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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Chevy. If the chair repair guy ever fixes it, SAS and I will meet for lunch when she comes to get it! Imagine actually getting to meet her! This will be fun.Tang, I have a port, don't know about this "power" port. Mine is under the skin looks like a small lump. They put numbing cream on it, them spray freeze it.  I take a deep breath, they stick and DONE. It's been in over 2 years, go for flushes every 6 weeks. Same procedure then. I want to keep it forever. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Good morning ladies.  I have enjoyed reading your posts, trying to sort everyone out still.  Lots of fun posts and good information.  I slept like a rock last night after my previous all nighter.  I know I will feel a whole lot better after I see the doctor Friday about this breast pain.  I have lymphedema in the BC breast, and the scar has new lumps, but the last Slammo I had 6 months ago was clear.  This new pain in the left breast is very unsettling.

    SAS so sorry for all of the problems you have dealt with recently.  Your ER visits sound like a horror story.  I have been fortunate not to have to go to the ER for some time.  I had really intense sharp chest pain during rads, that sent me to the ER.  Although they ran a lot of tests they were never able to be conclusive on diagnosis.  Of course it did rule out a heart issue.  Their best guess was Costcochondritis which they said could be from rads.  Of course my RO said he had never heard of that.  Really? 

    Cami how nice you slept for a night without meds.  We celebrate small victories don't we?  I have had lifelong sleep issues and I rarely sleep without some help.

    Did someone mention a party?  Count me in when it comes.  I love to bake, will happily make some cake balls for everyone.  Pass the Bacardi, please!  :)

    I hope everyone has a great day!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Tang, I can so relate to the travel problems. I was a travel agent for 20years and finally quit after we fogged in over all of Christmas, refunded every blasted trip we'd done, and Jan 3 a carrier announced dirt cheap ($1.00 commission) fares to California. It was just the last straw. I had nightmares for years afterwards.

    We're having a ray of sunshine this morning and the temp is 56. Showers today, then rain for the rest of the week - just like last week.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    ROTFLOL by the time I got to Cami's post and so many, basically, said chill out.(sas) Don't take it so serious. I figured I did (take it to serious), and i would(Chill out--Took 3 meds to make me nap). Okay they are down the hatch.

    Well picked up the path report, it's the preliminary report---not final---and not signed by the doc.. Confused why my Carla released it. But hey, I have it. Odds of it changing are slim. Called the path lab to verify that the end wasn't missing. Reports have a sequence that was established when medicine got formal. i'm guessing 1800's. NOW b/c of the computer, the end is now the beginning,i.e.the diagnosis is at the beginning instead of the end. That way when it come up in the docs reports, they don't have to read the whole report. the dx is right there. Aren't you glad I told you that. I had to call Carla back and explain it to her. Years and years of stability and now things are upside down. I should be the most flexible with this because the MAD HATTER is my absolute fav character. Used to have this handcrafted lapel pin of the mad hatter, I wore to all meetings. My subtle message re meetings.

    Oh yeah, path report(your thinking "she's lost her marbles) ---none of the cancer words are there. The thyroid was sick. Need to study what they all mean in relationship to each other. Sometimes the pathologist can make dx language so obtuse, that it is really bad, they just hide it in big words. That are shared with other people, like other docs, that know those obtuse words.

    Thyroglobulin was 109, 52 mid jan. MAYBE  that's the hormone that has me soooooooo emotionally labile. Fancy word for "don't cross me ,I'll bite your head off". I had to fight with the nurses to get an order to get it drawn sat. before dc.Then the ENT doc comes in said absolutely it needed to be drawn and took the time to teach them and thanked me for reminding him in front of these doubtinh Thomas's. 

     Overall, I was a PITA patient. I 'm guessing my history of being called doctor sassy got a bit tarnished. Couldn't believe it, the older ones still talk about me to the younger ones.What a hoot. I've been gone since feb 2008. 

    So, now that I have three mind altering meds on board, I'm going to study----right, ten times as long as need be. But you were all right ---sas needs to bring it down quite a few notches and laugh alittle or a llot. that's ya'll's role. HUGSHUGSHUGS sassy.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    SAS, Yay!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    ZiggypopI used to train Hudson's volunteer Paramedics. I'm sure they are all retired now. Claire Truesdale started the service in the late 1970's. If she's still alive , please, find her and give her my best and tell her she was a visionary and that it was all worth it. She volunteered 40-50 hours a week. I'm sure it's a paid service now. Even in the 70's average housing prices were in the 275 to 350k range. Why they didn't have a payed service then was a conundrum. Good people. I hated that round circle in the middle of town. Lot's of quaint shops. Traffic jams all day long. 

    Spookie your so funny. "I get to meet her" Yup this little round person, with a white top.That takes life way to serious. Okay I won't go for that youngins license, but she needs to learn---truth beyond everything.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418

    Hello Owlettes, day after Fat Tuesday, which means Ash Wednesday...which means SPRING !!!!!!

    Cami, ahhh, I am surprised also when I sleep with no help. Seems like you are not sleeping as much, I remember recently you were doing the Rip Van Winkle...

    Wren, working in the travel industry had to be exciting and a fantastic way to learn about the world.

    Tang, I can make a decent Martini, lemon drops are my favorite. I have not had one 8 months, so lets do it ! Sometimes when they access your port, you might feel a small prick, but it is minor. 

    It's going to be a lazy, recliner day. After my 2 big dinners, Mon.& Tues. I am chillin' all day. Sas & Chevster, I hope the both of you are doing the same.

    Teka, ThumbsUp

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning owlettes, have flown in and read all the news. Sas take time before you do anything, and rest. Put your head some and let yourself heal. 

    Will write more when I get onto the Computer later.

    Need coffee

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895

    I'm chillin'' with you!  At least until the kids get home. Promised my PS I would only run at 60 mph instead of the usual 90 for a while!  Got out the colloidal silver to see if I can get this to heal faster.

  • ziggypop
    ziggypop Member Posts: 276

    Sassy - Did you train Mary Greer - she trained - oh prolly 77 or thereabouts, we kids were her practice dummies. She'd make us lay on the floor and pretend we were bleeding or having a heart attack. Claire Truesdale is still around - I don't know her, but I think my mom did a painting of her many, many years ago. 

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    OMG sassy!  When, when, when can you talk again?  I'm in total cold tukey withdrawal.  DT's may be coming up tomorrow.  Arrrrggggghhhhhh!

    Got a manicure today this morning and already dinged up two nails.  Why did I bother??

    Going to see my primary in a bit and make sure I have all my drugs/prescriptions caught up for my road trip. Also to tell her what the stinkin' pain doc said about getting a neurostimulator (yeah, that's what it says on the brochure they sent with me)  IMPLANTED!  Ships!  I don't have breast implants and I don't even like the lump from my port and he wants to implant baggage into me.  Maybe she'll be outraged too!  Imagine them wanting to IMPLANT something I can't even pronounce.

    Whew!  Writing that took a lot of adrenaline.


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Good afternoon, Owlettes! I have been reading, laughing, soaking in all you have written. I can't really contribute a lot today other than letting you know I think of all of you each day.

    Sas, am so glad you are "back!" You have such a wealth of knowledge, and I so appreciate that you are willing to be not only YOUR own advocate, but an advocate for ALL of us! I had a little ER visit last weekend, had a pleural effusion, and all they did during the visit was to confirm the diagnosis (I guess not many folks come in and say "I have a pleural effusion") and the ER doc offered to drain it if I really really wanted him to do it, but admitted he does very few of them and if I could wait a couple of days more, the "experts" in interventional radiology could do it with ultrasound, and I elected to do that. In any case, I was able to teach a 4th year med student and grill a couple of residents during my 3.5 hour stay. Nothing really bad happened this time, but I was pretty conscious and able to keep an eye on things the whole time - much scarier when I was sick and oblivious to surroundings. Anyway, you should at least rest SOME and heal, and then get back to fighting the dragons! You need to be strong!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK Phyloescapee, what the hell is that? forget these big words that u don't even know how to say it and they are going into u'r body.

    OK leave it to Hole to think of Ash Wednesday as a prelude to only Spring and a little Prick for a shot. Tang u don't need no numbing cream all they did was sterilize it and I love that smell then nothing it takes a second, not like finding and putting it in a vein--it's all ready for them so it doesn't hurt at all. I still get my flushed when not being used but mine get used more than usual so I'm glad I have it cuz my veins are not good, plus even if u'r veins are good they start breaking apart with chemo so now u will be fine.

    Sas til I see it I won't believe it--u slowing down.

    Wren what a sad way to end your job--I'm sorry.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    I must have flown through at such speed I knocked things out of my favourites.

    Tang, don't listen to Cami, I used numbing cream on my port maybe Cami isn't a big girls blouse like me. If you need it I say use it Tang.

    Must do some what's that bad word........ oh yes housework

    Hope your day has been good and I hope I find coffee soon.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934

    Wren-I'm a travel agent as well...I work corporate travel though and have never had to deal with the commission stuff. BUT...I can imagine how that was. I was laid off in 2008 after working for the same company for 12 years and I was devestated. I didn't think I'd ever work in the travel industry again, but here I am again. I just got this job in July!


    BTW...the airlines suck!!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463

    Cake balls? I didn't even know cakes had balls. They always look so girly to me. All that sweet frosting and girly flowers and chit.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Hi, i have to go read a few pages to catch up as usual lol 

    Bluebird check this guy up. lol


  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Oh, Sassypants... so sorry you had to have such butthead nurses.

    Did they not realize they were dealing with THE SASSINATOR????


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Okay!  So I'm going to pretend I know exactly what you were talking about Sass....!  I mean that you "had" a "sick" thyroid.... which means one was not working right....  But it was not malignant!  WHEW!!!  That has to be great news. 

    I'm just glad you got it straightened out in yourself, before you took all of them on in full body armor! 

    So there is "obtuse"...  "Thyroglubulin"....  and "labile"....  I'm going to ask Cammi to explain all this to me...!  And YOU, little miss Sass, just take your pills, rest, drink chocolate cokes, and pretend you are sick!  You just had surgery, and you are rearin' up, and ready to take on the world!  You don't know what FOR, but damnit, you are READY!

    Just quit thinkin' so much...  we will all do it for you!  That's what we are here for.... just rest, and let yourself heal!  THAT'S exactly what you would tell me... 

    I just polished my nails too, Phylly!   Now we are "stylin'!" Where are you going on your trip?

    I KNOW Cammi!  These gals are just talking like that, thinking we won't understand anyway!   And did you see what you said?  I ain't gonna repeat it again, because I am not un-couth!  ... 

    Hi Aly!   You too littleTango! 

    Yes, of course Blueballs.... I mean Bluebird!   Don't we like girlie chit? 

    Such a cute little bluebird Enerva!  How you doin'?

    As far as I'M going, man, I was just dead tired today!  Could NOT shake it!  Finally took a nap for 1 1/2 hours, and I feel like ME again!  I DID put together a big pot of OX-Tail stew though!  It is really good.... A "manly" dish....Ha!  Even with a big Turnip!   We get all our Veggies in one-fell-swoop!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Little Chicken cake-balls!


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    To all recovering from surgery, a little down time is good.  Milk it.  Have some good drugs and a little fun!

    Yep, I make cake balls, but not on a stick.  Mine are just little poppers.  Lemon is my favorite, but I make all kinds.  I make them for neighbors and pharmacy folks.  Mine have the frosting mixed inside with the cake.  I dip them in white or dark or milk chocolate.  Good stuff.

    I had my right thyroid removed a couple years ago.  They found nodules they couldn't aspirate.  Once you have BC seems they panic at every little bump.  I don't take thyroid meds, apparently the left side is compensating for the loss.  So far so good.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Bluebird I think u go to the wrong bakery, those cake balls is not Iwhat I had in mind. But that'll do I guess.

    Chevy u think I even know what I said and if I understand any of this Doc talk, I'm just plain folkLoopy that goes day by day to try and understand anything. Of course I do think we are obtuse, maybe that was meant for us--ya think?

    Janis that does sound interesting putting the frosting in the cake mix--makes it sound easier. Not the balls, just making the cake--oh wait u have to make balls out of the mix? to confusing sorry.

    OK I'm going to stop now I feel my brain is yelling at me to try to stop thinking--happens all the time and I listen to it-but people don't know only me.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    U guys are so cute tonite. I haven't been doing anything

    I was really looking forward to this week-end with St. Paddy's day and spending the week-end at my other DD's house with Joey, but I have to go to a service for my one brothers girlfriend whose DD died a few days ago. Oh God how anyone hates these, my sister and I are like OMG how do we handle this--it so out of order and she died suddenly so it's really a shock. My SIL died almost 3 yrs ago of the same disease that my mom died from--I don't even know the name cuz it's one of those long ones--when the platelets are all screwed up and u have transfusions every week and it's horrible. Well anyway my brother has been dating her for about 1 yr and we been with her maybe 4,5 times so we don't know know her. U know what I mean--so I have to go early Sunday so I'll sleep at home then Sat. Whatever.she was to young.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    There was a time when I would have done anything to have the stim implanted. But then I'd be in the Big House with your friends. 

    Seriously, have you tried a TENs? The sensation is *similar* to the stim. If you can tolerate that, then try the trial with the stim, that's not permanent. Most people really welcome the relief they get from them. 

    Why didn't I get one? I quit/retired from driving a school bus. That was the main cause of the pain. L5-S1 is still a mess, doesn't bother me nearly as much. 

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    Cammi - so sorry to hear of your brother's girlfriend's DD's passing. Condolences and hugs...

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801

    S E P A R A T  I O N   A N X I E T Y:

    Scheduled Maintenance - March 6thThe Discussion Boards will experience scheduled downtime on Thursday, March 6th, between 09:00am EST and 03:00pm EST.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618

    Sorry, didn't see above.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922

    Cami, You're right. It's super hard when it's out of order like that and unexpected. Just having you there will be comforting.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Evening all. This little Ruru (owl downunder) just flying though to say hi.
