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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Ok, You are all right, let it go.

    Ther's to much here that's good, but then some bad happens

    Aly, so sorry for all about the loss of the baby.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    DBF and I actually got all the xmas stuff put away and it's not March. LOL.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Sas, that a girl, your back....;)))

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Yes, we got tree down and put away. Bought a new ceiling fan at Lowe's the other day. Has brownish tinted light shades - looks pre-dirty-ed to me. I like them. DH says he may get it up in the spring. I'm going to call and get a couple of replacement shades, they would be impossible to match. The one we are replacing has lots of "brass" and not my style. That and its got to be 20 years old. Our house faces due west and boy does it get hot in the summer.

    OK who's watching Downton Abbey tonight?  ME!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Alyson- so sorry to hear about the loss of the baby that was not meant to be. That is very sad news for you and your family. Be gentle with yourselves as you embrace the loss.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK I'm wake for now--and what do I read let's talk about death and doom. When my mom died my brothers did everything, but right after I did all the arrangements for my dad just what he wanted, a cremation and to be buried at my mom's feet, cuz that's where he lived his life --so we did that. I really want no big deal I think my girls should take people out to lunch and enjoy themselves, and I'm going to be cremated, they can do whatever they want with me, as they say I won't be there anyway. Chevy my dad use to tell us that years ago if u didn't get hysterical at a funeral the family wouldn't talk to u (Italian) so u had no choice and some families would pay mourners to be all loud and crying just for respect. Our families never did that, we were so typical Italian, but then not typical at all.

    Sas u'd better be fine now, whatever happened it's fine.

    All I do is sleep lately, but this week the weather is not going to let me get any of my tests. I'm staying in. They already cancelled school tomorrow and work places and just general moving around the next 2 days. I remember yrs ago it was this cold and windy, not recently---hmmm the global warming isn't working right now. I can hear the wind howling and my furbaby keeps looking at the window hahaha

    OK my brain is not functioning as usual so I'll close for now.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Will be around for awhile so will check who's up chatting.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Allison, sorry about the baby. Hopefully they'll try again. My son and dil lost 2 but have 2 now.

    Ok, I'm feeling more or less human. These da?&#% TE are really bothering me tonight. Do they/can they slide into the armpit area? I'll know more on Tuesday what's going on but I can't seem to quit worrying about it.

    Well crap, I burnt dinner. How hard is it to fix a meal in a bag?

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Smaarty, some nights it why the heck did I even bother. My lazy, go to dinner is baked potatoes & a small pan of steamed/sautéed veggies in a little walnut oil...DH & I do not eat like we used to, much smaller amounts. I do have my DS  & DD here about one night a week for dinner, so that's when I really cook, like the old days, salad, entree, veggies & starch ( spud or rice ). 

    How much longer for the TE.....? They sound kinda dreadful...

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    My parents did the pre paid cremation thing. In laws did traditional in ground. DH saw how much easier and cheaper cremation is, well, we are pre paid too. DH wants to be planted with his parents. I do not. FIL allowed DD to get drunk one Christmas, she was 3.  Want nothing to do with them. 

    I had a laminectomey done on my neck by a neurosurgeon. 4 levels. He botched it, left me with permanent nerve damage in my arm and permanent pain in the scapular area. I should have sued him. An ortho surgeon fused the 4 levels 2 years later. L5S1 is shot, L 2 3 4 aren't much better. If I ever get it done will be by a spine ortho. 

    I have a small quad cane. The quad part comes in different sizes, best to see in person. 

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Hi all....haven't been on for awhile...just way too busy, and I tried posting and my post disappeared ??

    Anyway, I tried skimming thru the last weeks posts. There sure are many subjuets. I decided to give up and just jump in. Alyson, my heart goes out to you and your family for your loss. Chevy, interesting narrative about your childhood, or loss of childhood. You've done a great job of raising yourself above it all. Smaarty, I hated those TE's, and mine seemed to move under my arms too. It really gets better when those damn TE's are replaced with permanent implants.

    I feel so bad for some of you gals dealing with the horrible cold weather, and hope it warms up soon. I am in Southern California and really don't get horrible weather, or notice the change in seasons much. 

    I am still fighting a respiratory infection, but doing much better. I've been trying to figure out how to eat a low salt low phosphorous diet so my kidney stones don't return. Not enough info out there that I have found so far. Take care Owlettes. Chat again soon. 

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    I have 1 more fill, then the implants on February 19. It will depend on Tuesday and what he has in mind for size. Whippetmom has rec 600 if I have a fill of 500. He says he doesn't go bigger with implants. I need to find out if that's how he works or it's because of my prior breast lift.

    You guys have a good night. 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801



    The whole time I had them in I walked like John Wayne, about to draw his guns from both sides. Couldn't put my arms down straight at all.

    This, too, shall pass....

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Hi all, i am so lost need to read back a lot of pages. Well just wanted to say to Smarty i had 600cc in my TE and my PS did not agree to go larger so got 600 implants now i am so depressed by the results my implants are swimming in the skin :( lots of rippling and  very  dissatisfied so yes try to get 100 bigger than the   TE.

     Aly sorry about your lost :( 

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    it's me again! Sorry I've been MIA, stupid knee and stupid back just not making things easy at the moment. Managed to sleep a bit last night though, then had to get up at 6.00am to get my ds's out for the first day back to school! 

    Yet again, I've got pages to catch up on, so please excuse me if I don't comment on recent posts. The last the I read from where I left off you were talking about teeth!!

    So here's a story about teeth in France.....

    We all know about the tooth fairy. Well, in France for some reason, it's a tooth mouse (!) who comes for the children's teeth. When my middle child lost his first tooth we were already living in France for 2 years. He was very quiet during the day; typical boy, something on his mind so he couldn't concentrate on anything else! As I was tucking him up in bed, tooth safely installed under his pillow, he said "mum, you know the way I'm Irish?" Emmm, yeesss??! " well, do you think I could ask the tooth fairy to collect my tooth instead of the tooth mouse?  I don't want a mouse under my pillow!!"  

    Trying to keep a straight face it told him that should be ok, and I helped him write a letter of apology to the tooth mouse! 

    My younger son followed the same tradition, so we've never had the tooth mouse visit our house, much to the amazement of their friends!

    P.s. -Lovemygoats, in case you didn't get it from that, I'm Irish, moved to France 10 1/2 years ago with my Irish dh and 3 kids! 

    Morning everyone!


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Don't know anything about TE's or implants, but from what I have read on several threads, I am glad I don't.  Flat is working just fine for me. Hope all of you going forward get the results you hope for!

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Nicky, love the tooth fairy/mouse story.  I so love to hear about traditions around the world. I'm with your boy, rather have a fairy than a mouse under my pillow!

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378


                 Tooth Mouse

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG there is a tooth mouse --oh u know what I mean--Nicky that is adorable, I never heard about a mouse, but I wouldn't like a mouse either, u'r kids were smart from the beginning. I'm sorry u'r having such a difficult time, I do wish it would get better for u.

    Gramma I'm with u, so so many  just on these boards have had such difficulty with certain procedures that being flat is fine with me, maybe too because my mom had this done when she was in her 40's and it never seemed to bother her and we were all used to it--so my sister,cousin and niece all decided just to stay flat.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    LITTLEPAWS!  Okay, I looked this up for you.... !  See if you can follow this diet? 

    I remember this friend.... once.... shut up Cammi..... And her DH had kidney stones, they say, from drinking a 6 pack of Pepsi a day.....  Could that have caused the stones?   She just said how he had to go to the Hospital, because of the pain!  Hope you get to feeling a lot better soon!   And Thanks for the compliment! 

    Alyson.... so sorry about the Baby.... I know they say things happen for a reason, but it's hard to find one when you are hurting....  (((hugs)))

    Spookie.... Good to hear from you...I think the less I talk about creamation around here, the better off I will be.  I don't think he wants to think about it at all.... I sent my 2 DD's an email, with some of the info, then called the one here, and  she asked, "So what are we supposed to do with your ashes?"  And I said, "well, just put both of ours together, and bury them somewhere, like in my gardens, or in the ditch!"  And she  just laughed!    And I said, "But you have your CAT'S ashes with you!  What about us?" And she laughed some more...  Winking  Honestly, it's up to them...  Some people even have them blowing over the ocean, or mountains!    So hopefully I will get this all arranged and paid for, with no-one else even having to THINK about it!

    Oh Thanks ENERVA!!!   Sorry about your wondering girls....  Can't you just lassoo those things in and make them behave?  I think it's still too soon maybe?  

    Nicky, That was so CUTE!  A tooth-mouse!  Well I should tell DH that, and maybe scarf some money from him?  Ha, ha!  I'm going this morning...  I KNOW it has to be pulled...  It's served it's time... And since I'm Irish, we just DO these things...Ha!

    Morning Cammers!   So you say your relatives were VERY traditional?  Yes, they all were in "those" days...ha!    Man, funerals just make me sad...  And being polite, and going to those huge events for someone that doesn't even know you are THERE,  is just hard to be around.  I know you said MORE, but you guys are on the last page... So wait a minute.....!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh?  Sass has been busy!  Glad you got your stuff put away!   My organizational skills are in a state of dis-repair.  I'm TRYing to get all things "together" but my attempts suffer somewhat.  I'm trying to have not so many places for the same THING!   Like office stuff, for one thing...  EVERYthing should be together... or at least in the same room!  Or even HOUSE!  (just kidding on that one)..... But when I'm looking for something like staples,  I just STAND here in a quandry!  Which way do I GO?  Are they in that box under the bed?  Or in the drawer with the other staplers?  With the mini-stapler?    I have to downsize. 

    Littlegoats!  Our Living-room faces West, but we have a HUGE... I mean MAMMOTH Colorado Blue Spruce just to the right in our yard, so we DO get some shade, in the Summer...!   But they built this stupid house next to us, that is 3 stories TALL!  It's on the SOUTH side, and about 60 inches away from out house with the windows, that are now useless.   Man, I just felt invaded!  I called, and called, and somehow they got away with building it that CLOSE!    It wouldn't have mattered HOW close, because a 3 story house next to our little Victorian would have blocked the sun anyway.  

    But at least we like the neighbor... now....  Better than the RENTERS that lived there for over a year...  4 kids in their 20's.... All single, and with the single most urgency to stay up all night, EVERY night!   Running in between our houses, screaming and yelling and raising all kinds of hell!     Man, we tried talking to them nicely, taking them cookies... (no Cammi, not those Brownies you make with weed...)  Man, it's a wonder WE didn't get high, with a total cloud of smoke going up in the immediate area almost every night!   And finally, they MOVED!!!!    So now we are in "Sober Living"..... Ha, ha!  Tha's funny.... 

    We were more than happy!   We never even called the Police on them!    It was like a Frat House!  But we perservered...  and won.   I have to add, those 3 guys that lived there just HAD to be models!  They were the most HANDsome guys I ever SAW!    And the gal was JUST as cute... she was a Sister to one of them....  Whey my Daughter would visit, she would try and see if they were home... Ha!    And SHE would bring them funny cookies!   (Nope, just kidding...Winking)

    I think my mind wanders................which makes me look for Cammi!    Are you up yet, you guys? 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Happy 1st Monday of 2014.....

    Nicky, it sweet to hear your stories, traditions, Irish/French culture. A mini vacation for us.

    Chevy, I think your DH is proud of you for taking charge on the end of life decisions, he was probably raised with family that could not be open...

    Mostly Mom, cute photo, I am sticking with the fairy though, mice in bed....YIKES !

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Nicky - Are fairies considered "bad" in France hence the transmutation into a mouse? I believe that fairies in Irish folklore are good but maybe there are bad ones too. I have some garden gnomes but they do not survive DH's weedwacking efforts. I think even if they were concrete they would have hunks missing out of them. I've given up on yard ornaments. And yes agree with GrammaB - fairy rather than mouse. The tooth fairy at our house one year forgot to come. OH my did that require some 'splaining to DD. I was an older mom; probably by that time was easily in my 40s. Sleep won over that night.

    I own a cemetery plot. Deeded to me by DM though my DH says he will never be buried there. Not sure if that comment includes cremation remains. About 1.5 hours south of us in town where my DF and GM were raised and guess what my DM would have called her hometown. She had to buy it when my stepfather #1 died unexpectedly when I was in HS. They are both buried there. Plenty of room still and DM sold 1/2 plot years ago to my aunt. Have plenty of experience arranging cremation for hospice pts. Direct cremation is relatively inexpensive but with a viewing of any sort prices go up. Our social workers always knew where the best deals were and who worked the best with families. I don't think I had a bad dealing with any FH except one time when I was needing a county burial (indigent) and screwed up the county of residence. FH guy thought I was trying to rook him. I think he finally found the address in a data base and confirmed the correct county. Many of the places out here one side of road is one county, other side is another. Geesh. (and my work computer had county of residence wrong).

    Chevy - I agree tooth mouse needs to visit you (and not the rodent kind). Starbucks for sure. We do have nice facing south windows in the garage now the den. I open them up and doggy suns herself in them.

    Hope all are staying warm. It was 14 out here this morning. First time in ages our back faucet froze. DH just opened it again and it was thawed. I had been running the dryer which exits near it and running the washer which is maybe same feed pipe.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    WOW - only 11 posts since I last checked. Where is everyone? Hope y'all are not frozen!

    DH and I just cringe when we watch the national news on TV. We look at the weather map and feel bad for our family and friends in the middle of the mess. He got chilled during dinner last night and turned the heat up. It was 54 degrees outside. That's shorts and Tshirt weather for some folks!

    Awaiting instructions from my PCP re: back stuff. May have to go to Spine Clinic. See the Acupuncturist on Wednesday. Cancelled Myofascial Release Massage appt on Thursday just so I can tell what acupuncture does for me. I know it can relieve pain, but it won't change the underlying structure.

    Oh well, maybe I'll start wearing one of those big braces like the stock guys at Costco...

    Stay warm and safe out there!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Thanks Littlegoats and GG!  I called the Cremation place, and it IS very simple to arrange this...  I printed off a copy of the Registration form she had sent me, and I will fill one out for each of us, then go Monday at 1 to fill out a few more papers and then write a check for both !

    Yes, my folks had their arrangements made, for the funeral & service!  Even the cars.... But neither one, included the actual cremation, so that was the only thing we had to pay for...  But for my Dad, we did not use his big funeral plan....  The minister met us at the cemetary, and just performed a small service there, because Mom was already in the ground, which they had paid for, and he was put beside her.  

    So I'll get that done Monday!  I'm just relieved.... Been trying to get phone numbers, etc. all taken care of, and all in one place.   The girls names are already on our bank accounts, and our home...  So actually we didn't even need a Last Will....   same way with my folks...  When they were both gone, within 2 weeks we had cleaned out their home...  and put it up for sale....   My Brother and I went back to our home states, and when the house sold, we were both sent faxes, and signed everything that way.   We didn't even have to have an attorney for any of this...  I had to take care of their SS checks, Pensions, etc.....  And I had to get quite a few death certificates....  But we did it all ourselves....   My Brother was my rock, when my Dad passed away....  But Mom and Dad made it so much easier for us....  I'm glad I'm doing our arrangements.... then I can forget it....ThumbsUp

    So sorry about your back problems Blessings!   Maybe some kind of flexible brace,  or even heat WOULD help you? 

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Mostlymom, darling tooth mouse, but I'll stick with the tooth fairy.

    Chevy, that really sux to have a home that large, that close!!  Was there some reason they had to build so close to you? Glad to hear at least you have decent neighbors now.

    HI cami, Teka, and Holeinone!  (waving)

    luvmygoats, both my mom and dad were cremated and the cremains shipped from CA to WI to be buried in family plots back there.  At first my mom was really against cremation until she found out how expensive it would be to ship a body back to WI.  My DH was cremated also and I scattered most of his ashes around the yard in our mountain home, some I still have in a pendant and some I took to India and scattered in the Ganges.  I'll leave it to my kids what they want to do with my ashes when that time comes.

    Blessings, glad you are getting some feedback from the PCP re your back.  I still think an evaluation from the Spine Clinic would be a good start.

    Have a good Monday all and stay safe and warm!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    My mouth is so sore...Ha!  That tooth was broken, which I knew, and then of course it broke OFF when he was trying to get it out!   But it is gone...  I just don't like to open my mouth....  I'll try and eat a little something later....  Cold and heat do NOT feel good....


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Ah Chevy feeling your pain. I had my wisdom tooth ( @ my age ) drilled & filled in 2 spots a couple of weeks ago. The shots and hyper extending the jaw were oowwee, I hope your heals quickly with no problems.

    Gramma, Waving "hello" back at ya..

    Blessings, warm & toasty are ya? Good luck with the back issues. I hate back pain...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    DS called to say Florida State University is in the national play off tonite. There is already pregame stuff on. DS says this is going to be one of the best games ever in football. I hope, he was so excited.

    Oddly, I wore a FSU sweatshirt to Cracker Barrell this afternoon--I was cold. Gal behind counter says you must be excited  hmmmmmm what could that be. I Looked at the sweatshirt  and said "Well based on what you're asking, I'm guessing my son is :)"

    GO SEMINOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyone know who they're playing, DS didn't mention them LOL.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Sassy - they're playing Auburn in the Rose Bowl. Pasadena. I bet the temp there ain't no f'ing 24 degrees at 7 pm. If you have cable/satellite it's on ESPN.