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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Haven't started DH's and mine. DH did them last year and I can't find any records. About the medical: I think you have to have somewhere around 7% of income spent on medical, but I could be wrong. We usually don't have that much in medical, not sure about next year. 

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    ahhh ya, I don't think i reached that mark, but i kept ALL of my receipts for everything, so, will add if up and see. BC sure did take a big bite outta my pocket, but not as much as other ppl have to deal with. I am very fortunate that my company has good insurance. Doing taxes is less fun than chemo. IMHO.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    I agree, JWoo, especially this year. DH tried his hand with them last year, didn't save any paper and if he did, I can't find it anywhere. When I did them (for over 20 since we've been married), would save all my receipts in a file, then just needed to sort for taxes. After taxes, each year had a separate folder so if ever needed, I could explain it all easily. But, last year, we had to do it HIS way. This, from the man who, when we got married, had all his "important papers" just thrown into 2 brown paper bags. Last year, he said he couldn't figure out my filing system (he gave it only a 30 second look-see). 


  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    ahem,   "boys are so dumb!"   my BF has been driving me bonkers lately, so that is just what I have been shouting everywhere. I see i'm not the only one :)

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    You are definitely not alone. I agree.

    JWoo, by the way, who is that in your avatar? Too small to see clearly.


  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    It is Matt Berry, he is an English comedian, actor, earmagic maker (musician. ) It is a pub. still from a show he was in. I adore him and would marry him in a heartbeat, even though I don't really find him handsome. He is just the most clever and talented man. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Morning gals.

    Well I'm up for now--u know I'm going to be going back to sleep soon even with my coffee.H is doing it for u silly chicken--I would say goose but.

    Hi Ziggy , now seriously how serious can we take u with u avatar and u'r name--we will try when needed, but don't expect to much from this group. And u'r right Chevy's hip wasn't a rock problem more like  late nite meeting rate. But we just go along.

    I'm waving HI (yes I am) right now to everyone, oops I just did it again. So everyone have a good Saturday.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh?  And so who is this little shit Ziggy?   She's a spy, and I think she is full of shit! 

    I thought I worded that pretty WELL, I mean about me stumbling on a giant boulder in the alley, and falling to my DOOM!

    Geez, you made me laugh this morning!  I really needed that, because I take these pills, and when I have to get up, it takes too long for some new pills to work, and I lay there whining, and I just WAITING for them to work, and I was becoming a little testy.... and here I get up, and this ZIGGY full of shit person makes me laugh!  Now I'm happy!  Ha, ha!

    Oh, by the by, my Daughter Janie welcomes her hot flashes.... says it cuts down on the heating bill this Winter... 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    No, oh Cammi!  Did you SEE what this Ziggyperson said?  She thinks I feel only because my stilletto's got caught on the handles of the Dumpster or something!   And YES, what Is her Avatar?  We should make her another one... 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    I think we're related....  They used to call me Dumbo when I was little, because my little ears were so big.... well, I mean for my head.... 

    I just thought of that....  you little shit Ziggy!  Just thought I would throw that in....  kind of welcome you, I guess.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    g'morning owls and welcome ziggypop, this is a great bunch of ladies even if we are a little crazy!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    Oh, Morning Badger!  That you peeking out? xooxo

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Love all the cute pics. Hope I can keep up with the picture thread too. 

    Jwoo, I love my knitted knockers and wear them inside my bra. They are so soft and comfy! 

    Thanks for all the encouragement about my kids driving me crazy. Insanity is definitely inherited. You get it from your kids!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Hey Chevy, yup that's me! 

    Wisconsin is known as the Badger State because early miners dug holes to live in, like badgers.

    But that's boring.  Anyone up for the chicken dance?


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    JWoo - I think the % of medical expenses rose this year so even harder to get a medical deduc. In 2012 we tried but it came out just about the same using my expenses (DH never has any) and not using them. Even using max for charity and church giving records. I was working full time then. Just saying that the amount needed to claim med. deduc. is a whole lot higher than what most people think. But seeing you DX lines it is certainly worth looking at.

    DH has done ours and we have to pay so not in any hurry to do that.

    OMG Chevy I was in the 4th or 5th grade when Faye (who's last name shall remain unspoken even though I still remember it) called me Dumbo because one of my ears does stick out. I gave up pony tails then and cried to my DM. It wasn't until I was about 22 that I got my hair cut short because of that ear. In fact my parents looked into plastic surgery to have it "pinned back". You know Kurt Busch had his done but not Kyle. Anyway they decided braces for my buck teeth was the more important expense.

    Badger - I guess Texas should be known as the skunk state since one is run over oh about every minute or two, esp. this time of year when skunk love is high. How did you know I like the chicken dance?

    Blessings - I hope that protective bubble extends and ties down that annoying relative. Maybe wrap ?her? in bubble wrap and roll her down a hill. My thoughts will be with you on Monday. But then getting time with DS and GD is a good reward.

    I spent yesterday shopping and dropping stuff at Goodwill. Can actually walk in DD's room again. More bags yet but I will get to those. I needed something warm to wear to hockey game. I found it but not in my size. But I have to go to FW on Wed (hockey game Thur night) and there are 2 more Kohls to try. It is a nice gray hooded kinda sweatshirty thing just bit more dressy than sweatshirt. I have some gray long thermal tops I can wear underneath and maybe don't need a jacket. Hockey games are cold, even up in one of the suites. Can't imagine how cold they are in the floor seats.

    Teka - that is the funniest coffee cup. I wish I had cabinet space for
    all the ones I see but I like the insulated ones. But I do drink my hot
    choc. at night out of regular cup.

    Anyone watch webcams? I've gotten hooked on the Decorah Iowa bald eagles webcam. They're waiting for eggs to be laid anyday but the eagles come/go on nest. They also have the camera ability to move camera around surroundings. Bluebird - did you eat that giant egg and how is mom chicken? Did she need some Prep H?

    Coffee more coffee. TTFN.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Teka, could I get that delivered ? 

    Luvmygoats, when is the big game ? Was it last Thursday? Did I miss your review?

    Jwoo, thanks for the story behind the avatar, when I first saw it, I thought, hello, there's a dude with a gun! Then, I thought well maybe a lady with a blow to our group

    Happy Saturday to all, I survived the survivorship meeting, it went well. I think I passed. Actually my cancer center has a 6 week survivorship classes in the evening. One week a lymphdema nurse will talk, a nutritionist, that kinda thing. 

    Chevyboy, did you punch  those snotty little chits for calling you Dumbo ?

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Oh yes Chevy forgot to remind you that Nationwide Race is on this afternoon and practice is on right now (Fox Sports). Countdown starts in one hour. On ESPN.

    OOO - delayed start just announced since practice was delayed for rain. Looks to be about an hour behind sched.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    LMG   We were posting at the same time.....:-)

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Gosh Holeinone - your class sounds like so much benefit. Is it esp. for pts who did chemo or any? I go to a big onco office- it's actually statewide and in southern OK and they don't have this, I don't think.

    The game Thur night is the Dallas Stars. 1st game back after Olympics. Jamie Benn on team, plays for Canada. Scored winning goal in game against US yesterday. Sad/glad at the same time. Hopefully the Stars can put on run again for the Stanley Cup.

    JWoo - that guy in your Avatar looks like John Davidson. Most of you may be too young to remember him but google him. Oh la la the dimples.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    OMG Teka that coffee cup is great!  LMAO!!

    welcome JWoo, you'll fit right in here!

    LMG, last week I smelled skunk for the first time this year so I know Spring's on its way!  ♥

  • Miminiemi
    Miminiemi Member Posts: 260

    Happy Saturday all.  Did some reading about radiation dermatitis research last night and found one small study that said in a small study The four women who drank red wine healed the fastest.  Thought I'd try it.  Seems to cure insomnia too!  This is by far the most active site,  there were three pages and I was up to date yesterday.  After reading all the poop talk I thought that some was trying to delay a fart whe you said trying to wind down.  (wind as in breeze).   I'm resisting the invitation to clown and do balloons tonight at a daddy daughter dance four hours of pumping up and twisting balloons would probably wear the skin right off my left breast and armpit.  Besides, that a lot of air to make.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    JWoo, I looked at your avatar and saw the gun. Then I saw Texas, and thought "that explains it" (lived in Houston for 14 years). We just assumed everyone was armed because that was the safest assumption.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh Littlegoats!  Got the race on!  Don't want to hear about any delays or stuff, Ha!  I love Web-cams.... I'll have to look for yours!  I watch the Panda's at the Washington Zoo!  The Mamma and the baby-girl...  I USED to watch the OWL cam in San Diego, but they all flew off....   Watched them hatch, taken care of, and flew the coop! They were Molly and McGee....  maybe 2 years ago?

    DH went up to get me a Starbucks!  I'm so happy!   And abouit my ears....  I mean even my BROTHER called me Dumbo...Ha!  I was ugly enough.... plain, and just not a happy little girl...... But you, going through that, and growing into the beautiful swan that I am, made up for it all!  Now it THAT ain't a crock!   Yes, but it was BOTH of my ears... so I wasn't lopsided....  I couldn't wear pony-tails either....  And I had 2 "buck-teeth" that they finally  fixed...  They pulled 2 front teeth, and put "bands" on the buck-teeth, and they came down!  

    So see? I really was a sorrowful little thing...

    And where is that one full-of-shit person?  Is she only up at nights?  Was it Rinky-dink or something? 

    Okay Minnime....  That's the answer.... drink more wine...  WHATever....  It's  GOOD for you!  Loopy

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    My first GS had protruding ears as a baby. We would push them back into his head and the Asian side of the family would encourage them to stand out. Evidently it's a good luck thing there. He ended up with hair curly enough to take eyes away from his ears.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh OH I just forget who said what----

    But 2 things with the avatar of the gun--first I thought oh he looks familiar--like John Davidson (honest) 2nd I saw TX and figured no big deal.

    And yes Chevy we all know that when some of that huge mountain avalanche left that gigantic boulder u did trip on it. So we believe u--don't worry --no one really thinks u got the broken hip by any other means especially anything that has to do with exchanging money. Ziggy just figure things out easily.

    Mimi maybe not to many balloons cuz u might have to do u'r act on the floor. (Shut up Chevy)

    OK I've been awake for over 2 hr. a biggy for me lately. Dr. next week, I hate to have to go, even tho it's time anyway.I get upset just about going not because I feel an anxiety, just because I have to get dressed and leave my comfort zone. That's very difficult for me---I only like to leave to do fun things otherwise I stay home and this winter a lot of fun was cancelled too. And more is coming, I hear.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    Hello my little T-Owletts.  I'm so glad that you do not appear to be antibacterial.  Those usually smell funny.  I am 6 pages behind so I didn't read anything except the part where Chevy busted her ass doing the chicken dance with the neighbor chickens in the alley...or something like that. 

    Chevy....WTF???  Can't leave you alone for a minute!  Wasn't Cammi watching over you?  Oh wait, is she still taking calls in her furnace? 

    I've been busy doing shite that I have no idea how to do! It's so much fun.  I'm forging new neural pathways with my very own neuroplasticity!  I need every little pathway I can get!

    Love and miss you guys.  I'll try to get off my dead formerchemoass and sign in more often.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    Okay, see why they called me Dumbo?  Ha, ha!   I think I was about 5 here...

    Dangit Phyllidink!  I DIDN'T bust my ass dancing!  I did it by just merely......... ohhhhhh never mind.....  I'm just glad it was only my hip, and not my whole pelvic area...Ha!

    And what did you say you are doing?  You KNOW we don't understand a damn thing you are saying...right?  Don't even try.

    Cammi, JSFI..... we'll go together....  I don't know HOW I'll get up on that stupid table!  Ain't no way..... Maybe they can check it by me leaning over it?    Just go to the Doctor's.... You keep ditching your appointments!  Do you go smoke behind the shed?  And drink Jack or something?  

    I don't want to go EITHER, but I think I have to...  So Insurance won't frown....  some sort of follow-up thing....

    Wren.... seriously?   It's a good luck thing?    I'll be darned!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Phyllyonceinahile finally visits and she doesn't tell us anything we can understand. Thanks.

    And Chevy u should know better oh maybe I'm with Jack, but I don't drink. ahem--smoke yes.after I'm with Jack--so no I can't watch u every minute u go on trysts. I'm on my own.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    That's so funny!  Phyllyonceinawhile!  Ha, ha!  You tell em' kid!  She said something about her neuroplasticity..... I mean WTH?  SHE doesn't even know what she is talking about..... It's a good thing both of US are around here, to keep things straight.... or reasonably so, anyway.