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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Enerva or Smarrty  and now Sweet Pea too.whomevers foobs are falling in the armpits. Mine were awful for that--too big and heavy and I think the pocket wasn't right. Ask when you can wear a non-underwire bra that can keep them on your chest. I think my whole foob experience ---which was awful was b/c of size 850cc's and poor pockets, and not expanded to size of implants---DAMN PS.  4 1/2 years later still the same story. Down the road consider swimming and the backstroke. I was amazed what the foobs did. But that was 4 years out. May have started earlier had I known. Enerva , I get your disappointment, but if you have less pain, I would trade that any day. You can get them reworked, but give it time. Retrospectively, I still wonder at how I got through 3 years with the pain. It subsided right before my brain sx. 2009 till 2012. Sucked. Sitting here, I can feel them in the armpit to a degree, I don't think you get that with smaller filled ones, but try and find someone on Sizing 101 that has your same frame size and fill level. That truly would be your BEST guideline as to the particulars about your foobs. The biggest difference then between two similar people is going to be pectoral muscle development. Tighter pectorals if upper torso muscle use was significantly different. i.e. Enerva, I no more could lift a bike, but you can.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Badger, Cami and anyone that got that bad weather. God Bless you. The numbers being reported are just crazy. Hope this is a fluke year.

    DI are you lurking,, haven't seen you lately. Pop on in with sx details :)

    Spookie are you happy about the Game?

    Golfgirl how you doing?

    Littlegoats thanks for all the advice on the end of life stuff :)

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378


                                                                  sleep?  who needs sleep - i need more coffee

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    MM where are you finding these great owls LOL. I'm going to try and get this one in the header but  we will see.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka, got them all in. I'm dizzy from editing Whee hoo.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Sas Thanks i am in touch with Whipptmom she is helping me a lot. I agree with you i will wait, i am also happy that pain is not so bad now. I will wait now and in 3 months i will get a second opinion from another PS i found. For now i am glad pain is manageable and i will get to finish a course i took and then go back to work. Thanks for the advise i am sorry about your boobs under your arm p. Hope is better now. Will you get then repair? or did it get better 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Enerva. Nope worse. But there were extenuating circumstances. The night my Dh passed he almost rolled out of bed. I wasn't going to let that happen. He was very heavy. I caught and pushed him back. It only made a bad situation for the foobs, worse. That's life.

    Since I was the far end of the extreme on most everything reconstruction, I hesitate to say much. Glad though some  helped  :)

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Sas. Yeah, I'm happy they won. This would be a miserable state if they'd lost. Still not a 'Noles fan. DD did grad school at U Georgia.  GO DAWGS

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983

    BRRRRRR! It is 5 degrees outside in the middle of the day!

    Sas, an article for you to peruse and comment on.

    Found it interesting and thought I would share this.

    Back to work...grrrrr. Wish I could just play today but it is super busy!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    April have read about Envita before. The info is exciting. I just don't get why this isn't closer to the universal standard. But change comes slowly. I've been yacking about genetic testing for meds for 4 years. My yacking has changed 3 of my docs practice approach(MO, PCP, and Councelor). How many docs that these three have changed, their practice approach I don't know. But MO is in a practice of seven, PCP same, Counselor at least five, the ripple is continuing.

    I think it's the same with Envita, the more people that ask "Why aren't you doing this?" The quicker the change will be. Particularly, if that's backed up by patients taking their health care dollars in that direction.

    April thanks for bringing the link here, I think it will generate interest.

    Folks spread the word around :)

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    where's everybody?? Well, I'm done with the fills and definitely scheduled for February 19. yeah! These things can't come out soon enough!

    So I must have been having a bad weekend. Way to much whining on my part. And I thought the TE were in my armpit before this last fill? So wrong!! I did remember to take the Motrin and that has help. I'm going to be sore tomorrow.

    Liked the mouse tooth thingy. I'd take either if it was bringing money!   We don't watch any sports but golf.  He golfs.  


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Smaarty/sue, I have to ask, do you not like to golf? I was a tennis player for years & will always love the game but physically its so demanding, had to have my shoulder repaired. So, I took up golf, played a lot last spring & June, then BC took over my life, but looking forward to getting back to it next spring. Congrats ( ouch ) on your fills...

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    Gack! Got behind again!!!  Sorry for anyone I miss.  :(

    Not a football fan, but you guys enjoy!! :)

    That's hysterical Paula!! "The Emperors New Clothes" revisited.

    Nicky, sorry about your knee and the difficulty with using crutches.

    Chevy, hope the tooth/lack of tooth is feeling better.

    Can't comment on the te/fills conversation, as no recon here.  

    Those of you in the path of the terribly cold weather, stay safe and stay warm!


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    It has been quiet today! Guess everybody is trying to stay warm. Even Sas and me. It was 35 here (west of Tampa) on the water this morning. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    yes, Spookiesmom, it does appear quiet tonight. Hoping that Owlettes aren't experiencing power outages in the horrible weather.

    Love the new Owlette! Chevy, dang girl, great stretching routine. 

    Seems like sleep is coming easier to me. I sit quiet a couple minutes and I just fall asleep, many times even before I take the melatonin. Probably because I've got 2 heating pads going, small one for my chest which stays on all night and a larger one for my sides and back. Was doing good with pain lessening but the last couple days it's way back up there, even needed to take a couple acetaminophen. Feels like a very wide rubber band tightening my chest and under my arm pits. PT's are trying to stop my services, it was looking good, now I don't know. For those of you who had PT, when did you stop? A new PT found a bunch of cording last week, my arm and back are still sore. There's still scar tissue and I would hate to stop going and have the pain return.  

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    how do you like these guys? Is this us??


    GG- I played a little golf years ago. It took up too much time and I never got better at it.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Evening all, yes it is quiet tonight. I could give you a cricket commentary if you like  but no, most wouldn't understand it and NZ are losing.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol are those real?

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Smaarty, if that is us, lets fly on over to a warm beach, handsome cabana boy, & we will have a"hoot" of a good time.. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Now this one is appropriate!


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Well i am still here trying to meditate but cant stop thinking about my appointment this thursday. Night Alyson  

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Will be thinking of you.

    Big hugs and keep warm.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Smaarty and Alyson, very cute Owlettes! Where do you get those pix?

    Enerva, are you still awake? Please refresh my memory, which appt is it this Thursday?

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    sas - i found the owl pics in various places - some i've had for quite awhile & don't remember where i picked them up.  they just tickled my fancy.  thanks for liking them enough to put them in the intro - i feel quite special!


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    This owl is ready to put her head on the pillow. (No doubt 3am will arrive and I will be awake.)


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    Morning gals....Okay, so I went to Costco for the appt to have my hearing checked.... And AGAIN, she could not do a test, because there was sooooo much wax in my ears!  I had been WORKing on this, and thought I had gotten most OUT with the ear candles, because you can obviously SEE it! 

    We had "lunch" there.... THAT was the only good part.  She said I have to go get them REALLY cleaned out before she can do anything.  And I'm pouting.  I called our PC while at Costco, requesting a referral for the ENT....  Waiting..... waiting......  and nothing.....

    3 hours later I call the ENT, and make an appt for Thursday....  They said they can use this instrument, even vacuum, and promise to get it all out! 

    My PC had flushed them once 2 months ago!  And nothing came out, but they said they look "fine now!"  So I go home from the flushing, and got tons of wax out, that they apparently didn't give a "hoot" about!   That's why I didn't want to try THAT again!

    Yesterday I then used Peroxide in very warm water, and tried flushing them again with the Water-Pik.  Nothing....  !  I used more ear candles...  and get more out!

    PC finally calls back and tells me "She won't give you a referral, because she can do that herself HERE! "   I politely reMIND them, that we DID this, and they said my ears were FINE and I went home and had to use candles to get the wax out that they DIDN'T! 

    So I made the appt to go back for the useless cleaning, cancelled the ENT appt, which I couldn't go to without a referral.  THEN I got this bright idea, that why can't we go to the Urgent Care place, close to our HOUSE???  So I called...  !  I'm going in today.... AND the DOC that will BE there today, is the same gal that USED to be our PC!  We LOVED her, but she left that practice!  And we have been stuck with Dr. Dud!   I cancelled the appt. with Dr. Dud, and I think this must be a "sign".... 

    A gal said YES, we can make sure your ears are clean, before you leave....  And maybe THAT way, I can hear something with my hearing aids once again!   And that is my latest saga.... never mind the tooth... 

    Smarty and Enerva...and you other gals talking about fills?  Do you mean after your surgery, you have temporary expander things?  And you get them slowly filled until your skin stretches?   Well it makes sense, but I can't imagine how much that must hurt!    I had something similar, with the MammoSite Device they put in for Radiation. And before the treatments start, they have to keep "filling" that "baloon"  enough, to expand the area to be radiated.  And that hurt!  But probably NOTHING like the "build-a-boob" they are doing with you gals!    Do they then remove that temporary, and replace it with a permanent one?    Oh man, it just makes me shiver, thinking of what you are going through! 

    So never mind me talking about my ears, which are considerably insignificant, and not NEAR as much of a medical issue as you gals! 

    I'm just whining...  I don't like my PC...  And I think that is why DH won't ever go to her, or get a physical!   He would rather go to Urgent Care!   There are other gals in that practice...  Maybe I can CHANGE PC's?  I have to call the Insurance and whine to them.  Just pissed me off that she wouldn't give me a referral for the ENT which SHE had SENT me to in the FIRST place, when I lost my HEARING!  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG I have had no recon but the more I have read or heard about it, it's not as easy as they make it sound at the beginning. I remember my BS say we can do this if u want and it sounded like no big deal, since my restaurant and playground retired I just said don't bother, I didn't care. So I chose to be flat--but it doesn't bother me.

    Chevy I do understand, cuz I get my ears flushed too--but so far it works really well so I can't say much about it. But every so often it has to be done or I can't hear all I hear is echos, very aggrevating too.

    Oh I'm ready for ZZZZZZZZZZ again, tis is recockulous how tired I am, I can't even enjoy TV--I fall asleep when my phone isn't ringing and when they wake me up I'm sure I sould like it and sound angry, cuz I am--I just want to sleep and when my cat isn't cuddling my DD says she watches me sleep for at least an hr., just watches me--she's as goofy as some people I know ---Ahem, not mentioning any names people might be familiar with.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Good Morning Owlettes :))

    We all must be sleeping a little better. I did wake up and watch a little of Peanut and Jeff Dunham on the kindle, Still warm under the covers.

    Chevy, ask your Urgent care doc if she can't take you as a private patient. If she's not part of a corporation thingy, she may. Tell her about my group, if she' in business with just a small group they may consider changing to the business model that my folks use. Here it is: 4 partners, 2 non-partners, 4 ARNP's, 1 PA. Two offices--35 employees at one office , and 25 employees at the office. It's called Royal Oaks Medical Center and Urgent Care Center. They have two docs on duty at each office 5 days a week, one doc in each office Sat 9am-5pm, one doc in one office on Sun9-5pm.  The doc schedule M-F is one doc 8am till 4pm, and one doc12-8pm. Plus the ARNP's. They have Xray and lab. Able to do IV's and casting, EKG's.

    Each doc can schedules private patients. This can be done even on Sat &SUN if they are on.  Each office takes walk-ins or urgi patients. The cost per-visit for established patients is the same as walkins. Insurance copay at standard rate.  We had to use it for DBF recently as a new pt. walkin(urgi)---no insurance...cost $47.

     The beauty is: I can be seen seven days a week. I switched to them years ago b/c I couldn't get a same day sick visit with my private doc for several episodes and would go to them.

    The concept is so smart.

    BTW-Ear Candling. Remember when we had the discussion. I still would like to see what a Mass Spectrometer said was in the candle. But the only time I did the candling when I had a bad earache it worked. Someday WE will take on the FDA and NCCAM for their fraudulent science and reports.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Spookie , we were so cold... doesn't compare to up north, but I had so much clothes on

    Smarrty great a date, now the count done begins. What you said about the TE's being in your armpits. Ask Whippetmom if this normal when the foobs get to a certain cc level. I haven't a clue.

    Be back DBF needs help :) sassy