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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    We get Tang home from her first chemo, I think the day is complete here on INSOMNIACS & damn if our funny one  goes and scares the crap out of us.

    Oh, Chevy, this sucks! I hope your surgeon is the best & has you up and causing trouble in no time !

    Sas & Cami, so glad you were able to talk to Tort. We know she is tough, and I am guessing the next few months will be difficult. No puppies in the near future. 

    I think maybe her DD can hear her now.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Enerva u r extremely talented, being able to work so fast and looking so beautiful is remarkable-- I don't think u fully realize that. And it's true, u'd hate to wear them on the floor but really nice to sleep in. And baby booties are always in demand, -This is something u can really think about with confidence and baby clothes are very expensive too.

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Okay, time for another question...I had axillary dissection (left) two weeks ago today (Fri), and my arm is still very sore and tender. Every time I move or it rubs on my clothing it really hurts. Is this normal? Any suggestions on padding it, etc.? Thanks in advance ladies! :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Deb, we all are different---it's so screwy I write along response to someone and didn't store it. I think it was NJ or Smarrty. If they don't come back with something I'll try again.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    I had my axillary dissection 7 months ago & it is still healing. I just  got  done with rads, so that is part of the present issue but that incision cuts through all the muscles. It takes forever for that to heal, grow the nerves back. I doubt if they are all the same, depending on how many nodes were removed, how much tissue was taken. It actually tells you on the lab report, on the dimensions of the hunk of tissue.

    Wear soft clothing, old t-shirts, fleece type tops. My arm, if I am using it alot, feels like I have a balled up sock in my under arm area.

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Sas - Thank you!

    Holeinone - Still healing after 7 months? Yikes! I will have to check my lab report as to the hunk of tissue (love that description! ).  It is bothering me so much - ugh! Right now I have a sports bra and sweatshirt on, but's so tender! I tried to put a gauze over the site, but not much relief. I should probably lose the bra, but that is helping the incisions on the boobs! Can't win. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 35

    s-Owl_Nite.jpg (287×335)

    Hi Night Owls, Just checking in to say hi before the ol Ambien kicks in.Happy

    Deb, I too still get soreness around the area where i had my axillary nodes removed. Especiall where the drain was. Some scar tissue underneth and it bothers me especially when the weather gets bad.  Try putting Aquaphor on it.  Hope it helps.  If it really bothers me a lot I just take a couple of Excedrin.


    marvelous-nicole-rodriguez.jpg (180×119)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    image For Chevy

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985


    its 2:30 and no sleep for me ok i am going to take a pill lol 

    here is one more pair for boys and they are reversible lol try to see the difference when turn outside out. lol 



  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    tang, so happy you've got one round behind you! Funny about the red pee, I forgot all about it. I just remember the IV was cold as ice, and this was back in the dark ages before getting heated blankets. I remember I would bring my own and fall asleep.

    Enerva, wow, girl, your work is gorgeous! Lucky people who receive them as gifts!

    Chevy, OMG, WTH, WTF...?? This is no bueno but hoping you're feeling better after surgery. OUCH!

    Thanks Sassy for relaying the info. Bet it's a hoot seeing you run the dogs.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Picture of Chevy


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Aly, I can't wait for Chevy to see these things hahaha

    Everva I can not tell the difference and I was really looking and u'd better be sleeping. I was up most of the nite to meaning I'll be a wreck today, hate sleepless nites too and I took pills, not enough obviously But when I should e up answering phones I sleep with te phone right near my ear---it must be a work thing. chit..

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    ((((Chevy))). Just reading about your fall..   So sorry to hear of it.  Take care and speedy recovery for you.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Chevy broke her hip....sheesh! Sounds awful ((hugs))Good morning ladies-

    Well, last night was a rough night.  I had my first chemo yesterday and started feeling queasy on the way home. Took my Promethazine when I got home and just took it easy. I slept for awhile, woke up feeling queasy, took another pill. I ate a half a sandwich and came and sat on the couch with DH. I started to feel progressively worse, this time like I was going to vomit and, the feeling like if I move I'm gonna puke. I told him to call the doctor, he did and she called in Phenergan. I took that when he got home and then my stomach started cramping something terrible.

    I ended up and down all night with stomach cramps. I'm feeling a little better right now, just had some cereal and getting ready to go back up there for my neulesta. MO told dh that this wasn't really normal for me to feeling SE's already.

    Also, I'm confused about the Phenergran, both bottles say Promethazine and when I googled Phenergran it had Promethazine in quotations next to it. I guess its the same drug and the MO screwed up??? 



  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    I had Ondansetron which is the same class, different drug & Promethazine & Lorazepam.

    Also for the first 2 days I had a steroid during A/C, not during Taxol.

    Occasionally during A/C I would also take a 1/2 of Norco. I needed them during Taxol. The "RedDevil" is brutal. 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Enerva, I have looked at those cute little booties, and cannot see any difference..Are you toying with us?

    All the owls & heart photos are sweet. I hope Chevys DD will be able to show them to her.

    Chevy....WE MISS start my day with your wit, banter and never ending one liners...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    11:am EST:Hello, update on Chevy. Surgery is still on at 2 pm. Sounds very good. She's thinking more in the direction of going to a rehab faciltity. It's a hairline fracture on the outer aspect of the hip, the ball joint is not affected. This is very good. It will make her recovery easier.  The ball joint carries the weight. 

    She did get herself up and out of bed to use the bathroom by pushing a chair last night. The staff went into a tissy. They put a catheter in after that and explained about the call light.

    Sends love to all. Told her she will reading for days. I'm supposed to call around 6 pm Colorado time. Okay someone tell me what time that is EST----8 pm? Sassy

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    sounds so like Chevy, ya gotta pee, get up, use the chair as a walker and do your business. 

    Damn, I am not a fan of the catheter...those things creep me out. I realize they are important part of keeping hydrated and safety. My 2 times during surgeries having them was necessary but so happy to have it removed.

    Tort, if you have a pain pump those first 2 days....USE IT...!.....

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    MNDeb - you just need to take baby steps. 2 weeks -  BS wouldn't even let me drive yet not even local grocery.

    I still baby lefty. When I had PT for R shoulder b4 Christmas I always cheated on anything involving lefty. GolfGirl's advice about soft things is good. My BS was very nonspecific about bras so I wanted firmness rather than jiggle (42C). Yes shocking the actual volume of tissue taken but it got me clear margins 1st try. I found a cold hand on incision felt good. I spent evening doing paperwork and typing a lot one handed - nobody at home who cared I had hand on boob. I never asked about icing and BS prob. would have discouraged it and gosh knows it was this time of year so maybe ice would have frozen my remaining parts off haha. I found DH had a stash of old unused cotton hankies and I would put them on breast incision for padding.

    Tang - Odansetron is Zofran brand name. New improved nausea drug. Phenergan is good and works fine. Zofran - pardon my mind like a sieve - causes less sleepiness, right? It also comes as an under the tongue tab so no need to swallow with water. Really good if dry heaves and actually vomiting. Absorbs thru mucous membranes of mouth. Just make sure they're moist even if you need to cotton swab them to moistness. Phenergan comes as supp. also ?does Zofran. But if you get to that point you certainly need to be close contact with MO. And yes your doc called in the same drug you already had - but was it different strengths, different routes. Phenergan is fine if drowsiness is not a problem and can be a godsend cause most people are less nauseated when sleepy. But it also depends which works best for you - trial and error.

    In any case big hugs coming your way. At least you have a lovely day to go to clinic. Hope we've seen the last of ice. Cold weather is one thing but I'm tired of ice. Poor school kids don't know how much they will have to make up.

    Sassy - sounds like a fx easily fixed though gosh knows I was never an ortho nurse. Less recovery needed for not replacing ball/joint. Actually sounds like a lot of fixing for your description.

    Yes 6pm Colorado is 8 pm Eastern time. Hmm effects of morphine the walking/forgetting instructions or just her hardheadedness/independence?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629

    For everyone here and for sweet and funny Chevy too.........much love to all.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    My money is on hard-headedness and independence. Also, perhaps they didn't tell her because it never occurred to them she would get up and try. I do hope she goes to rehab. Much safer and way less stress on DH.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    When my sweet Aunt June had a hip replacement at age 73 the nurse came into her room in the middle of the night to find AJ up making her bed. It must have been the pain meds because she didn't remember any of it the next day. The nurse teased that AJ was trying to steal her job.


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    LMG & tang, I just swallowed the Ondansetron. I did put the lorazepam under the tongue. I did not care about the sleepiness factor, I wanted to sleep. Tang situation is more difficult with a young child. I really only felt like I was going to vomit, once or twice. My symptoms were weakness, headache, and not being able to eat. Shoot, some days still have those headaches, I do not get those...

    Wren, I agree with you on Chevys independence. I am sure I would of done like-wise.

    .............Happy Valentines Day........a Hallmark holiday, kinda a commercial driven excess...

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    GolfGirl - excess or success? HaHa.

    Shows you what I know -  the Ondansetron is called Ondansetron ODT for oral disintegrating tablet. Goes on top of your tongue not under. (Can you tell in the early days I was a cardiac nurse?). It is different from the regular tabs - I would assume much smaller though isn't Ond. small anyway. So is Phenergan or Lomotil or Imodium. Who wants to swallow something humongous when nauseated. And yes all the more reason with a young child she might want the Ond. instead of the Phenergan. I'm also pretty sure the ODTs are more expensive but just checking and it should come generic even in that form.

    I will make a grocery run tomorrow and catch the V'day candy on sale. DH is a chocolate monster. I have a refrigerator choc. pie to make for tonight. Maybe dig up an old favorite card. He has one he's "given" me for years - guy leaning on mantle in a smoking jacket - "Let's just say you got lucky". I don't have a fav. V'day card but my fav. anniversary card is the "rusty" years card.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Happy V day to all

    Chevy hope you get well soon

    hummmm Cami if you look close in one side there are little horizontal rows showing then if you turn them inside out there are not lol hard to say you must look on the white crochet parts lol 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    For about 30 years DH and I traded the valentines card I gave him on our first valentines.  The front was decorated with the typical hearts an flowers and said "What is so special about Valentine's Day?"  Inside was the picture of Washington from the dollar bill.  The caption was "It is only 8 days until Washington's Birthday!"

    Our perfect card, we met on Feb. 22. 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol look at this 


    what a moron lol
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hey folks valentining then sleeping, up now. Didn't write total details about conversations with Chevy, cuz of posting on multiple threads. Conversations were typically interupted as conversations in hospitals are---people coming and going, trying to cram lots into a short talk, diverging, laughing. 

    She didn't think to call for help. The staff didn't properly explain what to do. But thankfully she wasn't injured b/c of it. She doesn't have a PCA--pain machine with the button. We were laughing so much I didn't get to pain scale. The guy was coming with her med. Felt a bit bad I didn't do my normal preop teaching, but Chevy's no shrinking violet. 

    Her fracture---if one has to have a fx, hers is the best. it's not part of weight bearing. Huge difference for pain now and then for recovery. It's a hairline versus like broken glass. The broken glass type fx's can have trouble healing well b/c the matrix is so disrupted. The rod will give the fx the support it needs, should heal very nicely. Doc's going to have her up tomorrow :)

    I'm watching the clock.  I'm calling at 8pm EST. will post as soon as I have info. If she still under anesthesia drug influence , I'm sure DD will be at bedside. Will keep postop note short b/c I've put the posts on several threads. XOXO sassy

    Going to C&P to her other two most active threads STFU and Older