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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Good morning all,

    Teka you made me coffee & now eggs, you rock girl !

    Ok Chevy, we know you have had a traumatic event, you are still in shock, pain, and heading into stir crazy because you are a woman of action.....but what is this talk of losing your mojo? Are you talking about you know what? Blush, you have time for all that monkey buisness later, you must mean your confidence?

    As Cami would say " splain Lucy"

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning again girls!  Okay, I'll behave!  I was just feeling pitiful there for awhile!   My little "chicken" neighbor came over with her 2 little girls, and "Ivy" brought me a picture she had made, AND some cookies, and a tiny rose in a tiny vase, and I felt so good! 

    And I finally LISTENED to all you that talked about a recliner!  Okay, yes, it is wonderful!   When I try and get into BED, I feel like  I am all flop, and no co-ordination!  I mean that left leg is just hanging there waiting to be rescued!   So it is easier to do EVERYthing in a recliner...Ha! 

    No GG!  You little Dickens!  Not THAT Mojo.... well, maybe yes that too, but I was thinking of my mood!  It sucked.... plain and simple.  But Miss Jackie (Lillibelle) sent me this... So I have to behave, and just DEAL....Ha!    What is that song....  "some days are roses and some days are thorns?"  is that it,???


    Teka, that looks so GOOD!  I'll do that for sure!  They are like a "Rabbit in a hole"....  Or an egg in a frame!   I forgot about them! 

    Cammi, I'm HERE....  you sleeping?  Little brat!  Okay, so hello....  talk to you wild owls later! xoxoxo

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Nice pictures today! Chevy glad to see you're feeling a bit better. 

    Speaking of eggs, here's an egg my chicken laid yesterday. OUCH!!!!


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Bluebird - what kind of chickens do you have? Have they been near that nuclear site from "Them" - the giant ant movie? Owee - are her eyes bugged out? Has she prod. such a large one b4? Maybe clone her.

    Thanks Blessing for the goat video. Amazing how the sheet metal never gave way. They love playing "king of the hill". My little ones do that on a doghouse but the older ones too old/fat. Would love to know if he was trying to make a shelter for them or just put it up for them to play on. I've seen a goat teeter-totter. Wish DH was into making stuff like that - no doubt he's got the handiness. I bought an old picnic table years ago for them - just about 1.5 seats on each side, 3 small boards on top. One of the metal frames cracked so now afraid to use it. He's got some welding equipment not professional. Might see if it's fixable.

    Chevy - you've a right to a pity party. But love that you neighbor and Ivy came over to cheer you up.

    Feels like April here, damp and a little coolish out in the wind. Spookie we had FL weather yest - 81 degrees. Back with fire warnings for tomorrow. I need to go to "town" but guess I'll wait until Fri. when DH off. I'd like something new to wear to hockey game next week. Should still some good sales. I do have to go to FW on Wed for appt with BS but may be rainy. Besides I need to get it washed if I buy something. I may have to meet DD at her work or at the rail station. I can get to both easily. We may need to look for a rail station closer to her work. I can find the one we've used in the past easily. Not so sure if we find a new one. I'll just set myself up to get in the neighborhood early. Plenty of shopping out that way - maybe too rich for my pocketbook. Pricy area out by DFW airport.

    Teka - cute egg idea.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    Wow busy group!  Don't you ever sleep Winking

    I am back on page 238 so I'm not even going to pretend to know what's going on!

    Just wanted to say Hello.  Hope everyone is well, broken bones and all!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Poor Hen

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Bluebird!  WOW!  That is the biggest egg I have ever seen!  I'll bet it was a double-yolk? 

    Yes, I loved LittleGoats video too, Ha! 

    I feel better.... I thought, WTH can't I just take my own shower?  So I did!  I set the walker in the tub, stepped in, got the bad leg in, and stood there, and used the hand-held shower, and Wheeeeeeeeeeee!   So now I am even cleaner, and smell better than Cammi! 

    And DH brought me home a Starbucks!  He is so cute!   So I'm running out of stuff to do....  I crochet'd... (whatever) watched TV, cleaned off the bed.... 

    They said the most important thing I could do was walk, and stay out of bed.... Okay Sass.... sorry about the shower thing, but I just had to do it!  And I am taking 80 mg of aspirin a day, and I am TRYing to behave...  DH came home, right when I got out of the tub, and stood there like he was in shock!    Then he laughed! .....  He knows.......

    I know, I KNOW.... I should have waited.... but that was the only thing I was afraid of.... so I DID it.   Now I can do anything....Snooze

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Chevy - do we have to hog tie you? Any rodeo gals on here, bet they could do it. Know you were afraid of it but why when DH was gone. Do you have a shower bench to sit on if you get weak/woozy?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Well, my Daughter will bring one over, but I just have the walker all around me....  And a wall... Ha!  I wouldn't even try it, if I was weak, or even dizzier... Winking

    I know.... I should have waited, but it was just something I wanted to see if I could do....  And it looked so easy!    And it really was....

    I think it is this...... One of my childhood girlfriends had hip problems.... so she has one replaced.... then the other.  After the surgeries, she went to rehab....  But she would not exercise, or do anything on her own.  They sent her home, WITH a re-hab gal coming in to show her how to get stronger....  She wouldn't do it.... so stopped the gal.

    Then her Daughter's tried to help her get moving agin.... but "Anna" was so used to being waited on, and the best thing that ever happened to her, was her "family getting her a wheel-chair"!  Damn!  Now that is quitting!    She would not exercise, because "it hurt."  So she lost it....  I mean wouldn't even go in the bathroom finally.... 

    So she spends her life in a wheel-chair, living at her Daughter's house, doing nothing!    And they live to take care of her!

    She lost her Husband, because he ran himself ragged, trying to take care of her.... lifting, moving, etc.  He lost like 25 more pounds.... cooking, cleaning, and waiting on his wife....  And she loved the attention...  She quit calling me, and her other friend....  She just wants her life, and her family, and no-one else.  Guess that's okay.... but she just gave it up....

    So I won't be like that...

    Tomorrow I am changing the bedding and scrubbing the floor..... Ha, ha!   Now Sass will go NUTS!   (just kidding Sass!) xoxoxooxxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,633

    Don't you dare !!!!!!


  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    My hen is a New Hampshire Red. I've got to stop feeding her radioactive corn. Ha.. I haven't cracked open the egg yet. Still in amazement of the size! 

    Chevy, you could try a plastic lawn chair in the shower to sit down. And you should have someone with you!

    That goat video made me miss my goats.  Totes my goats!


  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Ms Chevy, I'm sure you've heard, "just because you can doesn't mean you should?" (Is that a Blessings-ism?)  Wouldn't want anything bad happening to you sweetie!!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    all is quiet tonight?

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    yes, maybe too cold back east?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    maybe. Beautiful here today, how about up north?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    I think this weather has beaten us down. But today wasn't so bad and tomorrow rain all day. WTF--Hope the snow doesn't melt so fast or we'll be in another mess. 

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    yes, it was in the low 70s with a slight breeze. Nice. They're talking about rationing water in some districts now. You guys down south are better off than we are.

    Yes, I think there's going to be a lot of flooding soon. Where does all that snow go to?

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    going to try to sleep in my bed tonight. Nite all. Looks like everyone is asleep!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    no, Smaarty, just stepped away for a bit to clean the kitchen and put on my pj's 

    Sweet dreams!

    Something fun to watch:

    Don't know what they're saying but it's cool anyway. 

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378


    Have an Owl cup of coffee in the morning !!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good morning everyone--

    First I'm sorry mostlymom  that a spooky cup of coffee,

    I've been up a while and took this off my favorite list BY ACCIDENT--that's for sure so I had to find us all over again.

    And now I'm ready for sleep again. Coffee is never been strong enough lately--that was my lifeline to keep awake I might as well eat it with a spoon.Oh well ---it's pouring with thunder here right now and thro in some sleet in areas--Just wonderful . LOL This is a day u put all snacks  out (no meals) and just  watch scary movies all day---wel to me it is. Of course I have no snacks but a couple .But I do smell good.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    image OK I'm virtually set for the day. Damn wish it was real

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning pretty gals!  Yes Maddy, I've heard that before, too!  Okay.... I'll make sure DH is standing there at least watching me get in... 

    Bluebird.... I'm sure one of the 6 "girls" next door is a "Red" like that!  They named her Rosie! 


    This was taken last year, so they are pretty big now...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Cammmmmiiiiiiii!  You up?  I just saw this last page.... Yes, it snowed here a little last night!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    MM!  Good one, where did you find that?  Very apprapo!  I just know that's a word somewhere...

    My hip hurts like billy-hell this morning...  I think it is either healing, or falling off...Winking I twisted it, getting into bed once... but no problem...I wasn't even DOing anything wrong!  Today I am taking it easy...

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938

    Good morning owls!  Been off the board a couple days - Tues date night and Weds worked late.

    Cammi was wondering where you were, good to see you back!  I've accidentally removed a thread from faves when meaning to "jump" to the bottom of the page.  The two links are pretty close together.  Annoying isn't it?

    Chevy, glad you're up & about and it's good to push yourself a little but not too much please!  Taking it easy today sounds like a good plan.  Hope the pain eases soon!  A shower stool is a great idea, and yay for recliners.  Loved the Eckhart Tolle quote w/egg pic.

    Teka, peppers & eggs, yum!  I've done that with bread but this is prettier.

    Bluebird, OMG big egg, poor hen!

    image image

    (in voice of Steve Urkel - "Did I do that?")  LOL

    Sas & all, thanks for advice on job.  I decided not to apply.  Life's too short to voluntarily subject myself to the razor's edge.  I talked to a few people who work there and they told me some things I didn't like hearing so best to avoid the whole mess. 

    Blessings, LOL at the goats on steel ribbon video.  I noticed they wag their little tails!

    Tang, I was once a rebellious 20-YO and drove my mom as crazy as your DD is doing to you.  The only advice I have is try to hang in there, she'll come around eventually.  But it's hard now and I'm sorry, I know it hurts.

    Working from home today due to another winter storm warning.  Already icy so glad I don't have to go out.

    L&H&P's to all.  ♥

  • Miminiemi
    Miminiemi Member Posts: 260

    Oh dear Chevy - You are so right about needing to be independent.  But be safe.  If you get injured scrubbing the floor your family will have more to do.  On the other hand, kudos to someone who knows she needs to work at recovery.  We're all proud of you gumption!