INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    sas, i want to face it, in the past i usually i ran away from things, not any more..

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284

    thats-life-:  I am sorry about your friend.  I wonder what happened to him.

    I am curious-what time is it there in Australia? 

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    Yes even though I've been here for 33 years I still have Tea, I'm with you on the bug thing yukkk, funny thing tonight I had a message on facebook from my friend who has gone home to Melbourne to visit her Mum and she was taunting me about the cakes she has been eating so tonight has been a real food memory lane for me.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    TL sweetie--------no your more important  talk through whatever you need too. He was a friend ----I'm here.

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    its 4.10pm, afternoon lynn, thanks for your thoughts...i know, someone said that if there is a very weak pulse, and then someone performs cpr, that can cause cardiac arrest, i dont like that thought though.

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    ive had 3 cups of tea since signing on today, tea is soothing.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    TL it would take a lot to explain-------, but if he was not conscious with weak or absent pulse. There was no monitor on scene, so you can't say what kind of rhythm he had. AND there are times people get so excited that what they are feeling is the pulse of the artery in their own finger. SO, unless I had more info I couldn't surmise anything. It'll come out in the autopsy. The fact he wasn't feeling well and the headache. You just don't know until the facts are all in.

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    true, and not much we can do about it now. he came to see me a few weeks ago with a big punnet of hand picked organic blueberries. im glad we caught up..

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284

    Thats-life: Its midnight where I am, so you guys are, 10 hours ahead I guess?  I always forget my time zones.

    It is scary not knowing what happened.   

    I agree, tea can be very soothing.  I think I'll go make a cup of chamomile.    

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    tl I wish I could say something to give you some peace, but there isn't except--- love you and sorry . That's a beautiful memory of your last visit.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Are you going to be okay if I go/. I'm having a total body pain and my meds aren't working. So, I should put my body in bed

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    he died last tues lynn, body wasnt sent back down here till monday just gone, because of autopsy and issues with next of kin (he hadnt signed his divorce papers), (typical of him) viewing today and tomorrow, funeral friday, today is wednesday here, i have asked my daughter what day it is a few times today, im too distracted, my other bestie will be playing in his band at the service.

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    yes, of course sas, have a good rest, and thanks for listening, i appreciate it x

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Okay Luvey------take care of yourself for the next few days too night   namaste SAS

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284

    thats-life:  I can understand why you would be distracted.  What a difficult thing, to lose a friend so suddenly.  Do a lot of people surf there?   

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    mermaid beach in qld?, i suppose so, qld is very popular with surfers..i live in victoria, where we have the great ocean road, and famous surf beaches like torquay, bells beach, jan a bit of a surf culture where i live. i grew up with the boys in the water and the girls sitting on the beach watching them, frying, as we were covered in coconut oil, or baby oil...not good, lol but it was the 70's, and life was fun.

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284

    -thats:  I think we must be the same age.  We laid out in the sun and put suntan oil on.  I don't remember using any sunscreen.   So the girls didn't surf?  Do they surf today?  Or is it mainly still boys that surf.  Sounds like fun, anyway.

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    no lynn, girls didnt surf! lol...there was a great australian movie made at the time called 'puberty blues', which portrayed so well the division, and the lifestyle, it is funny, also sad.. the movie ends with the girls deciding to do it themselves, womens liberation lol...there are hugely popular surfing competitions for women and girls now, though prize money is not as high as the mens $...we would also squeeze lemon juice into our hair and sit in the sun for hours in the hopes of getting the sun bleached look, washing out lemon pulp in the evenings took ages :)

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    where did you spend your teens lynn? what was the culture of your youth?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls, I'm back.  Shiela hope you sleep well and get rid of some of those aches.

    Cheryl so glad you are getting a god crop of roses this year.  It's amazing that something so simple can get good'd love to see them so you have to learn to post a really is easy!

    TL sorry to hear about your friend.  Loosing anyone close and unexpectedly is always extremely hard to get through but a good way to help with that process is to ask youself how would that person want you to remember them.  I know most would say, with love and laughter and if it was is circumstances like your friend, doing something that he loved.  ((((Hugs)))) to you

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    thats true chrissy, there is comfort knowing he was doing something he loved. speaking of nice smelling things like roses, i am going to buy two big pots of daphne, to put by the front door, and the back door, the scent wanders into the house all winter and spring. I had a home once with a huge bush at the front, and it was heavenly, i think the most beautiful of scents, have been thinking about the heady fragrance alot lately.

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284

    thats-life:  That would be an interesting movie to see.  I am glad that girls and women surf now!  I think there are plenty here in the US that surf-I guess mainly California and Hawaii?  That's funny about the lemon juice--we did that also.  There was also a product called "Sun-In" that we sprayed on our hair that was supposed to bleach it.  

    I grew up in a small town in the midwest, but I have lived mainly in the desert southwest.  I don't remember there being much in the way of sports for girls back then, not like there is now.  Life was so much more simple back then.    

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    lynn, it was simple, and fun...the desert facinates me. the australian desert never leaves you, once you've been. i climbed uluru (was called ayers rock in my day) stayed in alice springs. the colours, the reds and purples, and the mobs of kangaroos at dawn, its so special. have you been chrissy?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Once, many years ago.  I loved the sunset, so much fire!

  • memethewonderdog
    memethewonderdog Member Posts: 4

    That's life, I noticed your recent mets are almost like mine. I've been really afraid lately. Does anyone else feel that way or am I just being negative?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Meme it's very normal to feel afraid......I think each and every one of us can relate to that feeling.  As at ease as I am with my disease, there are fleeting times when I and all are reminded of our mortality and that is something no one likes to face.  We all like to think that we will live forever but common sense says otherwise.  I think the way to get past all of that is to make sure you live each and everyday to the, laugh, live, enjoy!   Reallly make the most of everything.

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    meme, its a weird feeling isnt it, having mets everywhere...sometimes i go through a scared phase, but then it moves on again to acceptance, and sometimes anger, sadness, i am learning to roll with it. its ok to be negative...its a huge load to carry every day, as i said earlier today, here i am worrying about me, and a friend is gone in a flash, i could be sitting here 10 yrs from now worrying about me..that is the hardest part for us i think, the unknown...please feel free to pm me any time xx

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284

    I have heard of ayers rock-sounds like an amazing place.  How interesting to see mobs of kangeroos.  I am sure it is beautiful.  We have some beautiful sunsets here.  The setting sun shines on the mountains and turns them dark pink.   I live only a few hours from the Grand Canyon but have never been. I really need to go.  

    My chamomile tea has made me sleepy so I guess I will go to bed.  It has been fun talking.  I am sorry again, about your friend,

    Meme, hope these threads can help you; it is scary sometimes, but it helps to be here.

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    oh my gosh lynn! near the grand canyon, and havent been lol...we pay thousands to see should go for a picnic...have a good rest, and thanks for the chat, it was fun to remember the past, and helped me too :)

  • thats-life-
    thats-life- Member Posts: 169

    meme, where are you from?