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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    MM that is sooooooo sweet :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    How sweet, what a picture--AWWWWW see Chevy we can get along, even tho u r very difficult to talk to.Happy

    It's getting cold here too Teka all of a sudden--I'm all wrapped up with blankets.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,611

    My name is always behind but I come to cheer you on in any way you need it.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy where are you! You keep missing where you are supposed to be? What is up with you? How can I have My coffee with out reading your --whatever we call it. Cami what should we call Chevy's morning post? "Chevy's Pontificating", Chevy's Take". "Chevy & the Chickens", "Chevy's___________?"

    All you folks that are cold, hope all is well. The weather map makes you feel cold just looking at it.

    LMG's I did attack the linen closet, but got bored b/c I was winning to easily. BUT I did find 6 packages of "MR HOGG's" chili seasoning in a box. Each package is 10$. I know outrageous, but DH used to buy from them when the were cheaper. I can't believe the things I keep. You know "things" that someday you may need. Or boxes that are kept b/c someday you may need a box just that size. I don't often get ruthless like this, once every 10-20-25 years. So, taking advantage of it.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Blessings, nice class. Story--1975 I had multiple cervical neck sprains/strains ----slept in 10 lbs of traction from 1975 to 1978. 1975 I started to visualize the neck and repeat like a Mantra "It will be numb". Visualized imagery wasn't coined yet, at least in standard circles. I got very good--my neck would be numb within a few minutes----so nice------the worse the pain, the quicker I could make it numb. If the pain wasn't bad, it wouldn't work.

    Two strange things about doing it. 1. it wouldn't work if I had taken any medicine..... 2. I got higher than a kite.

    Months after I was doing this, the first nonjournal reports came out about endorphins and endorkins.  I figured that's what I was producing.

    I can't do it for widespread pain, just more localized pain. Maybe I should practice lol.?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    I know my linen closet (in the hall and very tiny) has some covered pottery dishes that I think are meant for baked beans. They were given to us in 1984 and we have never used them. DH wants to keep them. 

    Our animal shelter uses old towels and blankets for the kennels, so that's a great place for the ones looking ratty. I've actually seen towels there much nicer than the ones we're using and wonder what their story is. Wrong color? Given to person by someone they don't like?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893



  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Wren - Sounds just like my closet. I haunt thrift stores for whitish beach towels to put on the love seat where dog lays. They are hard to find. Seems everyone wants garish flowers lol. I actually had to order cheap faint yellow striped ones from Amazon. I will only bleach towels every 2 weeks - on septic and afraid to overload it. Afraid if I bleach bright ones I will dye all towels some awful color. But I did have one I found in garage darkish blue/white penguin. Washed with a med. green one well used - it faded some but green towel seems about the same. Now have another to add to rotation.

    I probably have some old blankets in garage. DH keeps trying to get rid of (like trash) those kinda things and I resist. I have 2 single sheets - black - one (the flat one) that DD used as blackout curtains in dorm room. Faded but who knows when you need some sheets. I have had to with DH's help pull a goat out of the yard on a blanket that could not/would not walk.

    I have no qualms about towels having to match. None of ours do. If they are serviceable, we use them. Dog towels have gone thru bleach and in our linen closet - some a little worse for wear.

    My dog is sound asleep in south window in sun.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Sassy - I found owls on here and I think I saw some of Chevy's. Use Google and quotes "cute owl pictures". You will get tons of images - some pictures, some cartoons. I will look after posting this.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Sassy - I knew when I started on here. Mostlymom's picture is on page 213. Go up to URL and substitute 213 for current page #. Will keep looking.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cammi!  when you are cold, you have to go back in the house.....   You can't stay out doors over-night like you do!    No wonder you can't sleep!

    Hi Sass!  Been trying to take care of 'stuff"....  Going to pre-pay tomorrow for our Cremation, then I won't have to think about it anymore, much less talk about it.

    I remember my Mom trying to show me where all their important papers were.... and I tried not to "look" in their closet, when she showed me...  And I just didn't want to ever think about them not being with me....     But thank God, when I HAD to, I did it....  Couldn't have done it all without my Brother....   So them making arrangements, and paying for most of it, really helped.   It's the hardest thing you ever have to go through, I think. 

    So I know this is making it easier for our Daughter's....  We are "registered" but now it will be paid for.... which locks  in  the price. 

    You guys are getting hit again!  I'm so sorry for all the cold and snowy weather!  Still nice here, but supposed to bet cold Thursday, with a little snow. 

    Sass, when I had so much pain with my back....  before the surgery, I could NOT get any help for the pain...  And I would only take 600 mg of Ibuprofen every 4 hours.  The muscle relaxers didn't help a bit....  I never dreamed I could talk myself out of it?   So you must be talking about psychosomatic relief from pain?   This makes my brain hurt, trying to figure it all out. 

    I think there is a term for that....  like either full of chit, or mind over matter?  Or smoking weed!  (I'M JUST TEASING!!!)

    Are you sure, or are you just teasing?  Were you smoking something?  Singing The ONLY time it didn't hurt, is right before the surgery, when they gave me a shot of something.  I thought, "oh wow!  maybe I can go home now?"   And right after I woke up, that PAIN was GONE!  Like a miracle!  But they cleaned out my spinal column, from the double laminectomy, and the "coagulated" something or other, and there was no more pressure pressing on that sciatic nerve!  I was very lucky! 

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Luv, wish I would have known years ago about towels. My MIL always found something wrong with what  I did. Way back when, bought some expensive peach-colored towels for the guest bath as they were staying with us long term after FIL's stroke. MIL didn't like me to wash their clothes, she took to washing linens and towels and she loved to use bleach. She bleached my pretty peach towel till they were just off-white. From then on, only bought towels for the guest bath. 

    Suggestions please: Started with a sinus headache Sunday so I used nasal rinse, no help. Just one side is affected: just above the brow and feels like something is viciously poking me in the eye. Yesterday, it got so bad I was nauseated, so I took the sinus pressure/allergy pills and fell asleep. Slept most of yesterday, the previous night and most of last night. Only awake a couple hours in 24 hours, definitely not night owl material. Still hurts. I did notice, no sunshine, feeling temperature/barometric change. Hurts so much I just want to sleep, and have chills too (except for hot flashes). Any suggestions for relief? Went to ENT 2 years ago, did scans, found nothing, gave me inhalers which had no effect so I stopped using. Funny thing I didn't have it all last year when I was home recovering. Hard to read so I'll be on limited use of BCO today.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Sorry, forgot who asked how I keep the sheets on. I use a flat sheet that is one size or two sizes bigger that the bed for the lower sheet.  I have sheets that are all in good shape still from the 70's when we married>>80's>>90..2000's. It's like --do they ever wear out?...... The sheet may need a we bit of a straightening, but it's way better and faster than tucking. I suppose some would say LAZY, I prefer INNOVATIVE ---LOMO

    Where is everyone? Did someone have a party and forget to tell me??????

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Oh there you all are Whew, I thought I was alone.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    2nd time - all mine are off white, light beige, not really white - you get my drift. I dread trying to buy kitchen towels. They just don't bleach - must be the dyes they use now. I have some nice "bar mop that's what they called them" towels blue/white striped from WalMart. Bleach great but they don't make them any longer - well they do but about 1/2 the size of mine - useless.

    I love to bleach kitchen, face towels cause never know what DH might have done with them. That and dog bath, mop ups. I don't do bath towels; just double wash them on hot. I resisted moving to a house with a septic system but have gotten on well with this one for 15 years. We did have to have the lateral lines redone in 2006 but we stupidly did not know that putting goats on the lateral lines was bad - they destroyed all the vegetation. So we had the tanks redone too at the same time.

    Do you have an active sinus infection? Fever? How are the allergies out there right now? Ours are terrible for this early in year. I had that same thing over the weekend. One eye hurt, stabbing pain for about 45 min. Then just quit. I do have glaucoma and use lots of drops for it. But I think these are sinus, like you just above eyebrow. Maybe some Vicks type stuff. Was it on here that someone mentioned the Vicks inhaler - The Vapoinhaler per the Vicks site? Gosh I remember someone using that when I was a child. I've seen in recently in the stores too. Maybe try a towel over a nice bowl of steamy water carefully so not to burn yourself. Or maybe a hot shower.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    2ndTime!  Also maybe a humidifier?  

    I know sometimes with me, I had to finally get anti-biotics to help clear it up.... Otherwise it went into Asthma, Bronchitis, etc.....   Nasal rinses are good, and how about the generic of Mucinex?  Does THAT help?   If none of this helps, I would check with your Doctor....  I also used Nyquil, or Daquil !  That helped my cough....

    Sometimes it's a bacterial infection, not a viral.... and you need extra help.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Thanks, Luv! Doesn't appear to be an infection, everything running clear, not much of it. Need to check for fever, just chills. Glad it's not sunny bright outside blinds are closed, nothing on slider, no indoor lights. Hurts when I walk. Tried to take a shower, get sick inside. Trying Dr Oz trick of ginger tea (tea bag + sliced fresh ginger). Need to go to the store for stuff for dinner, not comfortable driving. DH was very irritated I was asleep when he got home a couple hours early and I was sound asleep with no dinner waiting. (I love roasted veggies which he won't eat). Gotta look for some Vicks or Tiger Balm in the medicine cabinets. Thinking of a strong drink, something to knock me out.

    Sassy, I see one owl is back. What happened?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Littlegoats---thankyou the page 213 owl is home. I'll pm MMand see if she has them in her folder, pretty sure both the others were hers. The one owl was fairly close to pgae 180's. That's about the time we started calling ourselves owlettes. The problem is the sizing and placement took forever (said in valley girl voice).  One stroke of a key and they all disappeared.

    We call the towels for the dogs and cleaning  "dog towels" too. LOL. Started in the days of the Brittanies. They loved to rub themselves in the most disgusting stinky things on their necks and chests>>>>.then roll. They got lots of baths. Hence --dog towel.

    Maddy had a similar thing in the 90's use a saline rinse made on the stove. I thought the left side of my face was going to explode. The saline loosened this ---thing. This thing was about an inch long hard as rubber. Never had it again.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy, nope wasn't smoking anything. I just was in horrible pain the first time I did it. I kept thinking let it be numb. Then the pain was gone and I touched my neck---it was as if the whole neck and upper shoulder area had been injected with lidocaine. Then when I moved I could tell I was high. It was very nice, but funny. Next time neck went out I did the numbing mantra---same thing. After figuring out the high came with the numbing, I was careful only to do it at home with no going anywhere.

    Then around 1980, I was telling my workmate about it b/c my neck was out---terrible pain. He said do it. I did. Pain gone, but he had to drive me home I was higher than a kite could fly LOL.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Sassy I'm pretty sure one was Chevy's. I need to look back further. It seems like I left off reading on pg 187 and just started posting on 212. So bet it's further back than 187. I hope I recognize them when I see them.

    Yes, I feel like a furry thing is living in my nose that I cannot reach. It is extremely dry here maybe I need to take my own advice about hot shower/steamy towel.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    2TA, Maybe a migraine? Sure sounds a lot like one. Especially the light sensitivity and nausea.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    LMG I I started at 180 and am at 215. Got the two. The third was after 215

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    pg 219 chevy'simage

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    pge229 MM



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Too late , too smart. As Dad used to say. I should have had a master of the three stashed in my storage thread. Then post to a box. Then work on sizing and placement           OH well.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Was that it? I guess I thought it was another owl on a fence with sideways head. Told you I would not recognize it cause I saw that one and went "Naw, not that one". I'd fail those memory tests. HaHa.

    Oh yes, storage. I have massive amts. of pics now thanks to BCO. Asked DH how my storage capacity was and he said not even a drop in the bucket used.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Edit 12/16/13: Hi EVERYONE!. This called the insomnia thread, but threads evolve. Post 24/7/365 we are here all the time. We call ourselves Owlettes :)

    This is a safe haven. No nastiness, bullying, or such allowed. I would like to keep the kind fabric of this thread intact.

    Discussion will flow where it will as all threads do. This will be a happy place. I hope with lots of laughing. Talk of things, needs, rants as your mood or thoughts take you. Each person here has a history of helping others. Threads develop pseudo family groups. Fancy way to say we become like family. This family will have all the best a family has to offer, but none of the negatives.

    EDIT 11/18/13 May help with sleeplessness: circadian rhythm, melatonin--pub med evidence based research :

    Agometaline is approved for use in Europe/Australia  for insomnia. It is NOT approved in the USA :

    How to naturally reset circadian rhythm with food

    Article connecting insomnia and depression. It's a chicken egg thing--insomnia >> depression, depression>>>insomnia.

    BCO Member Notself's  three day plan: 1. Get doc script for sleep aid, at lowest dose. 2. Set sleep time. 3. Take pill 1/2 hr to 1 hr before set time.  4. Do this for three days; 5. Should sleep on fourth night..  6. Repeat steps 1-5 if sleeplessness has lasted more than one night.

    Don'ts that are known to cause sleeplessness: Alcohol, coffee, chocolate, looking at computer screens before bedtime, sex  and  exersize(variable by person); Do's that promote sleep: Sex and exersize(variable by person) , book reading, foot massage, aromatherapy, sleepy teas. After dinner walk(variable).

    How is it you said I should find sleep? Who needs sleep, I need more coffee?

    image  image



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  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Reading through saw that Smaarty has not been on recently. Missing you.