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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Tang - Big Warm Hugs! xo

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol love that pup 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Sassy - I read several reviews that said the study on mammos was seriously flawed. I am always suspicious of a study that would cut back on screenings just when our insurance now mandates they must be paid for (even though it was a Canadian study). Just sounds fishy. I for one would not trade for my screenings and you know how I LOVE my radiologist. If she leaves I may have to follow her (she alternates days in another part of town for another totally diff. employer). Mammo found mine on routine screening - not there the year b4. There is a serious discussion going on on another thread of the lifetime radiation risks of all Xrays and how much lower digital ones are in radiation.

    Teka - do you go to a general xray unit (badly worded but hope you get my drift) or specialized breast center? I have had the same tech at least 2x in a row (6 mo apart) and maybe 3 times so I feel well treated. I go to a specialized breast center. She - tech was not pleased with one view "I know you have more axillary clips that this did not catch". Very gentle and I commented had they changed something in 6 months and she said yes. I expected that 3rd one to be the worst and it wasn't. I've smashed lefty worse doing stuff. Hah - try lying on your stomach for a dermatology appt.

    Wren - Amen sister. Not till you can prove which ones are lethal. I was terrible, inconsistent with self exams. Who knows when I would have found it. I reread the recall letter not long ago and remember just bebopping on in there that day stupidly assuming it was a cyst they'd recalled me for b4.

    Tang - Big hugs. Yay - one down. Hope you are resting well and then get to enjoy some of this warm weather we're having, at least some patio sitting time. I raked old hay out of the goat yard today. Sore and you won't believe this - hot. I've not been hot in months. Actually having a soda which I never have.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Teka so cute---

    Well Chevy I see u wrote everything that totally in u brain that u know--I'm glad u shared all of that with us.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I wrote the below in May 2013:

    In 2008, I started through the Elective PMX process because of family history. First visit to the Mo, I gave him a cancer tree. The numbers of cancers on paternal side are staggering. 12 of 21 women: 3 aunts/7first cousins/1 twin/me; 9 BC, 1 uterine, 1 rare ca of lung found on thumb but not in lung, 1 liver; 5 of 12 have died; BC 3 premenopausal and 6post menopausal. Only three tested for Braca-neg. Most were pre-braca test available. If you caught that i was part of the stats, good catch.

    After the diagnostic Mammo, I received a NED report, and still have the letter. Next step was a diagnostic MRI. There was a delay from Aug till Dec between the two. There was no imperative b/c of clean mammo. BINGO MRI picked up an IDC. BX Jan 23rd 2009 Grade 2(6), BMX Feb18th Grade 3(8). No sampling error at relook of BX slides. Not even a month and i went from a 6-8. Very aggressive. So, I became a statistic in the family cancer tree. Presumptive, but I maintain I wouldn't be here if I hadn't been on the PMX track.


    New: I had studied MRI as opposed to mammo in 2006. It was found to be superior. I asked for a MRI that year and was refused. Only add it here b/c the superiority of MRI plus the reduction in exposure to radiation has been known since 2004 when the National Radiology something or other published their new practice guidlines. But little was done to let the public know there was a two reasons that MRI was better than a mammo.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    LMG we posted essentially at the same time. The research on radiation exposure is starting to build up.  One statement in the new Clinical practice Guidelines of 2004 was that one CT scan was the equivalent of 200 chest xrays. It encouraged that reconsideration be given to how often CT were done.

    Forget Mammo recommendations other than the statement that MRI was superior and there was a reduction in radiation.

    I have finally seen a move to reduce radiation exposure in the last two years. that would be about 2012. Guidelines were published in 2004. It took 8 years.

    I'm with you, hate it when bad studies get national press.

    To all: Whenever a test involving radiation is suggested, ask if a test that doesn't use radiation is available that will accomplish the same purpose. Been doing that for 2-3 years, it's worked, not always, but got some changes.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    when I read these reports it just makes me mad! Have I gone through all this crap for nothing? If I was to wait, which is what some are recommending now, then how long? Until I'm a lot older, until it becomes invasive? Not good choices.  Oh, it's done now but it still pisses me off! I wish they could get the story right but that's still years away.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    I am with you Smarty :( 

    Chevy this is what i made today ;) 



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Enerva just today? OMG all the presents u can make, they are so pretty.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Enerva---sweetie start your selling, you need money LOL They're beautiful

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    STOP THE PRESSES NEWS FLASH:  9:44pm EST---8:44pm Colorado time(?)

    Our dear fearless leader Chevy has  a broken left hip. She crossed the road to avoid ice, she stated in the interview and this rock got under left foot. She turned her ankle and fell. This was early today 2/13/14. She's been in the hospital all day. She's on Morphine, but she has her wits about her. Her humor intact. Doesn't sound loopy at all. Her DD is at her side, as is DH. 

    Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow at 2 pm, 2/14/14.  ORIF --Open reduction internal fixation(long rod and screws). She expects to be in the hospital for two days after surgery. Rehab in hospital for two days after surgery. May go to rehab facility. That will be decided later for sure. 

    She can't post here because the hospital keyboard is too complicated (shut-up Cami). 

    She wasn't happy that this stupid injury interfered with her planned casino trip.

    She asks that Cami do the AM post reviews in the morning on each of her threads.(Thanks Cami).

    Thinking of everyone and sends XOXO's

    Will keep you updated---sassy :)

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Enerva, those are so pretty I want a pair to wear! Of course I would only wear them in bed. Too pretty to touch the floor!

    Due to my family history I began having mammograms at 30.  I'm convinced that all the mammograms I received over the years caused my cancer. The type of cancer I had was unlike any that showed up in other family members. Of course with my family history, many times I had a mammogram, they'd call me back for another one "just to be sure", or to take another look.  I thought I  was being proactive and cautious. In reality I had many, many mammograms over an 18 year period. The kicker? I had a "normal" mammogram and even a normal breast exam just three months before my cancer was widespread through my breast and skin.  Radiation causes cancer. When you don't have good genes that can repair damaged cells, mammogram radiation every year may not be a good thing. But mammograms do save lives. I just think that caution is in order. Better testing needs developed.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Oh, no. Poor Chevy! Sending healing wishes your way!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh poor Chevy nothin'--I told her not to go out on the icy street and roads and she just had to go to the casino, well now she'll have more screws and nuts to deal with. I just talked to her and told her that, so I'm not talking behind her back that stinker--that has to be so painful--but she sounds good we were both laughing as I was yelling at her--how many years and she avoided falling and now she does it. Oh I feel so bad for her---but Sas explained it well cuz she knew I wouldn't. I doubt if she'll see our posts for a while unless she gets hooked up there---I had a nurse do it, so I was talking and no one knew where I was--but I coiuldn't set it up myself. Oh Poor Chevy I feel so bad for her.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Well chit as Cami would say. Just scrapped my last post to Teka. I couldn't figure out what Bluebird was talking about. Then read Sassy's post. Double chit.

    No Colorado time is 2 hours earlier than east coast time, mountain time zone.

    Lots of planning needed there. 2 story house, yes or just DDs' bedrooms up there.

    2 pm Colorado time. We need a group hug for Chevy, her DH and her DD. Wish I was there in person to hug her.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Cami, she sounds good, she was even able to get up to the bathroom with help. Glad you talked to her,so you know she sounds good. I called her back and told her I checked her page and posted it on all her posting pages which are the same places that you post. So, between us we'll keep people updated. You know me, I suggested Plan A and Plan B. She wants to go home, but a few days at a rehab facility is good simply b/c of the help. I can tell you that the fact that she was able to get up to the bathroom was exceptional. Rare for a fx'd hip. It says so much about the fracture. This is good. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Little goats----what if it was 9:44 when I posted what time in Colorado?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Also, asked to ask for a social worker in am to work out planA and planB  so things won't be left to a change at the last minute.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629

    SAS --- a thousand thanks.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    image She just doesn't listen to me

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Sassy 7:44

    I've been know to keep a tab open "what time is it in ?" currently using Sochi, Russia. Just put that in google search box and you'll get a big ole box answer but you do have to refresh it.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Yuppers social workers worth their weight in gold. Chevy and DH probably have idea of NH (wasn't her GM in one) but might not have rehab.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    I am lost again, what happen to Chevy :( ok i am going back to read all again. 

    Cami i am very fast i can finish two pairs in a afternoon lol

    Sass ok i ll try to sell one day foe now i am just doing it and accumulating little gifts 


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    LMG's she's in a big enough town. Most NH's keep a certain % medicare beds b/c of the economics. Medicare as you know will pay for 21 days of care for defined rehab. It really helps offset costs of longer term care patients.

    Since we know she likes to gamble should we start a rehab versus home pool. I'm betting once she understands the logistics of care at rehab versus home she will go to rehab. 

    Frankly, it comes down to a personal care issue. 

    Me I'd go to rehab, don't want DBF wiping my butt. LOL He mentioned something about that when I got older, just a short time ago. He's 9 years younger. So methinks , he's thinking about being around awhile. Hoping he does, it'll keep me limber.


  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    What? Chevyboy did WHAT??? Oooooh NOOOOOO!!!! 

    Get well soon... smooches!!!


  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Oh no! Sas...please send Chevy our hugs and prayers! xo

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    tell Chevy to get a really big pocket ready. We will all be there to keep her out of trouble and keep her smiling.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Enerva---look back and find my post either yesterday or day before to you. It referred to an Ontario article about microloans to women in Ontario. $760,000 is going to be awarded. They describe help to develop business plans. A business plan sounds like a big deal , but all it is -----is an outline of what you plan to do. 

    Small Business Associations establish  volunteer groups of retired experienced business people, they sit with you and formulate an outline of what your goals are, how to met the goals, how to price the product, how to access market demand, how to create a budget to make a profit. 

    Enerva ----dear sweet Enerva-------you are underestimating your skill. MOMS and friends of Moms will BUY your dearly made items. They will become things that are stored away after the baby outgrows them,  to be handed down to the next generation. I'd bet everyone here has done it. I have a big box to go to DS when the time the first grandchild comes.

    The only thing I have to suggest is a safety issue : Eliminate the beads and buttons. If they detach they could become an airway/inhaling problem. Actually , there are FDA rules about this--supposin there are other agencies that have rules too. The phrase used is "Choking Hazard":

    Enerva there were two other articles I hyperlinked in that same post. Gbowee Leymah changed what was happening in Liberia. The 2nd link named other women in the world that have made chage too

    You think your skill small and only to be given away. It is an ART. Appreciated by many.

    You are so sad about whats happening in VNZL. Perhaps, you can be the leader for change in those VNZL by developing a plan for women to create products as beautiful as yours for sale in Canada and the USA. 

    What those articles will teach you is: it has been learned in the last decade that by empowering women through helping them to start small businesses that it improves the life of those women and their children. 

    Read the history of Liberia since Gbowee Leymah started her crusade. A woman was elected President of Liberia. Look at the statistics of how many girls now go to school, high school, college there versus before the change. 

    Enerva---dream to be a Gbowee.