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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    PattyP- my sister does not use BCO. I did tell her about it, but she is neither computer oriented nor did it interest her. She had a good friend who had gone through it years before and was her coach. They would talk periodically and my sister seem to follow the exact treatment plan her friend did. 

    She is a doctor and never thought she would get cancer, because we don't have any history of bc in our family. She used to tell me when I had earlier biopsies "we don't come from the cancer family", but I tell her now she can't say that anymore. Most of us know that does not always matter.

    Although we talked a lot about things going through it, we don't so much now during our follow up process. I think we just handle things differently, we always have.

    Woke up coughing and now awake (ugh!)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning all ---ha ha before I even had coffee or anything I took my shower, it woke me up a little and now I smell like a beautiful lady in the night, but in the dark morning. So I've been up a while--But I also slept almost 5 hours YIPPEE of course with meds But I did it. Isn't that silly being so happy to get some sleep. Now I got my phone and papers set up for my work day, sometimes Monday is kind of busy and it's still sooooocold way below zero so people have problems more so.

    Jazzy m sister doesn't come on here either she never did--but she is much busier than I am and she's on a computer all day, otherwise I think she would altho like u we do have different  ways of looking at things, she's the strong one I'm the baby and we just kind of laugh a lot about the stupid things that happen.

    Blessing I loved u'r post I think counseling especially when u have a family is so important to all concerned, to many mixed feelings and scary attitudes and u said it beautifully.

    I'm confused now what that u Patty who said about clowns? I normally have a thing about porcelen dolls and clowns, after all they are always in scary movies and they freak me out--my kids never had either hahaaha, but Mimi looks like one I wouldn't e afraid of anyway I do admire her a lot. Now I know a clown.Never did in all my life--so this is exciting for me--it's strange what excites me I guess.

    2nd I hope the pain subsides and Tuesday is right there for u'r unveiling of the new foobs--right--it's time--u gals go thru so much for this I admire all of you. I would never do it.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Heyy Teka

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    gm ladies 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh good Cammi!  You are up, and running!  So glad you took that shower... !  I just love to feel all clean and warm and smelly....  you must be feeling a little better?  You smell like a Lady OF the night.... not a ladyinthenight....  Depending on which fragrance I use, I can be anyone I want!  Ha,ha!   It's funny, how a few I have make me feel rather trashy, but some remind me of my Mom, and others make me feel like I'm very RICH......Loopy

     And Blessings!  Yes I DID watch that video, AND a few more on that site....  Man, if I tried a little harder, I could spend all day watching fun things like that. There USED to be this one TV show, where those silly gals all spoke with a British accent, and it was soooooooooo funny!  Must have been about 20 years ago?  Are any of you old enough to remember?   Cammi is I know, but don't know if she would remember.... Cammi, that is your assignment....  get back to me when your mission is accomplished.  You can be my slave.....  Oooooh wait... maybe "helper" is a better choice of words... 

    Sass is our "go-to-gal"....  along with anyone else we designate....  Ha, ha!  I make my own self laugh! 

    And I have to go back, because who was it that asked how I got my name...  I'll bet you mean my Avatar name?  Not my REAL name?  I'm so bright....  Before we had Lacee, we had Chevy... And this was many years ago.... He was our little Australian Shepard/Sheltie mix..  So he was named after our '57 Chevy... 

    We had that boy for 14 years!   He was our Grandsons private guardian!  He watched over those babies... wouldn't even let their Dad get near them...  They were his puppies... he thought.   And he taught Brandon how to play frisbee, when he first learned to walk!   Papa taught Brandon how to play darts with his own dart board when he was 3...  2 dart-boards on the garage.... one was about 2 feet off the ground...  And  we had our dog for 14 years....  Swore we would never go through that heart-ache again.... 

    Well you know how THAT goes...   Many years later,  both girls come home with this little fur-ball in the oldest Daughter's  coat pocket...  And we met Lacee.  And that Avatar is a cute cat I saw somewhere, and SOMEhow I got it posted!   

    Blessings, that makes so much sense...  about rounding up the family and taking them to a counselor...  I'm just speaking for myself...  but you can't make someone else go..   So I went alone....  I thought by ME going, that HE would go too..... Nope!  

    And even when things DID start coming together, I arranged marriage counseling...  Well, we GOT there, but he would not talk.... finally walked out.   Things went down-hill fast, after that.

    But many months later, after HE went for psychiatric counseling, meds, and knowing that there would be no "we" he  really tried to get it together...   But talk about a village???  It took  all that and then some....   And I thank God that we could get it all back together again.

    With kids, sometimes they just "remove' themselves from your problems...  They care, but they just want things to go away.  I mean I had a hard enought time with DD#! when she was in Junior High...  And I wasn't even sick!   Their "friends" have a big influence on them also...  Don't let them have any friends.  Lock those kids up.  Restrict their contact with the outside world!  Damn kids! 

  • Njmom3
    Njmom3 Member Posts: 39

    good morning ladies.  Hope everyone had great weekend!  I have a question, I had my port put in on Friday and they told me I could take the bandage off in 2 days and then shower,but not to touch the white steri strips.  Won't they fall off if they get wet?  Gonna test drive porty tomorrow with ac tx #1. Scared witless!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Yes Tecka.... I want to talk to ALL you gals, and it DOES take time, Ha!  Besides I'm rather long-winded...or have you noticed? 

    Oh Sass!  Yes, you are  OUR  "Doctor-in-the-house" ...  And our Owl liberator...  Who else will research any subject until their mind just goes nuts?    You probably know more about the gastric anomalies than any one on earth ....   And you know what?  My fingers and hands are all healed up!  They made one last-ditch effort to drive me totally insane after we lost Lacee.... (nerves) but since I am not using that medicine on her, my hands are getting back to normal...   It's okay though.... I would go through all that again, just to have her back.... 

    Jazzy, did YOU read that book?  The REAL one?  You tramp!   Well, yes, I did.... AND the last one....   So I can be the trampy-brat!

    But Spookie!  You are right side up on my screen!  So don't fret none! 

    Cammi, DH does NOT eat cheese!  I mean he is bad enough withOUT it even!  Ha!  I can't tease you about your Big D.....  Tain't funny....  I went through that when I thought I will take Melatonin, to help with the SLEEP ISSUES of Tamoxifen.... Okay fine....  But THEN, it caused the same thing YOU have!  I didn't connect all this, because I was to busy!  Finally I was taking 4 Immodium a day to stop this....  For a MONTH I went nuts!  

    So finally I said to myself, "When did this START???"   So I quit the Melatonin!  And it quit!  Tamoxifen plus Melatonin equals Diarrhea. ... At least with me anyway....  (notice how I added a disclaimer to that?)

    Morning Peppermint, & Soteria!    And Maddy!  So fun to have you hanging around!

    Littlegoats!  I just took back a bottle of Vetricin wound and skin care spray to Murdocks!   I used it for Lacee and her skin problems..!  And yes, it was expensive!   They DID take it back though, so we bought more kerosene with that money....   No I would not laugh at anything, or any money we spend on our pets...  They are family, you know.   Lacee wouldn't eat her kibbles, so finally we only bought her roast-beef and turkey out of the deli... and I fried her liver, and bought roast chicken!   But we could, so we did....  

    Jazzy!   ANYone can get cancer, anywhere!  That's what my Doc said.  She said your cells always die, and leave.... but sometimes they don't die off right, they "change" and develop cancer...   I KNOW there is a much brighter explanation for this, but I sure can't think of it. 

    Smarty, you doin' okay?  Your birthday is tomorrow?  Yay!  A party for you! 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    NinjaMom....  I think they're okay...  Mine said that too...  Just be careful... They should stay long enough to hold things together!   Just don't go blastin' the shower on top of the strips!  Be gentle.  xoxoxo

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    ARGHHH! Had a huge, witty post typed up and lost it!!! Stupid iPad!!!! Went to bed at midnight, woke up at 4 a.m. I see a nap in my future today!

    SMAARTY- we are smack dab in the middle of the state. The drought is hitting the farmers hard. Here's what I don't get: they built a pipeline in Alaska; why can't they build a pipeline to the East coast and ship us their excess snow and floodwaters? Hope you get your drains out soon.

    MISS M (2TA) Hope you are getting a nice sleep-in this morning!

    JAZZYGIRL - Nooo! Hope you are not getting sick! Hot ginger tea with lemon and honey... Go away, germs!

    Thank you, CAMI! Hugs...

    Good morning, PATTY! Did you get any sleep? Maybe a nap today, eh?

    CHEVYBOY - glad you enjoyed the video. There's lots more like that out there. Have you remembered the name of that other show? Was it Absolutely Fabulous?


    O.K. What do I do now? Get up? Try to go back to sleep? Not sleepy. Maybe the paper is here. DH is still asleep. Maybe I could get up, eat breakfast, and go back to bed? Yeah, I could eat ... And the only thing on my agenda today is DH's doctor appt....   Oh, decisions, decisions! 

    Good morning, Owlettes, wherever you are!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938


    hi all, woke up with a headache so stayed home from work.  Not prone to them so thinking it's stress, or the wheat in the pizza we had for supper last night, or maybe it was something in my toothpaste?

    A shower is a GREAT idea!  ThumbsUp

    p.s. Happy (early) Birthday, Smaarty!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Good morning insomniacs- not a great night of sleep but I am working from home this week, so chances to nap later!

    Blessings- I actually think I had a mild asthma attack. It started as coughing but then I was wheezing after I was awake. Not sure what triggered that but fell okay today, my chest just feels a bit heavy. I have my albuterol to help me. I was SO tired when I went to bed after a busy day, I thought for sure I would sleep through the night!

    Chevy- no I did not read that book, but know many that did! I am taking a writing class and we were talking in our class about whose novels we like and our instructor asked if any of the women in the class had read 50 Shades of Gray? Not one of us has. I tend to read the less popular thing. Right now I am reading a book about extinction, the natural and man made activities that have caused species to disappear. The writing is very good.

    And yes, anyone can get cancer. I already had a couple scares with cancer before I got my diagnoses in 2012. My sister just has a certain belief system about disease and who gets what based on her medical training. I will say doctors don't make very good patients and when she found her lump, she apparently had it for a good four months before she went in to get it checked out. There was a lot going on then in our family, several deaths in the family, months apart and we were all struggling. She mentioned it to me around late June of 2012, and I told her she needed to get in right away to get it checked out (the non doctor telling the doctor, how about that???) They sent her from the doctors office immediately to get a biopsy, and I knew right then things where things were going. She found out the following day she had Stage 2 HER2+ bc.. They started her on chemo right away. 

    My bc was found the following month through my annual mammo. Because my sister had just been diagnosed, they told me in my annual check up to be vigilant about self exams and mammos. They saw something right away when I went in for my screening mammo, which I found to be utterly unbelievable. Could our family go through two deaths and two cancer diagnoses in six short months? The answer is yes, we did. And we made it through all that too. Things get better one day/week/month/year at a time.

    Cami- I am going to do like you did and hop in the shower and get my day going! 

    Wishing everyone a good day whatever you may be doing or facing on this monday.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    good morning Owlettes! Hoping this is the start of a good week for all!

    Blessings, me, sleeping in? That would be no. Woke up an hour ago as DD asked me nicely to make breakfast (I only make breakfast on the weekends, can't remember how many decades it's been I made breakfast during the week). She hasn't had a day off from work/school/nursing internship since she got back from vacay a couple weeks ago, Mondays are her worst days with classes 8 AM - 9 PM. So, I thought I would be nice. Now, after DH off to work, will try to get a small nap. 

    Dexa scan this afternoon, we'll see how Tami affects me. Just barely into osteopenia category before BC  found (.1 below the normal range, MO laughed when he saw the report as PCP made a really big deal, he didn't see as hugely significant). 

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    I got 2 hours sleep before stupid alarm went off. Got kids off to school and dh off to work.  Took my pain meds and now sitting  in the recliner drifting in and out of dreamy land.  If only I could find a comfortable position and stay asleep. Ugh. 

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Luvmygoats, so I happy your pink eye problem is gone . What kind of goats do you have? I miss my goats. When I was first diagnosed I gave most of my barnyard away to a friend since I didn't want to burden my husband since he'd be taking care of me and I didn't know if I would make it. I have all miniature animals. I had three pygmy goat's. I'd like to get more but I decided we need to start traveling and its hard to go away with farm animals unless you know someone who can babysit.

    Smaarty, keep me posted on how you like the new girls! I'll be getting exchanged in a couple months. Happy Birthday!

    50 shades of gray was not my cup of tea. It's one thing for a mature couple to have their own style of sex, but for a guy to take a young virgin and begin beating her just totally turned me off and creeped me out.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Ha ha Teka! Smile

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    YEEEEESSSSSSSS!  Absolutely Fabulous!!!

    How come your brain works, and mind doesn't?  Thanks Blessings!

    Badger.... you will go nuts trying to figure it all out.... it happened to me once.....

    Jazzy, oh yes they DID!  They all lied!  I just know it!   And you are reading WHAAaaaTTttt???    Well, so what?  I once read the Studies of the Enzymatic Reaction of Barley Endosperm During Malting!   So that must mean SOMEthing!  I was doing reasearch for a book I wrote about Coors....  I am actually very intelligent.... I just hide it very well. 

    I hope you guys can rest during the day.....   You should maybe drink more.......

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Chevy you make me laugh so hard! I better start getting  used to coffee coming out my nose!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OMG I'm exhausted reading everything--

    And yes Chevy they still show hat tv show here and it still is hysterical to me. BTW I read a book called 30 shades of gray, it wasn't very specific or interesting, I guess the last 20 were the most talked about. Oh and u do hide u'r inteliigence very well--Good job.

    You gals all sound busy today with app'rments or just plain busy---I've actually been a little busy on the phones this morning again cuz of the cold mostly. I'm so tired but I don't have to be alert I just have to sound alert.

    Jazzy good ur working at home, slowing down a bit.

    OK I'll be back later sounding more awake maybe, when my phones start.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    I just wanted to stop in and say...I am drain FREE!!! I have had drains in since 11/27 due to various surgeries. This morning I got my last drain out!! whoo-hooooooo!!!


    Now, if I can just get this dang PICC line out......

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    LMG So happy you fixed your baby goat. Can't call it your littlegoat b/c you are Littlegoats --LOL  You know I don't shoot from the hip on nursing / medical stuff. Someone asked a technical question. I found pro and con for it, but until I come to a better answer, i'll work it till I can't stand reading any more. I reviewed 60 some abstracts and  articles. Plus the diverging that happens when you search. Came up with only three abstracts that came close to answering the question.

     Also, someone posted a link to a CBS news article about the dangers of scopes. The article covered all the negatives. I had to ponder my response for a time. How I responded could make a difference of a person choosing to scope or not to scope. Actually, take a look and see what you think. I would value your opinion muchly:). Then there was a PORT thread problem. 

    Homecare and in home Hospice, people have no idea how hard it is. In 1991-92 I did it and it was wonderful. We had a 5-8 sheet to fill out, and it met all the requirements of the who, what, when, where, why, what did you do, what did you teach. The little form was masterful in it's construction. Then the OASIS was "invented" and computers. I worked HC in 2008 from April till Jan 23 2009. I had one 24 hour period off that entire time. Had one Sat.that I only did 2 hrs. I still did the nursing the way it should be done, but the computer doubled or more the hours. A standard week was Mon--thurs. 7:30- 5 pm, then computer till around 8-10. Fri 7:30 till 5:30, Sat-& Sun computer catch up varied from average 12 to whatever it took to close out the week, Sometimes it was as much as 16 hours.. Usual cases visits in a week were 28 to 35. Usually closer to 30.The computers didn't work in the field. So, all computer entries had to be done at home. OASIS was government produced--self explanatory. I got DH approved as a volunteer. What was cool about that is it had never been done before. He did about 4-6 hours a week of recopying logs for legibility, faxing, shredding, errands to office 30 miles away, whatever I needed done.

    I did find out from a LPN why there was one gal who did 45-50 visits a week could manage. This LPN was new to this nurses patient. She went to take a blood pressure. The patient asked her what she was doing. Do I need to say any more? It happened on several more. The boss held this nurse up as the example of what all of us should be able to accomplish--Yeah right.

    My sanity is kept here :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Ginger , I defer to Soteria, on melatonin, The links in the topic box are a good start, but I'd have to do another studying of the drug to make any comment. :)

    Cami someday we'll have to work on your diarrhea problem, Store the thought away and we'll do it. I fixed Mom with  hospital acquired C-diff. She was going through +- 88 diapers a week.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    badger - hope your headache is better! Just relax today....

    Jazzygirl - I used to have horrible asthma attacks... and if I got sick, I'd be bending over, gasping for air. I could never clear an airway. I'd need a SoluMedrol (steroid) shot in the butt, antibiotics, and a breathing treatment. I finally had to order a home nebulizer. Then I told my MO how bad I was and she was furious. She said my asthma was uncontrolled, and blamed my former PCP for not treating it correctly. She started me on Dulera (combination steroid and rescue breather) twice a day, and boy, has it helped! I went all fall and winter without having any of those episodes! The MO also told me that each time I got that sick, I was damaging my lungs, and that I couldn't take that chance any more. Scared Fortunately, I'd already fired that PCP. Hope you are better today!

    Teka - I hope you have no success at getting a sinus headache. Cute "Yearly Exam" post!

    Bluebird144 - I haven't read 50 Shades of Gray either. Maybe I don't want to?

    Chevyboy - I am a veritable fountain of useless knowledge. It is a gift. Loopy

    Congrats on being drain-free, Tang...

    Sassy - I think a lot us keep our sanity here....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Blessings --YOU ARE a blessing. Your words were perfect, NOT rambling at all. Please, may I re-post your response on the Just Diagnosed -Get prepared thread? The kitty litter analogy was inspirational :)

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Ooops - had to go proof something for DH on his computer.

    Well, I decided to get up and have breakfast after being awake since 4 a.m.

    We have one doctor's appointment this afternoon, so I may go take a nap NOW. 

    Rained last night - yay! But now it's stopped and skies are clear. At least the air quality is nice and fresh!!!

    Have a good day, Owlettes!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    morning all owlhoots, 

    Sas, as you are taking on the world, solving everyone bowel issues, sleep problems, all things bc related, I am causally looking at your beautiful new find.

    That Aegean color is fantastic, looks like blue sea glass...makes me want to go thrifting, and I will soon. Fun to find a new, beautiful, artsy vintage glass. 

    I am so behind....Tang...CONGRATS, your dang drains almost became part of you...thinking of you as you start your chemo...

    Smaarty....Happy Birthday to ya....sung like the Beatles song..early..

    Chevy & Cami, you 2 make my day....really

    So here I sit, first time in 7 weeks I am not racing around to go to rads. I go to MO tomorrow, blood work & Arimidex...if anyone has any suggestions, of important stuff I should be asking, my MO will have her nurse print something off the Internet...I am going to be more assertive, tell her about the stuff I have been reading regarding, biophonisos, ( not close to spelling it, wrote it down once ) .

    I am loving the Olympics, lots of lube the boob & rockin' the recliner time..

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    tang / congrats on being drain free. Wow. That's an awful long time to have them. Bless you 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893



  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    ok, I went back & wrote that BIG word down, Bisphosphonates... Aka..Zometa, Boniva. According to the San Antonio cancer symposium, post menopausal women have a 3% lower death rate if they receive it 1-2 a year through a IV...has anyone in our group done this?

    As always, I should if asked this a week ago, seeing how my appt. is tomorrow...thanks

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Bluebird - I have Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats (don't milk them ha ha) but in the process of whittling them down. Been trying to sell my buck - nice boy but you prob. know how smelly they are. That and he/his buddy take up a small shed and extra grazing I could use. The feed store lady said be sure to isolate puny one. No can do - no extra barnage. Ha Cami I can make up words too. I have a pen in the barn but it wouldn't do much good. DH looked at the eye this morning and was very impressed with how it looks. I will suit up later and go spray her again. Yee gads the laundry I'm doing. Thank goodness I have a ton of those cheapie stretchie gloves all in black so I mix/match. I hear you about the traveling part. My DH does not like to travel so no big deal. We go 2x/year to Oklahoma just for the weekend; usually DD comes to goat sit and gets paid nicely for it. I do know a pet/farm sitter who will do but haven't used her and certainly don't know what I'd do if a vacation for a week. DH uses his vacay time for house repairs. Not making any more baby goats here so they will gradually die off. I may take some of the wethers to the First Monday trade days in March.

    NJmom - Yes the steri strips will eventually fall off (more like peel away) but they are a whole lot stickier than they appear. They will gradually wear off. Sounds weird but when the 1st one to come off is ready you will be a whole lot more experienced with them and know it is time for them to come off. Just don't go scrubbing at them, pat gently and same with drying and like Chevy says direct the spray away from them, like over the shoulder.

    Sassy - where's the scope quandry - on the constipation thread? I know I
    didn't want a colonoscopy and put it off for years. But in 2012 after the BC
    had it done finally and DH too which is the bigger miracle. Risk vs. benefit
    must be minimal at best - not sure if I even read the risks. Yes, death,
    puncture of intestinal wall, anesthesia, gosh knows what else. Don't want to
    know spec. - I'm probably a bad pt because of that but did I want CRC - heck no
    so what's the risk compared to that.

    Yes, charting in the field. Now I understand a requirement. Don't see how you can make the # of visits required, spend an adequate amt of time, read NH charts, track down staff and chart in any manageable day. I would still be doing hospice if it was manageable. This winter would have taxed it though as my county is icy again today but not FW proper. My boss would not have been sympathetic and they could not maintain support staff (aides) in outer counties.

    Yay for Tangerine. No drains. Freedom to move around without encumbrances.

    Yes Golf Girl I am envious of Sassy's shopping scores. Makes me want to garage sale in the nicer parts of town.Winking Only problem is I have no one to show off glassware to or pass it on to. My dining room cabinet is sitting just where we put it a week ago in the den gathering stuff on top. Makes me wish I had 2 of them. Oh well maybe excuse for more shopping if this chitty weather will ever go away.

    About Arimidex you probably will want doc to order a baseline bone density unless you've had one in say the last 6 mo to a year. But then with the chemo maybe a new one is in order anyway. For sure bring the subject up. Bisphosphonates are usually the tx 1st step but I think only with osteoporosis, not osteopenia. I'm due for bone density this spring - you'll hear it called DEXA scan - and fear I'll get the Fosamax talk too. I hear a lot of people on Prolia but at least with my ins. I'd have to fail Fosamax and Boniva 1st. My PCP is going to have to a better job tx my GERD if I have to go on one though I know my coffee/weight are not helping. OOO - I see your update. Yes, you might be able to get Zometa with your diagnosis. Boniva like I said is first line treatment for osteoporosis.

    Smaarty - Happy Birthday to you!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Teka- sounds like someone needs to spend some time on the constipation thread? SillyHeart

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    hi all, thanks for the birthday wishes. I hope to get a shower tomorrow after the drains come out. Tang-glad your drains are finally out. I thought 4 weeks was a long time! 

    I need to get moving! Down the hall, bathroom, something for breakfast, then back to Downton Abbey. Sides aren't to bad this morning.  Getting tired of sleeping in the recliner. Probably another week. 

    Man, you gals are fast. Last night there was only 3 of us here. I get up and there's 2 whole pages!  Well, gotta go!