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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Sass, I can't find the picture I took after using 5 ear candles in one ear.... But they each had more wax than this picture does..


    It's probably hare for anyone to believe that it really works, if they haven't had to use them.... but honest, so far, it is the only thing that has worked.

    I'll see today if they can get it all out.... If not, I'll just do the candling, because I know it works...  I've never used a candle in these ears, that weren't full of the wax.... I just haven't used more than 5 at a time!  But I've never used one, and it came up empty.....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585

    Abysmally  behind here is what I need to say:


    Love, Lilli

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930

    Owlettes, love it. Maybe I'll come here and visit after all the other mainlanders have gone to sleep and I need someone to play with.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    hey Owlettes, 

    Hoping if I rant & whine I will feel better, here goes...I had a node show up in my PET scan, after lumpectomy that looked "hot" or suspicious. So today after my 11th rad zap, I ask RO about it. Is it still there, did it show up in the CT for the simulation. He said yes, still there yes they are keeping a eye on it, not for me to worry...I told him yah, right...that's alI the f:"k I do, and read & be entertained from you guys...I did not use the "f" word, my Drs. Are Mormons, and Mormon men  can say bad words but not the little, I should of asked did it shrink during chemo, can we biopsy it, but NO, I freaked out & shut up, went home...cried in the car....better now, but wish I could be a little quicker when I have there attention. To this guys credit, he really asks how I am, MO tried, or went through the motions but never felt genuine.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Holeinone - so try more direct. What are the plans besides "watch it"? See if that grabs him. I'm a great one to talk big - I don't like my MO either. Is the node axillary or supraclavicular or inframammary and in path of rads? That's the 3 I think of, prob. more but think those are the most common. Or is somewhere else altogether? When do you see RO again? Hugs from here. Remind me where you are again.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    HoleinonegolfgirlGG.... Is this all you?  Ha!  Go ahead and cry.... I did too today.  They couldn't fix my ears.... just used a rake and a shovel and a garden hose, and still could not get the wax out....   Now they hurt, and I can't hear.  Finally got a referral from that UrgentCare Doc, and I'm going tomorrow to try what the ENT can do!  

    Don't you all just get plain discouraged, when it seems like no-one can help?   I think I'll go fix a drink.... a chocolate coke is what I need.... sniff.....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    I guess I'm very blessed. I love my MO. She hates to give her patients bad news, but when she has to, she's very considerate of our feelings. When she has good news her whole face lights up. She's thorough, takes all the time I need to answer all my questions, and she usually gives me a hug. When I've had tests like the bone scan last Monday, she calls me herself to give me the results.

    I made chicken & noodles for dinner. We eat about noon as Jim leaves for work at 1:00 pm.

    I'm thinking really hard about taking a nap. As a matter of fact I'm sitting here like a tightly coiled spring ready to spring up out of this chair and go read myself to sleep.

    I'm reading a really good book, " One Light Still Shines. " it's by the widow of the Nickle Mines Amish School shooting. Very interesting. You'd think he was just a very evil man, but he had just never recovered from the loss of 2 of his own children. No one understands what made him snap. He actually loved the Amish and worked along with them. Her faith in God really sustained her through that horror.


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Paula - I'm kinda in the same situation. My DH goes to work about 11 am (always early) and get off at 9 p. Some nights later like tonight with an ad coming out so they have to reset signs and stuff. Gets home about 10 p though I know your DH is later than that. He takes an hour nap b4 going to work.

    I made a 2.5# turkey breast in foil yesterday. It was not a commercial one like Butterball but pkg. from grocery. It was so good and surprise it was boneless. I will do this again with some gigantic chicken breasts (not boneless).

    Have to go give stinky dog a bath. Have heat lamp warming up in DH's bath. Yuck but has to be done.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    You  guys, remember Ducky talking about her Granddaughter Grayson? One of the twins?   She had major problems when she was born?  This is her now!

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801


    O.M.G. - yesterday was my first Acupuncture treatment. Originally it was a referral from my MO for joint and muscle pain from Femara, but after the last few weeks of acute back pain it became even more important.

    The good news: the woman I saw used to do Acupuncture for Kaiser (it's a covered benefit.) She now has her own clinic for Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, which, I have to admit, fascinates me. Also, I had to lay on my stomach for the first procedure (first time since BMX and recon in 2011) and my saline implants did not explode.

    The bad news: the first procedure I got was Moxibustion/Cupping - where she lights a small fire in a glass cup and immediately whacks it onto your back, or wherever there is tightness (a blockage in energy). I have never, ever felt anything like it. I thought there was a giant octopus on my back. She left the cups there for ten minutes, then pulled them off. Wherever the darkest circles are, that's where the blood flow is restricted. I wouldn't say they hurt, until last night when they sort of stung... this morning I have seven giant purple hickeys on my back. 

    The next thing she did was to put needles down the top of my scalp - like a part down the middle of your hair. That hurt, too. Needle on bone... yikes! She left those in for 15 minutes. 

    That was it - she told me to go home and take it easy, to massage the top of my scalp, and to not drink any ice water - only warm water, like tea.

    I see her again next week. Singing

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Well Blessings, you have more nerve than I do...Ha!  I had read about "cupping!"  I thought WTH??????  But if it works that's all that matters, I guess.... which brings me to the question, did it work?   Or are you nursing those giant purple octopusses on your back....  Oh wait.... they are called Octopi.... plural, you know...  Same as with a Cactus...  It's Cacti.....

    And also, is that LEGAL?  I mean to light a fire under your cup then whack it on your back?   I mean I think I would run!  Makes lighting an ear candle pretty TAME compared to that!   And what is that supposed to do?  Besides make you wince in pain?  And scream bloody murder!   I would have smacked her silly!

    Which also brings to mind, miss Paula, you know all  Octopusses are "female"....... Hence the name!  And male octopusses are called what????  Just give it your best shot.... I'm not gonna say it...   Loopy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    And another thought.... I think "cupping" is in theory supposed to draw out all the bugs in your body.    And to scare any living THING from coming within 19 MILES of you!  

    So if reason persists.... You will NEVER be sick another day in your LIFE!    Get a heating pad!

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Chevy, you're in rare form this evening, oops, this afternoon for you.  God, I get a good laugh when I read your posts!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    thanks for letting me have my mini pity party...I need to be more vocal, next Wed. I will meet with him again, and I will be ready ! 

    Luvmygoats, it's the axillary node ( I think) he took 7, that one got left behind..I am in Idaho

    Blessings, I am going to google this Moxi-cupping procedure...sounds kinda voodoo. But I would like to try acupuncture.

    Chevy, yes all me, GG, golf girl & Holeinone ...

    Solteria, I watched the gal that wrote the book on some talk show...she was well spoken...

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    GG-email them and see what they tell you. Can you insist on a biospy?

    Chevy-cute video, love that song.

    Blessings-sounds like a weird accuputure appt. 

    I've decided to sit back and not do much today. Even this little bit of typing makes my chest ache. Glad this will be over soon.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737


    Just thought I would pop in and see how you lot were getting on. Chevy is in real good form this evening ( your time). See you later.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    hi ladies, is everyone surviving the big freeze? I just rewarded myself by booking a short trip to Disneyland in April. I should be all done and good to go and never look back! With the new girls, high and perky! I got on stfu thread and one of her comments was about perky new boobs. I have used that for myself to help get through this mess. I'll end up with free new perky boobs when all done! (Almost free).  I'd have to go back and see how many appointments and the like but I'm  guessing that I've spend about maybe $700 for these new boobs. Did you know that protheseis are $900 for a pair?? And the PS told me yesterday that the implants are about $1000 each. WOW!  So glad I have Kaiser! Do any of you know what/where I can give the protheseis to? Even if the next surgery doesn't work out, I'll go flat. Didn't like wearing them. 

    I have done the ear candling thing but I get some wax but mostly white stuff. It does work really well.

    Take care 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    During my BMX doc discovered one of the nodes that lit up was wrapped around a vein. He couldn't get it out, or I would have bled to death. So the plan was to extra zap it during rads. I guess they did, that area is still dis colored almost a year later. I liked my RO the most of the 3.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Did anybody else see this on huffing ton post?  Size MMM boobs. I can't imagine this. 


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Smaarty/Sue, a trip to Disneyland sounds like a fun outing for your new "twins girls"...

    Spookiemoms, so, were you ok, comfortable with leaving the node in like that? I am sure, the bottom line is you had no choice. Maybe, I don't either, but I will ask more questions next Wed. When I see him again... What I should have asked was, did it shrink during chemo? They have the before & after scan..I also still am packing that "power port" around, so if that node is still make me crazy, I say out with it & the port....after rads... girl..

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi Insomniacs- just a quick hi as I am busy once again with work. Slept well over the weekend but not as good this week. So I am feeling tired on this Wednesday night. Would like to go to the gym but don't think I will make it!

    Enerva- good luck with your apt. I know that feeling of not being able to meditate or do anything else with some of this apt stuff. I hope things are okay and we are here to listen when you come out the other side of it tomorrow.

    Cami- wrote to you on hermits, but thinking of you tonight and your fatigue. Hope they can find some root causes around that.

    Love all the owl pictures! 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    talk about the TwINS.....that looks so painful....sleeping, driving, lawn work, housework, nothing could be easy with those bowling balls.....mammogram?  People donate to this while kids starve.....we live in a weird mixed up world....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy if u had a twin would u be Chevi??? And I thought cupping was a hand game of sorts with something perky in the hands, but it's more medical, almost like leeches actually. I'm not disrespecting it, leeches have been used for centuries and then got reintroduced not long ago. Oh Chevy a male Octopuss is an octocok for u'r info.It's all so scientific it burns my brain so I don't use it to often as u know. I enjoy the pleasure of not thinking it's done me well for the most part.

    BTW I would definitely ask about  the watching of the node---what are they watching for if u don't need to worry, then why watch it? Are they watching anything else like a finger, no, so why are they watching this?

    It's cold here still, I've been busy lots of people have furnace problems of course now, and phones are ringin' well one phone that I just learned how to use kind of.

    That was a beautiful video of Ducky's GD, so pretty and smiley.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I didn't have much choice with that node. I have to believe the rads killed it. It's hard enough to shove the fear away. RO did X-rays and "pics" during treatment, about every 2 weeks. Suppose something would have been said or done if it wasn't responding. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    An octocock & octopussy......Wow! Just Wow!

    Chevy are you still roosting with the chickens? When I was between the ages of 10-15 I spent my summers on my grandparents farm. There were a few free range chickens. One old hen had bluish feathers around her legs, so Grandma called her Blue Britches. There was also a very mean rooster who terrified me. 

    I'm going next week to see the new movie, " August-Osage County" starring Meryl Streep. She's my very favorite actress. I don't think I've been to a movie since the "Devil Wears Prada."

    Gotta go put in another load of laundry.

    Be back later


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OWLS, I helped DBF then helped DBF again. More help tomorrow. Had a bit of a snit. Making up. Might be back tonight, but ............................

    oh well so much for make up stuff..........he feel asleep

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Spookiesmom, OMG, those 3m's are scary! Wonder if she thinks they're attractive? In the event of some emergency at sea, she doesn't need flotation devices!

    Paula, you crack me up! 

    Smaarty/Sue, sent you PM about prostheses. 

    Chevy, dahling, you're on a roll today!

    Sassy, thanks for having this place open and available 24/7. Have had major chit going on, last night I thought I'd lose what little bit remains of my mind, it was nice to have someplace to go to. Better than a Xanax, things resolved themselves but it was a scary couple of hours. 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Jazzygirl, that gentleman with the beer looks too old for you !

    Maddy/2ndtime, hope all is well, no repeats of last night ...

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    thanks GG, no repeats, it was a once in a lifetime deal