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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy the pic is beautiful--it's so sad.

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    Chevy. So sorry for your loss....


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Littlegoats, oh that place sounds fun. I only go clothes shopping once a year LOL--maybe.............junking as much as possible. Good Luck on selling Bucky. How about Craig's List?

    LMG---LOL I got to paragraph 5 and went DUH- preaching to the choir. You know either everything I've written or most, but I will leave it here. Maybe someone else will read an ask there doc, or do something different.

    I did a search on NSAIDS b/c Wren asked what was the best.  I learned allot as a result. I have a particular dislike for tylenol(not a NSAID) and NSAIDS b/c they have been connected to permanent hypertension(HTN). Predictably, I would have developed HTN in my 70's. I was 56. I searched at that time-feb 2006. I was suspicious of tylenol b/c it was my only long term drug. I used it as a sleeper. I googled Tylenol and hypertension . There was a major study from 2005 that showed a connection between Tylenol and NSAID use and development of HTN.  I wanted to do a relook at the subject since it had been so long.

    With this new search there is a 2007 NIH study that looked at all the NSAIDS and tylenol. It has 190 citations. They stated in the introduction that they effectively wanted to create a work that would become the seminal resource in use of these drugs in pain management. i.e. cover all the bases. IT is the absolute most BORING study I have ever read. They did however accomplish their purpose. A PCP/ARNP.>>>>>>pain mgt doc can look at pt hx, pt condition, and make a choice of drug.

    How it affected me is I wasn't aware of the negative cardiac affects of heart attacks and stroke re:NSAIDS. That just never came on my radar, if it did, I forgot. DBF has been using Advil. His risk factors indicate that if he's going to use a NSAID, it should be Ibuprofen(Motrin)b/c in the scoring system, it's the least troublesome of the group. So the links I sourced for Wren and then my references to the search later was what that was all about.

    I'll add that it pisses the shit out of me that docs encourage the use of or even require it's use for pain , and thhat a patients pain must fail the use of these drugs to go to the next level of drugs for pain control. They make a big deal in patient teaching about the gastrointestinal stuff like bleeding and ulcers which is important. but krips the negative impact on the total cardiovascular system is BIG. Frankly it's a major public health issue. 

    The outcomes of uncontrolled hypertension are: Stroke, the gamut of cardiac problems from heart attack/chf/cardiomyopathy/kidney failure/peripheral vascular disease. There are many drugs available to control HTN. But it's way better to not get it. If I knew there was a connection with the drug I used as a sleeper, I would never have used it.--

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    BTW Thyroidectomy scheduled for Feb 28th

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Sass, why are they taking it out?   One of my gal-friends had a malignancy in her Thyroid, and they took it out, and she is just on medication now.... this was about 7 years ago, and she is doing well! 

    And talking about NSAIDS.... etc..... I think ANYthing we put into our bodies, if on a regular schedule will cause some problems....   Sometimes they aren't as disruptive to our bodies as others, but there is still a chance, that "safe"  OTC meds will react differently on some of us. 

    All the warning labels are there, just that I for one, don't always pay attention to even the over-the-counter meds warning labels.....   Like Melatonin, for example....  When I was on Tamoxifen, I couldn't sleep, so the most natural thing I could take was Melatonin..... which within a couple weeks, I had diarrhea..... So THEN I finally had to take Immodium AD.... like 4 or more a day!  After about a Month of this....I  finally I just stopped the Melatonin, AND the Immodium, and I had no more problems.... But the Tamoxifen started it all..... 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Luv. Sas must have missed this. One is naproxen the other is ibuprofen. I forget which is which. So not the same. 

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Gosh Spookie you're so right. Aleve is not the same as Motrin/Advil/Ibuprofen. But Sassy is talking about getting DBF off of Advil and onto Motrin/Ibuprofen. Those are all the same thing.

    Actually I'm not taking as many Advils as I was. I still take them if I have to bathe the dog but that's lots of leaning over, bending, kneeling sometimes and scooping up water. Most days I forget to take them in the morning anyway.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    RATS!!!!!!! Had a big l

    Honkin' long post written and lost it!

    Back later....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    LMG' see if you can read it? it's the  NIH report-----try as a nurse-----I'd never ask a lay person to read it ?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    LMG's I so know what it is to bath dogs. The  britts--I snapped and they jumped on the washer and dryer--waited to be put in the tub

    Loved Britts---Had them for 20 years----- but they would rub themselves at the neck with the stinkiest thing.

    Last house--OMG just remebering---the first thing we did was put in a sink to wash the britts.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Luv. My knees won't let me give the dogs baths like that any more. The spine either. I have a small plastic step stool I put in the tub, then sit on it. Have a hand held shower thingy use for rinsing them. Works pretty well for this creaky old body. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    One of the houses featured in our weekly Sunday magazine featured a dog washing shower. The people without dogs thought it was ridiculous. Those with dogs wanted one for themselves. I would have loved one when I had a dog.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Teka, my dad had Brittany's when I was little. The last 2 were brothers. Tom and Jerry. Something scared Tom and he went gun shy. Jerry loved to hunt, we had quail and pheasant frequently, thanks to him. 

    Pretty dogs too. Did you know they are the only Spaniel that will point?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    To all lovers of pets-----This is brought to mind b/c o f Lacee-------we have to pre-plan,,,just like for us. I've buried my sweet animals at each house. In a do over, I would have made a different choice. Dh is in a box in the bedroom. In a do over with all my dog lovey's. I now think I would have chosen cremation for each. Add to a unified box and their tags placed in a crystal dish or on thr christmas tree. We think to often of these things late.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    My last 2 were cremated, will be sprinkled with me around Ocala. Supposed to be a green cemetery up there. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka I buried MY pets in each yard, in a place that no one would think to dig up. Under the cherry tree. In the park space behind us that dipped into a severe ravine

    Dear Teka what I hope to do with Ds is guide him better than I had guidance. My parents guided. I guided, but I was a panther. As a panther, he doesn't know or perceive I'm there. It's in words, strategically placed. Then the ---space did the words work. It's been going on since 9 months, now 29

    We all have our approach. then we pray it works. 

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Okay, I am freaking out right now. I had my TE's removed yesterday, I just took off the ace bandage around my breast area and ran my hand over the left side. I still feel a hard pointy object inside of the skin flap. WTF??? It feels like the expander is in there still, or something else. I'm really wondering wth is going on. I honestly can't take this anymore! Did the surgeon screw something up??

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Tang..aka tangerine...

    Shit girl, sorry this is happening. Is it sore ? Do you have a fever? I know nothing about this, so my advice would be take a pain pill, call the Dr. In the morning. That could be bad advice...

    Maybe Sas or Blessings or someone that has had those T.E. will come along soon. Hate to say this but recon sounds dreadful.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Thanks Holeine-I'm straight up freaked out right now. I go to see the IV doctor tomorrow, will have her have a look at it and see what she says. This is in the morning.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    tangandchris, good, I am glad you already have an appt. hang in there...

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Ok ok here i an trying to catch up again lol


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    What a regal looking owl!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Enerva, another beautiful photo, tangandchris needed one of you gals with the TE about 1/2 hour ago. 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    tangandchris - trying to remember... you had TEs, you got infections, you had the TEs removed...

    Did you by any chance have an Alloderm sling inserted? 

    I'm also wondering about the amount of pocket work that you might have required to close up your pockets. (You're not going for another set of implants, right?)

    Could it just be that you needed layer upon layer of tissues sutured in order to be closed up? With all the swelling, a suture line could possibly feel quite hard. And if layers of muscle and tissue are bunched up from swelling, it might feel hard and pointy, especially if it is over a rib.

    I'm certainly no doctor, so will defer to yours! My only advice is the old standard: any fever or redness - seek attention ASAP!!!

    Please let us know how you are.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Ay, Caramba - whatta day. 

    Went to the nursing home to see 93 y/o MIL. Found 92 y/o FIL writhing in pain (in his eye) and unable to move. Called 911, paramedics took Dad to ER and DH followed them, I stayed with Mom. She is now on Comfort Care - no more feedings or meds except Morphine, and if needed - Atropine, both sublingual, as she is unresponsive and can no longer swallow.

    I sat with her all afternoon; talked to her, prayed over her, read her Scripture. At one point she had muscle tremors and I took her pulse... very slow and uneven. I thought how ironic it would be if she passed in the arms of her daughter-in-law, when Dad has been by her side every day, DH almost as much, as well as three other daughters, and numerous grandkids. When I finally left, I was happy that the last words she would have heard were the 23rd Psalm, and me kissing her and saying "Good night, Mom. We love you and will see you soon."

    For anyone else, that might not have been appropriate, but for her it was comforting. We depend on our faith in this family.

    FIL is o.k., it was a corneal abrasion from a long-time condition. DH is spending the night with him... he doesn't do well on Morphine, which he got in the ER. Both of them know that Mom's time is near.

    Came home, notified the family, checked FB and here... feel a cold coming on. Isn't that always the case!!!! Devil

    May all you Owlettes have sweet dreams!!!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Just flying through.


    DB is much better - it wasn't endocarditis but a heart attack . Now he just has to be good and do as he is told. Which I doubt.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning gals!  Geez Blessings.... I'm so sorry for everything that is going on.... I think that is what they finally did with my Mom, after her surgery, after her stroke, and after everything was shutting down...

    Just morphine... And I went running down the hall, begging for them to give her more, because she was just yelling out!  Didn't know us, but seemed to be in so much pain.

    They said it would just slow her down even more, but I was begging for them to help her.... When we got back from dinner to see her, she was much better...  Seems they have to follow a certain protocol... But we lost her that night... 

    Tang!  Let us know what is going on!  They will probably know right away...Sounds like Blessings has some ideas there?  You could write down all the things you want answered.... see if that helps.

    Hi little Sassy...  Kind of ironic, that DH and I went to the Cremation place the week before, for us!  Paid for all that... So that is done.  I will pick up Lacee's ashes next week, and keep them with us....  Maybe bury them in my garden, or just keep, so the girls can scatter all of our ashes together....  I just want to be together.

    Hi Soteria!  Wondering where you were! 

    2ndTime.... Thank you... Jackie sent me something similar...  you all know what it's  like ....  just hard to think about...  I KNOW she is better off now, but  somehow that ...... oh never mind.....

    Your cat-dog?  That sounds so cute!  Lacee thought she was a kitten too!  She loved to be around cats, and most of them must have known that!  They let her touch noses, and rub against them...  no-one told her she was supposed to chase them.... like squirrels!  Ha,ha!  But then she even loved birds.... baby birds.... would try to nudge them, when they were learning to fly..

    Morning Cammirascal, and Cindy! 

    Teka, is that your fuuuurrrry baby?  So pretty!   And you gals were talking about giving them baths?  I just had one of those plastic  "baby pools" and would put it on the picnic table, fill with water, and wait for it to warm up.... Bending over in the tub was just a little hard!

    You know, I'm going to use her shampoo myself!  I mean what could it hurt!  I kept trying expensive ones for her, because of her sensitive skin, even "Oatmeal" ones...   So I have about 4 big bottles to use...  They even smell good too! 

    Spookie...  hey girl!   And Golfgirl....  Geez, we gotta help Tang! 

    Morning Enerva...  and Wren! 

    Hi Aly....  Men just want to get better FAST, and then just go on doin' what they want to do, never mind everything else...    DH has the sniffles right now...  so  this might be heading for a crisis soon.... I mean you know how THAT goes...  I will of course be the caring little wife, and bring him nose spray and Claritin, and explain he SURELY isn't on his last leg.... Of course seeing a Doctor would be entirely out of the question...  only if life is swinging in the balance.

    Talk to you gals later! xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


    So much going on.

    Tang I think u'r with a Dr. now and I'm happy u can ask, cuz I don't know anything. I have heard more stories about recon that I never thought happened. U'd think by now everything would be done pretty easily, but nooo.

    Blessing what a time for u'r MIL and what u said or read to her was beautiful. At the very end they were giving my mom morphine only (she was at home) and I had the eyedropper kind of thing. well she gave me one of her looks (she couldn't really talk) and would not open her mouth, the next night she died and I was holding her hand and just talking to her and thankd her for a wonderful life, her hand tightened nd that was it. Then later I thought should I have said that, cuz it just came out--well it's what I said, then I called everybody and everyone was there. My dad was sleeping and we woke him up later. But he knew. But I always thought what I said was being so final, I don't know just a hard time. It's never easy.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Chevy and Blessing same happen to my poor mom this past July. I used to think she could just one day be asleep and not wake up i never expected her final hours to be so painful and me by her side unable to help her. I will have your mom in my thoughts. :(  

    I am speechless and very sad.