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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    I watched the Oscars with SIL. Her DH teaches film so they go into LA once a week and see 3 movies. She had seen all the nominees (I have seen none).  Michael McConaghy's speech and mother were totally Texas - loved it. DH was at band practice. He plays in a samba band and they have a Mardi Gras gig on Tuesday night. 

    Because SIL was in town, we went out for Dim Sum yesterday afternoon. Fourteen people: 2 sets of friends, her daughter and grandsons, my daughter and grandsons. It was fun but a bit overwhelming for the restaurant. It's our favorite Dim Sum place, good food and conveniently located.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Hey gals!  Just been resting, and laundry, and "stuff!"......  Sass!  Don't swallow, unless you have to.... did they jam one of those tubes down your throat?  I'll bet they did! 

    You guys, Jackie  (Lilli) & DH were called to Hospital, for her SIL....  She was being treated for lung cancer...  and it is really going fast....  I'm just sorry for her, and their family. 

    Lilshitziggers!  WHAT???  No, I don't feel like going too far.... Yesterday was kind of hard....  I don't think my leg is just ready for outings yet, even though I am.    We might go for a little ride tomorrow, but I will sit in the Starbucks while DH walks around the store, and picks up a few things....   But today is just "nice"..... the sun is shining, and that always helps....

    GG, Holeinone..... and NOW Hi/O????  Don't fall for it...!  She is trying to sound like she is normal, and I can see through that whole attempt!   But doesn't she keep this thread jumpin'? 

    Teka!  How's it goin' girl? 

    And DUCKY!  Oh wow!  I love that picture!  She is your little miracle-girl!  Just makes your heart sing, to see something come this far!  God-bless all of you!

    Yes, those awards.... How old IS Kim Novak?  Man, she looked just awful....  If I ever get old, like that, and try and make myself into something totally different, I hope YOU guys will put a fast stop to it all!   DON'T SAY IT LIL'SHIT!    Cammi, where ARE you?   I hope you are feeling alright! 

    Yes, Kenny Rogers, Burt Reynolds, & Bruce Jenner ALL look terrible!    But you know, I have to say, no matter what we think of her, and that mouth, Joan Rivers doesn't look half bad!    Yes, I THOUGHT that was Goldie Hawn in the audience, but I don't know if she looked that good!    I mean not as good as me and Cammi.... maybe.Loopy

    Oh yes Wren, or those popsicles for your throat Sass?   It might help numb it..... Okay....  I have to go watch TV.... and rest..... Ha!  I'm old, so I get to rest whenever I want.

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Well, I feel bad.... sort of. Apparently, Kim Novak is 81 years old! And she has survived being bipolar, and receiving a breast cancer dx in 2010. She has been out of the Hollywood scene for the past 40+ years, and her return to the Oscar stage was supposed to be an impressive moment. Instead she was bashed mercilessly in the press.

    I'm just sad that for whatever reason, she felt the need to have so much work done on her face instead of aging gracefully. She was a beautiful young woman; she probably would have made a lovely, aging woman without all the nips and tucks and injections.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh poor Kim N--I agree blessings I think she would have had wrinkles but she would have look better mor natural than freakish and whether u like Joan Rviers or not she looks like she's had work done but it's really not so bad, cuz she's 81 too. I don't get it they have privy to the best PS and some look terrible and not real.

    Ziggy I call Hole just Hole--she doesn't care what we call her--she's good that way.

    Sass we are u'r nurses now--don't talk---rest u'r throat u'r just aggravating an already aggravating situation. U''r DBF will love that. And of course popsicles and ice cream and jello and whipped cream an gelato and broth and pudding (vanilla) malts--Oh everything but broth sounds good. Just do it.

    Well Miss Chevy u'r mind is stronger thn u'r body--OMG I never thought I'd say that one. But stay off that old body so it will heal all the way--u know all about all the way since u were maybe 10-12--so be virginesque about walking around. God u people don't know how to be sick--we learn that in first grade--whoever went to Catholic school should know that.

    And I've been busy working--yes Chevy working today--had to make some calls and of course get them and try to understand them, then type them and they have to try to understand me, then I get a phone call asking what is this name and yes I typed it right--so I tell them u figure it out cuz I can't pronounce it-some areas in the world don't use vowels very often, Vanna White wouldn't like that. But I don't care. I just writes as I hears em.

    Listen Chevy I know u like to be active but slow down a little--u'll be out and about in no time--I'm sure no one else will take the area around u'r corner street lamp-u've had it so long I'm sure they all respect u enough to keep it open for u.

    Oh phone  bbl

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Chevy, I vote for the sequined zip-up up bodysuit for your outing. I am a little peeved with Walmart because they no longer seem to carry my hair color, nor does any other store.

    I was supposed to post this last night but got interrupted by the arrival of my sister - so haven't caught up yet with you all, but am catching up with her. Later....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh Cammers!  I copied that funny post of yours, and sent it to my Daughter's!  They all know how much I love being here with all of you! 

    I WAS out front today, with my walker!  It was so nice out.... Didn't wear those stillettos out there, but I DID have that one-piece sequined jump-suit on!  Cars were honking, everyone yelling!   Yelling for me to go back in the damn house!  ALL of them brats! 

    I didn't pay any attention..... 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    LINDA!  Ha, ha!  Okay, wait! 


    I kind of looked GOOD in it, I thought!

    I get my hair color at Sally's!  Geez, I'm glad I didn't break my ARM!  How would I do my make-up and hair?  THAT would be a disaster!  Loopy

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    What part of O Hi O are you in? I'm originally from Cincy

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    So Cami, you're calling her a hole, that's just not very nice. 

    Spookie - I'm up near Cleveland, grew up here, moved when I was 20, and am now back for various reasons that I don't have much control over. I actually like Ohio except for the greyness and cold - I'm going to fly into your neck of the woods next week just to get out of here for a bit. Smile

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Yeah? What part of here? I'm near Clearwater. Been here 30 years, don't miss anything about it. 

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    "If you're going through hell keep going." Winston Churchill said that so I'm gonna do it.

    Hello all of you owlettes.  Today I got to go to the podiatrist.  I just love him.  He removed two of my stupid chemo-toenails.  Pretty exciting stuff!   He stuck needles in my feet and everything.  The bad news, kinda, is that my peripheral neuropathy has caused and continues to cause some muscle atrophy in my footers. (Footers are different from hooters.) This makes my feet curly and messes with my balance. He gave me samples of Metanx to try.  Have any of you tried it?  It says it's a medical food.  It contains folic acid, B1 and B12.  It seems to be used with diabetic neuropathy.

    Once my toes heal from the toenail removal I get to start foot exercises. That sounds pretty cool.  Speaking of cool, it was 10 degrees this morning with a 20 mph wind.   BRRRR!

    Chevy, you know that's not how you looked out there. It was Denver so you looked like a cherry Popsicle plus you were wearing those shoes with the high heels that look like chicken feet. I'd post the picture but I can't because I'm remedial. I love you.  Smooch!


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    I know that the B vitamins are given to alcoholics to treat/prevent neuropathy, so he probably knows what he's doing. I've developed a stiff ankle which could well be the reason I fall next time. It's given me a couple of warnings that it can't be trusted.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Chicken feet high heels

    Sorry I can't edit for size anymore. Phyllo - you mean these chicken feet er heels?

    Though I kinda like these.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Now P looks like this:


  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Phylo There isn't a cure for PN. ALA(alpha Lipoic acid) 600mg daily, may help. Diabetics try it, it helped me a little. A neurologist is your best bet for nerve damage. 

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Luvmygoats-yes schools closed and it was bad last night and early morning. I was able to get my port in...but I was concerned last night I wouldn't. It was a beautiful day, other than the 19 degrees here!

    So, on the port thing....maybe i'm being a big ol baby, but I'm pretty sore and I can tell that tomorrow it will be pretty bad. Turns out that they couldn't get the port to go in on my right side. They tried thru the clavicale(sp????) area, and then thru my neck and it didn't work. So they went on my right side. The right side is very sore and the left side hurts on my bone area. IDK what the deal is on my left side it was my noncancer side but it has given me hell every step of the way. So my 45min-1hr surgery turned into 2 hrs.

    btw, what is cancer toenail???

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    They probably had you positioned on your left side so had access to right?

    I had and lost Every. Single. Nail. From chemo. Even toe nails. Doesn't happen to everyone, thank godess  

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Do you mean during surgery? I was positioned on my back. I've heard that some loose nails and I have noticed my nails that are longer when they hit things they feel sore. Like just typing they feel a little sore.

    Have I mentioned that I hate chemo and all this shit???


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Tang, the chemo drugs make your nails lift from the bed, ( toe or finger ). Some ladies actually try to stick there hands & feet in ice to prevent this. I'm sure you have read about the cold caps for your head, to try to save your hair. My nails held up pretty good, I do have one big toe nail I am concerned about. Is your hair starting to shed? 

    Phyllis, when were you done with chemo? Wondering how long I have to fuss over my big toe. It the disease that just keeps giving....

    Tang, you said it....WE hate ALL this SHIT !

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Hey Hole-Yes my hair is coming out in clumps now. I got it cut friday really short, but I think the shave is gonna be soon. This part is really hard, in some ways worse than the MX. I have thick hair, but now I can really see it thinning along my forehead. I tried wearing a scarf this morning when I left the house, but I didn't get it tight enough. I'm gonna have to practice the scarf tying...good lord is that how you spell tying???

    Bluebird-ment to say love the pics!!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    tang, I remember how bad my scalp hurt. I felt better once it was shaved, losing my hair did not bother me as much as losing the eyelashes & eyebrows. Not sure if everyone goes through that, but it was right when chemo was over. I was complaining about how awful I looked, & Cami, bless her heart, told me to stick a light bulb in my mouth & pretend I am Uncle the Adams Family...the good thing is they grew back very quickly. Mine almost look normal now, and my hair is starting to come back. 

    Tying, looks good to me!

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Tang, sorry you're going thru this now. I thought losing my hair was one of the toughest aspects of chemo. Wore bandanas with soft caps over. Soft berets at home. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Good morning everyone.  I am new to this thread and hope you don't mind me jumping in to say hello.  I have had insomnia for most of my life, so finally decided to come here and chat.

    I have only read a few posts but can tell this is a fun and lively bunch.  I love that, so nice to have a safe haven to come to in the wee hours.

    Chevyboy I lived in Denver for many many years and love and miss it.  My youngest son and his wife live in Conifer.  I was lucky enough to get to go visit last year.  It makes me yearn to be back there.  My sister lives in Castle Rock, as does my niece.  Also I have a grown stepson near Colorado Springs.  I chuckled at your comment about breaking your arm.  I did that just over a year ago.  Not fun!  I color my own hair and was fortunate a good neighbor came over to do it for me.  My DH doesn't get why I color and thought it would be a perfect opportunity to let it go grey.  NOT! 

    I have recently developed pretty significant pain in my left breast and underarm.  That is my non cancer breast.  I called the MO office this week and they got me in as soon as they could, so I go Friday.  It is a bit unnerving since I have been fine since my original diagnosis.  I only called because the pain has become worse the past few days.  I hate waiting!

    So hello to all, and I really hope that I can add something to the group.  I look forward to getting to know you!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Oh NO Janis!  Call those wart-heads as soon as you can!  I mean as soon as they will LISTEN to you!   Maybe you just pulled a damn muscle?  Or something like a virus, like I sometimes get in my neck, and shoulder?  We need to get to the bottom of this! 

    Glad you loved Colorado!  I live over by old Elitch's in what used to be called North Denver.... but we have become "uppity" in the last few years, and are now referred to as "West Highlands!"  

    I grew up a block away from here....  So this is just our "home"....  We never moved around...  It wasn't so much me afraid of getting lost, image

    just that we knew this area... 

    Yes.... we must keep up the old facade'  of feeling like we look better with SOME color in our hair!   AND make-up.... don't forget the make-up....  keeps people from screaming when you pass by them!   So welcome....  just let us know what is going on, okay?

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Chevy you are the first insomniac to reply!  It has been a long night.  I goofed off and caught up on some e-mail and browsed a bunch of recipe sites.  I think I gained ten pounds! 

    I lived in Aurora two different times.  My first hubby is a geologist and he got his first professional job working for a company in Lakewood.  We had to settle in Aurora as we were then renting and had dogs and cats and very little time to house hunt.  We moved there from Reno.  The first time we lived there from 1974 to early 1977.  He got a new job in Casper, Wyoming so we relocated there.  That company actually relocated their main offices to Denver in 1978.  We went back to Aurora until 1988 then the company moved again to Houston.  I have moved so much!  Now remarried and currently in Idaho, but I definitely want to return to Colorado or Wyoming.  Sadly not possible.  Idaho just doesn't feel right!

    I will keep you updated on the sad boobie!  Friday is not too bad, and hopefully I can get some answers.  I am sure they will order a mammo so guessing I won't know much until next week.

    Oh my DH and I are both huge Bronco fans.  I was at such a loss after that Super Bowl!  Not so 'Super' for us, huh?  :)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Tang and Maddy and "Hole"....  I'm just feelin' so bad that you guys are going through this!  Or have BEEN through that losing hair and toe-nails!  I'm just sorry for all of you! 

    I didn't have chemo.... I whined too much, and was scared litshess so they felt sorry and said, "well, okay....she's a whiner."   So I'm still doing okay since 12/4/09!    I was so lucky, that the Mammogram found that spot... 

    Teka, I don't even know what a "port" is....  Sorry for you gals that have had to go through this also....  I'm thinking it is some sort of implant that is used for the infusions, instead of going through veins? 

    Oh, eeeeeks!  You gals are amazing. 

    Bluebird....  that owl is just for Sassy, Ha!  That will make her laugh...!

    Spookie, you are getting all technical on here with the "Alaalphalippic" stuff!  I don't have a clue.... and I KNOW Cammi doesn't either.  We are busy girls...  dancing and changing dresses and stuff. 

    Phyllidink!  You guys are ALL brats!  But I love the damn SHOES!  I'll have to add them to my collection...  And Littlegoats, those are TOOO funny, Ha!   And what is remedial?  Is that like a remedy or something?

    Morning Wren!  You have a stiff ankle?  And you fell?  What's going on?  You know, I saw my neighbor yesterday, on crutches, so I went out, with my trusty walker, and hobbled out to the front, and said, "Hey neighbor, what did YOU do?"  She tripped or slipped on something, and broke her ankle?  I couldn't hear very well, from across the street... But I figure a WALKER is much easier than crutches!   She must not be able to put any weight on that leg?  

    I was out there, along with my chicken neighbor, and her 2 little girls, AND their little Chihuahua running back and forth across the street, and me hollering at her that her DOG is down the BLOCK~!   And her and her clueless chicken-look just stands there!   So when I get back in my yard I hear the 2 dogs fighting!  Good God I can't stand pets getting hurt, and their lame-brain owners standing there without nary a care in the world!   It's a wonder she didn't take the chickens WITH her... like to visit the neighbors! 

    Ziggers you little shit!   I saw that!  But it IS funny..... about Cammi calling GG, "Hole"....   Cammi only says it because she is funny.... she THINKS funny...  not to MENtion types funny!   She is our "special" one.   And GG don't care either...   we're funny that way.

    I can TELL Sass is still asleep, because our owls are all sitting there looking at us, and not flying all over the place...!  Would someone please tell me what they did to Sass?  Was it her Thyroid?  And how did I miss this?   Just make it simple...  I'm wounded.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Welcome Janis--we seemed to evolve into a 24 hr. thread so someone is here all the time--I hope u find u'r answers and truly hope they are things that can be dealt with easily. We need easy.

    This is a fantastic group and I think u will enjoy everyone and loads of infor especially from our Sas who is now recovering from a thyroidectomy.

    So we'll all be here for u.

    I'm just getting moving this morning, I "boss" was here last nite for about an hr. and I chased him home to his beautiful bride-Oh damn he's so sweet and Chevy he told me I gave him a great idea in my ramblings, tho I don't know what it is--I was great. This old lady still has ideas, even tho I don't know it.

    Oh and look who dropped in Phyloanklenobracelet--obviously it's off or she'd be hear now. OK I'm trying to wake up-(shut up Chevy) it will happen usually at 9PM WTF.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Chevy u were in a drug induced happy place when we talked about Sas's thyroid taken out--Sas I hope u'r feeling beter every minute.

    Tang how is u port placement feeling today, I remember I worked 2 dys later, but I was uncomfortable (I was trying to save my sick days) I'm sorry that they had a difficult time finding the right place to put it. I remember the BS examining me all over the place, then he started drawing on me and it went well, but u'r spot might not have been conducive for it--so maybe u'll hurt more. I hope not.