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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    OK TMI warning but I found this wiki really interesting.

    "Fog" is a poem by Carl Sandburg. It first appeared in Sandburg's first mainstream collection of poems, Chicago Poems, published in 1916.

    Sandburg has described the genesis of the poem. At a time when he was carrying a book of Japanese "Hokus", he went to interview a juvenile court judge, and he had cut through Grant Park and saw the fog over Chicago harbor. He had certainly seen many fogs before, but this time he had to wait forty minutes for the judge, and he only had a piece of newsprint handy, so he decided to create an "American Hoku".

    So my haiku was inspired by his poem, inspired by haiku! Nerdy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Ah HAH! 

    Love is like winter
    Warm breaths thaw cold hearts until
    one day the spring comes.

    Because we are freezing our  a$$e$ off.... so it had better hurry.  

    This what you mean?


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Good gracious you lot have been busy not sleeping to talk about earthquakes, DHs snoring, drinking, chickens and poems Loopy

    Here I am just getting up - I could join in on any of those topics but haven't been around. We have been rather sad because our DS and DDiL were to have a baby in the beginning of July but that is not to be. So it has been a sad beginning to the New Year.

    My DH snores and generally I just hit him - works for a while.

    Earthquakes - well this isn't  called the shakey isles for nothing.

    Looks like a clear day out there so must get moving.

    Big hugs

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Good morning, Alyson!

    Chevy - YES - good one! ThumbsUp

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG Chevy everyone is getting smarter and smarter, what are we going to do?

    Lilli it does look beautiful NOW but we know what it's going to look like in a few days. Plus trying to get around now is, well I don't know actually cuz sometimes there is no one on the streets now and they have been plowing, But being Sunday not so much traffic. The bad cold hsn't come in yet. This is a wait and see type of winter storm.

    Oh Drinking----my sister has 1-2 glasses of red wine every night, never stopped. There is now vodka without any sugar, and I had Rum-Jatta at Christmas (delicious) Just my nickel worth.

    BTW I do know how to work my phone now, it's easier than the other one, so far finally something that make a little more sense. And badger u thought we'd understand Hackadu, never knew of it.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Alyson, so sorry your "kids" & you are mourning the loss of a baby. Sad.

    Chevy, dear Chevy, have you always been this damn funny? Did you get into trouble in school for talking too much & making the other kids laugh?


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    No, GG.... I was very quiet and backwards...  I mean REALLY!  I didn't like school or growing up either... sniff....  I once wrote F___ on a paper, because another girl dared me....  I was called in front of class, and just mortified!    I never made anyone laugh....  And  I don't remember laughing either.

    So growing up was not something I remember much...  But when my folks moved back to California, and I had to live with my Grandma, because I had met my Husband to be, I started living my own life!   Even my Brother had to join the Navy.... so our "family" wasn't there...

     I mean I had a boy-friend, a job, and I could be happy, and not afraid! 

    I don't remember much about grade-school, junior high, or even High-school...   Those years and all that happened are just forgotten, or never were.   Maybe little kids can block out everything that hurts them....  

    So what was it you were asking?  Ha, ha!  But I made my "OWN" family.... my own Husband, my own little girls.... and our own "home."..... That's all I ever dreamed about when I was a little girl.....  So we made it all, with nothing in the beginning. 

    I would VISIT my folks, or they would come here, but I thank God that I got the chance to live my own life, without them and all the conflict.  Do you know what I mean?

    Maybe it's beCAUSE of my up-bringing, that I am what I am today....  I learned to have fun, and talk to people, and smile....

    And YOU gals are just so much fun to look forward to.... and you make me smile.....


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Hi everyone!!

    17°F here with wind, no snow actually mostly blue sky. It's going to get colder because its clear, but nothing like you peeps in the midwest and northeastern areas are getting.

    Smaarty, because of diabetes, the sugar in it. :(

    Paula, I was looking at that cane for a while too. When I was having all sorts of problems with my back my PT insisted I use a cane as it was winter and icy out. It was the biggest nuisance ever!! That hurrycane looked great because it had a better base and it would stand on its own. But like you I wanted to test drive it first. As time passed I didn't need the cane any more though so it would have ended up another item stuck away in the closet.

    Chevy, surgery was on the table for me for a while, I had very successful cervical fusion, but the outcome of lumbar fusion isn't always as good. So I opted for the shots first, and so far the second round has done the trick.

    badger, my late DH used to snore like a freight train too along with the not breathing bits too.  At the time we lived in the SF Bay area with a cabin up in the Sierras that we would go to most weekends, he snored there too.  But when he retired and we moved up there full time all of a sudden the snoring stopped!  Only thing I could think was it was somehow stress related.  He of course denied he snored at all!

    Love your haiku!!  I had the same experience yesterday after I ran my errands!

    Jazzy, glad you have had some good nights of sleep.  That always helps!  I have a glass of dry red or white wine with dinner and and many nights a night cap before bed, a shot of something straight, no sweet mixed drinks or liqueurs.  My favorite right now is a shot of Tequila in a Himalayan Salt shot glass with a bite of lime after.  No need to salt the rim!

    posting this before it disappears. more to come.  

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Chevy, you are a gem & make me smile/laugh every day...thx..

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    ((Alyson)) so sorry for your loss.  

    Sassy, no worries!  ♥ 

    Culling mom's possessions has inspired me to do the same for myself.  I have a corner wall unit full of clothes I haven't worn in a year and this seems like a good day to start in on it.  L&H&P's to all.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    LOL Spookie, I wonder if snoring is genetic? 

    Chevy, great haiku! :)

    Hi Alyson, so sorry for your family's loss. 

    Cami, glad to hear you know how to work your phone now.  I recently got a new one after leaving the old one in a pocket and it went through the wash cycle.  Not sure I know all the ins and outs of it yet!

    Chevy, I had a very similar experience as yours.  Very uncomfortable/traumatic childhood that I don't really care to dredge up.  Once I got out on my own made my own way, had a family, raised them in a totally different, happy, loving environment.  I never left either of my children alone with either of my parents.

    Your quote is absolutely right " is too short to be anything but happy."

    Stay safe and warm all you Owlettes getting bombarded with the bad weather!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Jazzy, your alcohol ?. I have been very careful, scared actually to go back to my wine with dinner habit. It is easy cause I'm still getting over chemo, & just started rads. I have read and been told by others, that you need to be conservative. Easy now, might be more difficult next summer, playing golf 3-4 days a week, we tend to stay for the 19th hole...

    Gramma, I do enjoy a shot of good tequila, sounds like you have a perfect "sleeping" aid...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Notes from 225

    Gramma---------oh so many congratulations that you had such a great response to the epidurals last January---HOOT, HOOT, and another HOOT.

    Blessings hope you get what you need. Pain just sets us back so much. Today I decided I would have a rare pain free day. It's so delicious. BUT nothing else will get accomplished

    Badger, thanks, this will bother me for  quite awhile.

    Cats, cats everywhere cats. How nice. Such happy cats. Love cats , but I'm more of a dog person.

    Chevy, you nailed it.........that wine can kick me in the butt when I let it.

    be back DBF in a cleaning mood, maybe I can get him to declutter some stuff and put away some Xmas stuff.

    Hope I don't have to keep apologizing, I feel so bad. But I have what's called an overly scrupulous conscious. I hate that it just makes me feel so yucky that I may have hurt someone. I know Badger forgave me and you guys do too. But it's that friggen Catholic thing. I'll be a mess for a couple of weeks. I know Boring>>>>>>>>>>>>>>XOXO sheila

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Allyson - so sorry for the loss your family has suffered. Hugs from here.

    The pygmy goats in the feed pan are so cute. Mine have 2 Playskool play houses they climb in and a plastic sandbox minus lid/sand. That is one of the fav. places to sleep. I think I have 16 aged 1 year to 11 years. Attempting to whittle them down to maybe 9-10. Hay/feed cost me a bundle. They are Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats, some registered, some not because I just quit doing it. I have shown them. Furthest I've been is Atlanta the weekend after Katrina; 6 of us caravaned in 2 pickups/trailers. Great fun. Shown a bunch locally and in OK. I have milked for colostrum but never have seriously. One doe out there is probably worthy of milking but I have no setup to do it. Barn is dusty/dirty otherwise it would be in DH's garage or on back porch in north wind. No dedication to do it. Holeinone - the one you partook of might have been too old. The ethnic population buys most around here. Mine are really too skinny - dairy goats usually look skinnier than pygmys. I've frequently heard pygmys called "kegs on legs" and that's pretty accurate. They tend to be the grays of the pic. Mine are all colors - gray, black or black/white, buckskin, I had a red one, one almost pure white. My papa is black/white. They put themselves up in the barn at night. I just go shut the door. They are spoiled; does have 3 heat lamps (16 x 20 ft) and buck & his buddy have one (about 6 x 6 shed). Ok enuf primer on goats.

    I don't drink much alcohol because it aggravates my GERD. That and I would have to drink Sassy's warm wine because it's too cold.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    GrammaB....  I think back surgery depends on exactly what was wrong, and I think different surgeons do the same surgery differently?  I had mine done by a Neuro-surgeon, not an Ortho-pedic surgeon...   I also think each of us are different, in how we heal, AND hurt ourselves... 

    I DID have to have a shot a few years ago, in my back.... I must have hurt it somehow, but I remember leaning over the table, and just begging the Doctor to hurry and give me the shot.... I could hardly stand up without crying.    It worked....

    Same as with the Plantars Fasciitis in my left foot.... Pain so BAD.... Finally gave up and asked for a shot...  The custom-inserts didn't help.... nor the pain pills.  But one shot worked, then 2 months later, one more, and I haven't been bothered since.  Thank God for drugs!  Right?

    And yes, when my girls were old enough, I always told them I loved them... and DH did too!   My Parents were out of State, so never got to be with our girls....  But my IN-LAWS never even took them for a walk, or to the park.... nothing!  They watched them ONE time, and when we came back, the old man had my oldest on his lap, trying to get her to smoke his cigarette!  I wanted to kill him!  He was of course drunk!  I SHOULD have killed him!  My girls were just 3 and 5 at the time!  That bastard... 

    So never again....  

    You guys, have any of you made arrangements for when you are gone?  I mean we have our Insurance Policies, but I want to have our plans taken care of beFORE something happens.... 

    I don't want big funerals either.... just too hard on those who are left....  I'm thinking of just a simple cremation.... pre-paid....  It's so much cheaper.... and to finally be together, when both of us are gone....   Is this to gross to talk about? 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Sas, you are with friends, my good friends & I all have a pact...we spend so much time together, we know that at times, we will say or do something that maybe offends, maybe crosses the line. Sometimes a wee bit of alcohol will be the culprit, not always. We feel like we are family and its ok. You are thinking too much. Enjoy your Sunday afternoon & do not be so hard on yourself...

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    Sas I second what Holeinone just said.  I can relate to what you are saying and how you are feeling though!!!!  


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Chevy, not gross. My DH & I used to talk about it, all the time. Since my dx last summer, we have not really gone there, but we both know  exactly what the other wants. Basically the same, cremation, no service, Irish style wake. I am not religious, so I do not want a service, they always end up religious. My DH on the other hand is Catholic. He does not want a service, either. He has been to so many Catholic funerals, does not see the reason for it I guess. He was raised in the church, Catholic school. I was raised agnostic. I just want my kids to feel ok with it.  

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    ditto holeinone SAS.

    I also have plantar Fas about two years now. Got one shot in the foot, hurt like hell, never again. I now compare all pain to that. Was using inserts in my shoes which worked unless I was on my feet all day. Don't do that much anymore. I started wearing Naturalizer shoes and don't have to use the inserts now. Do have to wear shoes  all the time though, can't go barefoot anymore. Bummer.

    Chevyboy- My parents arranged everything for cremations and all paid for. Made it easier on my mom when dad died and will make it easier for my sister and I when mom goes. Personally I'm donating my DH and myself when it's time. No cost and they give you back to family all cremated when done. Not gross subject. We all need to think about this from time to time. Be easier on whoever has to take care of things. ( but I would like bagpipes played at some point.)

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    ok, got to get something done today. It's already past 1. Too much playing games on my iPad and reading this stuff. See ya later.


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Chevy, yes that is so right.  My cervical fusion was done by a neurosurgeon and he did a stellar job.  Woke from surgery and the pain was gone. 

    Not a gross subject at all.  It is something we need to think about.  I have told my kids what I want, cremation, no service, a celebration of life if they want, but I really should put it down in writing and make some arrangements. 

    Smaarty, I have arthritis in my thumbs have had the shots in one thumb.  First was in Feb of '12, hurt like he11!!  It lasted until Nov of '13 had another shot and it didn't hurt near as much. Dr talked about surgery but the recovery time is horrendous, so I said as long as the shots work this long, I'll just keep doing them.  When they don't I'll revisit surgery.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay thanks you guys!  Smarty and GG, EXACTLY!   DH was raised Catholic, but we have never really gone to church.... I almost turned Catholic to get married, but it was just too hard to try and believe what I was hearing in Catechism... So we got married by a JP.... 56 years ago.... Must have worked anyway...Ha!

    I think I will go ahead and fill out the papers for mine... It is only $1300!  Total.... And the girls can do what they want with the ashes.  I think after I tell DH that I took care of mine, he will want the same thing!   He just gets scared talking about it , I think. 

    What IS it with these born and raised Catholics that are Italians,  like my DH's family.....that they think  their funeral  has to be the biggest, with the most expensive solid gold casket trimmed with diamonds, and the huge 2 day service and mass, where you have to get up and down a million times,  and then go over to the burial service, and THEN go celebrate at someone's house?    And eat and get drunk!  My neighbor's go to funerals that they bafely even KNOW the deceased! 

    When my Dad passed away, my Brother and I had just a small service, by the place where they put the Urn, by Mom's....  Then my Brother and I and "Jim", Dad's best old friend, went to his Bar, and all had a drink for Dad!   It was so much easier than the big service my Mom had arranged..... and paid for. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh Sassy, I missed you!  Ha!  I don't really get what you are sulking around about, little kiddle...  Most of us don't pay any attention anyway.... I mean to me...  Loopy  It's like we are all friends, so we don't care if you self-impose a screw-up once in awhile....   I mean me and Cammi NEVER do....   Aren't we all here for each other anyway?  Through good and bad.... thick and thin?   So just never-mind... 


  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Chevy, DH and I did our wills and medical POA and bought our plots and headstone in 2006.  Kept putting off the actual funeral arrangements until August, 2012 after by BMX and herniated disc and his treatment for basal cell carcinoma.  I looked at him one day and said, "we've had enough messages to get our affairs in order."  I went through a lot with my mom and did not want to put our children through that wringer.  Even preparing things in case they have to file for Medicaid for us.  That was a real b...h to go through.  It's not morbid at all.  I actually had a good laugh when we bought our plot.  It is near a young tree and I commented, "oh good, hopefully by the time I die we will get good shade."  The salesman looked at me and I said, "look at how pale I am, I burn so easily I need all the shade I can get."  He didn't know whether to laugh and I said, "if I can't get a good laugh out of this, who can?"  Apparently, people are way serious about pre-planning, I'm just the opposite about it. Everything is picked out to our wishes and pre-paid.  

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Paula – I saw the HurryCane ads on TV and thought it would
    be a good idea for my FIL. But then I did some research and saw LOTS of
    consumer complaints – like it won’t stand up on its own, keeps falling over,
    the bottom is too wiggly and unstable, the feet fell off, can’t get through to
    Customer Service, etc. I would say if you need a cane, find a Home Medical
    Supply store near you, and try out all the canes they have. You can have it
    fitted to your size, and they do make quad canes for extra stability, which
    would stand up by themselves, and may even move like the HurryCane.

    Chevyboy – I don’t have any nerve symptoms from myL3/L4
    anterolisthesis. I just can’t do the “gentle” stretching and strengthening
    exercises I need to do. I lay down on the floor and start to do them, then the
    pain hits me so hard I can’t move or breathe, and there I am, stuck on the
    carpet thinking I’ll need a crane to get me up. I may have to go see a Spine
    specialist, but I won’t have back surgery. I see the Acupuncturist this week.

    Badger – I have several friends in Wisconsin. Their weather
    right now is just unbelievable!!! Too scary for me… I’ll take my 110 degree
    summers over their -15 below winters.

    I would have joined y’all last night, but I was
    reading this book I wanted to finish. Finally went to bed at 5 am and slept til
    11 am this morning. Skipped church. Still in my jammies. No plans to change.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Smaarty – I have plantar fasciitis, but once I had this
    horrific pain in the bottom of my heel that the Podiatrist said was different.
    He wanted to give me a shot, I said no, he kept insisting, and I gave in. About
    ten seconds in, I knew I’d made a mistake. I told him to stop. He didn’t. I
    started to cry, begging him to stop…. SOBBING and telling him I couldn’t take
    it any more… he kept on going. Luckily, I love this guy... or I would have killed him afterwards.

    The worst part was having DH sitting next to me. He hates
    needles and gets woozy at the sight of them. I had told him to leave the room,
    but noooooo. He wanted to “comfort” me. Well, I ended up with a huge welt on my
    arm where he had a death grip on it the entire time. He said the needle was
    HUGE, and he watched the whole procedure. I’m amazed he didn’t pass out. But
    the shot worked!

    Like you, that is now my standard for pain. When I got my
    radioactive isotope injection in my nipple before my SNB, the Radiologist kept
    apologizing for causing me pain. I laughed and said “Ya got nothin’. Dr O tried
    to kill me with a cortisone shot a few months ago… now THAT was pain!” It was like a "20" on a scale of 1 - 10.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Blessings-I forgot to mention that I couldn't walk on that foot for 3 days after! And I found out I'm too old for crutches! Never again, I'm glad the shoes work.

    The only other pain that was almost as bad was from my Hysteromy. The pain in my shoulders all night were a killer. Glad I don't have to do that again.

    The shot in the boob had me really worried. But she said they put lodicaine in it now, so it was just a pinch.
    The biospy wasn't painful either. I don't think I feel pain like normal people.

    So now's it's after 2 and I'm hungry, still haven't got much done. Stressing over size with the exchange coming up. I'm driving myself crazy!!! I good scream and maybe some crying might help, but I'm going to have lunch and maybe cry in my soup (probably chinese food).  It also frustrating, I have access to the picture forum but can't find anything. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Chevy, yes that's the movie (Thelma & Louise). That was the first time I ever saw Brad Pitt. I've had the HOTS for him ever since! I saw him in a movie with Robert Redford once. I always thought they should team up in a movie as father & son.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yes, I remember!  Damn!    That was a great movie!   I was reading the whole script on-line.... It really was funny! 

    Smaarty.... don't stress!  Didn't Sass help give you some pointers?  (no pun intended)...Loopy  But those of us that are a little large, wish we could be smaller.... or at least EVEN!   I remember that gal saying on the Carol Burnett show....  "I'm not so worried about the size of my breasts, just which way they are pointing! "  

    I never DREAMED  ..... Oh well!    At least when I put on a bra, they resemble breasts...Ha!