Adhesive TAPE - help need to find non-allergic
upsparent Good to hear the specifics how panty liners were attached and that they were a big help.
Did your doctor say anything about the panty liners not being breathable?
Alas! Big question still remains, even in terms of breasts, for situations where the patient cannot wear a bras of any kind.
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Bumping and an update: The lady who posted this:
We are more than happy to send samples - please send a request to or call our Customer Service at 800.882.4582
She phoned me today (Wednesday) and will be sending me samples of products. If I remember correctly, one is a silicone that can be reused and has no adhesive. After testing, I will report the results.
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Ladies: Just discovered this site while lurking tonight. The only thing that has worked for me is Hypafix. I missed it if someone else listed earlier. Hard to find & not cheap, but after lots of derm surgeries on my face, it's worth it. Mfg is in Germany & distributed in USA by Smith & Nephew, Inc. Looks to be available several places on line.
I liked the panty liner tip. After my BMX I used full size sani pads under my surgical bra for at least a week & never had to deal with tape.
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Today, Tuesday, I received a huge box of products from Molnlycke - 11 Full size boxes of dressings and tape in various sizes, up to 8 X 20 inch size. In other words, not a strip or 2 of samples. I have a strip of tape on my inner arm to see how I react or don't react in 24 hours. I intend to take a shower with it on tomorrow morning. It is highly flexible and does not feel like it on when I move my arm.
I am totally impressed with their response - actually blown away... !!! I will be reporting if there is any reaction after at least 24 hours. Then I will ask my eye surgeon to use this tape for the eye shield after cataract surgery on Monday. The paper tape he used for the other eye took off several layers of skin on my face when it was removed 24 hours later.
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Follow up on tape test: Positive results with the tape I tested. I think the reason the one end lifted is because it was the very beginning of the roll and not really as sticky as the rest. It held through a shower and the only mark when I removed it 24 hours later was like the red mark from a wrist watch strap and it disappeared in a few minutes. Name is Mepitac, .8 in wide. by Molnlycke Healthcare
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Second tape test - tapes to under arm area, below armpit. After 24 hours only a minor redness like after you remove a wrist watch at the end of the day. No itch or blisters.
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Cataract surgery yesterday and the tape worked wonderfully. Doctor and nurses were all impressed and loved it - easy to use and since most cataract patients are "older" with potential skin sensitivity, they are going to look into ordering it for future use. Tape was used on IV area, and on my face to hold the eye shield. I removed the shield just a few minutes ago, as instructed, and no residue, no redness,no itching.
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GramE Just L-O-O-K at Y-O-U typing away so soon after eye surgery!
Understand that your NON-ALLERGIC adhesive reaction on face and IV location was to Mepitac TAPE, .8 in wide by Molnlycke Healthcare.
I can't wait until my sample comes (there was some kind of mix-up in processing my request).
Cannot express my happiness in learning that your medical staff which treats so many patients known to have fragile skin is seriously looking into order some for inventory.
Let's hear it everybody:
GramE deserves a Grammie
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Yes, it was Mepitac tape and I must say it has my 100% endorsement. Too many times I end up complaining and this time I cannot say enough good about it. Thanks again for starting this thread, without which I would not have found out about this tape.
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I seem to be allergic to everything and the only tape that worked for me for all of my surgeries is:
Kendall Tenderfix hypoallergenic cloth tape. It comes in many sizes and did not irritate my skin at all. I recently had my left tissue expander taken out durring emerency surgery and over the past months have used this two times a day while changing the wound dressings. My skin flaps were so sensative but this brand seemed to help. I only used a bit on the skin area and cut strips that were first attached to the dressing. Hope this helps.
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Mepitac rocks! I've been using a gentle paper tape, but after a while even that starts giving me a rash. Mepitac is well worth the cost (which really isn't that high, since you can reuse it).
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I work in a wound clinic and there a type of paper tape that adhere well, not sure of all it's ingredients but it's called Medipore tape...comes in 2" and 4". We use silk, paper and Medipore. Of the 3 the Medipore is my amd my patients fav. You might google it or check at your local hospital's DME.
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whatsnext Entries like yours about KENDALL TENDERFIX hypoallergenic cloth tape are so very helpful. I for one am keeping a list of products posted in this thread so that I may be able to specify alternative possibilities when faced with having products applied to which I know I am allergic.0
shannonW Thanks for your posting of comparative products. 3M MEDIPORE cloth tape came out high on my self-testing. Paper and silk tapes area definite no no for me. Nevertheless, we're all different and can have different reactions even to the same product.
??? Do you have any experience with products by the manufacturer, MOLYNCKE?
They generously provide samples - I am waiting for mine. GramE received her samples just in time to test before her eye surgery and had superb results in testing and during surgery. See May 24 entry for contact details.
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Bumping for Maria.
PS I am also allergic to the adhesive in Medipore. Sure hope that it is many, many years before I need to have surgery again.
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sushanna1 I remember well your early post drawing attention to the fact that over time a person may find their bodies change and become allergic to products they previously found non-allergic.
I hope everyone will be keen on finding more than one adhesive to which they do not have an allergic reaction.
KEEP SUGGESTIONS and descriptions of effects coming.
You've got my best wishes for not ever needing surgery again.
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Trickling: I have been able to find it locally in "elite" pharmacies - like those attached to clinics or hospitals. Maybe that will help. Jan
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I heard from a friend dealing with her husband's cancer that she always orders his specialty tape & other items from Allegro Medical. He's partial to MEDIPORE H. But they do have HYPAFIX. Not sure how the prices compare to Amazon but it's work a look.
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I broke my toe the other night and have it taped to the one next to it with Mepitac tape. This will be a good test but without any open wounds.
The 29th I go to the dermatologist to see about a couple of moles. We will see what type of tape their office uses.
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Hi, Again! Sorry for the delay in self-testing for adhesives. The delay was due more to personal, computer and weather reasons rather than medical ones.
In a nut shell, I had allergic reactions to all my recent samples whether purchased or free.
>>> I very much hope the positive side of the self-testing will PROMPT someone visiting this post and SPUR someone from the medical staff from my university affiliated hospital to get through to CVS Pharmacy regarding adhesive tape products, who have not replied to my mailing, despite the fact that their over the counter product, CVS Hydrocolloid Advanced Wound Care Dressing, is the ONLY product to which I have NOT HAD AN ALLERGIC REACTION.
>>> Please everyone: KEEP TRYING and sharing results and tips. BEST WISHES.
* I have to test on my breast area as it is more sensitive than other areas. I do not test on my radiated left breast and currently have to wait a bit for my right breast to heal from the allergic reactions before continuing testing.
* Like you, I also realize that our bodies change and what may have worked at one time may not work as well in the future.
Here are the specifics for my most recent self-testing of products which happily proved non-allergic to some of you:
(See above May 24, 2011 07:57 am)
** HYPAFIX (distrib. by Smith & Nephew 800-876-1261 = TAPE
= looks similar to 3M Medipore H
** MEPITAC (mfg. MOLNLYCKE 800-882-4582) = TAPE
= looks like the tape part of a bandaid
** RADIADRESS Gel Sheet (see web page for MEDLINE) = Medline makes wide range of products, including tapes, which I have NOT tried.
* I tried the gel sheet due to positive effects experienced by some others on other postings in this forum re radiation.* I was particularly surprised at having a reaction to this product.
* I intend to contact Medline as my reaction seemed confined to the edges of the gel sheet.
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After being wrapped with the Mepitac tape for 10 days, I am happy to report NO reaction. And it is reusable several times. Coban is another product I used on my thumb to cover the stitches so they did not snag and NO reaction to it. Mepitac is reasonably waterproof, coban is not.
Now I need a good moisture cream to put on once the scabs fall off. Almost everything has parabens, which I try to avoid. Maybe plain Vitamin E capsule, pricked with a sterile needle and squished over. Of course it stains fabric - no easy solution.
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Hi GramE,
I'm just at the point of wanting to moisturize my scar too. I'm also very paraben sensitive.
Other than the plain Vitamin E out of the capsule (I always use it on burns) I've found "Moisturel" by Westwood Squibb to be the only moisturizer I can use without reacting. It is both paraben and fragrance free.
The bonus is that it's always on the pharmacy shelves and is inexpensive to boot.
I'm in Canada and I don't know whether you have the same product under the same name, but it would be worth seeking out.
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Bumping to keep this active.
If you have to remove sticky adhesive tape or bandages, try baby oil OR heating a bit with your blow dryer.
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bumping again
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For the people on the new thread on adhesives.
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GramE: Thanks for bumping. I hope we get some new info. Jan
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I, along with our kids, have a blistering reactionn to any Johnson & Johnson tape products (band-aids) We have no problem with Curad adhesives. However, I do not know if they make tapes larger than their 'bandaids'.
Vicks0 -