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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Oh Stellina , you're here already GREAT! Come back often. I'm glad you felt comfortable saying your from Romania. I got yakking on the phone and didn't post as I said I would. But everything is as I said it would be :)

    Off to dinner, neighbor's treat b/c of DBF's help. DBF detailed the car---took him two days hadn't been done like this in 5 years. Then he painted my trellis swing. He started on the next phase of the patio. Me I was here and then talked and talked on the phone. Did redeem myself a little by ironing some of his shirts.

    Chevy that card on insomnia, OMG that was me for so long...........Then I found melatonin. Thank God Chrissy told me about it.

    Littlegoats----so nice you have such wonderful family, nice, very nice.

    Hole-in-one you would be so happy here. The weather was perfect for golf today. :)

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    And as usual, I am hopelessly behind.  I'll just touch on a few for now and try to do better keeping up to date.

    Maddy, I am so sorry you have such a family!!  How true that saying that we choose our friends, but family we are just stuck with. Or something like that!  My DIL is similar, she basically ignores me and hardly lets DS talk to to me. Hah, but he fools her and calls me when he is on the road or working. He's a fireman so is away from home several days in a row.  Though he did have to get her "permission" to come from CA to help me out for a few days when I got home from my BMX. It is what it is, and I'll take what I can get.

    As usual love all the posters!

    Welcome stellina!  My late DH was from Hungary.  Those cabbage rolls are like the ones I used to make for him.  I think the foods are pretty similar in Hungary and Romania.  That guy in the onc center really needs a smack upside the head!  

    Chevy, that cabbage looks so yummy!  So you just slice the head of cabbage?  About how thick?  You use both Olive Oil and butter?  Thanks for sharing that, I eat quite a bit of cabbage!  This is definitely going in my recipe folder!!

    Hugs for everyone!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi ladies-it has been a good day. Went to a fun (but exhausting) salsa class at the gym this morning, and to the spa with a friend this afternoon for a facial/combo treatment. Now I am home enjoying some healthy eats from the local health food store I stopped at on the way home.

    Seems like many here have similar experiences with SILs, although not everyone. Illinoislady, the way you summarized it is exactly the way I feel about my brothers widow. Why seek out someone who has always knocked you down? One of the blessings of being 52 when I got diagnosed was having that history with her, so I knew I just did not need to go there. Don't expect the people who have never supported you to support you in the future, right?

    Alyson- so sorry to hear about the GI issues. I hope you can rest and stay hydrated. I know it early morning there and hoping you feel better today.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    What's the difference between in-laws and out-laws?

    Outlaws are wanted. 

  • Pawprint
    Pawprint Member Posts: 354

    Hi all....I won't even attempt to try and catch up. Nice to see new members, and yummy recipes. I have been so busy working lots of hours, reading and writing papers, and family gatherings for holidays and birthdays..... I am so tired. Finally over being sick, and was able to get my long overdue Prolia injection. Had no side effects :)

    Sad week, had to have my oldest dog put to sleep. She was a red and white Japanese Chin that got congestive heart failure. I had her on various medications through out the past 2 years, but her heart finally grew too weak and her lungs filled with fluid. I held her as the vet gave her the injections. I know it was the kindest thing to do, but I have been tearfully sad and miss her so much. I have 2 other small dogs both Pekingnese who miss her too. My youngest dog is a cancer survivor and a diabetic, who has recently gone blind. These are my children, sure wish they lived longer life's.

    Take care Owlettes. I'll chat again soon. 

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Spookie- that is so funny! I am going to remember that one!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Spookie u silly goose.

    Hi Stellina, haven't seen u for a while, it's so good  joined us here. I agree women can talk about so many things and men seem limited, unless maybe with other men--IDK, but u'r experience with the MAN and the ONC doesn't seem so pleasant--Sorry he said such  dumb thing and Oncs cn be unpredictable at times, after all they are DOCTORS LOL

    BTW anything that u put sour cream on is really good to me. Geeze I don't cook, but I love to eat and u gals have great recipes, Chevy that looked so good and GARLIC I used t say someone should make perfume from it ---that's all u smell in our homes, almost everything starts with garlic., well pancakes don't. And I like breakfast food but not in the morning, it's an anytime food and should be put on a menu like that.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Cami, Our family assumes it has garlic unless you specifically say it doesn't. We tried growing it but decided we couldn't grow enough for ourselves and decided to just buy it. Good decision; made more room for tomatoes.

    Pawprint, Condolences. I still miss some of the dogs and cats I've lost. I try to make up for it by volunteering at a shelter.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    hoping your bad gut was just a 24 bug, & not the bad flu going around here, in the states,..flu season, but you are in summer ( lucky girl ) so I have no idea if its flu season there, probably  not. Are you a tennis fan? The Australian Open is coming up.. I hope someday to come to see the Aussie Open, that would be so wonderful. I played competitive tennis for 20 + years..I have not been on the court now for 6 months..hopefully next summer.

    Jazzy, your day sounds so exciting, salsa class...I cannot dance, at all, two left feet. But I love to watch, especially comtempory ballet.

    Chevy, that cabbage looks so good, I love cabbage...have not cooked with it recently, so I will soon. As always, you find the best pictures...what a face, and fabulous

    Cami, the smell of garlic baking in the oven, or sautéing in olive oil.....mmmmm...

    Pawprint, so sorry about your beloved dog, that is heart breaking...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Pawprint so many of us know the feeling of our furbabies.  I'm sorry.

    Oh Holinthehead u played tennis on that level. OMG u have to be great. Can anyone here not do things. Geeze wait, wait==I did play competitive volleyball for 25 yrs. Well not good, but I showed up and was on the court every week, with a ref that when he was reffing our games just shook his head and he did say to my team that we were the only team that never argued a call---we told him cuz we never knew what he meant when he would make a call. So we ended up being the worst team but he said his favorite. Oh I'm LOLing cuz I just remembered (we'd go out after we played) and we were talking about when the hell does he make a call, we never noticed and my sister said I think when he blows the whistle it means something. And we had a sponsor who paid for us to compete. We even went off season to volleyball "camps" to play better. So I guess I did something.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Cami, That just sounds like fun. Seattle has a tavern softball league which sounds pretty similar.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Wren hahaha they must have a ball---ooo bad pun---I know we did.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Cami,   You are such a sweetheart. Only you would think it was possible for a holeinahead to have  played tennis at the professional level. My ranking is a 4.0... That is something I am actually very proud of, I have played year round for over 20 years....but still it's just fun stuff. Love the game though...

    Owlettes, I should of asked this a week ago..I am seeing a genetist tomorrow. Anything I should be pushing for ? 

    Cami, just thinking, I played city league adult volleyball. I was bad, even tough I am 5' 10".... My team spent more time on the bar stools afterwards then we did on the court....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hole---why are u going to see a genetist? I don't quite know what that is , what's going on. "splain Lucy......

    BTW that's why we went out after volleyball.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Pawprint, I'm so sorry about your dog. I have a mini daschund, Gus. When my son & his partner separated I got custody of the grandpup. I've never been really attached to an animal in my life until him. He's my little shadow.


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    A genetist is a Dr. that specializes in genes....ah, this is a Sas, or Blessings ? But, she will decide if I should have the Bracca test. I have lots of cancer in my family, but everyone is over 50, & no ovarian cancer. That test is expensive, so I was not going to push for it. But I have a 27 year old daughter. My MO also told me that I could not have a MRI done on my breast unless this genetist approves it. I think she is wrong on that, I read here on BCO, alot of women  get an MRI...I have good insurance, I think the MRI just needs to be ordered. My lobular cancer, does not show up on mammos  until its been growing forever, well in my case. It's called the sneaky cancer. I asked to have the good breast checked. 

    Also this appt. is on a computer, like a video chat, what do you call that? It's late...

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Good one, spookiesmomThumbsUp

    Aw, so sorry about your furbaby, Pawprint. I always wished mine would go peacefully in
    their sleep, but that never happened. They depend on us to do the right things
    for them, even though it rips our hearts out to do it. May warm memories soon
    fill the void. I decided that I was not going to have any more pets unless I
    could find one that would outlive me. I thought maybe I’d get one o’ them
    desert tortoises… I hear they live 100 years or more. I could glue some fur on
    it to make it more cuddly. Big hugs to you.

    Holeinone – you are right – a Geneticist studies genes and
    other things depending on their specialty. You’ll probably be talking about
    your family tree, but in medical terms – what conditions they had, and if any
    had cancer, what type and at what age were they dx’d. Make sure you have info
    on Dad’s side as well as Mom’s side. Remember, in the olden days, the word "cancer" was rarely spoken out loud, but most relatives had an idea that's what happened.

    You’ve got the right idea, maybe lots of cancer in your family, but mostly
    diagnosed at later ages in life. All you need to do is supply the raw data to
    the doctor. Be thorough. They can do the rest. There is a point at which
    genetic testing becomes justified. You may want to ask what that point is, and
    stress the fact that you have a daughter who is concerned.

    I’m not sure that the Geneticist will feel qualified to
    order an MRI, unless your surgeon or MO needs more info, and if that were the
    case, they would be the ones ordering it. But it wouldn’t hurt to ask. And yes, if
    something is not showing up on mammography, I would think that insurance would
    pay for the next step in the investigation phase.

    Sounds like you’ll be doing something like an interview on
    Skype. Mine was by phone. I’m not sure where she was located, but it saved me a
    trip to wherever. I had asked for the referral to the Geneticist because my mom
    had BC. However, there really wasn’t much cancer in the rest of the family, and
    I have no biological kids. But the doctor was very nice, and answered a lot of
    my questions. Please come back and post what they say. Wishing you the best tomorrow. Now get some sleep! Smile

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Great tennis watching at present. We had a tournament here then on to the Australian Open and also lots of cricket. The Open is so good for us because its just two hours behind so good timing, some of the others are middle of the night stuff for us. So owlettes it is back to the tennis - will be in later.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    thank you Owlettes, too many to name, for all your kind words of support! I gave up the notion of ever having relationships with SILs years ago. It's time to let the brothers go too. This whole issue has worn me out: got a good nights sleep last night then turned around and took a 6-hour nap, I was so drained. Time to put this whole situation to bed, so to speak. Now I'm wide awake and it's 3 am.

    Pawprint, glad you popped in but so very sorry about the loss of your furbaby. I think it's so hard on us because they depend on us for everything, give us so much in return and ask for so little. May the love of your pet and all your sweet memories give you some comfort.

    Hi1 - I met with a genetic counselor after 2nd DX and had genetic testing done as I personally met 3 of the high-risk factors myself. This was done before mx to help determine course of action. At that time, I had a choice of lumpectomy or mastectomy, so had MRI to get a better picture of the situation. One definite cancer, one suspicious spot seen on MRI, couldn't be seen on US. If I had decided on lump, they wanted to do stereotactic MRI but I chose mx so it was unnecessary (turns out the second spot was also BC so glad I chose mx). I am BRCA1/2 negative which eases my mind just a bit as this would affect DD. But we all know there are probably other gene mutations but tests may not be developed to detect yet. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Wow Hole I didn't know u had t go thru all that for the Braca, my Onc, just ordered it and I got it, Maybe cuz so many of us had it in my family on both sides??? I don't know. I do know it hard to find history, most people didn't talk about it a long time go, if they had to they would call it the Big c (I will no capitalize that awful word) It's funny (not haha) my mom had both breasts taken when she was in her 40's I was like 10--and never spoke of it except to my dad in their bedroom, never in front of us. Now when I think back my dad was wonderful thru all of it, those days too they stayed in the hospital for days--he was with her every day and when she came home he didn't let her do anything I did it hahaha but he worked with me and treated my mom like a queen. My mom never complained so I never gave it much thought til it was my turn so to speak, but she had no chemo, rads, or meds. I don't know if it was a decision or the drs.??? But she lived 50 yrs more with no illness. Now I wish we would have asked her more as adults but she never talked about it. Just strange those days. My sister said the same thing, like why as adults didn't we ask questions, cuz my sister and her DD---we all got DX'd with in months of each other.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Cami- I used to play volleyball a lot too! We a had a group in grad school that played with, and also a league with a company I worked for in the 1980's. A neck problem put an end to that, but it was fun while it lasted!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Pawprint.... I'm so sorry for your loss!  I know even thinking about Lacee getting older, and not getting around so well, just makes me treasure her more... if that's even possible.  We spoil her, and she probably eats better than we do, but that's what we are for. 

    She has always been such a sweetheart for us.  Our other buddy was "Chevy"....  I also held him, when we had to put him to sleep...  He just go so he couldn't even get up or even stand...  So it was time....  Time for me to help him one more time....  I carried him into the Vets, and he was waiting for me...  So he went to sleep in my arms.... 

    It's just that overwhelming loss that you feel!   I still think of him every day...  We had him for 14 years...  and Lacee has been with us for 11...  so just wanted to tell you we all know how you feel....   I wish I could help you more....  but you have the memories...   


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    So sorry about the butthead SILs and the loss of pets.  I don't have either anymore, but I had a seriously butthead SIL.  She made me want to do bad things to spill red Koolaid on her prissy Laura Ashley dresses.  Hahahahah!  Now I wish I had.

    We had white Afghan hound that we had to put down due to lung cancer.  That was so awful.

    I'm off to watch "Orange is the New Black" on Netflix.  Maybe I'll get some fashion tips on the orange jumpsuit!

    I just spent about an hour on the phone with ExpressScripts.  Arrrgggggg! 

        Rep:  I'm sorry Ms Graham but we do not have a coverage ID for the first prescription.  That's why it can't be filled.

        Me:  Okay, I'll call the COBRA people to find out why I don't have coverage.  But, can you tell me where on the website I can change a locally filled prescription to ExpressScripts?

      Rep:  Oh, I can do that for you. (she takes all info to get the script moved to ES).

       Me:  Um.....why can you fill that one but not the first one?

        Rep:  Yes, you have coverage until 1/31.  That's why we can fill it.

       Me:  (deep breathing)  Okay, will you please check to see why you can't fill the first one, since I have coverage until 1/31.

        Rep:  Um.....Please give me a minute to look into that Ms. Graham

        Me:  (singing)

    It was seriously irritating!!!  Then as she was confirming my shipping address, the call got dropped.

    I need a refreshing adult beverage after that.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Geez Philisness.... Can Big Bertha help out?  Or any of the guards?   You need more than ONE adult beverage....  Maybe a bottle!  Oh wait!  I'll have one for you!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Phyliss,   Loved "Orange is the New Black", we got Net Flicks so I could watch that when I was in chemo tx. I think I'm going to go back & watch a few episodes again, ( I saw the 1st season ) cause I was goofy with chemo brain, steroids, whatever I could keep down...

    Saw the genetist via Skype, very friendly young women, she knew more about my medical history than my MO. I thought I would not qualify for Bracca test, but I want a MRI on my non-cancer breast. She mentioned that many women just get a mx with lobular cancer,  since it is so damn hard to find...she told me to pester my MO, then  said she loved my surgeon ( everyone does ) and maybe it would be best to get him to order it.  She said to be a advocate for myself. She put in the report that my DD risk for breast cancer is 29%.. Chit....the gift that keeps on giving...

    Loved all the recipes on Sunday, Chevy I bought cabbage, going to give your recipe a try tonight... 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OH Owlettess, I'm missing you gals. DBF has me so busy fixing things. WORK< WORK<WORK.  It's so nice. He has everything starting to look spiffy. He can do anything . LOL. that's how we met he was the handy man. His real work is heating /ventilating/air-conditioning --HVAC guy. But does side jobs of just about anything. The one thing he doesn't do well is paint. Oh my on that one. With loosing his job last week, he's doing all the projects around here that have been slowly getting done b/c he works 6-7 days a week. His plan is to get them all done before he finds a new job.  So, his job loss is very bad, but it has silver lining.

    Maddy here's the link to the Newbie thread you asked for. I wrote it after we'd been into cancer for a year. It was all the stuff I wish I had known to keep things organized. Others added to it. I hope more will add to it. Cancer is bad enough, but all the things that we have to figure out how to deal with it can make us feel like we're drowning.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Pawprint so very sorry about your loss of your baby Chin. Animal owners know that the loss can be even more difficult that the loss of a human.  I held two of my dogs, Max and JB -- Brittany's-- when there time came. That is incredibly hard to feel the life go out of them. Sorry, the thought is likely making you cry again, but I wanted you to know that I'm tearing for you. Holding them is the one last kindness that we can do for them. Bless you for that.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Cami ROTFLOL, and how much fun that volleyball group must have been. Loved that you all were the Refs favorites. One of Dear Brothers students became a Ref and did it as his life's work. They can do it seven days a week all day and into the evening, depends on how much they sign up for. It makes so much sense what you say(shut-up Chevy) that the Ref would love  you b/c they catch chit from everyone.

    Garlic OMG one time I made this 40 cloves of Garlic thingy, but went WAY passed 40 cloves. Next morning at work, one of the nurses handed me a mint and said "Did we enjoy our garlic last night". I almost died in embarrassment b/c my job that day was to take care of the patients pre & post colonoscopies and endoscopies. I had to start their IV's.  They could smell me. Garlic at saturation level is expelled through the lungs. I apologized to each patient and tried to hold my breath while I was starting the IV's. I can laugh about it now, but then I was mortified.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy, Cami, LMG's, Spookie who was it on STFU that had a dog or cat that became diabetic? They were working so hard to get their pet regulated. Maybe we could put them together with Pawprint who is experienced now with her Peginese that's diabetic. Animal diabetes is so difficult, having a buddy here may be really nice. But I can't think who it was?

    Pawprint would you mind being a buddy with the person that has a pet with new onset diabetes. I know they were having a difficult time. It seems to me they had gotten to a bit of a stabilization point. I do remember feeling bummed that I couldn't help b/c I knew animals were so much more difficult to work with b/c they can't talk.

    Hole-in-one, Blessings said it all regarding the geneticist. RE: the MRI--I'd be dead without it. I was going for a prohy BMX b/c of family history. The Aug. 2008 mammo clear. Still have NED letter. There was no imperative to get the MRI done. Doc faked reason for need.  In Dec, I realized I would have to start new copays in Jan, had the MRI Dec 8th-----BINGO-----BC. Lit up like a star in the night. Always wished I hadn't dragged my feet about the MRI b/c It would of been one of those cases validating the value of MRI over mammo. But since there was a 4 month delay, no one was interested.

    On the lobular BC thread has anyone listed links to research articles re: MRI value as a diagnostic tool versus mammo? If you have them in hand when seeing the MO, that may help. Another thing that may help is if you create a sense of imperative in he doc(scare them). i.e." Lobular BC is more sensitive to being diagnosed by MRI than mammo, if I show up later with LBC in the other breast can you guarantee me that it's not there now without doing an MRI?" Unless they are a freaking arrogant analpore, a statement like that will usually get whatever you want done. Doc's once you create doubt in their mind become pretty  much silly-putty for whatever you want done. :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    LMG's "Blather is Blither's noisier cousin. They were the reindeer that didn't make it on Santa's sled." Absolutely true LOL.

    Badger---antler's and Five O'clock Somewhere. Btw did you wear the hat to margarita night? BTW in the dream you gave me advice on something-----can't remember, worked on it, but it wouldn't come. Do you remember what you said?