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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Holeinone - I can totally understand the being sensible thing! Especially if you were still feeling effects of chemo! WTG! I was just curious if alcohol was completely off limits during rads. I will be starting in a few weeks and just collecting info. Thanks! xo

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    still on page 289... Catch up time.

    Hi1 - started on a glass of red wine (a rarity for me). I'll pass on the tequila (heart burn) but lemon-drop martini's ThumbsUp  My limit is two, (it's really one but this is a special occasion). Yay for you! Any excuse for a party? 

    I have lots of leftovers: I spent time making something I don't usually make but no one here interested, boo. I have just chicken, chicken/cheese and just cheese enchiladas left and Mexican rice (lots). Oh well, tomorrow I won't want to cook and they won't want leftovers, too bad. 

    Smaarty, almost your birthday! You're just a sneeze older than me! I remember my first real job, was about $4 hour and that was something. Now it doesn't buy a loaf of bread. 

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Jazzy, so sorry for the loss. Nice surprise to get the call from your friend for some spa/girl time. Something to look forward to.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Chrissy, hoping you're doing ok. Saw on another thread about the fire, praying the weather brings some moisture. Sounds like your area is similar to where I live in regards to hot, dry weather and fires. While I love that we've been having great weather for winter, very scary in regards to fire hazards. 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Happy B dayyyy!!!!!! 

    hummm that cake looks good, were is my portion lol

    now i want to try that coke toooooo 


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Happy Birthday, Smaarty!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Good morning all, i didnt take any sleeping pill last night, fall sleep around 2:30am woke up now, which mean my insomnia is still with me, i ll get up have a shower and start to do something not sure yet what??? lol


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning gals!  Mimi, I think we ALL like clowns!  And yes, that little invisible "dog" is really cute!  We've seen "them" at the shopping centers around Christmas...image   Oh?  You make mistakes?  So that means you REALLY belong here..Ha!  

    We were at the shopping center yesterday, and there were 2 women, that had to call for help!  It has been soooooooo cold here, that it is just hard on cars, and they both had dead batteries!   I don't mean they were actually yelling for help, but they must have CALLED for assistance..... thought I would add that.  I was busy drinking my Starbucks, and ignoring them. 

    Yes, we share.... so  stay here...  I just want to make someone smile...even when I can't...  And I always sleep well, except for last night!  Awake every 2 hours, just THINKING!  Why can't I finish it all in the DAYtime, and not have to wake up to think some more? 

    Enerva...  It sounds like they were trying to say Mississippi, and they got side-tracked, and called it Mississauga!  That's my theory anyway.  I'm so sorry about your Sister...   We will be thinking of her.... Sisters just have a special bond... Like my Daughter's do...  When is her surgery?  Enerva, That's a SONG, Ha!

    Did any of you see that Tribute to the Beatles the other night?  It was soooo good!  I  even stayed up to watch it!  I think the music, and bands were better now, then when they were kids...  The other artists were exceptional! 

    GG, See if you can open this one...

    They are just talking about all the drugs we take for pain, along with the Naproxin  in Aleve...  I think the whole thing, is just don't take more than recommended...  Can you use a cream on your boob?  Or hold the freezer door open, and kind of fan yourself with that?   image Wait.... do you have those little ice packs?  You can  put them in your bra?  Maybe, if it is burnt, you have to be careful... how about an Aloe Vera leaf?   I KNOW those help burns, cuts...etc.

    GEEZ Cammi!  You sat on your phone ..... AGAIN?????  What did we tell you about using that vibrating phone whilst SITTING on it!   Damn kids never learn!    WHO said you were quirky?  WE get to say that, not anyone else..... 

    Jazzy, "people that like the sound of their voice"....??  Kind of like the acceptance speeches, right?  You fell asleep?  THAT'S what you need when you can't sleep.... just record them, and play it when you need to sleep!  Ha, ha!    Then TELL them all, what a restful night you had, just by listening to their hum-drum little voices.   See what happens....

    Morning Teka and Spookie! 

    Oh Midnight, that is RIGHT!  Warm coffee!  Or my Doc used to say go outdoors if it is really cold, and breathe the chill!   He also said take all your clothes off, and go frolic in the snow, it will help Asthma... and he would be hiding in the bushes.  Oh?  Are we being serious here?   And you have never heard of a chocolate coke?  How old are you?  Evidently not a kid from the 50's?  Or Drive-in's?  Okay, go fix one... 

    All you need is chocolate syrup, open a coke, pour it all over ice, and stir slowly... otherwise the whole thing comes sloshing out over the sides and you have to catch it with your mouth.

    Sure Cammi, yes you DO have more to choose from.... Like Vodka, a little Jack, and any NUMBER of panty-looseners.  

    Yes GG, they WERE a nickel!  And served in a little plastic cone thing, that set in that black plastic holder!  And I would buy a little pack of those peanut-butter cheese crackers!  I was in heaven.  I would get that after my dancing class, at the corner drugstore, on my way to the bus... I must have been about 14?


    Oh you guys are just egging that CAMMI  ON!    I can still hear you, you know...?  Oh wait a minute..... No I can't...!  But I KNOW you are there! 

      And yes Maddy.... Just add syrup to a chocolate Coke!  

    Oh???  Cammi finally got her picture posted?  Ha, ha!  I'll bet it drove her nuts.  And Maddy, a "dangling participle?"  WE wouldn't know what one was if it ran in front of us!  Are you kidding?

    Morning Teka...again....  Aren't you partying with the girls?  Did you get some rest? 

    Yes, Happy Birthday Smarty!  You little smarty-pants you! 

    Okay, I've run out of your posts!  How fun to find you all here...  And where's Sass?  Her owls are still running rampant on this thread!  They will soon take us over...  We need an intervention......

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    I was trying to make this the size of an Oldsmobile, but it quit!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    If you don't shut up, I am going to come SPANK you kids!


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Holly Chevy ha ha ha love the pictures

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning party animals, oh and Chevy. OK here's the scoop about alcohol.

    When I was getting chemo there was a women in her late 60's and always with her husband and we'd goof around a lot--well it ended up we all goofed around--but she was ONE that drank Jack Daniels, and our nurse would say can u just wait 24 hrs and let the chemo set in then go ahead and drink, cuz u'r going to anyway., And as the nurse walked away she'd always say oh yea 2-4 hrs. I can wait--and she drank everyday and she ended up fine, actually did well, I'm not saying to drink, but u wonder all these rules what do they mean, when no one knows what causes all of this. And it's funny cuz I got to know a lot of people cuz I was getting chemo like 2 yrs. so people come and go and a lot drank too. and they left doing well. Anyway I'm sure reasonably is fine, my sister has 1-2 glasses of red wine every night never stopped and she's doing better than most. Of course when we were 16 as long as we weren't going out--we could have a glass of red wine at home every day, and when I was anemic I had to have 2--my mom was not for this but my dad thought red wine did wonders and grapes that made the win. who could argue he lived to be 96 so who knows.

    Now it's someone's BD today, YYYAAAYYYY u have started celebrating just continue for the rest of the week, u'r supposed to.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh miss Cammimakingsensehere!  Okay, I remember going over to my girlfriends house, when we were about 14 or 15, and her little Italian Mom would give us a shot of Annisette, for the cramps!  Ha!  I felt so risque'!  I mean if my Dad would have heard someone was giving away free booze, he would have camped out on her door-step! 

    I guess drinking while chemo'ing would be alright, unless you got totally sloshed, and were raising 3 kinds of hell...  

    It is Smarty's birthday I think...  I remembered it yesterday, but I was too busy posting giant pictures of owls for Sass! 

    Okay, I'll send her a birthday notice from me and you!



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Happy Birthday Smarty!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi Insomniacs- slept better last night after a busy day. I hope everyone has a good day whatever life is bringing you today!

    Two to three drinks a week is what has been recommended to me. I love my wine and do miss it sometimes, but mostly now just have it when I am out for special occasions. I had some blood sugar issues for awhile (better now), so I pretty much stopped drinking for a few months all together. There is some suggestions that drinking alchohol raises risk of reoccurrence. Anyone here who has a question about alchohol can talk to their MO about it. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Yay for drinking

    Chevy you turtlehead, do you not read all the f***king research I do. Wren asked that question about NSAIDS and I had all that stuff there BUT NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo. You have to go find some other flibitygibber. Must admit I didn't have the 2013 study. Thought it odd the government didn't do anything after 2007, figured they were due. Thought maybe just cuz nothing really new had come along.      Thanks for the owls :) Maybe I'll work up the energy to try and get them back on there roosts.

    Jazzy, coffees in the Xanthine family, same as Theophylline. All the s.e.'s that theophyllin has  you can have with coffee. If on Theo should reduce coffee for that reason. Albuterol is a beta 2--lovely drug --changed history dramatically

    Smarrty Lot's of Happy's today. Little umbrellas and lot's of cake HMMMMMMMM.

    My endocrine doc's ma called with a cortisol and ACTH results. Had to be honest and ask would having coffee, sex, and a cigarette before the test affect it. What can I say there were no restrictions ---I asked, not specifically about sex that kind of popped up unexpectedly.  I didn't think about till afterrrrrr. Cortisol's a stress hormone. Poor Dr Go is so serious.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Chevy my family lives in Venezuela and the country is in terrible shape, there is not even basic things in the stores, that is one of my worries yesterday and today my brother have been driving my sis to 6 different clinics and exray places but not even that is possible, they need a bone scan and its not available you can google the situation there and you ll know why my mind is going nuts. My country is becoming like cuba and my sister along with thousands of other patients are in big trouble been there. i am lucky i left the country when i was 19. Unfortunately i cant sponsor siblings only parents which i did but it took almost 10 years for mom s papers to come, as soon as i got those papers i took her and it was kind of too late she only got to enjoy a good year here and then bc hit me and she past. I am sorry i am feeling so down i cant even do much financially, and even though my sis does not need  money due to having very good insurance the medical system is chaos in my country. I feel like crap I dont know what is going to happen. i feel so helpless

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    On my computer the birds are where they are supposed to be---is this an illusion or real?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Enerva, so sorry, does the Immigration Department have a "compassionate" something or other fast track.

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    gm ladies

    Smarty happy bday. So today's the big reveal , right. I hope they turned out do sexy that u can't keep your hands off of them.   Lol jk

    Enerva - that must b incredibly hard for your family to be there and not much u can do.   Ugh I hate that out of control feign. Grr. 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Oh no Sas, if you are referring to my sister, there is nothing i can do, I am not able to get her out of Vzla. She just has to have the surgery and we have to hope it goes well, as per mom nothing i could do in the past, immigration is what it is. I did eventually got her papers and she did live here with me till she past last July. I didnt mean to confused you. i only mentioned in case you or Chevy could wonder if i could bring my sister here. Its not possible. Anyway i ll keep u posted as per what happen next for her.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Enerva- Venezuela is such a beautiful country, and I did not realize things were so bad there. I went on a trip there in the 1980's and was amazed by Caracas and other places we went. Not to mention I have never seen more beautiful people in one place in my life than there. 

    There are women on the threads from other countries where bc treatment seems like a very different story than in the US. Does anyone know if there are any threads around treatment outside the US? Sometimes the common wisdom of women around the world is a good place to start? 

    Or maybe start a thread one to tap into that wisdom?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh Sass!  You are brilliant!  The ONE time, I try and act intelligent, you already HAD the information!  You rock girl!   Yes, I sometimes read what you write, if I have that certain affliction or problem....   AND you cooped up our OWLS!  You DID it!    Okay, now I'll have to calm down my pictures a tad.

    Enerva.... I am soooooooo sorry!  I didn't know about any situation in Venezuela!  I know I visited Puerto Vallarta one time, and we went 4 wheeling into some nearby little "towns"..... Man, those poor people!  They live in shacks, with just dirt floors.... and hang their clothes on the fence that they wash in the river!   I can't imagine living in those conditions....  and to not have proper medical care?   I just can't blame the people for trying to get out, and find a better way to live....  There are so many Mexican laborers here....  making a lot less wages, JUST to make any money!  I know it takes it away from the workers here, but they send it back to their families! 

    We are so fortunate in our countries here.... The US and Canada! 

    I'm just sorry Enerva....  we're all trying to help you.....  xoxoxoxoxo

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178



  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Smaarty - Happy happy Birthday! :)

    Enerva - Big hugs to you! xo

    Sassy - Yep, albuterol changed history. It has helped more people then we can even count! 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Smaarty, Happy Birthday! Hope the unveiling is happy.

    Enerva, I think spelling Mississauga might be a test for foreign spies. Wishing your sister a successful operation. We have little idea how lucky we are here with good medical care available.

    SAS, Congrats on getting the owls less intimidating.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Happy Birthday Smarty. I hope you have a beautiful day and new memories created today!Smile

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Wren I was breathing slowly expecting the owls to do something crazy with every click, but they are settled in now. :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Yep deb & maddy,  the days before albuterol were scary. Theophyllin IV just didn't control an asthma attack. When Albuterol nebulizer came in, the whole world of respiratory care and emergencies changed. In fact, I can't even remember seeing theo IV  used for several decades__?????____

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all.


    Gee Sas, I am so pleased those Owls have gone back to normal size, last night they took over the screen.

    Never heard of no alcohol during treatment, told I could have a drink if I wanted it but I didn't during chemo but know I had the occasional during rads.

    Happy birthday Smarty

    Hope all of you in snow country are keeping warm

    Enerva sending big hugs and do hope I can meet you when I am in Oakville in June.
