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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Chevy,  priceless....I would love to send that to a few friends...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Philly just left out allot of connecting words. Easier that way. Becomes code. Hah, see what happens when you stay away to long. Hey, I was straight when I wrote that, maybe I should find some wine,

    Badger, you may have white hair, but your skin is like a 20y/o,  I'm worried about the thyroid b/c I'm busting out all over with weird stuff. BTW the hat I gave you fits your date night perfectly. Duh I will not be able to listen to that song without thinking of you and DH having SEX. 

    Tang, Badgers right just do what you were thinking, He'll get the idea.

    Check with someone one the sex thing and chemo, just to be on the safe side.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    We're going to a Superbowl Party tomorrow. Folks behind me. It's there big party of the year. They project onto the flat part of the back of the house. Huge screen. Lots of food and drinks. Great party every year. 

    They weren't very fond of DBF, but he's been working over there all week. They can't believe what a hard worker he is, they described as the _____-bunny that just keeps on going. This is very good. They are the last of my friends to change their minds about him Will make life much more fun.

    BTW who's playing?. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sas if it's not the Bears, who cares. It's just another reason to have people over and a party, but personally I think they should have Superbowl Saturday, so people don't have t work the next day.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Sassy, it's the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks in the Super Bowl tomorrow.

    BTW, if we ruin a song for you, it should be Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw - another J. Buffett classic - instead of Wasting Away in Margaritaville LOL.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi Insomniacs- such a busy thread! Like many others, I check in here and have pages to catch up!

    Welcome Bluebird. I hope your recovery from your latest surgery is going well. Glad to have you here with us. This is a lively and rather entertaining bunch!

    Blessings- how lovely that you got your hair done today. A little self care goes a long way. Thinking of you as you work through the arrangements. I have only arranged one funeral in my life, but gave eulogies for both parents and my brother. I hope everything goes well and that you can get that pedicure after everything is settled. A warm bath might be nice too!

    Teka- glad to hear you are feeling better!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Well, not as many pages as yesterday. Are you all out shopping for Super Bowl snacks, is that why no postings?? JK - love all of you.

    I attempted to post this about 8 hours ago - don't know where the time went, kept meaning to get back and finish reading and now it's almost 10:15 pm. But hey only 15 posts during that time. I WILL catch up.

    Blessings - My prayers for your family and DH and hugs for you. Sounds very peaceful and how I would like to go when my time is near. Hear that you got your me time. I got my hair whacked off last week and it feels better.

    I can't remember what went on yesterday and don't think I even finished reading. I bought groceries & hay, came home put up cold stuff, ate snack and went out again to junk/antique shops up the road. Found 3 chests that would do for my dining room, took pics of 2 b4 I thought camera died - turned out it was just the metal roof that would not transmit phone calls through it. Anyway got DH out this am and we bought one. Little scratched up but what isn't around here. Perfect - an Ethan Allen 1 drawer with cabinet below. Looks dining roomish rather than bedroomish. Paid $89 for it, the one I was looking at at TJ Maxx - and couldn't find unscratched - was $200.

    I had composed part of a message last night but fell asleep on couch watching True Grit remake. Woke up at 1:30 am and went to bed. DH turned off computer sometime. Been a weird day or two.

    Sounds like we're getting ice tomorrow, just on the edge of snow, only 30 miles NW under winter storm warning. Think I will make it to church but may be close. Temp has actually gone up this evening. Tang looks like you get freezing rain. I think we're in for more on Friday and might be worse per channel 8.

    Badger - I've bought KY in the giant economy size for goat kidding. LOL.

    Check liver light HA HA. I actually had something with alcohol. Anyone tried the Lime-a-ritas? They were the 1st out. Now they have strawberry, cranberry - 2 yucks, mango - yum and raspberry - not tried. Now having my nightly hot chocolate. Elec. blankie is on and I'm headed there soon. I think I need a heated throw like Cami's. Have to go to town to glaucoma doc. next week so may be on the shopping list.

    Cures for song stuck in the head. Was on local TV webpage today. Too funny about the timing. Forget that topic says "Earworm" - it is about songs.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Luv good deal--I have a gorgeous Ethan Allen cabinet (my moms) and it still looks good. And I used the throw this winter like crazy and I have a faux fur throw that is so warm--these are my go to's a lot.

    Teka I hope u can rest well tonite 

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I feel like crap.....chills no fever, all my upper teeth hurt, congested, and I hurt all over.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Blessing I am sorry for your loss. ;( 

    One more cute pictures i found for all of you.


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Oh ya and one cute for those who love dogs. look at this cute little thing.


    ha ha ha i miss having one.
  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Sorry for your loss Blessings.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Blessings, before I try to catch up on reading, I am so sorry for your loss. Your MIL is pain-free and at peace now. How are you and DH holding up? You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers; sending hugs and love to you to get you through the days ahead.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Dutchiris, Sounds like it could be the flu. If you start running a fever, give your doctor a call.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    I did get a flu shot so hopefully not that.

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Hi, everyone! I'm new here and not sure what is discussed/not discussed in this forum. Can anyone out there give me a hint? I'm one day post op and feeling ...well, not sure what I am feeling, but sadness is at the top of my list. 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Hi and welcome Mdn, i am always catching up with this forum but it is a great place to be when you cant sleep. The ladies here are all very knowledgeable and kind, they are very positive and funny. i am sure someone else will tell you more about this forum. ;) 


  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Thank you Enerva! The rest of my family is sound asleep right now and I am feeling so alone. They are exhausted, and I am glad they are getting much needed rest as they have been so worried about me and taking such good care of me, but the tears are flowing and I can't seem to make them stop. I know I should be happy that the surgery is over, but I can't help but wonder about the biopsy results that will come in the next few days. I'm wondering what I look like now under the bandages. I wonder when and if I will be able to shut my brain off and sleep. I'm so sorry to sound so down, but I'm overwhelmed with so many thoughts. 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Holeinone – one of my favorite expressions! “$@*%# her and the broom she flew in on!”

    Cami – good advice!

    Chevyboy – Ahhh… Dye job: check! Haircut: check! Top half is
    beautemous tonight. Toes, not so much. Will try to post a pic after pedi. Love
    the “Check Liver Light” funny.

    Tang – someone mentioned cuddling… believe it or not,
    sometimes that’s all a guy wants – especially if it’s been a loooooong time…

    Badger – my MO told me the same thing: “Use it or lose it!”
    When I told DH that, he looked at me like I told him tomorrow was Christmas
    Day. He also considers my MO his new BFF.

    Sassy – thyroidectomy on the 28th? Hope you have

    Teka – is the thread a buzz, or is your head buzzing?

    Jazzygirl – how sweet that you were able to give eulogies
    for parents and brother… that can be very hard to get through. What a gift to
    them, though!

    Luvmygoats – I love Ethan Allen stuff! Used to be it was all
    like my mother’s Early American style, which is not me. Now I have an Ethan
    Allen wall unit with displays, and the top half of an Ethan Allen Entertainment
    unit mounted over the big honkin’ flat screen above the fireplace. I can’t
    stand to look at a big TV in a room. Soooo… exactly how big IS this giant
    economy size KY you get for your goats? What kind of sexy description does it
    have on the package? “For those intimate times in the barnyard… “

    Dutchiris – Ohhhh NOOOOO! Not sick! Bugs, go away! Tylenol
    if you can take it, nice hot tea made from fresh ginger, lemon, boiling water, and
    honey… a hot shower and a soft bed. Rest, rest, rest!

    Enerva – so sweet!

    2TA – believe me, all those prayers and good thoughts are
    deeply felt!

    mdnghtdeb3 – if you find out what the topic is here, please
    tell us. I don’t think any of us knows. But stick around, you won’t be sad for
    long. If unwanted thoughts are crowding your mind at night and keeping you from
    sleeping, try writing things down in a journal. Sometimes committing them to paper allows them
    to leave your brain. Big hugs to you.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Sistahs – 

    Many thanks for the continued sweet thoughts. Even
    though I took a day off today, I was still planning. We are expecting maybe 200 at
    this Memorial. I like to organize events, and since DH and I are the only local
    ones, it makes sense. (Not like any of the siblings are rushing to help. Oh, well. We're used to it.) Dad has asked us to just handle things.

    Little by little, the details are coming together.
    Tonight I made a flyer for the guests who spout the old standard “Call me if you need anything.” 

    My version gives concrete suggestions like “If you are cooking a meal for your family,
    make extra, and take Dad a plate. Better yet, invite him to join you, and go
    pick him up. Eating alone is hard.”

    I also added things like phone calls, cards, grocery
    shopping, running errands, chores and tasks, yard work for those who are up to
    it, driving Dad to doctor’s appointments, and just being there and listening to
    Dad’s stories. At 92, he has a lot.

    I think I'm going to put a stack on each of the tables at the reception.

    Church tomorrow... our church family is awesome. It will be nice to see people.

    Hope by now you Owlettes on the East Coast are snoozing away....


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    well i took a pill, i need to sleep tonight, its already past 2 and not sign of sleepiness so pill needs to help. ;) i just cant stop from wondering what will happen on Monday. and next Sat with my exam,and also at PT.

    Any hope you get some rest too. 

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Blessings2011...thank you! I will give the journal a try! ...and the hugs are greatly appreciated. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Wow, am 3 pages behind!

    mdnghtdeb3, welcome, I'll be here for a while. Took a long nap this afternoon, wide awake now, so don't feel like you're alone. That's the beauty if Insomniacs - companionship during the night. We're here all day too, but it's such a comfort to have a listening ear when it seems like there's no one else around. Only warning, someone is bound to shorten your name.....

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    How did I get six pages behind?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Oh dear 3 pages behind.

    Sending love and prayers Blessing. 

    Hope everyone is having a restful weekend.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737


    forgot the owl


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Uh-oh.... The Cammi isn't up.. looks like I have this place to myself.

    So what's this? We have a new gal who is sadly? Can't have that! And her name is .... wait, what is it? Something like MidnightMadness????? See, I went back a page to actually correlate this, and I'll get back to her in a minute, but man, I just hate being SAD!!!

    GG.. Yes... Whitney was just the best...

    Morning little Bluebirdofhappiness! And Blessings!


    Seemed appropriate here.....

    How's it going Badger?

    SASS! OMG!!!!!!!!! YOU asked "who's PLAYING"???? Do you even know what the Super Bowl IS? Don't ask your friends THAT!! They will make other arrangements! Glad SOMEone straightened you out! Where do we GET these people?

    Badger! HERE we go!

    Morning Jazzy!

    Uh oh.... Dutch Iris has the Squeabs! I just made that up! It's just like the flu... If MY upper teeth hurt, I would take them OUT! Where do you live? In Holland? No wonder you are cold and have the chills!.... Wait... sorry.... I was just being fastidious.... Ha....! That word does not go there...

    ENERVA! I sent YOUR picture to my Grandson's! THAT is the biggest snail I have ever seen! He got a lesson from my Dad's old neighbor, about snails.... And how to "fix" them..... never mind.... but I love that little puppy!

    Morning Wren and 2nd! THERE she is... "mdnghdeb3".... Good Lord, I won't get YOU straight girl! How's about just "Deb?"..... I'll wager your name is Debbie.... right? See? We are very intelligent on this thread. Oh man, I hope you are feeling better! So WHAT did they do to you? We won't tell.... but we surely will fix you, or make you feel better! YOU were the one crying! I'm sorry... Yes, that is normal. If you are a woman, that is normal..... Just takes time.... like maybe 12 years or so.... then you will feel better....   Happy(I gave you a smiley face.)

    Rule #1.... just don't think.... Cammi and I don't. If you think, you will get sadly.

    Hi Blessings again... "Christmas Day"..... Ha, ha! I can just see that!

    I don't talk about toes.... Mine are rather sketchy, to say the least.... I mean my toe-nails.... and that one toe!

    Yes Deb... Blessings had a good idea! Write it all down... You can always tear it up, but writing your thoughts gets them out in the open! And then they will leave....

    Morning Aly! Love your owl! It reminds me of midnightDeb, or something!

    Okay.... well guess Cammi is still in bed, so I can't find her....


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Littlegoats... My Daughter just sent me this!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I Has A Hotdog: Beware of Wife

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    It's my birthday and also Ground Hog Day.  After about 4 hours of sleep, I still feel crummy.  

    No, Chevy, I'm not in Holland. I'm not Dutch, I just like dutchirises.  It is cold outside here in Wisconsin.  I think I'll stay inside today if at all possible.