INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    My little dog hates me when I bath and groom her.....I get the ' if looks could kill you'd be dead' looks directed at me for hours after I'm done and then she sooks at me because she wants a treat!!   As if!!  Well I do give her one....a bit later........

    Miss Puss allows me to brush her when she is maulting heavily as she otherwise almost chokes on the amount of hair she swallows.   She is a long hair and in the winter her coat tripples in thickness!!!

  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    I just got home from visiting my neices pooches. The litlle guy hates baths, so more than once I put water in the sink, soap up a wash cloth and have a gallon of warm water to the time he gets really worked up he is done.

    My cats get in the tub or shower to clean up. They love grooming so they get lined up hoping for treats. My diva is a himalayan and tries to talk and calss me from her perch to left me know she needs to go to the litter box, since she is scared of the other cats. Her brother, though mainly tabby spends hours calling his fellow cats for treats, his toys, ritz crackers. The others are quiet except diamond when he brings a stuffed mouse or my fake boob!

    The guys do not realize if we give the racoon something to eat - he will stay out of the dumpster and not scare them. He looks healthy - no scars, but he likes to jump to the dock where we stand. I get the pleasure of him jumping down on my side and scampering off.

    Male cats - I did not neuter these guys untl they were 1 yr old. Females got spayed at 6 months. I had lost 3 males neuter at 4 &6 months with urethra, bladder and kidney problems, so I waited. I only have 1 that stands up to pee but his bladder is extremely small plus he gets crystals to pass. He will use doggy peepads but he still does my bathroom floor at least once a day. He is the reason we do canned cat food once aday when he is ok and twice if he has a flareup.

    I have no strays, our group traps them and they go to a no kill shelter. The ground hog eats my tomatoes and stay across the street. I mainly have toads and huge frogs!

    Alyson you need a hot shower or soak in the tub. I also like to put my blanket in the dryer to warm it and wrap up- cats love that too.

    Chrissy I finished the chair blanket now I am knitting these bed jacket things I wrap up with...rectangle backand the front is two rectangles half the back size sew shoulders  put on and keep warm. I have done them out of granny squares. Crocheting is harder than knitting unless you do the 3 pieces and sew together. I actually have 2 more - one was a gift and the other is out of fuzzy lavender. I try to keep things going.

    Rohanna I am glad you got some relief. We have to remember most of our docs are clueless and have never had major surgery, chemo or rads. If you treat it as a burn it will hurt less, dont wear any thing that rubs it...I found that  peri pads snuck to the inside of a shirt/tshirt or whatever will absorb any oozing, plus they protect your clothes. Dressings are expensive and tape can cause problems-dollar store ones were just fine. My neice is a PT and tells her BC folks things they can use at little cost.

    I am off to have a sandwich...low cal whole grain bread; ham, swiss cheese, and potatoe salad. I got black plums...they are not ripe enough, so I gues it will be grapes or mango for dessert. Then I can settle in watch a movie and knit some more while pain pills kick in.

    God Bless all of you.  My OCD male is meowing and cooing at the air conditioner this is new!

  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    Good Morning...

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    anumacha, sounds like you live in an animal compound like me! I still get a kick out of the story of the big,bad macho men sending the girl ou t to deal with the critters!lol And I have a hilarious mindSurprised

    picture of your kitty carrying your fake boob around. Keep us updated on your neice's cost-saving suggestions. Medical stuff costs so much!

    chrissy, I didn't slip out of bed till after noon! Ha.

    Everyone have a great night and a good news week! 

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    And good morning, sohard!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls, morning Sohard!  I'm late getting on the computer today as I had some friends drop in unexpectedly so I have had an afternoon of chat and catch up.......Lovely!

    Anum, your cats sound adorable!   and so full of personality!  I can't understand why a lot of people say cats are all the same cause I just can't for the life of me see that......every one I have ever met has been different. The pattern for you wrap around that you are knitting souds great and I'll have to do some for myself.  I have had bags and bags of wool given to me so that will be a good way to use it up.  I have crochetted so many lap rugs I'm sick of doing them so something like that will be ideal!  Thanks for the info on it.  Hope you enjoyed your movie!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

     hi every one

    Crissy----- viisit. 'lll get a hotel room for over night.  I asked apout their DnsD, but she doesn't really know me . So, Pick a day between you and 3 Jays and tell me which day is best . I wish I could bring  my schats, but it's better that I don't. . Bwtween  you and 3 jay,s Pick a day and I'll put it on the callander. Florida is strange as 3 jays can tell you. It I so many miles long=====>

     Chrissy and Alyson ---Nancy wanted you to know she was talking BCO breakl for awhile., It was importamt for you  to know that....She  entrusted that message to give to the two of you .   Done.............

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Shiela, thanks for the message from Nancy....appreciate it.

    I'll work a day out with 3jays and PM you.  I will be arriving in Florida on the 15th or 16th Sept so I would assume around the 18th but I'll confirm and let you know!   I'm so excited that I will be able to meet so many of my board friends while I'm there!!!! 

    Aussie, they arrived today.......thank you sooooo much!!!

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Oh, so THIS is where all the really cool people hang out in the wee hours of the morning. I am a night owl, but not usually this bad. I'm not working this summer. I'm home recovering from joint reconstruction surgery on my right thumb. The left thumb is being done later this summer. As an occupational therapy practitioner, who works with children, thumbs are essential to my career.That was all the surgery I was planning for this summer, but that's changed. I'm a 17+ year survivor, who rejoined this discussion board a couple of weeks ago seeking info from others who have chosen to have a prophylactic MX on their remaining breast. My original reasoning behind this decision was a desire for symmetry. I've longed for it for the last 17+ years. Originally my longing was going to be fulfilled by reconstruction, but that didn't turn out - long story. The freedom to go bra less was also pretty high on the list. The surgery on my right thumb, was the straw that broke the camels back. Anyone else ever tried fastening the hooks and eyes on a bra, especially one that has a prosthesis in the right side pocket, with a cast on your dominant hand. Also, after doing some on line research about secondary primary tumors in the remaining breast, I discoverd that my assumption that the longer you were from initial diagnosis, the lower your chances of this happening was wrong. I should probably check this fact out with my oncologist, but it really doesn't matter to me now. My decision has been made. Surgery is scheduled for the first week in August. My left thumb will just have to wait until the end of August.

    On another topic, more related to this board, how many of you didn't have insomnia before chemo or had insomnia that got markedly worse post chemotherapy? I've always been a night owl, but my insomnia worsened dramatically during chemo. It seemed to be a common after effect with others also. I've never seemed to recover. I've tried everything, including EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy). My insomnia is not usually this bad, but since I don't have to get up in the mornings, I've been letting my body sleep when it wants - which is sometimes a lot and sometimes not at all. Well. good morning folks, I'm going to finish up a book I've been reading and maybe try to get a couple of more hours sleep. Sweet Dreams (day or night).

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi got it!!!    This is definitely where the cooool people hang in the wee hours of the morning.....LOL!!!   Nice to see you here.  I get where you are coming from re the PMX as I have of late been having the same thought although I still harbour the desire to have a recon and I think once I return from my trip to the USA I may even get up enough gumption to do the rounds of the PS's and see what their answers are this time......if it's still a resounding no then I think I'll be taking your line and making the enquiries to having the other lopped off.   This one hung low really is a bit of a pain in more ways than one.

    Like you I was always a night owl and have never sought the softness of my bed before midnight but sice the BC Dx, there were nights when I never slept at all which did become a bit of a problem so I was given some sleeping pills but they only leave me with a definite hangover so I have been taking Melatonin for the last two years with great success.  There are the occassional very late or should I say early morning but very rare midnight the eyes are getting heavy and I'm ready for the pillow!!!!

    Good luck with your surgery for the PMX and I sure hope the thumb heals quickly and that plasdter can be removed.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Evening all.

    Have been doing some work. Have a report I should have done ages ago butr just haven't had the energy. Have thrown away on writing job i had and i am so releaved.

    Have two beautiful cats. the elder is sitting here looking at me as if to say come on get to bed I want to go too. He is a pest as he has to knead me  for a long time before he settles. as it sis a stromy night Gus will probably arrive as well, he is our guard cat these days, But he  probably will sleep on the floor. Barnabas won't let him on the bed. Barnabas used to be boss cat of the neighbourhood but inside he is still boss and I have seen him telling Gus off outside as well. It is so funny to see Gus getting a wack on the head and allowing Barny to lick him. It's quite a ritual every morning. Must find some photos.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Thank God for that Chrissy, I was worried that they may go 'missing' if what we hear about the light fingers of the PO workers is anything to go on.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Yes please please so we can see!!!!   Miss Puss always sleeps on my chair and Sookie sleeps on a chair we call hers but come wee hours of the morning Miss Puss usually parks herselp down by my feet on the bed.  She usually wakes me enough to know it's her but I go right back to sleep once she has make herself

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Aussie, I just realised before you also sent a recipe and I'm going to make it tomorrow as it is DH's birthday and our 42nd wedding anniversary so that will be supper with a cup of tea.....YUM!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!  Just popping in to see who's one here so you must all be sleeping.....YAY!!!  I'll check back a little you never know...........

    Love n hugs to all.   Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all

    Pleased about the exercise Hadley, I do try to go to the gym a couple of times a week.Next week will try to get three times as there is no music for my GD.

    Will pop back later to see if anyone is here.

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    chrissy, if you get to the States on 9/16, you'll be here on my birthday! Will dedicate a piece of cake to you! Oh, and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

  • Just_V
    Just_V Member Posts: 436

    Rohanna - made me laugh with your sassy talk of feline naughtiness... and Chrissy - those Siamese may be regal but they are soooo dang loud! And AussieSheila - a suck job, really - LOL!

    Hauntie - I am so glad you are going for the symmetry - my mother at 70 lost one breast to BC, and had no recon - and hated so much being lopsided - regretted it the rest of her life... so better to be without either since recon is not an option.  BTW - I just found this board a few days ago so I am a newbie too, but hoping to get in with the 'in crowd'!

    Since we seem to be into the cat stories - my daughter got a stray at the pound, just a tiny kitten, and took him, Bennie, back to her dorm room -- so of course my husband and I had a new cat (Bennie) by Thanksgiving (that is the American T-Day!).  My husband does not like cats and says he is allergic.  But.  By the time Bennie came to live with us, our two dogs were not allowed in the back bedroom area - no pets were.  But my husband, who hates cats, took to Benny and had Benny sleeping on top of him in bed!   Benny would 'help' with the yard work and watched sports with him...Honestly, our poor pooches were so very confused!  Unfortunately Bennie ended up dying of a rare virus after just a few months - my poor husband was so heart broken.... So I think that there really are not cat-haters out there, those folks are just folks who haven't found the right kitty! 

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,506

    I see the late night gang's all here, or nearby. Hi all!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    just one for fun...feels like that sometimes, doesn't it??3jays
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    and, one for real...for you two lovebirds....3jays
  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    I unfortunately have to get up before noon the next 2 days.  My OCD cat seems to have a bladder infection - yucky pink urine. With six of them I keep antibiotics on hand, canned food with sea salt so he will drink...his brat sis is on his pillow so he goes between the one near mine and the floor. It was in the 90s and humid, so he had to feel miserable even with the a/c on so it is chilly in my bedroom, but gives him some relief. I have to put out extra pee pads - he likes my laundry room door.! Anyone that has had a UTI understands how miserable he has to be. He came up and begged for a couple treats - he has been using the pads.

    Chrissy the bed jackets are so easy and you can do whatever stitch you want  I am sure my neighbor will want one and he goes through times he cant get warm.

    I found instant pudding cheesecake so I filled a graham cracker shell and have sliced strawberries to go with it. This is called lazy, cheesecakes are so easy, but my spring form pans have disappeared.

    I guess I better get off of here - sick kitty wants his massage since he is sick. His temp is going down. he didnt  want to be touched 3 hrs ago.

  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    3jays The happy anniversary could have been me and the ex fiancee. He had this idea you go have surgery and go back to normal, plus he was so needy - he sucked the life out of folks. I am much better on my own.

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    oh vhshea, I'm so sorry you lost Bennie. I hope you get a new one soon. So many kitties need good loving homes. (Most of 'em seem to end up at my house!) We were eating in the dining room once and admiring the view out of the window. Suddenly, a kitten came flying over our fence! Yep, you guessed it. Someone drove by, pullied up to the fence and tossed that baby over. See, out in the boonies, it's not drive-by shootings, it's drive-by kitties! We kept her and she's now 12! She refuses to live in the house, so she rules the garage. She's so gangsta!

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154
    anumacha, I had cheesecake for dinner!!!!Foot in mouth
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls, I'm back.   

    Thanks 3jays for the anniversary wishes and the pics, the first one really said how it was about twenty years ago but after 42 I think the second was the most

    Hadley good on you for doing the exercise!!!    Half an hour is better that no hour!  I can truly relate to the stopping and not wanting to start again as I've done it many times.....the stopping I mean, not the starting!   I like the Laday Bug avatar but seeing you there was really nice!

    Alyson, don't tell me that you are still exercising with a crook back!!!   Oh my, I don't know how you do it!  You need to learn to take it a bit easy.

    Vhshea my DH was not bought up with animals and so was not too keen on us having any but when our children arrived, I insisted that children need to have pets around so they can learn to care for another living thing.  Eventually I won the argument and we got a cat.  For a person who sais he didn;t like animals at all, he became the cat's biggest champion even to the point of not disturbing it if it was asleep in his arm chair!    42 years later, he's more of a fool over our animals than I am!   Shame about your Benny, it's always heartbreaking when something like that happens.   Oh, yea, welcome to the late night set!!!

    Hi Judith, how you doing tonight?  Hope you're well!

    Awe Anum, your poor baby!  There is nothing worse than a UTI be it in an animal or human.  I sure hope he gets better soon!   A bit of extra TLC is always a good thing when they are feeling off colour.

    Rohanna, I just detest people who dump kittens like that!!!  I always say that if you don't want the kittens have the mother desexed and I don't know about the USA but here we have programs that help with the cost of doing this for low income people but there are plenty of people that don't take advantage of it.  Just as well it was your fence and she found a good home.

    I have had a really lovely day, some friends came over and my DH, our friends and myself went to a lovely Indonesian Restaurant for lunch to celebrate his birthday and our anniversary so needless to say neither one of us is hungry tonight so it will be a bowl of soup just to top up with.  The air outside is cold enough for snow so I'm thinking we may get a sprinkling sometime tonight.....thank goodness we have snuggly warm beds!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Good to see you Chrissy; glad your day went so well.. we rotate between the 1st pic, and the 2nd here, but, you DID notice who had the axe,, i'll blame it on missing estrogen; which isn't very far from the truth!!!...3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    3jays you crack me up girl!!!   Yea I noticed who was holding the axe and I can totally relate to the feeling but I must admit that these last few years I must be adjusting to  no estrogen as the mood swings don't happen very often anymore.........thank goodness!!!   I have become much more laid back which is far more!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey ya! its good to see ya hear.. i cked with my phone reps, but can't get a line out on my cell. so , here was the best place to send em' got any plans ???

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    We had a lovely lunch with some friends that called in and now we are just relaxing in front of the's freezing here!!!!!    The air outside is cold enough for snow......I'm just happy to be in a warm   DD2 is coming for the weekend so we will be doing some celebrating then.  Should be fun and it will be the first meeting between DH and DD2's BF............that will be interesting.  Are you taking care of yourself?  I sure hope so!