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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    MM_ Chit your not.......I said something to my counselor that was similar ---he said----It was because I didn't want too. BIG difference... We tend to be very hard on ourselves. When and if you change your mind you will. If you don't , you don't. Hugs

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    SASSSssssssssss!   What the hell?  Is it just me, or have your owls taken on a life of their own?  They have suddenly became almost life-size!  Ha, ha!   Now we actually DO have owls governing us!  I can't even change my own avatar, but YOU can co-ordinate, manipulate, and motivate those owls to become giant bird-men!   This is so cool!  Now don't go makin' them pea-sized again!  Unless you have to...image

    Morning Teka...    Did you see what Jazzy did?  That was a GOOD one Jaz!   I sent it to my Daughters.

    Midnight!  Nothing is too silly to ask here... Are you kidding?   If we don't know an answer, you can bet we will pretend we do... 

    I'm just here because I care about you gals, and sometimes we just want to have fun!  .....  Like me and Cam...  SHE is, or was the master of having fun!   Can't spell worth a damn, but we all know what she is saying...  Our brains have been programmed to accept anything she says...   We don't understand it, but it doesn't matter...  We don't get graded here....

    Maddy!  That was so funny!  Those two gals are hysterical! 

    Hi Ginger! 

    Oh Hi Mimmi!  Is that okay to call you that?  I usually don't even ask, I just do it anyway...  Yes, I think your kids are just afraid...  

    Or just don't worry about it....  You'll get through this...  wait..... I have this song saved, that my Daughter gave me...

    Sometimes your family is just lost, in what they are feeling, and they are afraid to reach out...   Some kids are just wrapped up in their own lives, and make us feel like they aren't interested.... But they are... in their own way....  But that's what we are here for...   We can take up the slack....  (I heard that somewhere)  image

    Morning PattyP!  So this is your 2nd time around also!  Dang!   Did you take Tamoxifen or any of the others after the first time?  I always wondered if taking those helped!   Just stay strong!  It's best for you too.   I don't think you are taking enough drugs... We have to get you on some sort of regimen that will help not only the pain, but your sleeping!  So you need a Doctor appointment for this.... Or ask our team of medical experts...  Ha,ha!  I mean they really CAN help!   I am just being facetious here  (big word here Cammi) but even Nurses and Doctors get cancer, and some of them are on here, so they will help you!   And we care... Glad you stopped in!  So now you are indebted for eternity to this site. 

    2nd Time!  Spooky has been sideways for some time now...  She knows, she just wants to see if WE notice!   Like I said, I don't want to screw up my Avatar, to change it, because I don't know HOW!  And SHE gets hers sideways, without even trying!   She's a brat!

    Sorry Tang...  All you little owls, Badger, Carolyn,  GG, (Holeinone), Maddy,  and NinjaMom.... GEEZ, I wish I could help you sleep.... Maybe just forget about nights, and sleep whenever you can during the day?  All of you should just go out and party at night.... leave open time during the days for your sleep?

    MostlyMom....  You forgot beautiful, wonderful and full of chit!  We ALL need to exercise more, AND walk... even eat less, but at MY age, I figure  that I can do almost anything I WANT to do, or not!  If we are over 70.... which I am older than most anybody here, then that means we have a free pass to do anything we want!    Well most things!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Welcome Mimi and PattyP. Sad days and sleepless nights are companions to many here. 

    This is a fun and active thread and busy 24 hours a day. If you step away for a bit, you will find you have days of pages to catch up on! 

    Glad you found us!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Maddy Chit I lost an owl?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Mornin all==yes isn't it something when we sleep 5 hrs. and it's a surprise and we're so happy, when in our previous life we slept longer automativlly.

    Welcome Mimi and Patty and really this is a 24 hr thread so anytime someone's here.

    And yes it's true Chevi is much older than 70 so, she should do what she wants, if she can still do it, which as we all know is a chore. Shhhh, poor thing she can't even get arrested for going nude, they think she just didn't iron her clothes)

    I was going to talk about our kids but Teka said it concisely---and I really don't think they want to hear about it, not because they don't care but because they could always come to us to make them feel better. My GS--u all know Joey came to me last nite and sat down and said he was worried about me??? I said why--he said u seem extremely depressed today and I want to help-Of course I started laughing he's n ine shat's he gonna give me-? Wll I just told hime I've been very tired (which I have) and he rubbed my back and hugged me--now they notice,more than our kids.

    Patty what do u take for pain, cuz my meds are always right next to me and now I don't wait long when it starts, I take them so they don't get a big hold on me-addicted-schmadicted who cares now, as long as it helps.

    It's still snowing WTF--it's getting higher and higher--(like me mostly) but the snow isn't fun.

    OK BBL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cammi, I kept reading your  post over and over again, and I actually think I know what you said!  

    And Joey.... Yes, he does know and feel when you don't feel good!  You have been so quiet, and I feel sort of obligatory teasing you!  Doesn't make any sense, but I don't care..   So I know, and HE knows...  So you have to pretend... 

    Sass....  Give it another 48 hours of constant surveillance, and swearing, and see if that helps! 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Coffee anyone?


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hi pepperm and mimimim, I'm still trying to find my owl, problem I forget what he looks like?

    Agree with Cami-----addicted schmicked---take your pian meds around the clock======they don't work have the pain management doc find a system that works.

    H-I-!---I found a new find, now I need to find it'sname, I did know it's name, but forgot it,hope it doesn't take long, sometimes it's been days of searching, can't afford to do that today, need to find my owl.

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    good morning all. Wow. What an awesome welcome from all. Thanks !   So I haven't slept all night in like 7 months. Then I finally found sonething to do at night and I slept all night like a baby.  Like 7 hours.  Wow. Amazing.  

    Yes I do take meds. I take anxiety meds and morphine er 3 times a day wether I need it or not. I also take diladid as needed.  But it just doesn't give me the relief it used to. I really don't want to tell mo because I can't imagine taking even more. I am so scared of addiction and blowing thru the strong meds now. What will I be able to take in the end for pain if my tolerance is built up so much now.  I also see a pain mgmt dr. I have had radiation for the pain but no help. I have had a kyphoplasty for fractures but that caused more fractures. Just my luck.  I am  in the process of doing a rfa. That's where they burn the nerves in that area. Surely can't send pain message to brain without nerves. Rfa supposed to last about a year before they grow back.  Wow my list of things to do when I can be up and about again is HUGE.  I have been crazy worried about my young boys being so upset and crying so often.  My husband always says it could be worse they could not care.  True.  After seeing so many responses about adult or teen children I think I am going to have to change my attitude about their responses.  Hurts so much to not be able to fix their hurt. That's our job, right?  My mom lived with stage 4 cancer for 20 years. I remember distancing myself from her because I really didn't know what to say of do. Thought not talking about it would help her not think about it. So I totally get why your teen/adult children r going thru. Luckily mom livedonv enough I got to apologize like a hundred times. 

    Chevyboy - I took arimidex for 5 years and completely changed my diet. Totally eliminating (of almost anyway lol) sugars, fried foods, fast foods et. Now that it is back I say screw it - bring on the sweet tea, frenchfries and blackberry cobbler. I have lost like 40 lbs since new dx. Down to just under 100.  Mo says eat anything u want.  Yea. I have always wanted a dr to tell me that.  Mashed potatoes, hoho's woohoo!!!!   

    Dang how does a simple response turn into a book again for me. Oops sorry ladies.  Again thanks ladies 

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    ok so reading my post I sound like a whiner. Grr

    Better attitude - I did have 11 years between before that damn cancer came back. I got to do so many things that I am truly thankful for and I have many more things to do before I am ready to check out. 

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    ((Patty)) it's not whining when it's the truth!  And even if it was, this is us, so g'head and vent! ♥

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Melatonin worked last night, but I should take it earlier next time. I feel like a zombie right now and of course my 4 year old is up and ready to take on the world.  :)

    I did start feeling sleepy so I laid down, and next thing I know I woke up. lol :)

    Happy Sunday Ya'll. Hope you found some sleep to those that were up late. ((hugs))


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Patty we don't like the word whine, wine yes but not the other say whatever u wat to after all where else can u, whenever u want. We're all in situations that are not pleasant, but I have to say u'rs sound horrendous to have so much pain. The procedure u'r will be having sounds actually interesting and if it works wonderful.

    Hey Teka--16--wow are u filling the pool today?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    HappyThumbsUp that's me

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Cami me too and Teka thx that reminds me I have steel-cut oats cooking, gotta go!  Nerdy

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Patty, like Badger said, it's not whining if it is the truth! Trust me when I tell you...if you read a few of my posts a week! I was all about having pity parties for myself (not saying you are...just saying that was my state of mind). I couldn't help it, and I found myself apologizing and feeling silly for whining. Thing is, I learned very quickly that on here you get to say and feel whatever is in your heart. No judging allowed. This group is truly amazing! 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    GolfGirl----I did good, very good. Broke my own rule--passed them up on friday. Went back for a 4.00$ Prescut bowl which was gone.. Decided to buy these. Federal glass windsor pattern. aegean color--(blue).

    2 serving bowls, 2-2part relish, 4 11'inch platters---could be used as dinner plates.------30.00$ for the lot.. Highest prices I've found are---$24 for each serving bowl, $12 ea for the relish, $18 ea for the platters/plate.-------$144.00.   Cool. I've already given away some in clear, but it was to a niece-in-law just starting out and had no serving dishes or much else.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Not even finished my first cup of coffee and you girls have me laughing and crying at the same time. Loved the videos!

    Sas, very pretty!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Tang---took pain med---have to write things now before I forget---when I started melatonin. It first took about 2hours to work then over a X(?) weeks it took less and less time until it was a about 10-15 minutes before I started to feel sleepy. It was fast enough  that instead of staying up, I made sure I was in my comfortable bed. But it was 10mg . It was also combined with Ativan 4mg. That's a high end dose for Ativan. My insomnia was horrible. Sometimes not quite 4 days but over three days. More often though it was between a day and two days. My doc was involved with this. It wasn't russian roulette, but there was experimentation with doses.

    Solteria pointed out that melatonin should be used daily if it's used. I said at the time I was going to relook at the research-----I haven't. Wouldn't have been hard because some research is in the topic box. Melatonin has an affect on brain chemistry......CHIT I may have too look. I used to remember everything, but all the chemicals of the last 5 years has changed that. 

    My guess your thinking CHIT and WTF, I just need to sleep. I get that, but remember ALL DRUGS HAVE CONSEQUENCES----off soapbox and back too thinking melatonin. Please, read links in topic box.

    For everyone here it's likely a good thing we all do it at once and have a box meeting-----yup, I've figured out how to have a realtime meeting using the boxes. Different then a chat room, but it works. Not everyone has to be involved, but even just you and me tang is okay.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Bluebird-HELLLOOOO and thanks---love glass and the searching has taught me so very much about our history----love junk

    Patty, sorry not being insensitive to your pain I'm a two finger typer and sometimes by the time I get done with a realtively short post a page may pass. Your NOT a whiner and what everyone else said. The fact that you are to Radio Frequency Ablation. That's advanced treatment and radical. What about pain pumps?Are you using any opiods or fentanyl?  Just a guess with the kids that would be difficult. Fentanyl though what I adore about it is for me at least when I was using it routinely., it did not have the alteration of mental status that opiods do. I had my wits about me.  

    Are you comfortable talking about the full pain routine here, or better by PM?---Oh old nurse, not bragging , but good at playing Sherlock Holmes.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    PattyP, With the kids are they in counseling? Truly it would help. Uh---total family and individual counseling would be the best.

    Blessings------hooting tooo you, we need your expertise :)

    Soteria hooting to you toooo, we need your expertise on melatonin :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Teka yes, safety net and blockade from all that is hurtful :)

    Cami hootinlol, I missed the WINE yes. We ALL know I like my wine. Have too be conservative though b/c of sister. Damn the genetics, but at least I know

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    none of us r in counseling. I think it would be best but no one else wants to do this. The school counselor tried to talk to me oldest son 11. He was major upset when he got home from school that day and the counselor said he refused to talk about it.  Dh says he doesn't want to either but maybe it would b good for me. Huh? Dh had been incredibly supportive about everything. Not sure what the hiccup about this is. I think he is in denial. Keeps saying i can make it another 20 years like my mom. Maybe but maybe not. Mo says   2 years is more accurate due to the extent but he has patients 10+ years out He gets upset ehen i try to talk about dying and important stuff h needs to know. So i have started s notebook for things like my life insurance etc. he makes the money but i handle it. He doesnt have a clue about our financial things. I keep thinking it will get easier when we figure out this pain issue because I will b up and about more like my old self. I may have to hog tie them all and take them to a counselor like it or not.  A really good friend to our family is a counselor and her hubby is a psychologist but my family has been avoiding them so they won't have to talk about it 

    Sas / I would love a Sherlock Holmes on my side. Pain mngmt dr had discussed a pain pump a few times but I am hesitant. Would rather try all options to get rid of the problem before I give in. Any suggestions would b great.  

    Thanks all

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    If you need to whine, somebody will bring cheese!

    It must be my iPhone, she's sideways for me too I know how to change it, not how to right side up. Photos seem to load right. The BRAT said so. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    So Spookie's legs are down now.... I think they were sideways...  That's not a good thing....  But you know more than I do about changing avatars...  But I'll just leave mine.

    You mean Cammi the brat?  Or me?  I'm mostly confused....  I want to be the brat too! 

    And Sass.... You lost an owl?  Try looking for him by going here....   Then type in owls.... or anything....   There are a gazillion owls here...   See if you can post a picture of one smaller than a Volkswagon....

    Yes Peppermint Patty!  Keep all of your important papers, insurance policies, phone numbers  and who to call in case of this or this!  Also your bank phone numbers, and numbers to call to shut off services, or ss checks!   Or any automated withdrawals that are taken out of your accounts.

    I've been doing this....  I also have our car titles, marriage license, wills, etc in the same notebook.   So when I get it all finished.... (again) I'll show it to our Daughter that lives here, AND DH, who does not like to think of things like that.   But my folks had all of their papers together...  and their important accounts in our names jointly.

    Maybe your Son will talk about it when he gets ready.... He might surprise you.... Sometime when you are talking,  you might just "mention" something, and see what he says....  Now might not be the right time....   If it isn't important at that age, for him to know everything about your treatment, then just wait awhile....

    And who said cheese?  I have lots of cheese now!  I found some on the mark-down table!  I was so excited!  Even whipped CHEDDAR!  I don't have the wine, but I DO make a mean chocolate coke!  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    With lots of ice!  Or even a hot Dr. Pepper, with a slice of lemon!  You will love these!

    I love your cartoon..... A lot of truth in that....

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    what the heck happened? I was up late, woke up being pages behind. Hmmmm....

    Many nights, I post then just fall asleep. Not so earlier. Minding my own business watching a silly Hallmark movie, my DD (you know, the one who thinks I suddenly ruined her life?) texts me from upstairs in her room that she's in pain and want me to rub her back. Thinking she might open to me and tell me what's going on, I went. Well, no revelations, but she did finally fall sleep. I didn't fall asleep, didn't turn on iPad, went back to finish movie but fell asleep. 

    Anywho (or would it be anyhoot here?), woke up to 30+ notifications! you've all been busy.

    Now I can't remember what I wanted to say as I was reading. 

    Sassy, followed the link for the glass. That blue platter, I think I have one of those in the sideboard. Have to dig it out and see. 

    Spookie, sometimes the avatar is sideways one way, sometimes the other side, and even upside down. I think you're messing with us. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Pattypeppermint. Blessings will be a great help to you. She has her Masters in counseling, but it is broad. When she wrote what it was, I asked her to do a blurb in explaining it because it's unusual. Methinks she will be a boon to your needs in what to do to get the family together in the counseling thing.

    My description of what can happen is a like a jelly sandwich with a hand on top of it. You put enough pressure on a jelly sandwich with that hand and all of a sudden you have jelly squirting out all over. Well that's like us. Put enough pressure on and at some point stuff starts coming out all over the place. Once the jellies out, getting it back in the sandwich is impossible. The counseling will get that pressure off and guide you. Blessings will do a much better job of explaining than me.

    Now in regard to all the other stuff of life, the following link is Ma111's thread . It's related to death and dying. It's in the StageIV listing's The info is universal. to all age's. I'm an advocate of being prepared for everyone.

    On pg 25 and 26, Bon did a synopsis of the info from page 1-24. She did it masterfully. She also did a thing that she named Bon's Bag. In it is everything that is a need to know. Once you read it you will find it a great relief b/c you can use her list to check off what you need to collect. The thread is on about pg 56 say now. She's stated that she wants to do a synopsis covering the pages from the last synopsis. Just as any thread, you don't have to read everything. Scan for interest to you.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chevy---all I wanted to do this morning was put the word "coffee" back where it was supposed to be----then in a millisecond---all was awry. CHIT CHIT CHIT. Those owls that I love, are just so hard to keep them where there supposed to be. I remember your words about your trepidation about taking care of the girls in the coop the first time you had to do it. That's what I feel when I try to edit in the box.

    Hooting to Smarrty, Enerva, Who am I forgetting? Dwilli, ndgrrl, 

    Spookie such a BRAT -------LOL,  Chevy and Cami are BRATS. But I'd like to be a BRAT too. When I found Chevy and Cami on STFU last spring, I started posting there b/c these two are the funniest two since Abbott and Costello. I was hoping it might rub off, cuz I'm way tooooo serious. They have made my life so much richer. So let's call them Master Brats and we can be their apprentices.:)
