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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    well, I managed to sleep in the bed all night. So doing much better. Like the owl coffee. Saw that video, neat.

    So today I've got some work to do on the computer, work on some taxes-oh fun. Wait- it is because we get a refund! Yeah.  Had a brain fart yesterday-when I went to work on my PC it was off and I couldn't figure out what to do. So had to wait for DH to get home, he just pushed the start button on the box. DUH!!

    So be back later. Hope everybody stays dry.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay, I'm not mopping.... even though it is easy with my Shark something.... but it really doesn't need it....  I can't even wash a load of clothes!  We don't have a full load of the same color.... I think I am just trying to help out, and find something to do... 

    Yes Minime, that recliner is really comfortable!

    Badger.... stay warm....  Maybe this next storm won't last long....  ?  Glad you decided not to take the job....  It means so much to be happy with what you are doing.... Maybe some other time....  xoxoxo

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    It's breezy and warmish today, but I think dh said a cold front was coming in. No ice or snow though.

    I just wish I could enjoy a cup of coffee again...I love my morning coffee but since chemo it tastes terrible :(


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Good morning all...

    Smaarty, happy to hear you are making progress, sleeping in bed is easier on the body. I slept in the recliner for several weeks after my shoulder surgery, ah, it felt good when I could lie flat again.

    Cami, I do that all the time, hit the topic removal, then clueless.... 

    Tang, I could not drink coffee either during chemo, weak tea. DH would bring me this yummy bowl of soul from a local coffee place & a Rice Krispie bar... ( bowl of soul is Mexican hot choc. ) also my favorite food is avocados. They repulsed me during chemo. Now I am buying them by the bagful again.

    Chevy, hang in there. Is it a 6 week recovery? Will you need PT ? The hardware is permanent correct? You do not have to have that screw, rod taken out...I DH has had both hips replaced, & both knees. He is the bionic

    I need motivating something....should be flying around getting stuff done, and here it sit. I am getting annoyed with myself...

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Did I just start my period after chemo?? I thought that wasn't supposed to happen....what the what??

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Cute photos! I love chickens! My pet makes me breakfast every morning. Smile

    Badger, now I'm going to have urkels voice stuck in my head!  lol

    Speaking of cleaning, I am sooo ready for spring cleaning. My house was put on hold for 14 months while I've been going through treatment and I don't even know where to begin!  I was thinking of starting a discussion group about handy cleaning tips. I just can't clean like I used to.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Bluebird, It's too soon after surgery to do heavy cleaning. How about starting with clutter clearing now and then the heavier stuff in a month or two. Don't do too much in one day, either. Once things are put away, you could hire someone to do the heavy work (windows, walls, mopping). I have a week to get ready for a visit from SIL and can't seem to get started. Right now my sewing is all over the bed she'll sleep in.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    It's frustrating for me because I have a husband, a daughter who is 20 and a son who is 16 who just don't pitch in. My husband is pretty good if I ask him, but gosh asking the kids to pick up something or vacuum etc. is like asking them to to cut off their right hand. And when they finally do whatever chore I've asked, they do such a crappy job it's not even worth asking them!  Ugh. I don't know how people get through these teenage years. Of course my friends have perfect kids who take care of farm work, cook and clean up. Clearly I went wrong somewhere.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Bluebird, your teens are normal, your friends are lying or there kids are freaks ! Lol...

    Wren is right, take it slow...

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    FYI.........Dr. Oz. has on today a big thing about Ambien for anyone who takes it........I know some insomniac's do.........not sure if you get his program in your town...........but it is today's show...........just thought it might be interesting to you lades.

    Very shocking....although it is known to be a bad drug to some.......check out the is worth watching.................It is the Feb.20th program..............

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Thanks Ducky, I will try to catch it....I would not had any idea as the Olympics have taken over in my home...

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Oh boy i am lost again, lol 

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Enerva, do you want to share? Yum...

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Ok, I have a question. Has anybody used PayPal to order things on line?i want to order something for Spookie, just am not comfortable using my credit card with this place. What happens if the item doesn't come? Who/how do I contact? Help please?

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    I have used pay pal many times. You have to sign up for it if you are buying on eBay. I got hooked on eBay about 5 winters ago...I have never had any issues. Now if the item does not show, well not sure about that, but if you are buying from a buisness, it should come.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I found this coat for her and fell in love with it. Sent them an email, they didn't answer. I know the weather has been crappy up north, but still they could answer. It's not eBay or Amazon.  It's the not answering that's alarming me. So a friend suggested paypal. I asked friend if she would make it, she was willing, couldn't find materials. 


  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Paypal will take the money from your credit card on file with them. If you don't receive your item, I would think you could still file a complaint with your credit card and they could dispute it. Cute coat for Spookie!

    The Dr. Oz info on sleep meds was interesting. Sleepwalking is a serious problem with many medications. My friend is a pharmacist and she says that people will actually get in their cars and drive somewhere during sleep and not remember. They wake up and find unusual things that they bought while out too. Scary! 

    Or your son can video tape while you are taking Lunesta and then put it on Youtube for everyone to laugh at:

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Hi, Ladies! Wow...Enerva, I'm with you...way behind again. LOL! Hope everyone is doing well and healing nicely. Big hugs to all of you!

    Saw the MO today for first time. Ugh! What I thought was supposed to be just a routine meet/greet visit turned into much more. I thought I would be in and out in an hour, but nope. Seems like every time I think I can cross another thing off my list, they just go ahead and add 3, 4, 5 more things! Long emotionally draining day! Actually, long week. :(

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922


  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Awww! Thanks, Wren! Need that today! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi Guys.

    Tang I have heard of getting u'r period after chemo, like u really need this now--talk to u'r Dr. about it.

    Bluebird I've always said show me a lazy mother and I'll show u an independent kid, that's why my kids did things they couldn't stand it being messy. It wasn't cuz they were great kids, they were just cleaner than I ever was. And still are. I never said I was a good mother I was an OK mom but everything was always chaotic in my home--no husand so it was whatever I wanted and after working mostly 2 jobs no way was I cleaning. And when I got all this well u can imagine when I was told not to do anything--I really took it seriously so my kids would come and clean and my DGS too. And now I live with my DD and my GS helps me if I need it, but I do wash my clothes and try yes try to keep my room a little organized, but remember I have a little job now that keeps me busy on the phones LOL but it's rough when I have my diarrhea days.Nerdy or I don't sleep well at nite and have to pay attention to all these people talking to me and  my head is bobbing to sleep. I've always been a go getter. Yea right.

  • Miminiemi
    Miminiemi Member Posts: 260

    Holeinone is so right.  Those kids are normal if the thing helping with housework is abusive.  Mine did, and I did.  Didn't you?  Lol :)

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Getting my 4 year old to pick up her toys is like she's being tortured. Her room literally looks like a bomb went off in there, I hate it...makes me crazy.

    So yes, I talked to the MO's nurse(gina) and she said MO wasn't too worried about it yet, but it might affect my counts. I'm having bad cramps and she said that it could be a really heavy one too. Not having my period was a good SE, so hopefully this is just a blip. But I do wonder if this means trouble for my hormones since I'm ER/PR positive. Gonna need to ask about this too.

    I'm hungry!! I want chips and guacamole so bad. :)


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    lol well i have been following twiter to know about Venezuela s situation and its horrible every day.


  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    Hi Ladies! 

    I just received some knitted knockers from a friend of mine, and am having a hard time figuring out what kind of bra to wear them with. I wasn't going to use any kind of prosthetic, and had a skin sparing mastectomy as I will be having DIEP recon in about a year, but these are great and I would like to use them for special occasions and when I am in situations where I just don't feel like being stared at. Anyone have a favorite bra with a pocket for something like this? 


  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    JWoo, I have mastectomy bras I'm not using, almost new. They're size 42 band. Would that fit you?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Jwoo, not sure if this will help, but my Genie bras came with thin pads I could place in small pockets. Not sure how big the knitted knockers are, but you might look at Walmart for Genie bras (they're around $10 so not budget busters) and very comfortable. Also, it would depend on clothing styles as these aren't cut very low. 

    When I was still a uni, the owner of the lingerie shop I got my prosthesis forms and bras from could sew a pocket into off the shelf bras I bought (I think the $5 charge was reasonable). Maybe check this out if you have a prosthesis shop near you? Hopefully some other ladies have some ideas for you. 

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931

    Smaartie, I am a 38 and trying to shrink, not sure if those would go down that small?

    2nd time- thanks for that tip, I will head over there and check them out. And I am pretty handy with a sewing machine, so maybe I can figure out a way to add some pockets to my current bras. 

    Thanks ladies!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Jwoo, she used soft t-shirt fabric for the pockets (a little bit of stretch and soft against the skin). Good luck, I wasn't that creative

  • mdnghtdeb3
    mdnghtdeb3 Member Posts: 125

    Good Morning! That coffee looks so good! I think I will go make a fresh pot!