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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cammi, you are so full of balony!  Ha, ha!  And you also know of no-one that smokes weed???????????????  Now there's a stretch!     And when are your appointments? 

    They have been arresting people here now.... gee, can't figure out why, only because they are all over the road, and cause horrific crashes, and they are both high and drunk!  Throw their asses in jail, and never let them out, I say.   

    It's like be careful of what you wish for, because you just might get it!   And they got it!    I don't think I mind a folk or two smoking weed.... I DO mind those smoking it just to put themselves into a different zone...    and people who don't just have a drink or two.... it's those who get drunk! 

    Moderation seems to have flown out the window with those that are being arrested!  They don't care anymore, so they can smoke and drink all they want, because it's legal! 

    Okay.... I'll get off my soap-box...  for now.

    Jazzy, that is the CUTEST picture!   And his little toes hanging down?   I just sent it to my Daughters. 

    Alyson, are you better?  I just never had any head-ache or pain with my optical migraines!  Just the eye circus going on!

    NJMOM!  Okay, I saw you were taking Tamoxifen!  Those SE's are pretty common with THAT drug!  You will never ever sleep again for the rest of your LIFE!   Wait, just kidding...  Those SE's will get better with time.... just in time to be able to enjoy those leg-cramps that have you up stomping around in the middle of the night...  And those will get better and give way to those "warm-waves".....  something like a hot-flash....  but for those, just go pour a pitcher of ice-water over your head.  ....  And then go back to bed about NOON, when you are tired enough to catch 5 minutes sleep.

    There now!  I answered all of your questions!  Ha, ha!  I'm just teasing... but the SE's kind of come and go....  after about 5 years, they will be better...Loopy

    Okay Enerva!!!  Time to work on your problem....  If it were me, I would make plans to find another surgeon... One that you like, and take all your records, pictures,or anything else you have..... I would even write down what that last numb-nuts told you!   Get a plan going, because that gives you hope!  These damn people!  We rely on them, and they shove us out the door!  They don't care!   So anything that has happened to you, can usually be straightened up!  Someone that you will find, will get you back on the right track!  If they don't?  It's time to call out "the girls!"  We'll come and track them down, and beat them within an inch of their life! 

    I just hate stupid Doctors!  Oh, get Sassy on this!  Oh wait, she has Termites!   Good God Sass, don't let that kid stay there!  Termites and Bed-bugs are NOT our friends.  He'd be better off to have snakes! 

    Well, okay then.... guess I've solved all the problems of the world.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    This is a Termite Queen.... These are things that we don't want in our house.  Not never!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG CHEVY that is just plain disgusting to see with my morning coffee--ooo, ick, blah.

    I'm sure everyone who is new appreciates u'r "column" on SE's of Tami, but did u mention hearing loss--oh oh u didn't want to scare anyone, is that why? and why would u think I'm full of bologny about pot--ahem altho I know no one who smokes it illegally, I could and chances are the young people are doing this cuz they are going wild with it---they should have an older age limit. Like 62--they won't misuse it and drive, well t least at nite.

    My app'ts are this afternoon early afternoon, so I didn't forget. My echo,echo,echo is being one at 2:30peeM and the rest after, but if I end up eating something--I'll do the rest Sat. morning and a couple this afternoon. But my echo will be done done done r u happy Miss Chevette?  

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    ewhhhhhhh OMG Chevy that queen is sO gross. Ds left early we haven't had time to talk. Poor kid, he's looked for a year for a place. This is his first contract. Obviously, he wants it to be different. He's talking with the termite guy today. He has time to work the problem to resolution--hopefully his choice is to walk away. If he doesn't, it'll be one of those bad life lessons.

     Chevy as usual you crack me up, I love your morning pontification.

    H_1 dinner was great :) company even better. DBF, DS brother & SIL. Initiated new patio. Everyone agrees >>>>bigger LOL DBF agrees. So, back to store for more stones.

    jazzy he is so cute , it's hard to believe he's real. Lots of owls that way, never really looked at lots before. Guess we picked a good one to be.

    Aly, sorry you get a H/A with the optic migraine. W/O the headache(H/A), they are really quite beautiful. Do you always get a H/A? How often? 

    Okay no science project, just playtime:)

    Maddy, forgot to say that I love your avatar too. Perfect for here. BTW with your parents who has power of attorney and executor of the estate?     My MIL had ALZ. Our last trip to see her, the three visits in the afternoon, she was already mentally checked out. Staff said she was better in am. The day we left, I made everyone get up@ 6am. Called ahead and staff had her ready. She was lucid. Greeted everyone happily, except me. Daggers, every time she looked at me. BUT it was worth it, DH was so happy to see her lucid for one last time. He talked of it often for a long time.

    NJ welcome, check up in the topic box, there are some suggestions. The AI's as Chevy said are a real culprit. Cami's right, talk with doc.

    Gumby--RoadGirl---following route 66?


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Good morning Owlettes! Hoping a wonderful (hump day) to all!

    Jazzy, too cute picture! Looks too sweet.

    Sassy, thanks about the avatar, found it with online search. Good point about the legal issues, now a source of contention. Asked my dad to have my brothers handle the legal issues, I'm not of that knowledge, I'm handling issues dealing with proximity (I think my younger brother wasn't too happy to learn I have legal access to bank safe deposit box, but hey, I'm 35 miles away, he's 250). Not sure where all legal paperwork is and which have been updated since the move, so will inventory for Dad, am here today, so that's what we plan to do. Mom is really bruised from her fall the other night, even tho she's hurting, she was refusing pain meds last night (OTC) and Dad is tired of pushing her to take pills,  She gets too stubborn and mean. She does better earlier in the day, more cheerful and compliant, by dinner time it's a different story. Cancer is a scary disease, but so is Alz.

    Haven't heard from the European and Australian ladies, hoping all is well.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    2nd time around- do you need an elder atty in Southern CA? My sister and I had one there during my mothers time living in Southern CA (she passed in 2012). I can send you information via PM if that would help you. Not sure where you are located in southern CA, but PM me if you would like this info. She helped our family a lot and also updated my sisters will for her as well.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Hi Jazzy, will send you a PM, thanks

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Maddy---POOP-----------lost post, now it'll be real short---Linking to Bon synopsis on page 25 &26 on Ma111 death and dying thread.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Huh? I don't understand, Sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Maddy I added the link above, it's to pge 25.. Ma111's thread is all about being prepared for death. There are 34 pages. It varies from venting/ranting/sharing to legal matters. It's labeled stage IV-------NO one on that thread will diss you if your not stage IV. The info there is universal in it's usage. You will find it very useful.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Ok Sassy, that makes sense now. Will check later, I've got to help Dad with Mom before she goes goofy and crazy

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Sorry i am catching up, few more post to read. Yes Chevy thanks, i ll get a second opinion in 3 months since now i need to heal and all i can do is wait, maybe my skin ll shrink. i am better all i want is for this to be over. Wow those termites could scare me off any apt. Hope your son finds a better place soon. 

    took a sleeping pill, i haven't been sleeping , good night

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Hoot, hoot, anyone there? All seems quiet tonight

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    hoot back at you maddy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Off to bed, took my melatonin and ativan

    Where's Soteria? yyyyyyyyyyyyyooohoot

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    you-hoot, like that, Sassy!

    Where IS everyone? The night's I'm awake everyone is sleeping, when I'm sleeping, the pages on this thread roll by so quickly. Maybe I have my clock mixed up? Maybe I just need to take the melatonin.........

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    HOLEEE CRAP! WE JUST HAD AN EARTHQUAKE!!!  Waiting for the numbers, but my house was shaking BIG time!! and lasted maybe 10 seconds.... Almost made it all the way downstairs before it stopped.  Will get back. I'm shaking!

    *Update: just a baby, it appears, 3.8 but it appears we're just about sitting on the epicenter (less than 5 miles away), so it was close. My heart is still pounding.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    2nd how scary, Everybody better be all right. Did everyone wake up? Be safe.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Thanks, Cami, it was scary! I'm such a chicken! I'm in the office (upstairs), DH was snoring, but it woke him up. It rattles my nerves...

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    little earthquake, it's not showing up on Google yet. There was one yesterday near Fortuna.  Nothing broken?

    I'm heading to bed. Hope there's not anymore.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Smaarty, it's on USGS, my source for earthquakes. Last night was at parents, close to Fontana, tonight's was just a couple of miles away. Not big, but felt like it was rolling, not just one jolt. Don't think it was strong enough to do any damage. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    2nd of course it's scary--u are brave people living in CA.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Thanks Cami! Like my dad says, there's no such thing as paradise! We've had hot weather, this was the pay-back we got so people who enduring the cold won't envy us. Brings back memories of Northridge, Whittier, and San Fernando/Sylmar. Funny, I was talking to DH earlier about going to Knott's Berry Farm for a BC Survivor Event and part of the promotion we would have to ride this roller coaster. Felt like I rode a roller coaster in my desk chair tonight

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


                Glad you are ok, they make me nervous, you just have no control & have to think maybe the big one is coming. I alway assume its the tall buildings that will crash, but chaos is capable of happening in any neighborhood. 

    Funny, we were all talking about earthquakes like a week or so ago. 

    Good night, I hope I can girl..

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay, for lack of anything important to do, I've been looking at all kinds of animated images!

    Girl's face and eyes reflecting on the water of the ocean waves

    I know it doesn't have anything to do with anything, just that I thought it was pretty neat...

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    2nd time- glad you are okay after the shaker. They were talking about this being the time when the Northridge earthquake hit years ago that did so much damage. Sounds like the epicenter was close. Hope there was no damage. 

    Chevyboy- that is a very cool animated photo! Happy

    Hope everyone is doing well and got some sleep!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Just saw this on the news online....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Chevyboy- interesting article about Ambien. I can tell you two experiences I had witnessing people on Ambien and how it made them act very strangely. One was at a job I had back around 2005. I was working for a company that formed a new group and the director of our group was apparently addicted to Ambien (found this out later). She was often not around, but when she was, she was she acted very manicky and out of control. She let our group go into the tank to the point they just got rid of us, the entire group. 

    Another woman I knew was on a yoga retreat with a group of us to Italy around 2009. I did not know her but she seemed very off the whole time, and many times, we would go into cities in Tuscany and she would just disappear and the guides would have to go find her. It was always a problem for our group every time we went into any of the cities for awhile. During our last stop in Volterra, she bought a piece of italian coldcut to bring home. The people with her told us later she refused to declare foods she brought in from Italy and they all got detained in customs and almost missed there flights back to the US. So I asked some of the yoga friends at a later date "what was wrong with her?" She was addicted to Ambien. 

    Interestingly enough, both women were named Susan!

    I know both my mother and sister had taken it at points and it helped both of them to sleep. Seems like a drug one must be very careful with.