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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    WHAT reputation?  Ha, ha!   I think I had one of those in High School....  Actually I was a non-entity.  I was not known for ANYthing.... good OR bad!Loopy

    And since I can't remember much about High School, other than I got through it,  just leaves my slate blank!  

    I've done it ALL since I got married....   I mean ..... you know what I mean...   I would like to be known for SOMEthing special.... not just the chicken-sitter!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    So what about you with Billy Bodandistal???  Hunh?  He seemed quite enamored with you, so the story goes!   My Brother seems to know that whole story!  EVERYbody does...!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Chevy, do & Billy Bodanstud, what's his name !

    Thanks for posting the links to Buffalo Bill, I could not open the first, but was able to see the rest. His look out tower, all he built, it is a interesting story, and I was lucky enough to meet him.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I can't tell!  I promised her..... once.  Okay I'll tell....   

    See he was our neighbor, and I liked him, but nary did she care!   She bribed him with Big Hunk candy-bars.... and THEN they would go in the ditch and SMOKE!  So I didn't stand a chance.  sniff...  Actually we were only about 13...  so "messing around" was  like playing Hide and Seek....Ha!  But she was a tartlet , anyway.

    I love history too!  I look up everything that I "wonder" about!  Like the Face onthe Barroom floor!  I always thought it was of Baby-Doe Tabor....  but it wasn't.  And I loved reading the story of her life, here in Colorado!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Thats a blast from the past, Big Hunk candy bars. They do still make them, but hard on the teeth. I loved them & Look bars as a kid. 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Thanks, Owlettes, for your kind thoughts and good wishes.

    MIL had a good day yesterday, not so much today. DH is with her now; I am staying home in my jammies and just vegging.

    Hope everyone is having a good day....


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Hey ladies, is this owl smiling?  L&H&P's to all.  ♥ ((Blessings))

    Picture of Owl - Free Pictures -

  • Njmom3
    Njmom3 Member Posts: 39

    blessings, sending you and the your family prayers for strength during this time. Make sure you take care of yourself!

  • Katlebbie
    Katlebbie Member Posts: 722

    Hi everyone, it looks like everyone is sleeping tonight, I am happy for you! I have a killer headache that won't let me sleep. I had a cortisone injection in my shoulder today and I believe that's the reason for the headache . Already took 2 melatonin and  hydrocodone.....not working.

    Maddy I was hoping to see you up........Happy that you're not!

    Sleep well everyone!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Kat, guess again! Can't really say I'm glad to see you here - I wish you were sleeping!

    Blessings, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!

  • Katlebbie
    Katlebbie Member Posts: 722

    Maddy, thanks me too! This headache just won't go away! It's time for more meds so I hope they help.

     I meant to ask you if you had any damage from the earthquake? They are just too scary, you have no warning and what can you really do when one is happening? Did DH at least wake up and help you?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    oh pooh on the headache!

    No damage , it was minor, just scary and gets my heart racing. But in the moment, you never know how bad or how long. The first reaction, is like someone sneaking up behind while you're sitting on a chair with wheels and shakes it violently, but you can hear the whole house rattle.  So, before I can think, I've already reacted - running towards the door. DH always asks where I'm going - it's towards the door (either back or front) but never get that far. Today was 20th anniversary of Northridge earthquake, that was like a quick amusement park ride. DH woke up, but there's nothing to be done. I just go back to whatever I was doing 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi if anyone is here,2nd u make it sound so matter of fact, but I know it's scary.

    Katle I hope u'r sleeping now and u'r headache has gone away.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning gals....  I'm here, and no-one else is...  Sad  sniff..... Kat and Maddie, hope you are sleeping by now...  You gals are like remember when we used to say "They have their days and nights mixed up"....Ha!   When our Daughter's were babies, and slept most of the day, and then were up to "party" all night!

    So Sass!  Are you alright?  You take these breaks from us, and you are no-where to be found!  DDBBFF, or whatever he is keeping you busy?

    I love the OWL Badger!  So cute!  Hi Blessings!  xooxoox


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi Gals--- I hope everyone has a nice week'end---it's supposed to snow here and there wherever it falls, but it's chilly, damp coldish and basically I have been sleeping lot, all different hours my hrs are cojumbled not days and nites mixed--just all mixed up--but what do I care xcept I have had to use my voicemail to get the calls for work. I put the phone right next to me, but I sleep,  I sleep so I don't hear it. I just noticed yesterday that it's light a little later now, so that's good.

    Chevette how is the weather there--u haven't talked about all the snow, haven't u had much? I'm still floopy, I just started my Aunti-Bees yesterday so maybe they'll kick in. OK

    OWL be back later-----Oh I crack me up

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Well, you sound a little sneepy to me....   (with an n)   !  The snow is gone, but it has just been sooooo windy!  You would think we lived in Chicago, ha! 

    I just wish Spring were here...  Supposed to be almost 60 tomorrow...  And the GAME  is on too!  I'll watch it when the Bronco's are doing good, but I leave the room when they miss a pass or something..... like I know what I am talking about.....  I'm just waiting for February, when Nascar starts again.  THEN I could tell you all about it, with the wealth of knowledge I have ....  Singing

    I don't think the Aunti-B's will kick in for 2 days.... or what you said...Loopy  What are you taking?  I hope they help you, Oh little phone person...  I

    Okay.... I was WONdering when you would be up! xoxooxxo

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Morning owlettes----busy couple of days, Doc appointments. Thyroid sx put off---more tests and maybe another bx. Dear ENT was on medical leave b/c of heart attack.  Saint PCP gave me everything I wanted on my list. ---long list. Cardiologist admonished me for still smoking--he's right. I need to get on GrammaB's diet ---now 40lb weight gain. Had 3 hours between ENT and Cardio doc appointments--expensive 3 hrs, I hit 4 thrift shops ---found multiple items.

    Blessings and Nicky sorry about the deaths and change in conditions. It's hard to have dear ones loss ground and then pass--emotional understatement. The roller coaster ride for everyone sucks.

    Cami what is flooped? I know what flopped is, but is this a misspelling or made up word. We make up so many words. I love our made up words. Flooped--combo of flew and flopped? If it is I've been flooping allot this last year. Dog floops.

    Found an article yesterday associating depression with insomnia. But tey admitted it was a chicken --egg thing. Was the insomnia leading to depression or depression leading to insomnia. Here's the link.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    CAMMI!  She said "chicken".... !  Is she saying disparaging words about my chickens?  Flooped is probably a mix between pooped and floppy...  I mean if I know Cammi.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I just read it to Chevy.. Wow--- and u understand me, my made up words and what they mean==Sas not the flu then it would be fluupy LOL

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi Owlette's, 

    I will try not to post and then somehow erase it all again. I had my Onc, mammo , blood work apt today.. Doc added on a MIs (scan) to check my neck and upper back where I was hurt in a car accident, the reason I can't walk more than a few feet just now. I don't know the result uet. I am obviously hoping I don't have mets, scared a bit ya know. They had an opening for the test just 20 minutes after my onc appt. Through some miracle I got in. It was mind bendingly noisy, woo. 

    I am going to post the ink for the contest Cool Breeze is in,Anne.   It ends in just three days. She is in and out of first because a COMPANY is in the contest with their blog. These people have 20,000 likes and sell a ton of things on their website. I hope for these last three days we can boost Anne up and add to her sons college fund. She has had some good reports lately so she is feeling more confident she will be there for his graduation. I would just like us to really help her out and I think this is the thread that will do it for her. I vote using my facebook and using twitter, takes me all of 10 seconds once a day.

    I hope you will join me, and maybe enlist your friends.  Hugs Ginger 

    who is still trying have a normal sleep cycle and it is really weird. I like early morning and the only way I get to see it is if I stay up all night long.  

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Oh welcome Nettie bee---you'll get lots of new names here. Sometimes it's hard to tell who you are :)Loopy.

    Katlebeee and NJ  hope you sleep better ,  welcome hear.

    Chevy---DBF IS keeping me so busy.  Hope to be back today.  DBF kept me busy already this morning since 5am. be back :)

    Love the owls

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay, so my analytical mind is saying.... I think depression causes insomnia... because when you go to bed, your mind just takes over, thinking about stupid little things, all the damn night, and it won't let you sleep!  

    Then by NOT sleeping, and giving your brain a rest, you wake up crabbier than hell, and depressed!   So it is what they say..... a vicious circle.... 

    Maybe just drink more at bed-time?  Or are we being serious here?   Actually DON'T drink coffee at night, don't get wound up during the day....  watch TV until you are sleepy, then go to bed...  

    If you are taking any kind of drugs, THEY probably prevent you from a good nights sleep.... I know Tamoxifen will put sleep on a back-burner for the rest of your LIFE! 

    Okay.... if I helped anyone, I am happy.....  Winking


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    Okay, I'm done....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning Teka!  Was I making too much noise?  Winking

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    G'morning everyone, sassy I've seen you IRL and there's no freakin' way you need to lose 40 lbs!  Snowing here, little tiny flakes, which usually means big accumulation.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Badger, OH THANK YOU, but really, I'll quote real numbers so you can see my dilemma. Before the beginning of BC 200 lbs, then I had gained a real strange very rapid 23 lbs. It was a WTF is this. I was 223lbs. Then within 3 mos of BC I was 200. Then I started Savella, Arimedex, and DH was dx'd with lymphoma. I lost 30 lbs--Total 53  over the next few months(4-5). I did cut portions and calories when the weight was coming off with the drugs. It was falling off with very little work. Savella and Arimedex caused a low level constant nausea, it made not eating easy. Probably a strange way to put it, but I went with it.

    I was eeking down another three lbs when I quit Aromasin, and DBF and I started being together more than not. I started cooking and eating versus eating a cold can of beans standing at the counter. I was making healthy meals for the two of us. But historically, if I ate two slices of bread a day I gained weight. It may not sound like it , but I quit drinking wine for quite sometime. I joke here about the nights I have too much, but that doesn't happen often. Anyways from the last Nov 2012, I've gained 40lbs. 167 to 207.

    In May we did find the problem with the Thyroid, only this week did I talk the doc into doing a T4, T3, and Autoantbodies. TSH has been done routinely. But TSH doesn't really mean the other three are normal. We--Endocrinologist, ENT, and I jumped on the Thyroid abnormality from a cancer perspective. I suggested to the ENT doc this week that perhaps we bypassed the basics b/c of cancer and drug  history. By Tues or Wed I'll have results. Included in the drug history, I started on Micalcin for boneloss prevention. Any drug I took with the AI's seemed to work strange for me. The Miacalcin and Aromasin were likely the cause of the bladder stones in fall of 2012. Recently in review of Miacalcin,  I picked up that it could cause a Thyroid goiter(enlargement). IT was one of those OH CHIT moments.

    The point being is weight gain could have a hormone related source.

    I think GrammaB's diet would work for me, b/c the  carb aspect is my nemesis. But changing habits are difficult. Grammas results though are so impressive.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Good day everyone, Blessing i am sorry about your MIL, i wish i could turn back time to have mom with me. It very hard to lose parents and /or Grand P, its just something terrible that we cant avoid :( 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Hoot, Hoot, good morning all,

    Blessings, never easy, watching family members at the end of life. Sounds like you & DH have been very pro-active getting their final arrangements in order. I hope all goes well. 

    Enerva, waving hello, are you feeling better? I hope?

    Sas, the weighty weight problem, do you have clothes in 3 different sizes? I have yo-yo in the last 3 years. All health related, I assume I will gain 10 lbs from now to the end of summer. I would love to stay skinny, but not going to happen. I am a bread, carb lover also. Will start Arimidex in a month, nervous about that & how it will effect my body. Your thrift shopping always sounds like fun. 

    Happy Saturday .....