INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Just now to the computer ---------been trying to sleep for awhile.

    I have a cousin pretty close to there and can check in with them about an overnight.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    SOHARD--------the trials over and people are not happy, but the jury did there thing. For whats come out so far, is that the prosecution did not meet their burden of proof. Did you keep up with it at the last

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Off to check a couple of threads

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,506

    Greetings, whatever time of day or night you're in. And happy weekend!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all!   My computer decided to have a kniption fit and close down.....GRRRRR!   I hate that particularly when I'm in the middle of doing something.   Hopefully I've managed to sort it out but I won't know for sure unless it does it again.

    Well I know Nancy is going to ask what's for tea so I'll get in  I decided to do my DH's favourite tonight and it is already cooking as it takes a few's called Soeur Kholl.  It;s Dutch, so is he, and all it is is potato, sour kraut and a sausage called Rookwurst.  The potaot is peeled and chopped to about 1/2" cubes and put into a large sausepan, place a large jar of sour kraut on top and spread out to cover the top of potato then place the whole sausage on top.  place just enough water to cover the base of the pan, cover and place on an extremely low heat for about 2 - 3 hour until everything is soft and the sausage is plump and juicy.  Remove sausage and slice into small pieces then mash the remainder of the contents together add a little salt and pepper and a good knob of butter......replace the sausage and stir through serve and eat......YUM!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Judith, happy weekend right back at ya!

  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133


    I cannot uuuggghhh... I stop watching everything about case after I heard verdict... I am hurt... I am taking it so personal... I am not watching news at all... Caylee... OMG...

    It is painful...

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Sohard, I hadn't heard what the verdict was but obviously it did not go the way you thought it should.  All I can say is you have to let it go even though you don't agree with dwell on it like you are is  not going to do you any good at all  and you do not need the level of stress in your life that is obviously there because of this.   She was taken before your justice system and the jurors did their job so as far as the law's over.   For your peace of mind, please let it go.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy are you having computer probs as well?  My DH's mom (may she rest in peace) taught me a lot of their style cooking and one of the most important things are the Arple flarpen and Olie bollen that are traditionaly made for Christmas and New Year and they too are delicious.  I make them when the kids are all here and they disappear in a flash!

  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    I hope everyone is doing better. I have LE of my rt elbow and then I get nerve pain there. I think the diurectics help with the swelling and my PT said to elevate it and wrap it lightly. She will look at it Sunday.

    I had to cover another persons job plus mine - by day 3 I was in so much pain I wanted drugs. I do feel like a 90 yr old! The onc told me there will always be some level of pain because of prior injuries but it will even out soon with the als.

    I hope rohanna is doing well.

    I have never been able to swim - I am negatively bouant....I have met one other person with the same problem. We do water things but only with good life jackets.

    I live between 2 creeks and 5 miles from our local lake, but flies and small beetles have been everywhere. No insecticides so I hung fly paper from two of my lights-yuck I never knew how many of these things got in my house. It works so I do not care.

    We have critters at work..."Fuzzy" the dumpster diving racoon scares my male cowkrs - he is hungry. To keep him out of the dumpster I left him my extra grapes in his path to the dumpster, so he did not terrorize the guys! My boss had a coronary as I checked out our resident snake population - just a rat snake non poisonous. I explained we do have copperheads and rattle snakes plus "racers" are nonpoisonous but do bite! It is a pain working with these guys from the city. Even our deer population scares them...I usually get called to move the bambi herd.

    My cats are looking for treats but I rested so they will get treats tomorrow.

    Off to finish a crochet project.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Anum, that racoon sounds lovely.........and some city folk just don't understand the 'wilds'  lol.   Good on you for having the back bone to do the right thing for those animals.  Oh by the way, how is the crochet project coming along?  Have you got much more to do?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I can't read or speak Dutch but I got so I could understand the gist of a conversation by sitting quietly when my DH and I were first married and were visiting his parents.  His parent home seemed to be a hub for other Dutch people so the language was always being spoken.  I did ask my DH to teach me when we were first married but he could not see the sense in it.....sigh! it never happened.  I did go and learn French, actually I was just finishing my level 3 when I was Dx'd with BC and I never went back to it but I do try to watch the occasional French movie just to see what I!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nite Nancy....see you whenever!!!   Sleep well!

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    Good morning ladies! Thank you to everyone who gave me suggestions for the pain last night. It really helped! I used the compresses, the aloe and cortizone cream. I finally got a couple of hours sleep after I lubed up with Aquaphor and turned on the fan. Kisses and hugs to all of you ( and thanks for checking on me, anumacha Laughing.) I'm sorry you're having LE pain. I wish I could help you the way you helped me. I'm sending you a healing prayer!

    As for the critters, we feed a family of 3 raccoons so they'll stay out of my attic! We also feed about 16 feral cats. My Siamese likes to look out the glass door in the den and watch them eat. He has a particular favorite who is a beautiful marmalade. Sometimes she comes and lies down right outside the door and he lies on the other side. Does that count as sleeping together?Embarassed Oh well, he's neutered!  Love ya, Ladies!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Rohanna, good to hear that you got some relief!  Your Siamese sounds adoreable.......I just love the way they are so regal.   LOL'd at the sleeping together thing but I think you have to be able to touch to have that!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all, good to see a few here tonight.Was wondering what had happened Nancy. Chrissy i do hate computers when they have hissy fits then its me that has conniptions( Chrissy I just looked up to see what kiniption really meant - have always used it the way you did but it means absolutely drunk)

    Bit sore and tired tonight but excitedly looking at bathroom catalogues - we have decided we really do need the the ensuite done then we will fix up the main bathroom. It will depend on the builders but I have to get everything purchased so when they decide to do it we have everything on site.

    Actually really sore tonight. it has been a busy day and have another one tomorrow.

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    Hi, Chrissy! Our Siamese (Smokey Joe) is a grumpy, obese, haughty, 14 yr. old pain in the patoot! But we love him and he's supremely spoiled. He's a rescue so the vet guesses at his age. The vet said he was neutered late (?) so I think the old fart is lying by that door and having dirty dreams. Yikes!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Alyson, I do swear sometimes that the computer is drunk the way it carries on!   You need to slow down a bit if you are so sore,  what on earth have you been doing other than looking at bathroom catalogues?

    Rohanna, when the vet says neutered late he means that he would have been over a year old.  Normally toms get neutered around the four to six month mark.   As they say, there is no harm in dreaming!  ot's the doing that can be a

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    Oh, Chrissy, he has no problems with the doing! I gave my daughter a fuzzy blanket for Christmas and we finally had to put it in the top of the closet. He kept molesting it so much, we were afraid he'd hurt himself!

    Alyson, are you doing tile floors in your bathroom? We just did that and it was a total mess but worth it in the end. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well Rohanna, if it's on that level, I would say he was more like two before he was done!   Molesting a fluffy blanket indeed....HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!   That brings some very funny pictures to my warped mind!!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Both our cats were done early but had one who was a late one and think they do dream about it but as Chrissy says they can't do anything. Surprised our old man isn't in but he could be on a bed some where.

    Not sure what I have been doing Chrissy, well went to church then wandered around looking at bathrooms trying to get DH to say what he likes/dislikes.Then went out to lunch and came home. Tomorrow it's Mainly Music after I have taken my sister to her hospital appointment and then will have Bea until her mother collects her about 2.00. At least DD1 will be around to entertain her niece. What I need is a good night's sleep. Was woken last night by a massive thunder storm and just couldn't get back to sleep.

    Must go and sit near the fire as I am cold.

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154
    I think he's deep in denial. Next time he does it, I'm going to video him. He's cross-eyed to begin with but with that blanket, his eyes almost change sockets! He has the strangest personality quirks. We had a Siamese before him that was very loud and vocal. Smoke is almost totally silent. He also leads us to the bathtub about twice a day so we can turn the water on for him. He lets it trickle all over him while he grooms himself. All my other cats hated water. Oh, and you can't take your own bath without him, so he's a PEEPING TOM! Embarassed
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Rohanna, he sounds divine......I adore cats with good personalities and he seems like he certainly has that!  My brother had a siamese cat that liked water and he used to yell at you until you went to the bathroom and turned the tap on and if my brother was out watering the garden, the cat would be sitting where ever he could get some spray!

    Alyson, I sure hope you manage to get some good sleep tonight!

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    I can't decide if he's divine or just was a perv in a previous life! My daughter bought him a little fountain with a frog on top because he won't drink still water. When the frog spews, he puts his mouth over the frog's mouth and drinks. May be perfectly normal for a Siamese (if there is such a thing) but it looks kinky!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    He has so many quirks!  I have heard of cats drinking from a tap or a hose but from a spewing frog?   Now that's a new one on me!

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    I'm going to see if my daughter can help me post a picture of HRH next time he's being himself. That's if he can bring himself to humor his humans! I'm off to grease up and try to sleep. I'll never make it to church if I don't. Stay safe and mind how you cross the street.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hope you get some good sleep!!! and don't slip outta da bed!!!

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Hi ladies, speaking of cats, I was vacumming with the crevice tool around the back door one day and inadvertantly the tool stuck to the cat who was snoozing on the mat.  Not thinking, I put my foot on the cat and pulled the nozzle off him.  I was amazed when he got up and followed me around, trying repeatedly, to get under the nozzle.  From then on I had to give him a thorough suck job every time I used the cleaner. Now the dog, what a wuss! He runs and hides every time he even hears a hairdryer!

    Chrissy, you should be getting a 3kg parcel delivered very soon.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wow!  Thanks Aussie!   I can't wait to feast on those creamy beauties! 

    Your dog and mine must be related......the minute she even sees me get it out of the closet she's gone like the wind! but I sure do wish my Miss Puss would let me vacuum her particularly in maulting season!!!

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    It's amazing Chrissy, what our cats allow us to do for them..........and then you've got to risk life and limb to give the same to the dog.
