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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    this is us.


    Sorry for all the sad news with parents and pets.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    I just read about Lacey Chevey.  I'm so sorry to hear of her passing.  Our fur babies leave such a big hole in our hearts.

    Our house in Olympia had a gully running down the west side of the property. We had bought the house from DH's parents.

    Right outside our dinning room window a huge old maple tree grew out of the edge of it and over our yard.  Over the years we burried three dogs under that tree.  When my FIL died we had him cremated but kept his ashes in the cardboard box they sent him to us in until the family could decide what to do with him.  We took back his dog Teddy who was the 17 year old daughter of our first dog. 

    There were 3 places that Pop truely loved, one of them being that old house.  When Teddy died 18 months later we decided to scatter his ashes in two of those places, on Mt Rainer and in the Southern California desert. We put Teddy's body and the last third of his ashes in her bed and burried them under the maple tree as well.

    When we sold the house we did make full disclosure to the buyers.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    My MIL was dying of cancer and we were all with her in the hospital. She was in a lot of pain. We talked to the doctor, who said more pain medicine would be hard on her heart. We told him we understood that and wanted more pain relief. I hope someone has that same discussion with my doctor if I'm dying and in extreme pain.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Big hugs and prayers for everyone. Special hugs for NM

    I nearly got up in the middle of the night to see if anyone was around. Went to bed at 10pm woke at 1am went to sleep at 5.30, but I did hear lots of good programmes and music. 

    Think it depends on the doc as to how much morphine is given both my parents slipped away. I know with Dad the had just upped the morphin - he died of cancer - melomona which had spread.

    Hope you all have a restful evening.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Blessings,  Thinking of you and your family. Cami, said it, It is never easy. Your in-laws have lived a long life. That is a good thing. 

    Tangandchris, I hope you check in and report the problem..

    Chevyboy, sending hugs

    Alyson, I am bored, Open's over, waiting for Olympics

    2ndtime/Maddy, what's up? Are you OK?

    Hump day Owlettes....

    Teka ThumbsUp

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    I was told by infectious disease doctor that it felt like the drain tube to her, I called the PS nurse and she said she was sure that was all it is. I've also got a call in to my BS nurse to get advice from her. I no longer trust my PS' office and have zero confidence in them at this point. I'm grouchy today, forgive me if I come across sour-ish.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    Rant, whine, and cuss ! I would, that is  why we are here, for the good, bad & ugly. I am hoping whoever did your last surgery would get you right in, like today. Keep, calling until you get answers. I am always too passive, then I get so mad at myself...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Tang, Hole is so right, be anyway u want here, plus keep looking for u'r answers til u feel better.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    I'm going to see my BS tomorrow so she can check it out. Like I said I don't trust my PS any longer and the BS office knows this.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cammi, you are such a cute little chit!  You just speak from your heart, don't you! 

    Sorry Enerva....  Yes, it is so hard.  Same with my Dad!  I went to see him that last night... I wanted to go alone, because my Brother was just having a hard time.... He went to drink with Dad's old Buddy.

    I went  and just stood by the top of that bed, and talked to him....  just like you!  I think it helps us say good-bye and let go....

    Love the baby owls Smaarty!   and thank you Chabba....  I try and not think about her...but she's just everywhere!     DH seems to be just going on.... trying to not think about it....   Chabba....  You can bury them or their ashes wherever you want.... I said so. 

    When my Daughter's dog suddenly went into a seizure, and died in her arms, she and the 2 boys took her out back, and buried her in their garden...   I would have done that too.... But I couldn't let Lacee get any worse....  I'll get her ashes, and just keep them here...  with us...

    Wren!  Same with me!  I did the same thing!   They just go into a peaceful sleep, and hopefully they just stay that way.  Mom's kidneys had shut down too... 

    Hi Aly and Teka.... and Golfgirl! 

    Okay that's good, right?  You can be grouchy, even raise a little hell.... we don't care.... it ain't as if we never do here!    Damn people ANYway! 

    Guess we told THEM!  xoxoxo

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Tang i have been where you are, so go ahead vent all you want. We are here to listen. 

    Chevy i also lost my two dogs, Miniature pinchers red. They were my babies first the girl then the boy. After them i could never get another dog. I kept the ashes and i still have some of their toys. Pets are just family and yes it hurst so much. Only time can help us.

    Keep been strong.

    sending you hugs

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Cami, what you said to your Mom was wonderful. 

    Blessing sorry that you have to do through this

    Spookie LOL yes, I know those drugs are in the same goup, but the article I was talking about ranked the drugs by effectiveness and problems like bleeding and heart attack.

    Chevy, I have the same plan for Schatzi when it's her time. This girls staying with me. With DH I have his ashes with me b/c I have no clue where I will end up. But for sure it won't be in the ground. Have an aversion to it for some reason.

    Teka so tired of this cold wet dreary weather. Can't wait for April, it's the prettiest month in Florida. Very predictable.

    Everyone---MRI of liver done this am WED. Had the report in hand at 1 pm. My dr. Anderson, knew how worried I was. It's goodThumbsUp. The thryoid comes out on Feb 28th. will worry until path report is in. Indicators are it could be cancerous. So, where's the Ativan.      Working on stuff for DBF unemploment and things-----working me to distraction---only one nap since he lost his job.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    All right Sas u have to learn how to pace u'rself--u can work for days then u crash, that's not healthy, I know u know it. But u have to stop and literally smell the roses and meditate or something were u do nothing when u'r awake. U don't always have to be busy, spread things out. Please try so u take care of u'rself. That one thing I'm an expert at is doing nothing, my own mother used to say a snail could beat me in a race, (one of the things she would say about my slowness) Many things were said, like I could never be the look-out cuz by the time I'd get to anyone everyone would be there, or if I was going to the garage did I want to take supplies with me----so doing nothing comes easy to me.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    oh, Cami, that breaks my heart! We all work at different speeds and not always the same speed at everything we do. That's mean. (I taught kids in special ed who might be considered "slow" in academic areas, but let me tell you, they made up for it in other areas. You are so quick witted, I'm slower in that area.

    But you're right, we need to learn how to slow down and how to eliminate stress in our lives. Especially us. 

    Now, I need to get caught up.

    Blessings, I am so sorry about your MIL, she is lucky to have your love and compassion, especially at this time. Wish I could be in your pocket to offer you strength, love and hugs. You're not in an easy place right now, but what you are doing is SO important for your MIL, FIL, DH and you too! You can never look back and regret that you weren't there. 

    Hi1, thanks for thinking of me! Miss a day or so and am missed, feeling wanted. Need to fill in yesterday and today but not in the frame of mind with what's been discussed here. 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Sas, liver MRI, yanking out your thyroid ? What's going on with you? Glad to hear your liver came out clean.....your making me dizzy with all this....

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    hey guys, it's raining!!  Yeah !  Should be gone tomorrow night but maybe now the storm door is open. To bad that can't ship all that snow you guys have out here.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    I love how ya'll hold each other up, I just hope I can keep up and get to know some of ya'll too :)

    In general today, I'm feeling worn out and discouraged somewhat. I had to get an EKG today because I'm being switched to Levaquin to for this bacterial infection I'm dealing with. Well, Levaquin doesn't always play nicely with Celexa which is another med I'm on, so that is why I had to do the EKG. It's like something new every week that comes up, it is exhausting!! I haven't even started chemo yet and I'm worn out as am I going to get thru the rest of this?? These are just some of the thoughts that I'm having, you know?

    On a side note, I can't stop eating either. Can food just not taste good please???

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Hi Tang. I feel for you. Levaquin doesn't play nice with me at all. It's on my allergy list. 

    Wait for chemo, it was pretty good at stopping me from eating. Lost 34#. 

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    WEll they are switching me to levaquin from cefepime....haha...we will see!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    This is the best group of women, I really needed a place to feel like I could be myself & luckily became part of the Insomniac  I was 1/2 through chemo and it was tough. 

    Our dx are very similar, except for those pesky TE you had. I am about 4 months ahead of you in tx.  My RO told me today, it will be a year from dx before I can expect to feel like normal, or my new normal... It is a roller coaster and we will all be there for you. Seems therapeutic to be able come here. Everyone gets it, unlike our friends & family..

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Yes, no one really gets it and even when you are surrounded by people who want to help, it can feel so alone.

    Where are you Holeinone...for some reason I'm thinking you are not in the states. :)

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Trying to catch up (first attempt)

    Teka - sweet photo (now, is it teh-kuh or tee-kuh or something else?)

    Chevy, Callie cat-dog was a cat but was smart and acted like a dog (answered to her name, waiting for me by the door when I returned, followed me around the house, keep me company with outside chores...)

    Sas, failed my first night on the job (newbie-greeter)

    Yesterday and today were busy-crazy! Missed you all. Will try to give the hi-lites later. For those in earlier time zones, sweet dream! Hopefully. will get to others in a couple hours before night-night time. Not sure how late I'll be awake till tonight. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Tang u'll actually get more needed rest with chemo, cuz u just go when they tell u and sit and relax and hoping u'r body takes it well and if it's rocky u tell u'r Onc and they have more meds for u. We'll be here for u so we'll do what we can to help u in any way. It does get so tiring with all the tests, u feel like u'r going to glow if they turn off the lights. So we do understand.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    2nd time Oh I was never feeling bad about being so slow, walking slow and just in general slow, I knew I was but didn't care and I was never late for school or work or anything, So it was all right for me, it didn't scar me or anything, well nothing really did, but then again I never cared hahaha

  • Njmom3
    Njmom3 Member Posts: 39

    question ladies, anyone have an echocardiogram after surgery?  The chemo they are putting me on can cause heart disease, or something, anyway mo wants an echo to make sure all is ok...  The problem is, I still have stitches and a drain from last weeks surgery on my te incision on the left side. They cAnt press down and no way are they putting that gel on my stitches that I am babying...  Pretty stressed about this.

    I also have a pain in my back in my shoulder blade area, definitely feels like muscle tension, imagine that, but it also goes under my arm pit and the back of my arm.  Hard to explain.  Tired of questioning every ache and pain.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    I had an echo-but it wasn't that soon after surgery. Do they know you just had the surgery?

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Oh, Owlettes - thank you for your kind words. Will be back if I can to post an update.

    tangandchris.... I'm confused! Did you get drains after your implant removal? I didn't think you had, or I would have suggested that. Or are you saying that either the tubing or the flat perforated portion had been left in you all this time? Yikes! At least the docs are on it now...

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934


    Yes, they put new drains in after the TE removal on Monday. I'm thinking it is the drain too, but I am still going to see the BS tomorrow to put my mind at ease. I love my BS, I wish she could be my PS and MO too :)

    So, yes...prayers that this is only the drain and nothing left behind after surgery.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    tangandchris - Do you know what the drain looks like after it disappears into your body?

    You obviously know about the plastic "hand grenade" bulb that collects fluid, and the clear plastic stretchy tube that connects the bulb to your body. 

    The clear tubing can be as long as 36". But once that tube disappears into your body, it is thicker, flattened out, and full of holes - kind of like a sprinkler hose. That part is usually about 8" long, and is snaked around where your TEs were removed.

    Here's a picture of the internal part of the drain.... does that look like what you are feeling? Thank goodness drains are temporary!!!


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Tangandchris,  I live in S. Idaho..I should try to put it under my name & get some

    Njmom, I had the echo test, but drains were out & I had a lumpectomy, are you getting A/C ?