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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Golf girl---Federal Glass Windsor pattern aegean color :) yes thrifting, Maybe I can con DBF into doing that AH_HA great idea. Hugs.

    I delete my tale of woe. But it felt so GOOD to vent. Love it here LOL 

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    I won't be getting nipples down the road because of the breast lift I had 12 years ago. Don't mind, they weren't anything to write home about. That's why I was thinking tattoos.  I did find a website that you can order your own rub on tattoos, like what the kids have. So might still do that to see how it looks and it I care enough to bother with. 

    No one said anything about massages. I was scratching a lot in public and had to watch out for that. When can I start massaging? It's almost 2 weeks now.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    got to get dressed. Going to grandsons  birthday party.  Bye

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Ay, Caramba! How could I have missed so much here? I wasn't gone that long....

    Hugs to all who need them right now...

    Chevyboy - if you are reading this, you are sorely missed here!!! Prayers for a rapid recovery and complete healing!

    Sassy - Aw, nothing you could say would ever be offensive to me! The fun house is doing well. It was the MADHOUSE I couldn't stand.

    Whoever asked about the "Tasty Brew" I recommended for 2TA (hugs, Darlin'): it's just a tea I make whenever I have a bad cough.

    2 cups water, several slices of fresh ginger, 1/8 of a lemon (cut a quarter wedge in half horizontally). Microwave for about 2 - 3 minutes til boiling. Let set for a few minutes. Squeeze the lemon juice into the water, and plop the lemon back in. Add a bunch of honey to taste. If you want, you can strain all the liquid into a cup.

    I pour this into an insulated travel mug and keep it on my nightstand when I have a cough. Ginger, lemon, and honey are good for coughs and sore throats. The hot liquid also relaxes throat muscles to help with coughing spasms, and tends to break up excess mucus in the nasal passages and chest. I drink a lot of it during cold and flu season.

    If the coughing gets really bad, I haul out the big guns: Phenergan with Codeine cough syrup! Loopy

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Teka - so sorry I didn't get to see that picture!!! Bawling

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    DH says looks like Fantasy Fest in Key West. Oh my I googled the pictures. The streetfront on the right looks like Key West though trees look less tropical than I would expect. Picture noted to be in the "Big Pine Key Coconut Telegraph" Nov. 1, 2013. Fantasy fest is in late October. Betcha it's a real picture. USA article says "Costumes or Body Paint" as a section header.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Oh wow nice Tatoo but not sure i will like to have it for ever, its beautiful but i could not get it. I am scare of tatoo, got one and almost past out too painfull

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Holy smokes LMG!  Body paint makes sense (v. tattoos).

    I say good for her if that was the theme, she's got cojones!

    Whatever floats yr boat...


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Teka, I use a free photo site and can save images from the preview pane (small) or click into it (large).

    Sometimes larger size is better for the visual impact, like this owl on the wing.  Intense concentration!


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Smarrty, have a visual &  auditory memory of PS teaching the breast massage. But the when to start escapes me. It was a very specific time. Have heard others say they weren't instructed to do them. Don't know if there are specifics for different types of products, but if you pop in on Sizing 101 thread. I'm sure someone will know the answer right away. Ordinarily I'd say ask Deborah--Whippetmom. But She has so many pm'ing her with help on sizing. There are multiple folks on the thread that have stayed around to help with questions. I would only trust Deborah with a sizing question, but massage is way more general. Plus, a call to your PS's office, the secretary, MA, Nurse will know when it falls into the plan.

    It made a huge difference. Once you start to do it. You'll know when things start to feel tighter around a foob. I had to work allot more with left then right. Still do. 

    I've read where others developed capsules b/c they didn't massage. Then had to go to physical therapists to work on breaking  the capsules. The capsules are just scar tissue formation around the implant. My Ps said I'd have to do it every day for the rest of my life. Sounded like it was a big deal. It's not. As long as you stay ahead of it. Iprobably do a daily thing with the left and don't even think about it.

    On the YKYACP (you know your a cancer patient when) thread ther are lots of crazy comments about foob massage.

    Last summer june of 2013, I started swimming. The pecs got tighter, had to do massage several times daily. The foobs interestingly were staying put on the chest versus falling in the armpits. It was a nice unexpected result of the swimming. I did backstroke b/c of my neck history. It's an even stroke for each side of the body. B/C of the dog falls in Sept and Oct. I can't do any swimming. OH poor me-Oh welll... I had to do very intense work with the left foob in that time period. But it was cool, they were nice and perky. I'd be swimming now if it weren't for those falls.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Sass i need to ask you something, how long does it takes to have a revision surgery? its been 2 months since my exchange surgery and some people tell me 2 months, and then other people here says 3 months. i will see a new PS this coming week but i am curious. ;) 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Enerva sweetie, I'll lay off the business stuff. Don't want to be a bug about it. I'll just say this---your work is beautiful and artistic. Don't want you to run away when you see me posting LOL. There was a time here in the USA and Canada, many people did handwork. Now very much less. That's why you and the ladies of the stitching thread are so special.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hey Enerva I just cross posted to you LOL. Each PS has a timing thing. When I thought I had a chance of returning to work. I asked my PS how soon I could get the nips done after my TE exchange. He said the soonest was six weeks. I had it six weeks to the day. LOL it was my B-day. I got Nips for my B-day.

    I know your looking to have different implants, so that may be a different game plan

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Thanks Sass ;) 

    i posted my recent baby shoes in that other tread lol 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Whoever thought that Owls were so very interesting. They are such a diverse species. Badger love the intensity of that owl. I thought of making a owl pic thread, that we could link from the topic boxes. It could be done. But would it duplicate what's done on google images. The advantage is we can have our own goofy, irreverent sayings surrounding them. 

    So many beautiful owl pics that get lost as the pages turn

    If anyone thinks it has value I'll do it and create the hyperlinks in the topic headers. 

    I figured out how to do that when i did it for the Catholic thread because there were three related threads. It was like a transporter mechanism from Star Trek.

    Many are cross posters to STFU, Hermits Club and Olders. It's easier then having to go back out to menu.

  • Miminiemi
    Miminiemi Member Posts: 260

    Bright smurf blue is sooooo right!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Golf Girl---what a good suggestion earlier-------we went to the wildlife refuge to bird watch. More successful than last year same time. Last year pointed out a Common Pin Tail. DBF says "It's just a F**king duck". Figured bird watching was not in our future. Because he didn't plan well for V-day he was willing to go. Today however he was asking names of the birds we saw.------------Then even though he had to be some place ----------we stopped at th SPCA thrift store. I found about half dozen pieces of glass. Two federal windsor pieces, but they were clear. 

    The aegean, I'm so happy you appreciated it's beauty. I'd never seen it before and it is spectacular in color. If you get into thrifting remember this phrase "If you've never seen it before AND it appeals to you, buy it". The glass that is coming on the thrift market now is from the 50-80's. I got into it when it was 30-50's patterns. But there is certainly older pieces showing up.

    Colored glass is generally more valuable than clear. Clear though is more versatile. Blues/cobalt is the most valued usually. The thrift stores are catching on to the value of old glass. I've been a bit too gifty to friends with finds LOL. The prices are going up. Gave dear cousin a Wexford plate that I thrifted at $3, it's value on replacements .com is $50.00. But I had two and am trying to get her into thrifting. Wexford was made by Anchor-Hocking to appeal to the middle class that couldn't afford high-end crystal. It's beautiful. If thrifted at the right price is great. You break a piece-thrift some more. I use Wexford bread plates for coasters, ashtrays, nightstand water glass coasters, under plates for sorbet between courses, ah and bread plates. On replacements .com they go for $8 a plate. thrifting 0.50 cents to a dollar is good.

    Another thing that's going up in price LOL--big increase is clip-on earrings from pre-pierced time. the 60's and before. $0.50 cents to a dollar now $4-5. They can be used to clip on a dress, shoes, purses. What I like to get them for is for the 3-8 y'o girls for dress up.- no problem with the little ones working the clip. Screw on type earrings don't work. Of course I shared this with the folks at the thrift-----then the prices went up. 

    I have about 10 pieces of Waterford that is my name. The water glass is now $200.00. I stopped getting it decades ago b/c it was too expensive even then. When I looked up it's price recently sheesh. Give me a nice thrifted piece that I bought for 0.50 cents to $2.00-----YAY I can use it without worry.

    Tell me your colors, I'll keep my eyes open

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    my mom has a collection of glass, reds and dark oranges from my great aunt.  Like this if This is what you're talking about.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Sas when I was a tween, wore Capizio flats. Would get sparkly clip-on ear rings, clip on to shoes for dress up. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    luvgoats, that probably is Key West. We do have trees with real leaves LOL!! That could be a Royal Poinciana tree  Beautiful when in bloom. I'm too far north for them. 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    TEKA!!!! OMG, too funny. How would you like to be the artist that had to draw those dog faces on her tatas? 

    ~ ~ ~ 

    Breast massage? My first one was right before my BMX. I'd just had the radioactive isotope injection down in Radiology, and they said to massage the breast to make the dye spread faster. So there I was, in a gown, on a gurney in Pre-Op, squeezing away, when I suddenly realized my cubicle was at the end of the row, where everyone could look in, and my curtain was open. Oh well, I'm hoping they thought it was some sort of self-calming exercise... 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Smarrty haven't seen that pattern before---good---would take searching, try  Ebay key words bubble red, doesn't look like pressed glass. Take your finger and run it all over the glass feeling for a slight thread line. Very often it can bee seen held up to outside light. If you can't find a thread line then you may have blown glass.  That then may fall into ______duh --wait searching the brain---not found. 404. Lovely bowl. try Burple or Inspiration at replacements .com under  Anchor Hocking as the manufacturer. If I'm right I'm a genius. AND the bowl is valuable, not serious money. Just b/c it's beautiful. If Wrong about name, It's a beautiful bowl and we haven't found a name. It could fall into the 30-40's period Cambridge , Hazel Atlas. Many of the 30-40's glass was called Elegant glass. Considering it was an Aunt it may come from that time

    A glass that is orange and red is called Amberina.  

    Ebay is a really good way to identify glass once you have a few clues. I.e  Pressed glass,  amberina. But if you get thousands of responses look at the glass and plug in a characteristics.

    Bummer stuck on a name of glass the brain won't bring forward------italy>>>ain't workin>>>>probably will pop in the middle of the night.

    The reason old American glass is important is: We once were great producers of glass with very innovative designs. All major manufacturing of glass is defunct in the USA. The molds for pressed glass have been sold to other countries, primarily China.

    American Brilliant Cut glass ceased in this country in 1917.-----the history of ABC glass is breathtaking.

    Keep Aunt's glass ware AND use it.

    I developed this theory as a young one: Women seek to attain beautiful dishes, glass, silverware. All was rarely used because they were considered so precious. Holidays only. They were stored in beautiful hutches.  It was then handed down to daughters or nieces who rarely used them or sent them off to thrift shops.

    Many of us have absolutely beautiful things we do not use, but they are safely stored behind closed doors to be handed down to the next generation-----------who now don't have a clue about there history and prefer something from Target--Made in China.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Smarrty try this LOL

    I'm brilliant LoL I think this is the pattern---pic is dark , but take it as a lead and google others

    here's another one

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Sas, so, so true. My MIL had his very high end, top of the line Wedgewood collection. She dies, I tell my 3 BIL & DH she has told me it goes to her daughter, there sis, who was a sweet women, total flake. The decider in the family says bullshit, we are spitting it up.

    So, we did. My sweet, dumbshit SIL, dies suddenly, and her DH gives all the family heirlooms away. Heartbreaking cause my MIL was a believer that everything would be as she imagined it, passing down from daughters with all the stories....

    Not so much...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Oh GG-- bummer --------guys just don't get it. Then there's the even worse in a family where some family member swoops in cleans all the heirlooms out before the body is even buried. Eldest Aunt on dads side did that---sick---brought her daughters to help.....awful.

    Hey Smarty---look at the links I think I have it identified------what do you think. If not I'll keep worrking :)

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    SAS-don't work on that, I was just curious. Did anybody here back from the gal in SC whose hubby is a fireman?  Haven't seen her post since last night. Read they also had a small earthquake there last night.

    It's midnight deb. It doesn't say where she is. Do t know why I thought it was SC.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol Nice links

    here are the last baby shoes i crochet



    lol I need a life ;) 

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    night Teka, sleep tight.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    you are right, guys do not get it, but I was sure happy that we spilt it up...otherwise it would all be gone. My SIL was a normal, healthy  ( over the top religious ) mom. She did not know she was even sick, DD took her to Dr., dead 7 days later, lung cancer, age 59, non smoker, one glass of wine at Xmas. 

    Family......never easy.....

    I told Blessings my 2 BIL started WW3......lots of tears & drama for his kids...real sad, I have had to step back, not strong enough right now to get involved....had dinner tonight with niece & SIL....I think, I hope that they know, we will support each other, and all the kids with love & maturity... Ok... Too much family tale of woe.....BIL drinks too much....train wreck.....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Holinone---sad--sorry --hope time heals. If husband alcoholic watch fro trouble at a distance.

    Enerva soooo cute

    Smartty serious I found the pattern and maker Anchor hocking --bubble pattern---bowl on replacement .com or ebay asking price 34$