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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yes Jazzy.....  I read on one of the blogs here, maybe even this one, many pages earlier, how this one gal had taken it, and did not remembr a THING about what she did the night before!  Her Husband complimented her on their "wild night!"   He described to her exactly what she was like....  ! 

    At least it was her husband...LoopyLoopy

    And another gal woke up after she had DRIVEN miles from her home!   So I guess there ARE warnings, but like me and the Tamoxifen, you never think it will happen to you.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    This is one of the gals quotes...

    "Kat-ski, be careful with Ambien.  I would sleep walk and bake (a pie!!).  I woke up in bed with blueberries dried on my chin and on the front of my pj's.  I thought my liver was failing when i looked in the mirror!  Cool whip everywhere and an empty dish in my bed.  Never did find a fork so maybe I ate it with my fingers?  No memory of it the next day until I saw the carnage I had reeked.  I have another good story about Ambien and driving.  Some other time...  and no, I don't use it anymore."

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Chevy & Jazzy, ah, come on you 2, I have not slept more than 4 hours a night in a week. Begged the RO yesterday for something, I was hoping for Ativan. He gave me a script for ambien. Took one last night, slept 4 hours. Did knock me out but wide awake 4 hours later...

    This is the 1st. time I have been prescribed Ambien. I have taken it before, from DH. I just want to sleep for 7-8 hours. My Drs., will not prescribe anything, I had to have a major meltdown to get this, & then it did not really work. I think I am just in a bad cycle, high anxiety, rashy burnt skin, rads. 

    GOOD NEWS !  The RO did tell me he "thinks" that the huge stow-away node, that lit up on the Pet Scan is b9.., He thinks its inflamed, but is keeping a close eye on it. Did I mention my anxiety? Definitely planning on a nap this afternoon.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    hi all, just back from my usual three days off the boards.  M&T are DH's nights off so we spend them together, then Weds I'm usually crashed on the couch right after supper.  Last night I did hit the indoor track to walk before I even came home.  Once here, I'm rarely motivated to go back out in the dark and cold.

    Loved the coffee owls, Chevy did you post that?

    Sassy, I haven't worn the margarita hat to our favorite Mex restaurant yet because it's not warm enough here for a baseball cap.  Fleece cap is more like it.

    Dental appt later today so took the day off.  Not worth driving all that way there & back to work a few hours.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Sas, I'm here. I've been reading, just not posting. I actually peek in several times a day. I'm suffering from cabin fever. I haven't been out of the house since Sunday. Haven't gotten dressed since then either. What's the point?

    Chevy you really cracked me up with your sleepwalkingpiebaking story. I read it to DH. He was wondering why I was laughing out loud.

    DH is watching "Legend of Mick Dodge." A mountain man who was just eating the maggots out of dried elk poop. Supposedly he was out of supplies and desperate for nourishment. I told DH, "You know there's a camera man there. Don't they have a sack lunch or something?"


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Hi1, now that is good news! Maybe you can get some sleep and good quality rest now.

    Ambien is scary. DH has had some wild hallucinations on it, but then again, I think some of his problems are self-caused. He feels if one doesn't work good enough, take a couple more. 'Nuff said.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    back from my 7th encounter with Dr. or techs this week. Happy that I made an appt. with my PCP. She is a great person, & came up with a plan to get me back on track. So, I will only take the ambien for 6 nights, and then stop and move on to something else..

    My DH took way too much ambien one night. He took everything out of the refrigerator ( not to clean, boy that would be a ) I almost took him to ER, his behavior was bizarre. 

    Not a drug I want to take for long, but happy to feel like I can have some control.....

    Maddy, how are the nerves? 

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    oh dear! This thread moves way too fast!! Sorry I haven't been around, I've no good excuse (ask Camille!) so I'll just say I'm back and I'll try to catch up!  I actually slept last night, so I'll definitely be around later. No way I'll get to sleep 2 nights in a row 😉. It's 8 pm, so I'll go and read the 5(!) pages I've missed and I'll talk to you all later


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Hi1, nerves are better, thanks! We have our hot Santa Ana (devil) winds, pretty strong, the house shakes a bit but different. Hoping the wind stops soon, fires in part of LA as it's really dry.  We live near hills that went up over 10 years, so just a bit concerned.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Earthquakes - I use "" as well as the US Geol. Survery. Earthquake track tracks the small ones, too.

    Paula - I'd not heard of "Mick Dodge". We have watched many a mountain man story in this house. Might have to tune in. Haha sack lunch much less the elaborate catering truck. I too have cabin fever and there is no reason I can't go anywhere, haha just couldn't spend anything. I have been shopping online (looking only) for a small 36-40" server, cabinet to go in eat in kitchen. I have glassware just stacked on hearth - pretty serving bowls, holiday things that I would prefer not to pack in box. I may take myself to the pretty large antique store down the road tomorrow and window shop. At least if I find something it's only 10 miles away and they would hold it for me so DH/I could pick up Sat. Not holding out much hope. Nice store for smalls but gosh I don't shop for furniture ever. There is shopping going to the other main town on Main Street but weather has to be good. Monday would be great but all closed on Mon.

    GolfGirl - sounds like GOOD NEWS, right?

    I napped in the "club chair" yesterday - not the best, most comfy. I woke myself up talking a couple of times, mostly just "mmmmm" I think. Good thing DH was in the other room; may have hauled me out to looney bin. I used to sleep walk badly even into my teenage years.

    Wrote this hours ago and didn't post it. Well, not going shopping tomorrow. Friend's son came by and picked up firewood for camping trip this weekend. Pooped as I picked up the house a bit b4 he came. Will just make it to grocery and maybe the place 10 miles away maybe. Having a treat for me - whipped cream vodka and RC. I rarely have wine even so hard stuff is even rarer.

    Prayers for you 2nd time. Our drought was improving but latest shows worsening again. We need some rain in North Texas. Weather says maybe some last week in Jan.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    if they can ship oil by train to California then why can't they ship water??  Safer too. I'm sure they'll be flooding in lots of places because of the amount of snow this year back east and it's only January!

    I'm off to Monterey tomorrow and the place we're staying has limited wifi, so I'll pop in when I can.  Like you guys will miss me! Maybe I can catch a real owl!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Luvmygoats...yes it is good news, I need have confidence in my Drs., & stay calm....ummmm...

    Luvmygoats & Paula, here is a Mt. Man story, Have you heard of Buckskin Bill of the Salmon River in Idaho? He is credited as the "last of the Mt. Men ". He lived on the stretch of river known as Five Mile Bar. He was educated as an engineer, was a gunsmith, and lived totally off the land. Well, in 1977, I was floating the river with DH, 2 BIL, 2 SIL. We were young, not married then. Well we pull our rafts over to pull out rain gear, it starts to downpour, here come Buckskin Bill, walking towards us, invites us in to his cabin...I, of course had no idea what a big deal this was, 22 yrs.old. I wish we would of gotten photos. It is a really wonderful memory that we all share. I have been back, his place is now a museum, right on the river bank.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Smaarty , we will MISS you !  Are you doing something fabulous? Love the  Big Sur Area...I am jealous..

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    sewing retreat at Asilimar. No tv or phones, the wifi is in the main lodge.  We all do our own thing. I'm trying to finish some quilting projects, add fabric to change a corset for my GD wedding dress, and make 1 dress for myself.  

    And it's in the 70s there.  Going to be fun.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    my good friend, Jane, is a major quilter & she did that one year. She drove over with a friend & their machines..

    Jane loved Monterey, so we went in 2005 & walked in the Big Sur Half Marathon. It was a long the trail next to the ocean. Truly one of the most inspiring events I have got to participate in. 

    FUN, FUN, FUN !

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I'm on 'roids for a few days, the cough kept me awake most of the night. Came here around 2, nobody was up!

    When I do sleep, I wake my self up talking, singing Jimmy Buffett, one night I ripped DH a new As$ complete with a hand gesture. No, I don't take any sleep meds. Spookie just sighs and goes back to sleep. 

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Chevy, love the animated images. Never knew what they were called (movie pictures didn't do it).

    Smaarty, Asilimar? Great retreat! Enjoy, can I come along in either your suitcase or pocket? Beautiful area, weather should be perfect, not too hot or cold. Planning to get a lot done, it appears. Photo of the finished projects requested, please. 

    Hi1, too bad you didn't know about Buckskin Bill back in the day, at least you have a good story to tell. 

    Spookiesmom, too funny! Even Spookie knows to ignore you, now that's pretty smart!

    Dr. Oz had a show about insomnia earlier, have it set to DVR early tomorrow morning. Wonder if they'll suggestions we haven't tried, other than melatonin.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Smaarty I will miss you but u sound excited about this so it'll be so fun for u.

    Luv, luv the drink recipe LOL

    OK Nicky I'll vouch for u, if u'll vouch for me--I've been feeling  floopy so I don't post so much and this thread is like the concord speed. So I have to catch up.

  • Njmom3
    Njmom3 Member Posts: 39

    hi guys just checking in.  Between fires and earthquakes I guess I'm glad I'm on the east coast.  We had an earthquake a year ago and it scared the crap out of me.  Im Sure you west coast gals were laughing at us, but seriously it was freaky!  Hope everyone has a good night nag gets some sleep?

  • Nettie1964
    Nettie1964 Member Posts: 627

    I  have to say this is not a  group I wanted to be in,  but here I am.  hoping to be able to sleep soon. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Nettie no one wants to be here hahaha but here we are, I think I'm about ready now, after I had a couple of pills of course. Good Luck Nettie

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    I did sleep after all! Feeling relatively human today after sleeping 2 nights in a row. 

    I've been reading about all your weather problems - it really is from one extreme to the other! All we've had is rain....

    Camille, I'll vouch for you no problem. And floopy is exactly the right word. You go be floopy, and we'll talk when when you're less flooped  out 😘


  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Owlettes - soooo glad you've been able to carry on without me. Loopy

    My 93 year old MIL has been in a nursing home for the past 3 years due to several strokes. We thought we were going to lose her back then, but she made an amazing recovery, and actually became healthier and more social and more funny living in the facility. (FIL is 92 and too frail to care for her at home.)

    Well, Monday night she had another stroke - this time a pretty big one, so we've been at the nursing home every day, and calling and emailing family members and doing all the things associated with having frail elderly parents.

    The good thing is that family members who have not visited her have crawled out of the woodwork to go see her. Fortunately, she seems to be making a rapid recovery once again. Unconscious on Tuesday, barely awake and crying on Wednesday, smiling and eating and putting a few words together today. She does recognize us, so that's also good.

    DH and I spent the day first at the funeral home finalizing arrangements there (for both MIL and FIL) then went out to the cemetery to finalize THOSE arrangements. It's all done .... whew!

    Now - to bed, and I am NOT setting my alarm tomorrow!!!

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372

    Blessings, Sorry to hear about your MIL. It's tough having to go through all that. We went through it recently with my grandparents - my GF suddenly got very old and frail last April, he fell and broke his hip and never recovered, he got pneumonia while in hospital and died in May. I hadn't been allowed travel to Ireland while on weekly chemo, so in early May as soon as I was allowed go I spent a week at my mothers, visiting both of my grandparents every day. I'm so grateful I could do this, because he died 8 days after I got home. In the meantime, my GM, who had altzeimers, had gone downhill rapidly and is now in a nursing home. We had the same experience as you - family came out of the woodwork for the funeral, and luckily some have stuck around to visit my GM pretty regularly. 

    It's a sad time, but it's nice to know they've lived a full life and that they are surrounded by family as they near the end. 

    My thoughts are with you. 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay  Cammi, so bein's the Concorde has been retired, that means it isn't even moving!  Glad we got THAT straight!  

    So it will be easy for you to catch up, because that means we ain't movin'!    You silly thing! 

    You guys...... TELL  her!  She could just LAY there in bed, and catch up with us!  If we are as fast as the Concorde...  Maybe she means a Stealth Bomber...  Or even a skate-board goes faster than the Concorde!

    I wish I was with you in Monterey!  I was there once with my Daughter's, and stayed pretty close to the ocean-side!  I could listen to the waves all night! 

    Yes Njmom3!  We had an earthquake here in Denver in about 1961 I think, and I was in the BATHroom!  Man, I hung on for dear life!  THAT would have been funny, if it had been any worse...I could have DROWNED! 

    Welcome Nettiebetty!  I'll bet you were born in 1964!  And are rather new at this?  Just give up sleeping!  Just makes you tired...  Then you try and get more...  It's probably ALL that you have gone through, and are now on Aromasin?   The gals on here can maybe help you?  Or at least talk to you in the wee-hours!  

    I sleep through all them talking... so don't count on me.... I get up about 4 or 5, so we can talk then?

    Nicky and Blessings... It's so hard to watch the ones you love just getting towards the end of their lives...   I did this with my Grandma, and my folks...  and it breaks your heart.... You just do the best you can. 

    I made a big scrap-book....  To help me through my Mom passing... I saved so many of her clippings, and poems, and little animal pictures, and even the cards Dad had given her through the years...   And then I added Dad's letters, and the cards Mom gave him... 

    It IS hard to go through it now, but at the time, maybe I was trying to hold on to those memories.... and it helped. 

    Speaking of....  I'm "registered" with a cremation place, with our wishes known, and I'll just stop by and pay for mine, and a little later pay for DH's.  He doesn't like to talk about it, because I think he thinks it will happen if he THINKS too hard about it.... So I'll do all the thinking!

    I was amazed at how much CHEAPer it is to be cremated. 

    When we were younger, it was hard to pay for our burial insurance policies every month.  But those are paid for.... rather we quit paying on them, when there was enough for us to be taken care of....  But those policies will just go into the "estate"... now that I have revised the plans...image

    And on a happier note....Sass and Cammi must be SLEEPING! 

    So talk to y'all later! 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning everyone, who can't and can sleep, for those who can sleep  better walk on egg shells so u don't wake anyone up--Chevy---hahaha eggshells haha

    Blessings I'm sorry u'r going thru all of this, it's so difficult--U'r MIL sounds determined. Rest when u can.

    C H E V Y how are the chicks? Are they comfortable in this weather? I know u'll make them that way. OMG I'm sounding normal to Chevy----see how flooped I am? I'll get my acid tongue back soon Chevy. u'll see. I'm just still so tired.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cammi!!!!!!!!!!  Okay little honey, go back to bed!   Chicks are good... I think....  I haven't been over there, since Ma & Pa Kettle are in town! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy don't trust them--u should have a pair of binocholars  nd check up, of course if u'r caught u can be known as a stalker, but who cares, what else can ruin u'r reputation---u've done it all.