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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Maddy the owls are taking up so much of the page, the pages are turning faster. It's a figment of something. An illusion, no a delusion. I'll try and put them where there supposed to be. If you hear my Chitting in California from Florida you'll know they aren't cooperating :)

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Sas-forgive me, but I don't understand lol.....I swear I'm loosing thought capacity since my dx. Are you saying I shouldn't do the melatonin? I took 3 mg and honestly it knocked me out and I didn't wake up except once and went right back to bed. I've been taking xanax, but that wasn't working. I was planning on talking to the doc about all of this too.

    It's so crazy because I am tired, I mean really tired during the day. Physically I feel like it is an effort to get off my couch. I have recently learned I have an iron and B deficiency so I'm assuming that is at play here. But at night, I cant turn my head off.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK first Spookie is playing with out slow-witted brains, and she's a big Brat.

    Tang listen to Sass but I would take anything to sleep so don't listen to me.

    Patty don't go by what any Dr.s say as my Dr. said drs. are always wrong. I think he was covering his ass.  My sister also is Stage Iv 7 yrs now and still working FT and well I work a little home job, but we're still going. I'm not saying don't get everything organized, I'm just saying don't have it in u'r head u have an expiration date, cuz I'm sure it's not written anywhere and I'm sure u'r family has more shock than anything it is a scary disease, but somehow little by little talk about it--do it slowly without being 100% serious about it just throw it in easily and after a while u'll be surprised it might be taking affect.

    Oh Chevy u got a lot of cheese on sale? I know they told u blue cheese or Roquefort (sp) CHEVY IT'S MOLD, I mean real mold so don't think u'r loading up with penacillen either, it doesn't work that way. Oh to save a dollar or two. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Sassy, looks like there are still 30 posts per page, we (as a bunch) just have a lot to say!

    Teka, love that funny about diet! Need to copy that to my FB

    Chevy, did you say you make a great chocolate cake? Will be right over, mentally and gastronomically at least.

    Looked back over the past couple pages, they move so fast. Who said that Insomniacs is a good place to whine (or wine)? Not only is it okay, it's encouraged, get it out, and move on. Not only acceptance but love and support! Cheaper and easier than psychotherapy and you don't even have to leave the comfort of sofa, chair or recliner and NO fancy dressing up. PJ's and leisure wear is just fine.

    Feels strange, no football to ignore

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    2nd no no no--Chevy's making a chocolate COKE, yes well don't ask a lot of questions.  Well we know she's using Coca-Cola, but originally there was really really coke in that drink until they banned it--who knows she might have the original Hmmmmm

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Oops, I guess I wanted it to say CAKE as I don't drink coke. Better to read it more closely

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I'm coloring my hair.....  I'll be "cooked" pretty quick!  Which means I will be most gorgeous again! 

     Cammi, did you hear THAT?????  Sass Said we are Masterbaters...I mean Masterbrats....  Or something!  Okay, we are masters....  But so is Spookie! 

    Maddy..... It's her age.... That's all.... She is just growing up, and wants things to go her way, and that's all.  She can be a brat with us!  Except we'll probably smack her one! 

    IT'S A CHOCOLATE COKE!  Damnit!   My fixin's are just waiting..... Another cup of coffee for me right now....  Okay.... times up.... I have to go rinse.... xoxoxo

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    sas -loved the Jelly sand scenario.  I also checked out a few pages with bons bag. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks. I guess I am such a list maker I want everything to go as smooth as possible for my family.  Maybe I can get u to post a life size of me for the obit.  Lol jk

    Cami - wow your sis 7 years and it looks like u r right behind her.  How inspirational. You go girls !!!

    2nd time glad your dd still needed u for that back rub. 

    Did someone say chocolate cake or coke !  Both sounds great to me as long as there's a side of Chevys moldy cheese. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh you guys, you are just jealous!  It is NOT moldy...Ha!  Is is Limburger cheese that Cammi loves!  I just like ..... you know what I really like?  I get those double-rolls of Goat cheese...  (hi littlegoats) from Costco....  and I freeze one, and then soften the other.... I mix it with steak seasoning... you know, with the onions, garlic, etc in it? 

    Then when I want a snack, I get out my Mary's Gone Crackers chips, and have a few with that goat-cheese on them!  Everything is better with cheese!    

    Oh?  So sounds like Peppermint Patty is a brat too!  Hah!  We have our own club within a club!   Sass is trying to be the head-master.... as soon as she gets her owls straightened up, and made a tad smaller....   Like instead of 8X10s, maybe more like wallet size?   That's okay, I enjoy watching people struggle....  JUST kidding!  DAMN, DH just cut the cheese.... He walked in back of me, and my GOD!  I have to run outdoors girls..... !

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    hi all, I've been reading along. Hello to the newbies. Yes, we talk about all things! I'm please to say that I've finally was able to poop!  Yeah for me. Wasn't as bad as the last surgery but apparently no matter how I tried to avoid getting constipated, it hasn't stopped it from happening. So now more to normal. Still hurting more on the right side, but that has gotten better. Hopefully the drains will come out on Tuesday. I still haven't tried the chocolate coke. Soon.  Don't like many cheeses, but willing to try. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    Smarty!   Have you tried prunes, or juice....  ??  Even the stool softeners?  Your system just isn't back to regular yet...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    For all the brats in "our family!"

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    yes, took stool softeners, milk of magnesia, ate light, doesn't seem to matter. Since this should be the last surgery, I should be good. I do have to watch out for power farts! Did that this morning, good thing I was on the pot. Couldn't even tell that I pooped with that one!

    Ok, on to better subjects. Love the cartoons, you guys are so funny. Where do you find them? It's been raining here since Thursday. Yeah. Won't stop the drought, but better than nothing. It's a good time to be stuck on the couch. 

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    smarty - so glad u pooped. Congrats !!! Isn't it funny what excited us now. I have had some bouts of the nasty constipation. Truly have been full of sh#£.  Maybe that's what some of the brats need on here - a good healthy poop. Jk hope it's not too soon to pick.  

    Chevy. Your poor husband. What do u expect? Moldy , stinky cheese in - stinky Is definately coming out.   I love your remember when cartoon. I have short term memory loss from all these pain meds. I swear my family makes things up they said we did. I think my dh is taking advantage of it - saying I have done & LOVED all these crazy sexual things.  Hmm wtf why not after all he had done for me. I mean if he can wipe my ass guess I can throw out the shyness.  Lol  Annual Report to Congress

    2012 Annual Report to Congress Executive Summary

    The National Taxpayer Advocate’s (NTA) Annual Report to Congress creates a dialogue within the IRS and the highest levels of government to address taxpayers’ problems, protect taxpayers’ rights, and ease taxpayers’ burden.

    READ MORE »Revenue Service to adopt a comprehensive Taxpayer Bill of Rights – a step she said would increase trust in the agency and, more generally, strengthen its ability to serve taxpayers and collect tax...


  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    crap I have no idea how the irs stuff posted   weird.  Quit spying big bro 

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    PattyP- you are very brave and it is good to hear your story. We all do the best with our diet, exercise, taking the anti-hormone meds and hope for the best. Your children must have been young when you got it the first time. 

    My mom passed two years ago in March, and it got my sister and I working on our advanced directives, wills, etc. Her death reminded us either we did not have anything in place (her) and mine was outdated. It is especially important if there are dependents (my sister has a partner who is dependent on her in every way).

    Flash forward a few months later and we were both diagnosed with breast cancer, hers in July and me in Sept. She has my info and I have hers (most of our family is gone and neither of us has children). I was glad I had all that taken care of given what followed any anything yet to come. There are some other good suggestions here though about keeping some additional records around auto withdrawls, etc. 

    We are both doing fine at this time, but decided to give some family heirlooms to our relatives sooner to pass them along for others to enjoy now. And none of the families know about the bc, we chose to keep it that way, just said we decided to share some of the family heirlooms now. The family has welcomed that without question.  

    I understand your need to not get others involved sometimes. I know with our family, it was just too much to get in to especially after a couple years with many family deaths. It is best to know who you can share things with or want to.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    My last post was 5 hours ago--I checked the constipation thread-------I will never do that again on a sunday afternoon-------5 hours researching poop is insane.

    Tang 3 mg melatonin YAY-----But I'm not a doc--------all drugs should be okayed by your doc.

    All of you are BRATS , you guys been playing and I missed it, gotta walk now legs all swollen. It's dark as night outside CHIT it is night. Double pooper.

  • Miminiemi
    Miminiemi Member Posts: 260

    Wow this is a fun place with women who understand.  My avatar is a picture of me in my clown gear.  I became. Widow three years ago and had one more year before retirement.  I knew I needed a plan to be busy and have fun.  Can't depend on others to make us happy, can we!  A clown was hired for my grandsons birthday party.  I could see the kids adored her and she was having fun too.  That night I enrolled in a clown school eight months in the future and never looked back.  I had worked with kids for 30 years, so this seemed a goos fit.  Now I clown, face paint and do balloon designs.  My business is on hold until after radiation is complete.  It would be terrible to schedule a child's party and then be unable to go.  I don't have a sub available.  I plan to advertise a discount for parties booked for April!

    Facing retirement was frightening alone, but perhaps prepared me for this experience too.  Glad to find some friends here!

  • Miminiemi
    Miminiemi Member Posts: 260

    Teka-Yes it is fun to get paid for having fun.  I enjoy all the practice I do too, and I have some tome now for that. I've made friends, too.  It makes me feel a little control of my life and a little excitement at building a small business.  And just enough anxiety before a party or show hoping I please the parents and make the child happy.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    There's a constipation thread? REALLY? Shocked

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Here's one report on melatonin, but it doesn't mention how often. Still researching.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    This one says its safe to take melatonin daily. It's a hormone that our bodies produce naturally, but aging, and other things cause depletion of its production. It's not a drug to be taken occasionally. I take 10 mgs every night, but I've taken it for years. I started at 3 mgs. My PCP and Onco know I take it. How much & how often.

    It's not posting. I'll try again.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Jazzy, there's a rectal issues thread too, I'm active on both. I'm so interesting. 

    Okay you all aren't BRATS just the MasterBrats and spookie.. I was just throwing a two y/o tatrum about potty training. I'm(shuffle, shuffle) sorRy..

    Mimim, my sister use to clown, she had so much fun. She did it for DS when he was three. It was her first time. She didn't have a name. DS asked her name and I just popped off with Fluffy. After Fluffy left and my sister came back, my dad told her she really missed so much. He really didn't know it was her. Fluffy called DS son for several years. It was so sweet listening to him talk to HIS clown. Not sure how old he was before he found out. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    Cami said I was a BRAT first, then Chevy, then April. Now YOU ALL want to be BRATS?????  Well, ok. I'll share the title. We'll be bratsters or something. 

    PattyPeppermint, put your passwords to your online accounts in your book too. My pass to the retirement check is hanging on the fridge. Great spot, huh?

    Jazzy, you know SAS thinks of everything. There really is a poop thread. Amazing what makes us happy? My dog forum is the same way. People do the happy dance when the dogs chit. 

    I really wish I knew why Spookies pic won't load right. I'll mess with it later. 

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    haha....I'm cracking up over the consitpation and rectal issues thread!

    I guess I should click the link, but I'm wondering why melatonin shouldn't be used occasionally.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Spookie there's a dog thread? 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Love the horse Jazzy hahaha

    MIMI---I am so excited for u--this is a first for me to read--u decided to become a clown--I love it--u must be one hell of a person to be around---That sounds like such a fun thing to do and like was said u get paid to actually have fun and make kids and parents laugh. Wow u are a takeing care of u'r self kind of person-- with Pizazz even---Oh I know Chevy will say I can be u'r sub and I don't need makeup--so I'm saying it first.

    Do u normally advertise or is it word of mouth --This is exciting everyone--U must have u'r very own face for it right? Oh I hope u'r rads go quickly and u function well again and get back to business.

    Chevy how else do u expect u'r DH to smell with all that cheese--doesn't have the same effect as before does it?

    As u all know I have chronic Diarhea (sp) can't spell it bt boy do I hve it---anywhere anytime it explodes out at parties, at home, at restaurants and I wear depends but since it is all water it goes all over--I've had it since as long as I've had cancer, every test, every meds everthing and the Drs. just say I dunno know, but I do know constipation can really give u pain, it's awful. And I'm sure u've tried everything so I won't even suggest anything.

    Hey Teka--how are u doing? It's cold with loads of snow.

    My sister is so funny everytime she goes somewhere for a party she always makes something still (silly Italian) and today she was going to one and she said I'm not making anything but bringing my wine--Finally I got to her.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Jazzy this is just for you an early valentine to come an share your wisdom LOL

    Today got way technical. If you read from page 1, there's allot of punning along the way. 

    rectal issues thread