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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Jazzy--- "Went to a fun (but exhausting) salsa class at the gym this morning, and to the spa with a friend this afternoon for a facial/combo treatment. Now I am home enjoying some healthy eats from the local health food store I stopped at on the way home."  OMG you wore me out girl. Almost over last three dog related falls. A way to go and then will try hitting the gym again. Your an inspiration

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    SAS- looks like you're all by yourself here. 

    Thought I'd break into your thoughts. I was reading on the internet above smooth vs textured implants (bad thing to do) I'm suppose to get textured, so now I'm questioning my PS of why? 

    Got to worry about something it seems.  Scheeez!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Sas- it was a fun day yesterday! Today I am tired though! I am heading back to the gym tomorrow again after work. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I don't remember whose dog had D. A schnowser? (Phonics) at our dog park was just dx'd. He'd lost about 5#, has already gone blind. Vet did the tail stick, wrote a script for Regular and syringes. He was regulated in a week, has quit peeing and drinking excessively. Putting some # back on. 

    The symptoms can be the same for humans and animals. 

    I'm soooo sorry about your fur baby. My Aussie owned me for 14 1/2 years, I miss him every day. I understand. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hi Smarrty, Talk with Whippetmom, about implant concerns-------ONLY her. On the Sizing 101 thread. many have stayed to help and I give them credit for that, BUT WM-Deborah has studied everything. She should start a program and teach what she knows. Actually, I was going to suggest to her she do this, but I diverge. She will have all the data related to your concerns. She is truly one of a kind in this world----the whole earth-----I'm not exaggerating.

    It's not that I'm alone, I was backed up.........and I talk to much LOL, but that's why I love it here, we do what we want.

    Spookie the symptoms are the same as you say, but being in the house watching a dear pet that can't tell you something's going on. DH was diabetic and I could tell right away of a change or he could tell me, but animals wow maybe if I had worked in vet medicine, I wouldn't feel that it can be overwhelming in a new onset situation. DUNNO.  BTW getting close to coming over Happy, I'll call as soon as I know.  Can't wait to meet you

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Yikes just ---set up dinner party for 5 , me cooking tomorrow night--------see ya'll probably Wed.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Yep! Give me a ringy-dingy when you're ready. 

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Was it April's dog that had diabetes?

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Maddy, LOVE your new avatar.....perfect.....

    Sas & I need to get one...I am going to work on that....On a IPAD....

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Smaarty, absolute contact Whippetmom on Breast Implant Sizing 101, read the thread header closely. 

    Hi1 - thanks, got it off the Internet. PM me if you want to to email the image to you. 

    Sassy, 40 cloves of garlic weren't enough? My, my, that's a whole lot. What's for dinner tomorrow? Anything with garlic? Thanks for the link, will be passing it along

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    hi guys. I have contacted Deborah, she says smooth. I have an email to my PS to find out why he wants textured. 

    I'll get this settle before February 19. 

  • budrfligal13
    budrfligal13 Member Posts: 105
    I love this forum already too. My insomnia is no joke though, ladies. Once a while back I stayed up for four days straight. I was a zombie and every noise was electrified. Ok, Ok before you stimulants of any kind, just my friggin worrying. Trust me, I was exhausted but no matter what I tried nothing worked. As a matter of fact tomorrow I have an appt. with my regular internal med Dr. and I MUST just demand a sleeping aid. Tylenol PM's...nope, Advil PM's...nope, Melatonin 20mg....nope, Meditation....not while I'm stressed with BC, Deep breathing....nope, IPOD with relaxing sounds.....nope, valium from plastic surgeon....nope, a combo of a few of them together...nope. I had my BMX in November. The pain killers I was prescribed gave me lucid dream-nightmares. I once thought someone was trying to come through the front door while I was propped up in my uncomfortable Tissue Expander position. Wow, crazy dreams. I swear I could write movies about them. And I only slept for 3 hours at a time. Still do, pretty much. It doesn't help that my boyfriend snores and grinds his teeth like he's chewing on a log. I have two appointments that I'm worried about this week and I think I've gotten 15 hours total so far, no kidding. It's really bad. And not good for my healing, I know, I know. But I can't stop the wheels from turning. It's the worst! I was always a light sleeper, but I didn't always have BC so it wasn't a problem. See....I'm ranting already!
  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Budrfligal, Wow, that is really insomnia! Are you safe driving? I'd be afraid I would drift off and not know it. In college, I went to sleep in the middle of an exam. I wrote "or whether or not my mother put out the cook". It woke me up because I meant to write "cat". Thankfully the class had all misunderstood the question, so the prof told us to skip that question.

    DH was grinding his teeth and the dentist made him a mouthguard. It didn't completely stop his snoring, but it was improved a lot. Tooth grinding can really tear up your teeth and cause long-term mouth problems.

    Good luck with your appointments. Michael J. Fox said "If you worry about what might happen and it does, you've lived through it twice." Good advice but hard to follow.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    OHHH Wren, OMG that is so true.   I need to put that on the frig...... Worry is in my genes from Mom's side..........She and her sisters were major worriers. All us cousins used to make jokes about them. Then history repeated itself .

    Welcome Budrfligal(Buddy), Whew you do have it seriously bad. Read the links in the topic box. The combo drugs that finally knocked me out was 4mg Ativan and 10 mg Melatonin. Now I'm passed the serious insomnia and I couldn't come close to using that combo now, but when it was bad it was the only thing that did it. Valium and Ativan are both benzodiazapines. Valium is antianxiety and muscle relaxer. Ativan is primarily antianxiety. Even though they are in the same drug family the benzo's all act a bit differently.

    Talk about Ativan with your doc. Ima thinking that if you were to compare the symptoms of what we experience in severe insomnia , they are very similar to Withdrawal from drugs or alcohol. What's in common regarding the two are body becomes wired, jitterness, unable to sleep, blood pressure and heart rate increase, mind racing. The point being in every drug protocol for withdrawal, Ativan is the go to drug for calming those symptoms.

    Sheesh Buddy, brings back the protocol CIWA scoring system. It was cool b/c we'd assess symptoms by checking a box. Each box had a number. The final added score fell into a category that had the treatment for that score range. Ativan was the primary drug in the protocol. The higher the score the greater amount of Ativan.

    This is one of those DUH moments. I haven't made the connection between CIWA scoring system and insomnia, but it is definitely worth a look. I'll see what I can find.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    MY DEAR OWLETTES-- We have a new area to research. This could be a breakthrough for insomnia. Below is the link for the scoring system for the CIWA scale. Please, as many as possible read it. I suggest reading it several times to get the flow of what it's asking. Then each of you think about what you experienced in the worst phase of your insomnia.

    If you have the ability to print off the pages ---then check off what signs /symptoms that apply presently. Then do a second scoring, checking off what applied on the worst period of insomnia that you can remember.

    I did it by just looking at the sheet, but I'm used to the system.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Why the use of the CIWA scoring system would be a benefit to insomnia. It identifies s/s's that are known through scientific study that are common to drug and alcohol withdrawal. As you will find in looking at the s/s's in the protocol, the s/s's are common to mild , moderate , or severe  insomnia. How it benefits us, is we can say this to the docs. i.e "I applied my s/s's to the CIWA score(then present it to them), my score is_____. This is the treatment accepted for these signs and symptoms(s/s')" Docs respond well to this type of information-------very well. Versus saying my insomnia's very bad  I haven't slept in _____(x) days.

    Buddy, your word "electrified" has started something :)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi all, here I am. The CIWA scoring sounds like a very good idea. 

    I am here especially becone I have my mammo, blood test and Onco appt Thursday.  They told me to take a lorazepam for the mammo because last time I started to faint when they wanted more films. Then when they told me all was well I started to faint again.  

    Anyhow hi there. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Hi Smarty, i don't know how much you trust your PS but i want you to know that my PS agreed verbally to a style and size for me, in fact she order the implant i wanted but also ordered a different size and stile then at the time of my surgery right before the surgery at the hospital i still asked her about it and she confirmed the stile again. Well when i woke up i realized she did not use it instead she used the stile and size she preferred, due to that decision i may face another surgery with a different Ps in the future to get better results. I am just telling you because now people here told me   that i was to request the implant and size to be mentioned in the consent papers. :( so just something to consider :) 

    wish you good luck 

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Gingerbrew- the follow ups bring a lot of anxiety. We are just always expecting bad news with these things, aren't we? Maybe a bit of meditation the next few days would help. 

    I have to really work to stay centered before my follow ups (second one coming up in Feb). I hope things go well for you and in a few days, you will be on the other side of this.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    I'm sneaky on mammo day. Radiologist there on M-W-F so I make sure I get appt. one of those days. Have appt. next week. She does charge an office consult fee which of course this time of year I get to pay (after generous adjustment because of PPO). There are some things that experience does get you. Now one of these days it will bite me in the a$$; she will be on vacation but at least I've tried. Yes, those few minutes of waiting in gown while she reviews pics is hard as is the very short walk down the hall. The last 2 times the tech - same one - has given me the good word walking down the hall. I think if for some reason radiol. leaves (has another gig T-Th) I might just have to follow her. Anyone else LOVE their radiologist???

    Chevy - the coffee owls are priceless. I stayed up late last night. Two owls were having a hoot off - one in back, one in front. I don't hear them as much but I don't spend as much time outside as I used to and it seems TV, heat, refrig is always on drowning them out.


    I stupidly (!!) looked at all the owl stuff on Amazon. I am not good at ordering clothing but they do have some extremely cute stuff.

    How to make cute owl brownies

    OK, who knows how to edit sizes here now??? It sure isn't me.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Enerva, FYI: generally PS brings more than one size of implants into exchange surgery. As I'm told, they insert,mist the patient up to see how they look. At times, the ones the patient requested doesn't match their desired outcomes so they try different ones. You might want to ask PS if that was the situation in your case.

    Luv, I like the owl brownies, just seems like a lot of work and they disappear so quickly. Around me, a plate of brownies doesn't have a chance. 

    Bedrifligal, welcome! There were so many times I was glad someone on Insomniacs was awake in the middle of my night, that there was someone to chat with.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning ladies---Chevy I like the expresso owl--that' what I need this morning--oh not the espresso, the owl.

    I've been so oversleeping last nite I was awake all nite, but I had enough pain to keep me awake so I of course watched my favorite night time shows, nd thought I'll just relax which I actually did. My Katie-Kat was upset with me cuz when she's chilly she sleeps wrapped around my throat and I kept on sneezing. So now I'm tired and my phone has been a little busy.

    Sas I know right now I have the brain process of a doorknob--actually that's an insult to the doorknob, but I didn't get that post. I got all 0's --so u see I didn't see the corralation to WD compared to insomnia except that that is part of WD but what are we wDing from.? Unless I just didn't understand anything. OK Chevy I can picture u seething to say something,so go ahead beat me while I'm down. hahaha Oh go ahead Chevy. I'm fair game.

    Now I have to try to get a ride tomorrow for my tests--so many things are going on here tomorrow in the afternoon and with one car it's going to be interesting trying to do everything too.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,585

    Love all the fantastic. !!!



  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    just dropping in to say HI!  Hubby and I bought a camper and hit the road.  Right now we are in Phoenix getting g the oil changed in the truck. I'm sitting in the sunshine really enjoying the warmth.  Problem is that I can barely.make out the screen on the phone so I hope this makes a little sense


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Man GG you went at it full force. Did it come decked out or did you have to furnish it? Last I heard datewise (well I knew you'd bought the camper and were gone) you were just finishing up contract work. Y'all be fast movers. He He.

    How is truck camping? Or are you using it more to get place to place and as a backup?

    DH and I have thought (as close as it's gonna get d/t no moolah) about a teardrop camper. I saw a guy at WalMart the other day with a new one. Had a huge dog too. Don't know if there was a SO as we passed by too quickly.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    just dropping in to say HI!  Hubby and I bought a camper and hit the road.  Right now we are in Phoenix getting g the oil changed in the truck. I'm sitting in the sunshine really enjoying the warmth.  Problem is that I can barely.make out the screen on the phone so I hope this makes a little sense


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Ginger, In your pocket. I see my onc on the 20th.

    Garden, I love road trips. Have a great time.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Jazzy - I lurk on the Hermits thread. Just don't post. Too many threads to keep up with. I just wanted you to know that the "little kinder" not really cartoon you posted yest. on there made me cry good, happy tears. I have to investigate the source though I did bookmark it. Thank you.

    Please repost it here.