........ Bullcakes. That's when I got into Genelex.

    It changed my PCP's, councelors, and Mo's practice b/c I showed them a way that genetics could guide therapy.  So, the next time you bring radicle info to your docs office, don't apologize. You may change their world

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Sheila - he DID read my chart, ten seconds before he came in the room.  I heard him pull the file from the door, and flip through it.  OK I was dx 4 years ago so not a high-priority (or high-profit) patient but still felt perfunctory. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I still eat to the meter, even though I have more freedom with insulin. Still can't eat the whole cake! So many fear insulin, I don't understand why. Your body makes it, until your pancreas poops out. Then you need it. 

    D is an awful hideous disease that can be controlled. It can kill you if you let it.  

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Gramma B- I know they will tell me to eat more carbs. I remember talking to you on the Hermits thread about how they started me on 45 g of carbs per meal, 15 per snack. I was not loosing any weight. I dropped the meals down per your suggestion. I have lost 15 and heading down to 20 lbs down soon. Need to loose weight for both the D and to reduce bc reoccurrence risk. As I tell myself, there is absolutely NO benefit to excess weight. I plan to tell her what was recommended and what I am doing that is working. I really want to get a check to see how my A1C is after being very careful for four months now.

    Blessings- a good friend of mine also did the Optifast program and lost 60 pounds. I saw her a few weeks ago (she lives in another state) and she look SO good. Sounds like you also did very well on it. My sister is a physician and also has seen several of her patients who have lost anywhere between 50-100 pounds on it. 

    Nite insomniacs. I am very tired tonight and hope I can sleep all the way through!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Spookie, don't mean to bum you out , but if you study the oral hypoglycemics they cause the pancreas to eventually fail. So, insulin is the ultimate answer. I was pissed. ADD Omega 3 1000 mg twice a day  and see what and how it changes your insulin resistance.

    I did two things based on research for Dh---added the Omega 3 & used the glycemic index foods< 50. It was amazing. Then I turned him over to an endocrinologist that specialized in diabetes>>>>>>>>>>downhill after that.