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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I  saw those huge boobs  they weigh 42#. They make my back hurt just looking. 


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    luv, thanks for the recipes! I thought you had tried one and had a favorite. You coulda said to check on Pinterest, I'm really good with that. About posting pics, we have a Mac so it's a totally different world. DH uses it extensively at work, if I ask a question, he just wants to show off and do it himself so I have a hard time learning. 

    GG, can you sneak on board to Palm Springs and I'll meet up with you! Probably an hour's drive, no problem. Oh yea, had to make an emergency trip out their for one of DD's field trip, it is an hour. We don't have bad weather (not very often) but we do have horrible traffic, especially where I live. It's often been the worst freeway traffic in the country. We pay in many ways, for the privilege of having nice weather . No such thing as paradise.... Maybe Hawaii?

    Tried to figure out Lacey's size so I could google bras. 36/38 GG? 

    Sassy, oh Sassy, where for art thou? Don't forget to come out to the owl's den to play!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol its hard to catch up here. Guess what i got my records today. lol I was so impressed of how fast i got them. Only to realized my PS screw me up from the begging. Anyway i am glad i wont see her again. Just want to heal then i will see someone else for second opinion. I am in such pain still. I just saw a sad post in a forum somehow i didnt have in my favorites any more. It made me so sad i cant sleep again.     

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Maddy, I might get to make a trip out to, sunny, Palm Springs the last week of March. I will certainly keep you posted if it works out. 

    Those boobs, 42 lbs worth...unbelievable..My son was a 10 lb baby...that would be 4 baby' boobs are kinda small now, they shrunk when I got chemo skinny, & my hole in one...Ha. Ha... girl..

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Enerva , glad you got your records, it made me think maybe I should request mine..but not sure I want to read/see everything. I have read things on some of these boards, makes me feel lucky, & so sad. Too many young women with  kiddos going through this chit !

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Luv, the little seeds have to ne removed from the pods and either cracked or ground to release the aroma and flavor.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    • LOVE chai... have a recipe for homemade that I got from an East Indian friend a while back. I'll post it if anyone wants it, but I've never tried to make it.
    • Latest weather report: mid 70's by next week.
    • Cleaned out the pantry (yay!) and now I get to go take a jacuzzi bath to make my back happy.
    • No alarms in the morning... DH is off to a Men's breakfast, I'll still be asleep by the time he gets home.
    • Stay in my pajamas all day? Shoot, sometimes I stay in them ALL WEEK!!! I have a particularly fetching look with my snowflake knit shorty nightgown, my Frosty the Snowman men's knit PJ bottoms, and my big fuzzy robe. Worried about someone coming to the door? Oh, heck no. I never answer it anyway.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh my dress code is simple--flannel nitegowns now--and curled up with an electric throw. when it's warmer (a little) I use my faux fur throw. This is a true fashionista's home.

    Enerva I'm sorry the pain that u'r having is still hanging on, u do have something for it--don't u??? If so just take it and drink some warm milk and try to rest comfortably.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Enerva, check with PS about PT, it's been my life saver! Still have cording, very painful, they can help with exercises as appropriate, gentle massage helps loosen muscles. I'm on 2 heating pads at night and to sleep. When's the next dr appt? Maybe a call to your PS? Wow, you got your records fast! My hospital took a couple weeks. 

    Blessings, ROTFL!  What a lovely picture comes to mind! Bet you're comfy, that's all that counts

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Anyone awake tonight?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    I am but it isn't really bedtime for me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Geez you guys, Sass must be sick!  I had sent her a PM about my ear candles, but then aNOTHER one about a gal on the older Womens forum that could use a little help.  She must not have seen that one... but answered the one before? 

    Enerva, those sad posts are just hard to read....  But they come here, to get any kind of support they can...  I know on another thread, this gal is just in between a rock and a hard place...  the only way we can "help" is to listen, and try and comfort them.... and help them realize that give it another day, and maybe things will be better...  

    And when they make "choices" it is because they feel they have no way out...  so we are just here for them.... and to listen  .... and maybe something we say, or someone will spark a fire, and give them hope again!  And glad you got your papers....  save them all together along with your tests, and stuff! 

    Alyson, where IS everybody?  

    And yes, I read what you said, Badger...    And I WILL give it awhile!  I know my PC was a insensitive jerk, for refusing me, and THEN the ENT a referral, but she also has to give us one for DH when he goes to the Cardiologist for his Device checks and appointments... Usually I just call, and they fax one to them...  So I think I'll just let it go, and talk about it to her, when I ever have to go back.      She KNOWS about my hearing problems and how it happened, so for her to think that she could help me, when they tried it before, was just bull-headedness...  Oh well....  I can hear, and that's all that matters... 

    Man that gal is one huge monsterboob!  I mean what good ARE they?  I would take flat before that.  And that even rhymes!   I thought Beth, on Dog the Bounty Hunter was HUGE, but those are just beyond words...   They look like balloons! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Mornin' Chevy!  I read a little about Ms. Wildd aka QQQ lady.  Her plastic surgeries, on which she has spent $250,000 (a quarter million dollars!), include an internal corset.  IDK exactly what that is but I bet it's to support her poor back, supporting those boobs.  I know someone who was naturally (unnaturally?) large-breasted who had a reduction because she couldn't stand it anymore.  Her back hurt, she had grooves in her shoulders from bra straps digging in, she couldn't run, it was hard to find clothes that fit, and she hated the unwanted attention.  She's still big but so much happier now.  I will stay flat & fabulous, TYVM!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yes, you ARE fabulous...Ha! 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Thanks Chevy, it takes one to know one!  Winking  Meaning, I think you're fabulous too!

    I bought a 40-pound bag of ice melt yesterday and they put it in the trunk of my car since that's more than I can carry.  It's still there and the walkway to the garage is slippery with ice.  Sure wish DH had gotten that bag out of my trunk yesterday, and double wish I'd remembered to remind him.  This is gonna be good.  Is America's funniest home videos still on?  I should record him going down to the garage to get the ice melt that we need to make the walk not slippery so we can get to the garage.....  sheesh!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Man, I just HATE to walk on ice!  No safe way, unless you can hang onto something close!    You guys in Wisconsin really got HIT, right?  It's supposed to be a little nicer today,but still a lot of ice around....  Take care..

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Yeah, we started out the day with frozen fog (pretty) as the polar vortex lifted and the temps rose.  Ended the day with freezing rain but no snow.  Supposed to be in the upper 30's this wknd so hopefully the ice will melt soon.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hi Owlettes, I was recovering from too much wine wed. night , that messed up Thursday, then working on DBF's stuff since. Caught up on reading late last night. WOW we are a prolific bunch. Hope I can remember what I wanted to say LOL, like that'll happen. It was 5 pages in 2 days whew! Now two more over night.

    Chevy, the hearing is the best thing since sliced bread. Probably not the best comparison, but you get my drift. A pox on your PCP. Don't know if this is still the way it works, but when you are taking the doc and the insurance company to task on the referral business. All below here you may know, but just incase you don't FYI

    Your insurance business model uses a gate keeper. The PCP is the contracted gatekeeper. The concept I think was introduced by Kaiser Permanente way back when Kaiser started. 1970's at least. It was supposed to prevent inappropriate use of services. BUT in that time Kaiser had an excellent reputation for provision of care for it's clients. Kaiser's reputation now, is unknown too me.

    As time went on other insurance companies adopted the business model. At some point, insurance companies paid the gatekeeper dollars as a reward for keeping referrals down by managing care within in the less expensive primary care setting. The patient was unaware of this, referrals that should have been made weren't. Just as in your case. The patient/client was dissatisfied and many complaints made.

    Then as time continued other insurance carriers, listened to client complaints about the gatekeeper system. These carriers chose the business model of allowing the patient to choose when they wanted to see a specialist. These carriers enrolled docs into their system with agreed to contracts as to cost for care. These docs are referred to as being In-Network. This is why if a patient /client uses an out of network doc or facility the cost is not covered if not preapproved b/c there's no contract in place to control cost.

    Gatekeeper models also have In-Network physicians, but it is contractually different than the non-gatekeeper system. In the gatekeeper system, the specialist can't accept a patient without the referral, otherwise they don't get paid.

    The whole thing comes down to money.

    Your primary insurance is Medicare?

    Medicare has subcontracted with different insurance carriers to provide management of services. Medicare contracts with companies that use both types of business plans. Depending on whats available to you in the area, you can make a choice as to which type to enroll in.

    Medicare open enrollment occurs in the fall each year. Everyone on Medicare gets a slew of insurance companies trying to entice them to come to their company. The gatekeeper companies historically were less expensive than the non-gatekeeper companies. I don't have a clue what today's cost difference is, but if this is new info for you, it will help make a choice of companies.

    For those that are non- medicare. The same thing happened in the commercial insurance industry.

    :) sassy

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Blessings - Please, please post your chai recipe. The more the better I say. "Fetching" ha not my look either. Your looks sounds much like mine. Have on black pants, maroon plaid flannel shirt, red sweatshirt vest and orange socks with blue slippers. I dress to please me at home. Maybe I need to change back to pj's when DH leaves for work around 11. Good idea. I think today I may actually have to ditch the vest d/t warming trend. YAY about time. We got last month's elec. bill yest. Up but not as bad as it could have been. It covered the 6 day icemaggedon we had.

    2nd time - I'm not good with Pinterest. I see stuff on there and have trouble finding the source. Anyway I had surfed around on Google for a while for the recipes so no big deal to post them on here. I get the hots to make all kinds of stuff but never get around to it. The spices altogether cost about $2 so not so bad. I'm eating the choc. I was going to use for it - yummy splurge beyond my usual Hersheys.

    We made great progress cleaning out the storage closet. This closet runs almost the length of what was the garage now den. I complained that much stuff I used regularly was buried behind the Christmas decor. boxes so we rearranged and got rid of a lot of useless stuff. Much better in there. We have to be careful with the closet storage since the water heater is in there too. Up off the ground and stuff on the ground in plastic only. We go in there 2x/day since dog's food is stored in there.

    I think the only thing I don't have in records is the actual surgeon's operative report. She might give it to me if I asked. Not really that interested in it anyway; no beefs with her/surgery. Wish she could replace my MO.

    Badger - 25# is my limit and that is just barely. I don't think I could lift it out of trunk, can kinda scoot it out of back floorboard and then scoot around. Though we do have a hand cart to roll stuff on - very handy. The goat feed is 50# and I can't move it. I think the dog food is more than I can lift too but that's just because it's cheaper bigger size. She's only a terrier so doesn't eat that much.

    Good to see you Sassy. Was waiting to post this while I read through a bit of others. I think from reading on here most Kaiser people still satisfied; don't know any personally. I don't think many HMOs left in North Texas except Medicare ones. I tried it for 2 years with an employer (a physician group) but it was 25 years ago. The hospital group that employed them dropped the HMO idea pretty quick. DH's insurance doesn't have one but his is with a national employer (though not so big) so might not work so well.

    Happy Saturday to everyone.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Gawd, I can write about some boring stuff LOL

    Blessings, the info on the heated cups is very interesting and the research on NCCAM's attempts to evaluate scientific effectiveness --nice.:)......

    Not sure if it was you or someone else who said they were in audiology and that candling was negated as an effective treatment. We all know what's happened to Chevy. Thank God she has finally gotten treatment.

    If Chevy or I can find the search about Candling that I did a few months ago. You would be pissed at the science. Awful. AND FRAUD. I'm saying fraud b/c if what occurred with candling is an example of what science is producing at the top levels, then their are some pretty stupid people in charge.

    I'm not saying if candling works or doesn't work. My search showed it wasn't researched properly according to standards used in science since the late 40's. There were standards in science before this time. But methods were standardized at that time to allow peer replication of research by using the scientific model which calls for certain steps to be completed in a certain order.

    What peer replication means for you lay gals is: If a concept is researched and publication of results is done, then other researchers should be able to use the exact specifications of the first research and come to the same conclusion, or disprove the initial research.

    This concept is managed in two ways.

    One company does the research in a step by step procedure by the following ..........When a new medicine/device/ procedure is first researched the sequence is animal/dummie(i.e robotic crash dummies) >>>then submission of results to FDA for approval to go to the next level---FDA farms out the results to the highest qualified scientist in the field of the subject matter-----these scientist scrutinize the work to see if the scientific method was applied.-----findings are reported back to the FDA who then approves or denies moving on to the next level>>first Clinical trial on a small group of humans>>back with results to FDA>>>second Clinical trial on larger group of humans>>>FDA approval for continuance>>>third Clinical trial>>>>Back to FDA. Then final approval by FDA. WE all know though that when drugs or device came to public use which is referred to as after market that problems have been found that weren't identified in clinical trial. Example, The Aromatase Inhibitors. Other examples, are drugs that have been pulled from the market b/c of dangerous side affects identified in after market use. This method has many problems , but I won't go into that here.

    The second way of use of peer replication is independent research by different groups using the same procedural steps as the first researchers. We are most aware of this in research reports where one group does not get the same results as the previous researchers. An example of this is: A published report that coffee is good , second report that coffee is bad, a third report that the results regarding coffee were inconclusive.

    The key to both is the application of the Scientific Method.

    Well did it again. Some may find these BORING, or interesting. MY hope is that it allows you to understand that even if something gets into a textbook and becomes the standard of care or action, does not mean that it was based on good science.

    The candling research that all published works since used as the basis of determination of value was done on experiment done one time on 8 people. The method of research was never tested by anyone else. The drop back of wax in the candling process was not effectively proven b/c it wasn't tested. It was posited as a potential problem. The chemical analysis of whether wax was in the candle was never done by Mass Spectrometer or simple laboratory testing.

    Based on this bad science the FDA has issued an Alert that candling is ineffective and dangerous. NCCAM --National Center for Complimentary and Altenative Medicine a subdivision of the National Institute of Health did a round robin approach of non-infromation in the NCCAM site information on the subject. As a result of the FDA warning the FTC-- Federal Trade Commission passed laws on the importation, and sale of candles.

    What should concern everyone is : If this type of bad science can occur once under government that is the legal watchdog, how can we be sure of anything that is approved.

    Chevy's situation where more wax and black stuff was pulled out of her ear, could be an unusual situation. She could have a "condition" that is rare where there is a great amount of wax produced. She could have had an increase of wax production caused by the candling itself. She could have a bacterila or fungal infection that caused the increase in wax(see below).

    The key is the unknown, b/c there's been no serious scientific  work.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Alright gals I totally lifted this off a sister thread. Some of you may recognize it from Bobo's "New and future flat sister". This is me to a T. Sorry, can't decrease size anymore.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi Everyone---I'm late, tired and busy with phone calls GRRRRR--I am no a happy worker when I want to sleep.

    Chevy I told u gals when I get a cll I have to email all the info, then go to a different site and file all the info, well more actually but I decided it will be a lot faster if I don't use spell check--so I'm going a'nat ur l, Boy will I get fired. I know, but I'm 1/2 asleep all the time.

    oops another call

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Luvmygoats......boy howdie !.......I struggle with housework...

    your color coordinated outfits sounds perfect...I cringe sometimes when I look at what I'm wearing..Now, I don't want to wear a real bra, the radiation is doing a number on my incision site...I am looking more frumpy every day. The bald, no eyebrows, no eyelashes is getting depressing. I know it will all change with time, but in the mean time ...I am a freak !

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy, the black stuff should have been sent for culturing---aerobic and anaerobic. I'm quessing mold/ fungal. I know that's icky(great medical word). But the black stuff may have been why you were producing so much wax. The body in certain circumstances will try to isolate or wall off something that is harmful. Your description that the black stuff came out last supports that the body was trying to wall it off. If the culture came back negative, then if it were further analyzed it may show that it was "whatever" i.e dead cells, dirt etc. The key is if it was some sort of organism, it needs to be killed by the appropriate treatment. Otherwise the problem may/will continue.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Holein the head--U'r not a freak--we've been there and u are showing a courge tht is super hard to get. Besides put a litebulb in u mouth and be Uncle Fester for a while--Well I did when I went to the Dr. and I felt better about no hair, it's just temporary and before u know it u will look in the mirror and see ll u'r hair and then wonder what do to with it. Please don't think u'r a freak, I don't think u would if u sw another woman like that/

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Little goats, Thanks, nice to see you too, so happy you are here often :).........decluttering is soooooooo nice once it's over.    Do you still have all the cookbooks? Was that you or GardenGumby/Chabba---or?

    Your docs surgical report is in the hospital record, a copy is sent to the docs office too. It's in the hospital record for legal reasons. The safeguarding, by the Medical Records Department, of patient  information is VERY strict. It's to prevent altering records after the fact. The Surgical Operative Report is required to be dictated right after the sx in most facilities.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    In the middle 70's in the OR, had a HOUSE patient--meaning she was getting free medical care. She was coming from the psych ward for a boob reduction. As a staff we were a bit pissed that she was getting a boob reduction on the hospital nickel.

    Well we learned that all was not as it seemed. She(20 something) had tried to shoot her boob off. When she sat her boobs rested on her legs. 9lbs was taken off each side. They were huge and heavy. Her physical pain was well documented, but she couldn't get help. The shooting attempt failed b/c the gun did that jerking thing when discharged. She missed. We were all humbled by that situation.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Golfgirl---hugs---it will get better :)

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Thanks for letting me whine...

    Cami, I did get a good chuckle over the Uncle Fester comparison. I might have that photo taken for my memory book. Hope  you can stay awake for awhile today. Joey will keep you entertained..

    Sas, hope things are settling for DBF....