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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Blessings- I am behind on the posts but heart goes out to you on the elder care issues and helping of the MIL as she transitions. One of my friends says that being born and dying is a messy business, as it is very hard to come into the world and not always easy to leave either. I pray for an easy transition for her and that everything else is better for your family soon. Take care of yourself during this time too.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Aw, thank you Jazzygirl! 

    We started "comfort care only" yesterday, so it will probably happen sometime in the next week. Even though we are all intellectually and spiritually ready, the emotional part is much harder for some family members.

    Elder care and loss of elderly parents is such a universal challenge, isn't it!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Blessing so true and age makes no difference it just hard to say goodbye.

    NJ are u having an echo or a MUGA--cuz Mugas are pretty standard.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Blessings- loss of parents is truly life changing. I lost my mother two years ago this March, and we knew it was coming but when the call came, I still felt very unprepared. Like bc, it teaches us life is short and not to mess around. Live each day to the best and don't sweat the small stuff.....

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Good morning, sending hugs, there are no words that can comfort the loss of love one.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Cami, You are such a wonder at using words. LoL about pacing my self. The endocrinologist ordered a bunch of pituitary test and thyroid. Some were cross ordered by the ENT doc. One of the pituitary hormone levels came back abnormal is cortisol it's actually an adrenal hormone. Cortisol allows the body to respond to stress. Mine came back low. Now we have another problem to decipher. The irony is I could have finally wore out my adrenals. 

    BUTBUTBUT, the one lab test that could have or should have been ordered by either the endocrine or ENT doc that would have helped decipher the thyroid wasn't ordered by either of them. It was in a group that I requested b/c they would cover the basics. Each of them wanted to do another ultrasound and or biopsy. One of the labs I requested came back abnormal. The autoimmune antibodies/thyroglubulin.

    The thyroglubulin came back abnormal. When the other half(antibodies) of the test is normal, then the tH being abnormal, indicates cancer. In the ENT's office Tues, I learned that it is used as the tumor marker once the cancer is removed. That's why I'm scheduled for the thyroid removal. BUT the doc won't commit to it being cancer until the full path report is in. 

    Scratching my head as to why the autoimmune tests weren't ordered to begin with? We could have taken out the thyroid months ago when the first biopsy had follicular cells present.

    *(&^$%$%^, The indicators(elevated tH and Follicular cells) are cancer, but won't know until path report. Did I say where is the ativan? OH yeah found it! Real tired of seeing the end of the goal line, then it gets moved. Apparently, my adrenal glands are tired of it too!

    Now I have to learn the minutae of pituitary ACTH/Cortisol. I know stuff, but not the very in-depth stuff. I keep telling God, I don't need anymore lessons. I could be perfectly happy without any new lessons.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    NJ or tang------whomever's getting the ECHO/MUGA.  The bump is the drain as you describe it now. How to do the Echo---try this: tell them you want a "sterile plastic sleeve" put over the probe. That you want a new gell tube opened . Have the first portion squeezed out and discarded. Technician to wear mask and sterile gloves. Sterile gauze used to clean off gel. Ask for a nurse to stand and assist as needed, so the technician won't contaminate anything. 

    In diagnostic imaging which usually includes the cardio suites, they almost always have a nurse. If they don't have one ask for one from OR or pre-op.

    Each step I suggested has a reason. If you explain it to a nurse they will understand right away. The technician may know also b/c what is ordered to be done is pretty routine for them. Not routine for you I know.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Blessings-That could very well be it, it just feels pointy under my skin and as silly as I feel...I didn't realize it went in where the TE was....or that it was even that long!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka thanks, but LOL adrenals can't respond, so La de da. Another thing I've learned b/c I started reading about cortisol is one of it's symptoms can be weight gain------I've been complaining to both docs and PCP since Jan2013 that weight was piling on. It's now 40 lbs. Low cortisol can do it, Already knew low thyroid could do it. Low cortisol can lead to c/o joint & muscle pain DUH, Hair falling out. Lots of the same things as Low thyroid. Endocrine doc only doing these studies cuz I was pushing for a FERRI scan. New type of MRI. So, these studies are effectively coming in the back door cuz I was pushy for something else, OH well Gotto go learn more stuff.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Tang, I was astonished to see how long the drain was. Who would think?

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Good late morning to all...afternoon for the easterners

    Njmom, I had the muga & EKG, said echo but I didn't, easy to get it mixed up..

    Sasafras, sorry you are going through another health crisis, damn girl ! I hate to sound so uninformed but is that a big surgery? I know they cut through our neck, but Thats about it.

    Hugs to Blessings, Chevy, & all....

    Tomorrow is my last whole breast radiation, then 5 boosts to the axillary area...


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Okay just read two articles on low cortisol levels and affect on psych status of the test groups. I was diverging from the physical stuff. 

    If I were teaching how to read studies these two would have been classic for "evaluating studies"

    conclusion of each study

    1."findings suggest a link between positive psychological functioning and lowered cortisol release"

    2.These findings suggest "that low levels of cortisol may set the balance between the sensitivity for punishment and reward dependency towards a pre-disposition for psychopathy."

    The first study found a positive link and lowered cortisol levels the second found a correlation between psychopathy link and lowered cortisol.

    I know it sounds greek, BUT these studies were measuring the same things and came to opposite conclusions-----one healthy, and the second unhealthy.  They each proved their hypothesis.(not shown here)

    My teaching to students would be, "This is why one should NEVER base and opinion or conclusion BASED on one study" A singular study should be followed by at least two more studies that use the same hypothesis and method of research to prove or disprove the hypothesis. 

    SOOO, if I only looked at one study only, and took it to be true; and my cortisol levels were consistently low: #1 study, I would demonstrate behavior in the category of ______Buffkin. #2. study, I would demonstrate abnormal behavior in the category of Dr. Lector. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka, funny, that's what my counselor says in a way. He's convinced I am ADHD. My uniform focus within that puzzle is science----he says my brain just ignores most other things.

    It's an easy out from house cleaning.

    But then there is the added focus of junking

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    I'm exhausted today ya'll. I am going to start Levaquin which can cause issues with my heart since I'm on Celexa...chances are low, but still I hate having something having over my head like this. I'm just tired and kind of depressed I think. Being sick sucks, having cancer has just consumed my life. Does it ever get better???

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Don't mention that "c" word - not cancer, but cleaning. Yuck. The wind is kicking up so hard and it's so dry. I've piled up phone chargers, meds, dog collar/tags, lists of passwords to websites, checkbook. Located intact dog crate. Washed clothes. Smells smoky outside but neighbor has fireplace and I could see heat waves coming off it this morning so hope that's just all. Have scanner on but our county is mostly "truncated" so I hear only bits/pieces. Mostly I'm hearing medic calls for county north of us. At least we'll get some rain next week. Just get thru this wind today. No sense dusting.

    Tang - Is Levaquin your only choice? Did culture pinpoint it?

    Njmom - shoulder pain? New? Could it be from positioning during surgery or something you've changed since surg - like sleeping posture/reaching for things. I was amazed when I had shoulder PT how involved the muscles were supporting the shoulder. Explained a lot of the pain I have both sides. I thought shoulder meant mostly over the shoulder but it can be way underneath/outside the axilla too and down outside back. Scary thinking about pain there - axilla. Maybe Sassy will jump in here. I think the rule most use is for a new pain talk to doc if lasts longer than 2 weeks (unless darn good explanation for it) or sooner if acute, fever, redness, swelling, drainage - esp. post surgical.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    I'm not surprised you're exhausted. As time goes on, the anxiety does fade. I'm almost 2 years out, and it's retreated to the background. Is it possible that a different antidepressant would work better with the Levaquin? I understand the reluctance to change that aspect, I finally found an antidepressant that worked long term and am extremely reluctant to change it.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    I've gone round and round about the Celexa and Levaquin...tried tapering off of the celexa, but I felt so sick. I just can't do that right now. The Levaquin is the only thing that will kill this pseudonomas. I was on IV's for 2 weeks but started having a reaction, so now they want me on the Levaquin. I'm sure I will be fine, it's just that nothing has gone smoothly since the cancer dx. haha...I guess how could it right?

    Luvmygoats-it's VERY windy here..just picked up suddenly too.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Nj---------- LMG is right re: Shoulder. I mentioned similar stuff in a previous post. Position before, during , and after surgery all impact body parts. As an operating room nurse. Some of the very first lessons were on proper positioning. Improper position can lead to a myriad of problems. I had a cousin that awoke after mastectomy surgery and her arm was paralysed. It happened b/c of improper positioning. She did regain use , but it took along time. Positioning is a learned skill. It should never be taken for granted. It's the circulating nurses responsibility. Under certain circumstances the doc takes the lead and positions the patient themselves, or the doc checks the position before scrubbing.

    This link is to pictures of shoulder anatomy. It also shows where shoulder pain can be felt. You'll be surprised. After the link, i'm going to try to retrieve the pic

    The pic page is too long. Start at the top ----there is a schematic of where the pain is, and a human pic of where someone would touch to feel the pain, then the internal anatomy. The bottom line is you have pain. The shoulder girdle includes the scapula, shoulder, clavicle, arm. When you have "something occur" that changes the normal positioning of the arm, pain can result.

    What Little goats said about seeing your doc is important. Start with surgeon>>>>then referrals if needed.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    To all Levaquin is being more carefully used b/c of adverse event reports. 

    Nj as Littlegoats inquired re: the culture. If you are that concerned ask what the sensitivity of the culture showed. It's numerically based. The closer the sensitivity number is to 1 the better the bacteria will be killed. 

    Celexa is a ssri or SNRI neither drug group can switch from one drug to another drug without some consequence. It's not toothpaste. 

    ASK doc what the sensitivity of the next best drug on the sensitivity report was? AND his rationale for using levaquin with a known drug interaction with celexa?

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Morning, Owlettes!!! 

    You ladies in Cold Country may not understand this, but right now we are all thrilled out here in Cali because it's RAINING!!!

    Our winter has been insanely mild. This past week it was in the high 70's. I know that sounds good to all who are stuck in the frozen tundra, but the truth is that we are in the middle of a severe drought. The high Sierra should be snow-filled, but it's not. That spells trouble for everyone - especially our farmers - this summer.

    I got up and made gluten-free sweet potato/cinnamon muffins for breakfast. Yummy! Started the fire in the fireplace. Last time I did that I had to open a window it got so hot. Still drizzling; DH went back to bed to rest. The past few weeks have been hard on him. We never know when we'll get a phone call - regarding either Mom or Dad.

    My mother passed in 2009, after a very hard ten-year struggle with end-stage Parkinson's. It was a privilege and an honor to escort her out of this life, and I felt blessed to be able to be there for her. I feel the same about my MIL, and when the time comes, my FIL.

    And - as with everything difficult we go through - it helps so much to share it with friends who understand and care. Thank you all.

    Hugs all around!!!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Yes, Sassy. Everybody pictures shoulder pain by grabbing the tops of their shoulders. Mine is in my collarbone and OMG down outside of axilla and down outside of midaxillary line. Good pics BTW. I got to study shoulder anatomy pics while heat packing b4 PT and icing after.

    Worked years ago (26 or so) for endocrinologist. I don't remember so much thyroidectomies but did assist with several biopsies.

    Blessings - we will be thrilled with rain too. You are a special DIL. You deserve your moniker.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    tangandchris - don't feel bad... after my Exchange surgery, just when I was taking a deep breath and relaxing, thinking that I was done, I felt a large, hard lump deep inside the right (non-cancer) side. I was terrified, and absolutely furious that the surgeon hadn't caught it!!!

    Luckily, I was scheduled to see my MO the next day. She carefully probed it, and told me it was probably the filling port on my implant. 

    DUHHHHH.... I have saline implants. They were inserted uninflated, and filled to capacity once they were in place. Of COURSE they had a port; I just never thought about it. My PS verified it. But hey, at least I was being vigilant, right?

    Hope you feel better soon.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Blessings u are a sweetheart.

    Sas does this mean u might be at the top of a flight of stairs with a huge knife. eeow. eeow, eeow???

    I don't want to give anyone false hope or pre thinking on anything for treatment, but tired is pretty common for a period of time so don't feel different or WTF is this--it's just part of treatment crap. That didn't sound very encouraging did that?

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Well Blessings our rain coming with a double edged sword - freezing rain and sleet on Sunday. Yuck. Can't we have some nice rain. Just issued special weather statement. Wind has eased just a bit. Going out to let does out to eat dead leaves in Mr. Bucky's pen.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    NJ (I was born in NJ), I definitely don't know the medical advice, can only talk of my experiences, had lots of upper back/neck issues after surgeries. Besides all the muscles being cut and resulting nerve damage causes pain in areas that are a little remote from the surgery sites. Also, turns out I carry my stress in those areas, this was found and relieved by PT. Because of the pain, inward holding my shoulders close up to my ears (well, that's a bit of an exaggeration but you get the idea). The best and easiest relief was (and still is) heating pads  set on low for upper back/shoulder/neck areas. You can check with your med team, mine just wanted it on low. 

    Blessings, you have been in my thoughts and prayers these past couple of days, am so sorry all you are going thru now. I wish I had the appropriate words to express how difficult this part of life is and how much those around must appreciate that you are there and part of everyone's lives. Your name suits you. 

    On a different note, photo of those drains really got to me. I refused to look when they removed them (both times), now I know why. I would have either gotten sick or passed out! No wonder they hurt so much!

    Sassy (anyone ever call you Sassparilla?) What is going on with you? Miss a day or two, and fall way behind. How did this ever come to light anyway?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    blessings, looks like rain is coming down our way, that would be wonderful! We desperately need it too.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    It's like we can all talk here!  And no-one judges....  We can talk about things that I wouldn't say to DH....  or my Daughter's.... 

    Like how worried we are about some things....  but when we come here, we all try and make each other feel better.... 

    Yes, you are a Sweetheart Blessings....

    Oh 2nd!  We called each other most EVERYthing we could think of!  Yes, Sassparilla, and numerous other oddities.... that we didn't even know what they were!   From Sassy-pants to  some that don't even make sense...!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    image--Whooo remembers the song--Owl be seeing you?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
